
The butcher got up early, heard the boar and the goddess talking, and urinated to save the whole family of 6 people

author:Li Bian please 03

Let's tell you a new story in the northeast today, this thing happened in a small village in our northeast. Let's talk about this butcher, Li Tiezhu, he, he gets up earlier than the chickens and sleeps later than the dogs every day, just to earn those hard money to support the family. Li Tiezhu, don't look at him like a blind bear, his heart is warm, and he doesn't have to say anything to his neighbors.

Early in the morning, before the sky was clear, Li Tiezhu got up from the kang and planned to go to the backyard to pick a few fat pigs to slaughter, so as to catch an early gathering. With the pig-killing knife in his hand and a little tune in his mouth, he trotted all the way to the pigsty. This pigsty is in his backyard, a few steps away.

But as soon as Li Tiezhu arrived at the door of the pigsty, he felt that something was wrong. Usually the pigs in this pigsty scream like singing, why is it so quiet today? He muttered in his heart, and pushed the door, yo, this is strange, those boars are in a circle, as if they are having a meeting. Li Tiezhu didn't think much about it, and was about to pick one to slaughter, when suddenly, a crisp female voice floated out from the pigs: "Brother Tiezhu, you can't kill them!" Li Tiezhu was stunned for a moment, thinking, why is there a woman's voice in this pigsty? He rubbed his eyes, looked closely, and saw nothing.

The butcher got up early, heard the boar and the goddess talking, and urinated to save the whole family of 6 people

"Brother Tiezhu, listen carefully, I'm talking to you." The female voice came again, this time Li Tiezhu heard it more clearly, he looked left and right, except for the pigs, he didn't even see a figure. "Who are you? Where? Li Tiezhu plucked up the courage to ask.

"I'm right in front of you, I'm the goddess in this pigsty, and these boars are my children." The female voice replied softly. When Li Tiezhu heard this, he was so frightened that he almost didn't hold the pig-killing knife in his hand. Goddess? The goddess in the pigsty? The joke was too loud.

"Brother Tiezhu, I really didn't lie to you. These boars were originally stars in the sky, but they were relegated to the mortal world because they made mistakes. If you slaughter them, you will be damned, and all six of your family will be unlucky. The goddess's voice suddenly became serious. When Li Tiezhu heard this, he panicked in his heart, there were exactly six people in his family, if something really happened because of this, what could it be?

The butcher got up early, heard the boar and the goddess talking, and urinated to save the whole family of 6 people

"So what should I do?" Li Tiezhu was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. "You, tomorrow at noon, just pee in front of this pigsty, and this will be able to solve this curse." After the goddess finished speaking, the voice slowly disappeared. Li Tiezhu stood there and was stunned for a long time. If you say this, who will believe it? But the female voice sounded so real, it didn't look like nonsense.

He pondered for a moment and decided to do it, after all, if you believe it, you have it, and if you don't believe it, you don't have it. That night, Li Tiezhu tossed and turned, and his heart went up and down. Early the next morning, he ran to the pigsty and waited. The sun slowly crept up into the sky, and finally it was noon. Li Tiezhu's kid took a breath of air, puffed up his strength, and just sprinkled on the pigsty and urinated on the ground. It's no wonder, but as soon as the urine hits the ground, the boars in the pigsty all stand up and eat with a chirp. Li Tiezhu, this guy, his eyes were as wide as copper bells, and he muttered in his heart: The words of this goddess are really godly! Since then, Li Tiezhu has never had the idea of killing pigs. He told the people in the village about it, but everyone thought he had a bad brain, and no one believed him. But Li Tiezhu, this kid, he doesn't care, he knows that he has done a great thing and saved his family's life. This matter has spread all over the village.

