
The legendary ten famous knives in Chinese history

author:Autumn of gentle rain

Guan Yu, whose name is Yunchang, is a famous military general in Chinese history and one of the important generals of Shu Han during the Three Kingdoms period at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. His image was widely praised in later generations and became a symbol of loyalty and bravery. Guan Yu's life is full of legends, the most well-known of which is the Blue Dragon Glaive Knife he wields.

The Qinglong Glaive Knife, also known as the "Leng Yan Saw", is Guan Yu's signature weapon. This knife is said to weigh eighty-two catties, about one zhang and two feet long, the blade is broad, the back is heavy, and the blade is extremely sharp. The handle of the knife is engraved with a green dragon pattern, and the blade is curved like the moon, hence the name. This knife is not only Guan Yu's weapon, but also a representative of his mighty image. On the battlefield, Guan Yu wielded the Qinglong Glaive Knife, invincible and invincible.

The legendary ten famous knives in Chinese history

Guan Yu's martial arts are high, which is largely due to his Blue Dragon Glaive Sword. According to historical records, Guan Yu once went to the meeting with a single sword, killed countless enemy generals with one enemy and one hundred. His bravery and martial prowess made him famous on the battlefield and terrified his enemies. Guan Yu's martial arts are not only reflected in his strength, but also in his wisdom and strategy. He is good at taking advantage of the terrain and the enemy's weaknesses to win more with less, and the weak over the strong.

The legendary ten famous knives in Chinese history

However, Guan Yu's life was not all smooth sailing. In the twenty-fourth year of Jian'an, Guan Yu was defeated by Lü Meng of Eastern Wu in the Battle of Fancheng, and was eventually captured and beheaded. Guan Yu's death was a huge blow to the Shu Han regime, and it also caused Liu Bei to lose an important ally and general. Guan Yu's death made people in later generations feel regret and grief.

The legendary ten famous knives in Chinese history

Guan Yu's Green Dragon Glaive Knife has also become a symbol. It not only represents Guan Yu's bravery and martial arts, but also represents his spirit and beliefs. In many literary and artistic works, the Green Dragon Glaive has been given a special meaning. It has become the carrier of Guan Yu's spirit, inspiring future generations to pursue loyalty, courage and wisdom.

The legendary ten famous knives in Chinese history

Guan Yu, whose name is long, was an outstanding general of the Shu Han Dynasty in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, and he was known for his bravery, loyalty and righteousness, and was called the "Martial Saint" by later generations. Guan Yu's life is full of legends, and the Blue Dragon Glaive in his hand has become an indispensable part of his legendary story.

The Blue Dragon Glaive Knife, as Guan Yu's signature weapon, has witnessed his brilliant achievements on the battlefield. This knife is not only known for its sharpness and weight, but also for its unique shape and Guan Yu's heroic deeds. In Guan Yu's hands, the Green Dragon Glaive seemed to have a life, becoming a symbol of his strength and courage.

Guan Yu used the Qinglong Glaive to achieve remarkable achievements on the battlefield, the most well-known of which was the "Warm Wine Cutting Huaxiong". In this story, Guan Yu killed the enemy general Hua Xiong at Cao Cao's banquet with only a glass of warm wine. This feat not only shows Guan Yu's superior martial arts, but also shows his calm and decisive battlefield command ability. Guan Yu's behavior left a deep impression on Cao Cao's heart, and also won him the reputation of "ten thousand enemies" on the battlefield during the Three Kingdoms period.

The legendary ten famous knives in Chinese history

Guan Yu's martial arts and spirit have had a profound impact on later generations. In Chinese culture, Guan Yu is revered as a "martial saint", on a par with Confucius's status as a "literary saint". The image of Guan Yu is enshrined in many temples and homes, and people worship Guan Yu as an expression of loyalty, bravery, and wisdom. The Qinglong Glaive has also become a cultural symbol, which not only represents Guan Yu's heroic deeds, but also represents an indomitable and courageous spirit.

