
26 pictures show you how terrifying the power of "time" is!

author:Siege of the Great Lion

Today, let's take a picture of time, and the changes it leads to are more and more amazing as the time span increases! Please take a look at the pictures shared by netizens:

1. After ten years, the dog at home has gradually "faded":

26 pictures show you how terrifying the power of "time" is!

2. The wall behind the chairs in the waiting room is the trace of people's existence:

26 pictures show you how terrifying the power of "time" is!

3. For 700 years, the stones in the castle have been "hit" by raindrops to create potholes:

26 pictures show you how terrifying the power of "time" is!

4. The consequences of pets often lying in the same position in the car:

26 pictures show you how terrifying the power of "time" is!

5. Because of too much time, the carpet is worn out and blended with the ground:

26 pictures show you how terrifying the power of "time" is!

6. New stainless steel bolts.vs. long-term stainless steel bolts:

26 pictures show you how terrifying the power of "time" is!

7. The original square bricks, after being washed by the waves for two years:

26 pictures show you how terrifying the power of "time" is!

8. The dog always circles around the swimming pool, forming a trajectory:

26 pictures show you how terrifying the power of "time" is!

9. The iron chain is rusty because of the old and looks like a wood material:

26 pictures show you how terrifying the power of "time" is!

10. A wooden door that has been struck by a doorbell for about 50 years:

26 pictures show you how terrifying the power of "time" is!

11. This sign is slowly devoured by plants:

26 pictures show you how terrifying the power of "time" is!

12. Dyes that have been dripping over the years have formed a rainbow "stalactite":

26 pictures show you how terrifying the power of "time" is!

13. People like to pet the dog in the statue:

26 pictures show you how terrifying the power of "time" is!

14. What are the numbers of the password? Obvious:

26 pictures show you how terrifying the power of "time" is!

15. It can be seen that its owner is really hardworking:

26 pictures show you how terrifying the power of "time" is!

16. This shoe has been sitting in the window for two months and has shrunk:

26 pictures show you how terrifying the power of "time" is!

17. A pen used by a college student during four years, he should be quite economical:

26 pictures show you how terrifying the power of "time" is!

18. The teaspoon touched the bottom of the cup countless times and was smoothed out:

26 pictures show you how terrifying the power of "time" is!

19. As a wall under the card reader, it is not easy:

26 pictures show you how terrifying the power of "time" is!

20. Obviously, this person often plays games on his laptop:

26 pictures show you how terrifying the power of "time" is!

21. The floor in front of the table tennis table has been worn, and several layers can be seen:

26 pictures show you how terrifying the power of "time" is!

22. After a long time, the high-power hand dryer blew off the paint next to it:

26 pictures show you how terrifying the power of "time" is!

23. Everyone is used to walking on the right:

26 pictures show you how terrifying the power of "time" is!

24. Because of the activities of pedestrians and the deformation of asphalt, the blind road has been changed beyond recognition:

26 pictures show you how terrifying the power of "time" is!

25. Guess where everyone likes to touch?

26 pictures show you how terrifying the power of "time" is!

26. It's still the same truth: human preferences are always surprisingly consistent!

26 pictures show you how terrifying the power of "time" is!

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