
Justify the name of the Boxers! Their heroic struggle is one of the cornerstones of the great victory of the Chinese people

author:North Shore of Wuhan

The revolutionary pioneer Dr. Sun Yat-sen once said:

  • However, the personality of the Boxers, compared with Gengzi Xin Chou, a group of flattering eunuchs, and traitors who betrayed the country, is really a world apart.
  • It's no wonder they laughed at the barbarism of the Boxers.
  • Hum! If the Boxers were barbaric, they wouldn't even be able to catch up with the monkeys.

In fact, what the Boxers fought bravely in those years was the "Eight-Nation Alliance" and its lackeys in China.

01 Who gave you the guts?

Suddenly, there was a group of people on the Internet, menacingly proclaiming: declare war on the contemporary Boxers.

There are also some unscrupulous people, a little more subtle, and secretly prod: Be wary of the new Boxerism.

Overnight, "Boxer" became a derogatory term.

They have directly elevated the recent extreme cases against foreigners to the "Boxers of our time."

An article may be accidental, but a large number of articles praise individuals, and it is very strange to belittle groups.

Taking the "Suzhou Incident" as an example, it was the Chinese who committed violence against the Japanese, and it was the Chinese who rescued the Japanese.

Also Chinese, they came to the conclusion that:

It is the group problem that has hated education for many years that has been violent, and it is the brilliance of the personal humanity of the Chinese aunt that is being rescued.

Aren't they all Chinese?

Why is it that the perpetrators of violence can represent the Chinese group, and only the Chinese individuals are rescued?

Why is it that just because there are a few perpetrators, it has escalated to a "diplomatic crisis" and all patriotic people are classified as "contemporary Boxers"?

Do you know what the Boxer Rebellion is?

You are clamoring to declare war on the contemporary Boxers, who gave you the courage?

02 The Boxer Rebellion was the rebellion of the people at the bottom

The Boxer Rebellion was an armed struggle against imperialism that took place in northern China in 1900.

Involved were the broad masses of peasants, craftsmen and the rest of the masses.

They connected themselves with religious superstitions, organized themselves on the basis of secret societies, and waged a heroic struggle against the combined invading forces of Britain, the United States, Germany, France, Russia, Japan, Italy, and Austria.

They are essentially ordinary people with no culture!

What do the Chinese people want?

It's very simple, just to live in peace!

Who drove them to this point?

Who broke their peaceful days?

Who wants to put them to death?

It is the Western missionaries and the parishioners who fight for the tiger, as well as the "Eight-Nation Alliance" and its lackeys behind it.

In fact, there is no foreigner who runs rampant in China, bullying men and women, snatching land, and disregarding people's lives, there is no "super-national treatment" and "extraterritoriality" given to foreigners and missionaries by the Qing government, and there is no two devils who carry foreign self-respect and act for the tiger......

Where will the Boxers rise up in order to survive?

The most hateful thing is that when the Eight-Nation Coalition attacked Jingcheng and suppressed the Boxers, there were also "parishioners" who acted as their "leading party"!

Justify the name of the Boxers! Their heroic struggle is one of the cornerstones of the great victory of the Chinese people

At a time when the nation was in the midst of life and death, it was this group of people who stood up and resisted desperately.

Although in the eyes of some, they are ignorant, barbaric, uncivilized, not advanced.

But they are really resisting with their lives.

And what are the self-proclaimed civilized and elite people doing?

Groveling and struggling, can they be expected to save China and the Chinese nation?

It's like a dream!

To tell the truth, if it were not for the resistance of the Boxers, the great powers would have intensified their bullying and partitioning of China.

It was the Boxers who did what should have been the "civilized elite" to do.

At that time, it was the Eight-Nation Coalition and its lackeys in China who declared war on the Boxers.

Nowadays, those who have declared war on the Boxers are also a group of mad dogs who only look forward to foreigners.