Some people say that Li Tiezhu is protected by the gods, and some people say that he has taken shit luck. But no matter what you say, Li Tiezhu, this kid, has become a big hero in the village. He still gets up early every day and works greedily at night, but he is more down-to-earth and satisfied. As for the goddess in the pigsty, she hasn't been seen since. But Li Tiezhu knew that she had been secretly protecting him and his family. Let's talk about it here today, this butcher's adventure is really shocking. Let's talk about other strange cases next time, so that everyone can open their eyes!

The butcher got up early, heard the boar and the goddess talking, and urinated to save the whole family of 6 people

It is said that after Li Tiezhu sprinkled the soaked urine, the whole village was in an uproar. Some people laugh at him for being stupid, and some people praise him for being brave, but no matter what he says, Li Tiezhu understands in his heart that this is not a joke. He looked at the boars in the pigsty and wondered in his heart, what is the origin of this goddess? As the days passed, Li Tiezhu's family was calm and quiet, and nothing happened. He slowly put this matter down, but there was always a little unsteadiness in his heart.

One day, a Taoist priest came to the entrance of the village, holding a dust whisk in his hand and carrying a cloth bag, claiming to be a Taoist priest who traveled all over the world, and could pinch and calculate, drive away evil spirits and avoid disasters. As soon as this Taoist priest entered the village, he went straight to Li Tiezhu's house. "Brother Tiezhu, I heard that you urinated in front of the pigsty a few days ago and saved the lives of the whole family?" The Taoist priest asked straight to the point. When Li Tiezhu heard this, he chuckled in his heart, how could this Taoist priest know everything? He nodded and said, "Yes, Brother Daoist, how do you know about this?" The Taoist priest smiled slightly and said, "I have come to help your family by the order of heaven." The goddesses in the pigsty are actually the stars in the sky, and they turned into pigs in order to experience mortal hearts. Your soak of urine broke their seals and allowed them to return to the heavenly realm. ”

Li Tiezhu was stunned when he heard this, why is this Taoist priest so mysterious? He scratched his head and said, "Brother Daoist, what should I do next?" The Taoist priest took out a jade pendant from the cloth bag, handed it to Li Tiezhu, and said, "This jade pendant is a thing in the heavenly realm, and it has the effect of warding off evil spirits and driving away ghosts." You hang it in your home to keep your family safe. Li Tiezhu took the jade pendant, only to feel a warm current coming from the palm of his hand, he thanked him repeatedly, and sent the Taoist priest out of the door. Since the jade pendant entered the door of Li Tiezhu's house, there has been no trouble in the family. Li Tiezhu still gets up earlier than the chicken every day, sleeps later than the dog, and is busy with work, but his heart is much more steady. The jade pendant has also become a baby pimple of their family, passed down from generation to generation. The years are unforgiving, and in a blink of an eye, Li Tiezhu's young man has become an old man with white hair. He often sat in the rocking chair at the door of his house, looking at the clouds in the sky, recalling the strange incident of the year, and his heart was called a mixed taste.

The butcher got up early, heard the boar and the goddess talking, and urinated to save the whole family of 6 people

One day, a young and promising scholar came to the village and heard the story of Li Tiezhu and was full of interest. He found Li Tiezhu and wanted to inquire more about the ins and outs. Li Tiezhu looked at the polite young man in front of him, and couldn't help but think of what he looked like when he was young. He sighed and said, "Young man, this is a very mysterious thing. But you say, there are some things in this world that even science can't explain. It's like the urine I soaked in front of the pigsty back then, why did I save our family so coincidentally? And that jade pendant, why is it so magical? I think that's what God meant. ”

The scholar listened to Li Tiezhu's words, pondered for a while, and said, "Uncle Tiezhu, you are right. There are indeed many mysteries in this world that we have not yet figured out. However, we also have to believe in the power of science and use scientific methods to solve these mysteries. ”

Li Tiezhu nodded and said, "By the way, science is a good thing, we have to make good use of it." In this way, Li Tiezhu's story has been passed down from generation to generation in the village and has become a good story in the village. Whenever this is mentioned, people think of the brave butcher, the mysterious goddess, and the magical jade pendant. These stories have also become a valuable asset in the village, bringing a touch of comfort and peace to people in their busy days.

