
The leaders of Guanshanhu District visited and condoled with party members and old party members in difficulty

author:Cool Guiyang, beautiful mountains and lakes

In the past few days, the leaders of Guanshanhu District have visited and condoled the party members and old party members in difficulty, and sent them the party's care and warmth.

Luo Yang visited and condoled with party members and old party members in difficulty

On July 2, Luo Yang, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Guiyang High-tech Zone and Secretary of the Guanshanhu District Party Committee, visited and condoled the party members and old party members in difficulty, sent them the warmth and care of the party and the government, and extended holiday greetings and sincere blessings to them.

In a group of Haoguan Village, Zhuchang Town, Luo Yang came to the homes of party members in difficulty to learn more about their current health, medical treatment, children's employment and sources of livelihood. Luo Yang encouraged him and his family to face life with a positive attitude, and the party and the government will always keep the well-being of the people in need in mind and put their care for the people in need into practice. In addition, the town and village levels should also go into the homes of villagers, strengthen communication with villagers, listen to the opinions and needs of villagers, help them implement various assistance policies, help villagers find a development path that meets their own reality, and let them truly feel the care and warmth of the party organization.

The leaders of Guanshanhu District visited and condoled with party members and old party members in difficulty

Yang Yuanxiang, a veteran party member who lives in Group 4 of Zhaoguan Village, Zhuchang Town, usually lives mainly by receiving rural pension insurance, preferential pension for the "two ginseng" and maintenance for his children. Luo Yang and he made family routines, inquired about the health of the elderly, and awarded him a commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party".

The leaders of Guanshanhu District visited and condoled with party members and old party members in difficulty

Luo Yang said that veteran party members are the precious wealth of the party and the country, and have made positive contributions to the party and the country, and hoped that under the premise of taking care of their health, veteran party members will continue to play a good vanguard and exemplary role as party members, actively participate in various activities organized by the village, make more suggestions for the development of towns and villages, and put forward more valuable opinions. At the town and village levels, we should show more care and care for veteran party members, help them solve the difficulties existing in their daily lives, and provide a strong guarantee for their happy life in their old age.

Qin Yongkang visited and condoled with party members in difficulty

And investigate the grassroots party building work in Jinyang Street

On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, on July 1, Qin Yongkang, deputy secretary of the Guanshanhu District Party Committee and head of the district, visited some party members in difficulty in the district, sent them the care and warmth of the party and the government, and extended holiday greetings and sincere blessings to everyone.

The leaders of Guanshanhu District visited and condoled with party members and old party members in difficulty

On the same day, Qin Yongkang came to the homes of party members in difficulty, talked with them on their knees, talked about their daily routines, learned more about their current difficulties, inquired about their physical conditions, medical insurance, etc., and thanked them for their contributions to the party's cause.

Qin Yongkang demanded that relevant departments, streets, and communities should do a good job of mapping out the difficult party members in their jurisdictions with responsibility and feelings, understand their thoughts and hopes in a timely manner, and give them support and help within the scope of their capabilities, so as to truly solve their practical difficulties, so that they can live a healthy and happy life without worries.

The leaders of Guanshanhu District visited and condoled with party members and old party members in difficulty

On the same day, Qin Yongkang also investigated the development of grassroots party building in Jinyang Street. He stressed that urban grassroots party building is an important part of the party building work in the new era, and it is necessary to attach great importance to the grassroots party building work, strengthen overall coordination, refine functions and responsibilities, improve work ability, change work style, do a good job with responsibility, emotion and conscience, and comprehensively improve the overall level of grassroots party building. It is necessary to focus on the key points of work, scientifically coordinate various work arrangements, establish and improve the party building work system, do a good job in the construction of grassroots teams, positions, systems, and ideologies, and improve the ability of grassroots governance through party building, and promote the detailed implementation of key tasks of grassroots party building.

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The leaders of Guanshanhu District visited and condoled with party members and old party members in difficulty