03 The people's heroes are immortal

The great man has long concluded the cause of the Boxer Rebellion:

  • Did the Chinese people organize the Boxer Rebellion and go to the imperialist countries of Europe, America, and Japan to rebel and "kill people and set fires"?
  • Or did the imperialist countries come to China to invade China, oppress and exploit the Chinese people, and thus provoke the Chinese masses to rise up against imperialism and its lackeys and corrupt officials in China?
  • This is a major issue of right and wrong, and we cannot afford to make it clear without debating.
Justify the name of the Boxers! Their heroic struggle is one of the cornerstones of the great victory of the Chinese people

The great man has long defined the battle of the Boxers, they are righteous war:

  • All wars in the world in which the people rise up against the oppressors are righteous wars.
  • The February and October Revolutions in Russia were righteous wars.
  • The revolution of the peoples of Europe after the First World War was a righteous war.
  • China's Anti-Opium War, the Taiping War, the Boxer War, the Xinhai Revolutionary War, the Northern Expedition from 1926 to 1927, the Agrarian Revolutionary War from 1927 to the present, and today's War of Resistance against Japan and the War against the traitors are all righteous wars.

"On the Strategy of Opposing Japanese Imperialism" (Selected Works of Mao Zedong, vol. 1, p. 147)

In 1955, East Germany returned to China the three volumes of the Yongle Dictionary and ten Boxer flags that had been seized by the Eight-Nation Coalition in the war of aggression against China.

Premier Zhou personally welcomed back these cultural relics and said this:

  • For more than 100 years, the Chinese people have suffered imperialist aggression, oppression, plunder, and massacre, and during this period, the Chinese people have constantly fought heroically against imperialist aggression and feudal oppression in order to fight for the freedom and independence of their motherland.
  • The Boxer Rebellion of 1900 was precisely the expression of the Chinese people's stubborn resistance to imperialist aggression.
  • Their heroic struggle is one of the cornerstones of the great victory of the Chinese people 50 years later.
Justify the name of the Boxers! Their heroic struggle is one of the cornerstones of the great victory of the Chinese people

On the Monument to the People's Heroes in Tiananmen Square, the inscription is still vivid:

  • Over the past three years, the people's heroes who sacrificed their lives in the People's Liberation War and the People's Revolution have been immortalized!
  • Over the past 30 years, the people's heroes who sacrificed their lives in the People's Liberation War and the People's Revolution have been immortalized!
  • Dating back to 1,840 years, since then, the people's heroes who have sacrificed their lives in all struggles in order to oppose internal and external enemies and fight for national independence and the freedom and happiness of the people are immortal!
Justify the name of the Boxers! Their heroic struggle is one of the cornerstones of the great victory of the Chinese people

The Boxers are the people's heroes who defend the dignity of the nation with their lives!

Their heroic struggle is one of the cornerstones of the great victory of the Chinese people!

The so-called "civilized elite" in today's society, why do you stigmatize the "Boxers"?

Clamoring for a declaration of war on the contemporary Boxers, are you worthy?

04 Who is most afraid of the Boxers?

The essence of the Boxer Rebellion was a patriotic movement organized by the masses to save the country and save the country.

What was opposed was feudalism and imperialism.

In the end, they failed under their joint encirclement.

You could say that they are of poor quality overall and have not read a book.

However, their patriotism is great, and the spirit of heroic struggle is just.

Who is most afraid of the Boxers?

Traitors and lackeys, compradors and imperialist powers trying in vain to carve up China!

A small incident caused a group of people on the Internet to attack patriotism and attack the Boxers?

Do you want to lead the Chinese to self-denial and self-loss?

Sure enough, you miss the Manchu Qing Dynasty very much, and you are too afraid of the awakening of the Chinese!

Your indiscriminate tricks will not fool normal Chinese, but will only make Chinese disgusted and disgusted.

05 Be wary of the contemporary "parishioners" and "leading the way"

Mr. Lu Xun once said:

  • The brave are angry, and draw their blades against the stronger;
  • The cowardly are angry, but they draw their blades against the weaker.

In the history of the Chinese nation, there have been many national heroes who dared to declare war on the powerful "Eight-Nation Alliance."

However, there is also a group of mad dogs, after being "indoctrinated" by the foreign powers, they exclusively shoot "mouth cannons" at the patriotic people, and even act as a "leading party".


Lao Bei believes that in today's society, it is not the "contemporary Boxers" who should be vigilant and declare war.

What is even more vigilant and declaring war is that the "religious people," "public knowledge," and "leading party" of the great powers that vigorously insult the patriotic masses are violent.

[The position of the common people, the views of the small citizens]

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