The butcher got up early, heard the boar and the goddess talking, and urinated to save the whole family of 6 people

As for Li Tiezhu? He finally left this world peacefully. Before dying, he handed the jade pendant to his grandson and said, "Child, this jade pendant is our family's treasure." You have to take good care of it so that it will continue to bless our family. The grandson took the jade pendant with tears in his eyes, he knew that this jade pendant was not only an object, but also a family memory and legend. He nodded solemnly, promising to protect this jade pendant and let its legend continue to circulate.

This jade pendant has been passed down from generation to generation in the Li family and has become an indispensable part of the family. Li Tiezhu's story, with the passage of time, has become an eternal legend in the village, allowing people to always remember the brave butcher and that fantasy past. That jade pendant is like a bright pearl in the Li family tree, shining brightly. Whenever in the dead of night, the moonlight shines on the window lattice of the Li family's old house, and the jade pendant seems to emit a faint light, telling a long-dusted past. Oh, this is really enough for us Northeast people to be proud of! Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, more than 60 years have slipped away. The Li family, which has really grown from a small mountain village to a thriving family. The descendants of the Li family, whether in the shopping mall or in the political circle, are all well-known big names. But no matter how their identities change, that jade pendant is always the treasure in their hearts and the representative of the family spirit.

One day, the young generation of the Li family, a young man named Li Yang, came back from studying abroad. He not only brought back advanced scientific and technological concepts and global vision, but also brought back a heart to seek his roots. Li Yang has listened to his grandfather tell the story of Li Tiezhu and the magical jade pendant since he was a child, and his heart is itching and his mind is full of curiosity.

The butcher got up early, heard the boar and the goddess talking, and urinated to save the whole family of 6 people

As soon as Li Yang arrived home, the first thing he did was to find the jade pendant. He took the jade pendant and looked at it carefully, the jade pendant was crystal clear, and there was a faint light. He touched it gently, and felt as if a warm current was pouring out of the jade perry. "This is our family heirloom?" Li Yang muttered silently in his heart, his face full of admiration.

That night, Li Yang lay in bed, tossing and turning and couldn't sleep. My mind is full of Li Tiezhu's story and the jade pendant. He began to wonder, what kind of power was hidden in this jade pendant? And how did it become a family heirloom?

The next day, Li Yang went to the elders of the family to learn more about the story of this jade pendant. The elders told him about the dusty past. It turned out that this jade pendant was a treasure that Li Tiezhu picked up from the urine in front of the pigsty, and it has the magical power to ward off evil spirits and drive away ghosts. For so many years, it has guarded the peace and prosperity of the family.

The butcher got up early, heard the boar and the goddess talking, and urinated to save the whole family of 6 people

After listening to the words of the elders, Li Yang admired his ancestor Li Tiezhu even more. He was determined to delve into the secret of this jade pendant and pass it on. So, Li Yang began to look through the family's historical documents, check the information, and spent several years finally finding more clues about this jade pendant. It turns out that this jade pendant is not a mortal thing, it was once a star in the sky, containing great power. Back then, Li Tiezhu peed in front of the pigsty and inadvertently unlocked the seal of the jade pendant, allowing it to shine again.

Li Yang was shocked by the power of this jade pendant, and he decided to use this power to contribute to his family and society. He devotes himself to public welfare and uses his knowledge and wealth to help those in need. At the same time, he also passed on the story of Yu Pei to more young people, so that they could understand the history and culture of the family.

The butcher got up early, heard the boar and the goddess talking, and urinated to save the whole family of 6 people

Time flies, and the years are unforgiving. That jade pendant is still shining in the Li family's genealogy, guarding the peace and prosperity of the family. The story of Li Tiezhu has also spread in every corner of the family, becoming a representative of the family spirit and a source of strength. We, the people of the Northeast, pay attention to this inheritance, this responsibility, and this jade pendant, which is the best proof.