
Li Ang: The most insignificant poet among the Tang poets

author:May said ancient and modern
Li Ang: The most insignificant poet among the Tang poets

Li Ang, the year of birth and death is unknown, is not Tang Wenzong Li Ang, but has the same name as Tang Wenzong Li Ang.

Of course, the two are not in the same era, and if they are in the same era, it is impossible to have the same name, because the imperial society does not allow anyone to have the same name and surname as the emperor.

Because he was an insignificant poet among the poets of the Tang Dynasty, there are very few historical records of his life and deeds.

I only know that he won the first place in the second year of Kaiyuan, and ascended to Diocesan in the ninth year of Kaiyuan. The king of the county, Longxi Chengji (now Qin'an, Gansu), was born.

Li Ang: The most insignificant poet among the Tang poets

There are very few poets in the Tang Dynasty, Wang Wei is one, Zhang Jiuling is one, and Cui Shu, one of the "Ten Talents of the Great Calendar", is also. However, he fell ill and died in the second year of his reign.

Li Ang's poems have left very few of his poems, and two of his poems have survived, but his poems are of high quality and agitated.

For example, his long poem "From the Army", the whole poem is 272 words, which is a seven-word song style, which belongs to the old title of Yuefu.

Among them, there are sentences such as "plugging down the long drive sweat and blood horses, and the clouds are constantly closed in the jade gate" and "the Yin Mountain and the Han Sea are thousands of miles, the sand is flying, and the distant descendants are even poor" and other sentences are written in a majestic atmosphere.

Li Ang: The most insignificant poet among the Tang poets

There are a lot of allusions in the whole poem, which caused celebrities from all over the world to move the etymology, and after searching for a long time, they couldn't find one that once affected the spread of the poem.

Many allusions in the poem are not true, such as "Yanran Stone", "Jiluochuan", etc., which are not the places where the Tang Dynasty fought, but just borrowed allusions from the Han Dynasty.

These allusions, for the scholars of the Tang Dynasty, are well-known to everyone, and they are not obscure words, but they have been passed down to this day, and not everyone can understand them at a glance.

In addition to "From the Army", there is also a poem of seven laws that is also well written, and the title of the poem is a bit long, "Title Yongqiu Cui Ming Mansion Danzao Bo 2567 is the same":

Hearing Jun Xiaoyi's singing strings, he was discouraged for a few years.

The white stone should be burned and turned into a crane, and the gold is unripe and fresh.

The furnace is dyed with three flowers, and five new smoke flies in the tree.

Yi Yin must be responsible for the throne now, and Wang Qiao wants nothing to do.

Li Ang: The most insignificant poet among the Tang poets

This seven laws is a poem with a wall, and all poems with the word "inscription" in the title of Tang poems are inscription poems.

Such as Cui Hu's "Title City Capital Nanzhuang", Su Shi's "Title West Forest Wall", Chang Jian's "Title Poshan Temple Hou Zen Courtyard", Li She's "Title Crane Lin Temple Monk's House" and so on.

These poems are all improvisational poems written by the poet and written on the wall, so they are called inscription wall poems.

The place name of "Yongqiu" is located in Qi County, Henan Province, and was called "Yongqiu City" in ancient times; "Cui Ming Mansion" Ming Mansion is the honorific title of the county order, and Cui Ming Mansion is the Cui County Order.

Li Ang: The most insignificant poet among the Tang poets

"Danzao" stove for alchemy; There is a sentence in "Don't Fu" "Guarding the Danzao and ignoring it, alchemy is strong and strong".

Buddhist culture prevailed in the Tang Dynasty, Taoist culture kept up, and alchemy was a popular cultural phenomenon in the Tang Dynasty.

This phenomenon is closely related to the Taoist belief at that time and the social atmosphere of pursuing immortality.

As a literati, Li Ang wrote this poem because he was very curious about Taoist culture and alchemy.

"Three flowers" three flowers gather at the top, the essence is the jade flower, the gas is the golden flower, and the god is the nine flowers.

Taoism re-cultivates, thinking that refining and refining qi, refining gas and transforming gods, refining gods and returning to emptiness, and finally gathering at the top can be inviolable; The "five-colored" five-color cloud qi was regarded as auspicious by the ancients.

Li Ang: The most insignificant poet among the Tang poets

"Yi Yin" Shang Tang period minister, name Yi, Yin is the official name, born in Yishui, hence the name. He was a slave of Tang's wife, and later helped Tang Fa Xia Ji, and was respected as Ah Heng.

"Negative Ding" refers to Yi Yin's carrying the Ding to see the soup, which is a metaphor for cooking to the soup king. Li Bai has a poem: "King Yin bears the tripod during the period, and Wenshui rises and hangs."

"Wang Qiao: The legendary immortal, the crown prince of Zhou Ling, that is, the prince Qiao. This poem is used in many places, Li Ang is the champion and the first, and the writing skills are really strong.

Li Ang: The most insignificant poet among the Tang poets

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