
Create a "Little Sun" brand! The Huiyang Procuratorate carried out legal education activities for minors

author:South + client

In order to further popularize the publicity and education on the rule of law for minors and promote the work of juvenile prosecution under the "Little Sun" brand, recently, the Huiyang District Procuratorate organized more than 40 teachers and students from the Huiyang School affiliated to South China Normal University to enter the Huiyang District Procuratorate to carry out a juvenile legal education activity with the theme of "Passing the Torch of the Rule of Law and Building Future Dreams Together".

Create a "Little Sun" brand! The Huiyang Procuratorate carried out legal education activities for minors

"Zero-distance" contact with procuratorial work

At the event, the teachers and students first visited the 12309 Procuratorial Service Center, the Plea Functional Area, the Hearing Room, the Juvenile Procuratorial Work Area, the Case Management Center, and the Political Life Hall of Party Members under the leadership of the unprosecuted cadres and police officers of the Huiyang District Procuratorate.

At the scene, teachers and students learned in detail about the work content and basic work processes of the procuratorate through personal experience and interactive Q&A, got close contact and immersive perception of the procuratorial work, and intuitively felt the work scene of the procuratorate "educating, rescuing, and reforming" juveniles involved in crimes and guarding juvenile victims with heart.

Create a "Little Sun" brand! The Huiyang Procuratorate carried out legal education activities for minors

Hot topics to learn about the law

Hu Huinong, the prosecutor who has not been prosecuted, started with "what is the procuratorate", focusing on the four common juvenile delinquency topics of "love disputes", "righteous impulsiveness", "social software" and "fashion trends", explaining the law and discussing matters with the law, introducing relevant legal knowledge such as sexual assault, civilized use of the Internet, and new drugs, and teaching a vivid and wonderful lesson on the rule of law for the students.

Everyone said that the rule of law course allowed them to organically combine the "law" in the classroom with the "law" in practice, and to experience and feel the sunshine of the rule of law in person.

Create a "Little Sun" brand! The Huiyang Procuratorate carried out legal education activities for minors

"Fireside popularization" talks about the future

In order to gather the strength of the public procuratorate and the law, the Huiyang District Procuratorate specially invited the staff of the District People's Court and the District Public Security Bureau to participate in the activity, and the tripartite linkage carried out a "fireside" discussion and exchange with the students.

At the exchange meeting, the public procuratorate and legal officers enthusiastically exchanged with the students about the transformation process from students to legal professionals around further education, major selection, and work experience, guiding students to learn the law, thinking critically and truth-seeking, precipitating and accumulating professional knowledge, and encouraging students to become guardians, practitioners and disseminators of law. The students listened carefully, thought positively, and recorded carefully, and said that they had learned and thought about something, and it was worth the trip. "Walking into the procuratorate at zero distance, we deeply felt the meticulous care and careful care of the procuratorate for minors, learned relevant legal knowledge, and felt the solemnity of the law, which is a very unforgettable learning memory." The classmates said.

Next, the Huiyang District Procuratorate will continue to gather the strength of all parties to do a good job in preventing and controlling juvenile violations and crimes, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of minors, and promoting the coordinated efforts of the "six major protections", creating a strong atmosphere of caring for minors in the whole society, and jointly protecting the healthy growth of minors.

[Writing] Southern + reporter correspondent Lin Jingfeng Wei Huiling

【Photo】Correspondent Ye Guanlin

【Author】 Lu Hui

[Source] Southern Press Media Group Southern + client

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