Guan Yu's life is a life full of battles and challenges. The Blue Dragon Glaive in his hand witnessed his growth from an ordinary general to a legendary hero. Guan Yu's deeds inspire future generations to continue to pursue excellence, whether on the battlefield or in daily life. His spirit has become a force that inspires people to move forward bravely and perseverally in the face of difficulties and challenges.

The legendary ten famous knives in Chinese history

Guan Yu's story is not only about the legend of a military general, but also about the inheritance of a spirit. The Green Dragon Glaive, as a symbol of Guan Yu's spirit, will continue to be passed down in Chinese culture, inspiring generations of people. Guan Yu's bravery, loyalty and wisdom will always be remembered and praised by people.

Jing Ke, a famous assassin of the Yan Kingdom during the Warring States Period, was famous for his brave and tragic assassination of Qin. His story has been recorded in detail in ancient books such as "Historical Records", and has become a heroic image praised by later generations. Although Jing Ke's assassination attempt was ultimately unsuccessful, his deeds inspired countless people to think about loyalty and bravery.

The legendary ten famous knives in Chinese history

The weapon used by Jing Ke was a dagger called the Cold Moon Knife, which was legendary in history. Legend has it that the Cold Moon Blade is so sharp and poisonous that a slight scratch can be fatal. This dagger was not only a sharp weapon for Jing Ke to assassinate the King of Qin, but also became an indispensable part of his actions.

Jing Ke's assassination plan was carefully planned. He first obtained the opportunity to get close to the King of Qin through Dan, the crown prince of the Yan Kingdom. In order to repay Jing Ke, Prince Dan not only provided the Cold Moon Knife, but also prepared a priceless map for him as a gift, and the Cold Moon Knife was hidden in the map. Jing Ke used this gift to successfully get close to King Yingzheng of Qin.

The legendary ten famous knives in Chinese history

In the assassination operation, Jing Ke showed his extraordinary courage and wisdom. He first won the trust of the King of Qin in the name of offering maps. When King Qin unfolded the map to reveal the Cold Moon Knife, Jing Ke moved quickly and attempted to assassinate King Qin. Although it was ultimately unsuccessful, Jing Ke's actions shocked the King of Qin and made Jing Ke's name go down in history forever.

The legendary ten famous knives in Chinese history

Although Jing Ke's assassination failed to change history, his deeds had a profound impact on later generations. His courage and loyalty became an example for people to learn from and follow. In Chinese culture, Jing Ke is revered as a "man of loyalty and bravery", and his image is enshrined in many temples and homes to inspire future generations to pursue loyalty and bravery.

The Poison Dagger Cold Moon Knife, a dagger that has left a deep mark on history, has a legendary story behind it. Crafted by Madame Xu, a famous swordsmith during the Warring States Period, this dagger is not only known for its sharpness and toxicity, but also for its unique craftsmanship and symbolism, which became an important symbol of Jing Ke's assassination mission.

Madame Xu, one of the most outstanding swordsmiths of her time, was renowned for her craftsmanship and unparalleled sharpness. When Prince Dan was looking for an assassin who could complete the task of assassinating the King of Qin, he approached Madame Xu and asked him to build a weapon that could accomplish this difficult task. Madame Xu was well aware of the importance of this task, and he poured all his heart and soul into creating this knife called the Cold Moon Knife.

The Cold Moon Knife cast by Mrs. Xu is not only an important tool for Jing Ke's assassination mission, but also a cultural symbol. In Chinese culture, the Cold Moon Knife is given a special meaning, it represents loyalty, bravery, and sacrifice. The story of Jing Ke and the Cold Moon Knife inspires future generations to pursue these noble qualities, no matter how difficult the tasks and challenges they face.

The Great Xia Dragon Sparrow, this legendary saber, is the last monarch of the Xia Dynasty to carry it, it is not only a sharp weapon, but also a treasure with high artistic value and historical significance. The legend of this knife has traveled through thousands of years of time and space, and it is still talked about by people today.

The Great Xia Dragon Sparrow, the legendary treasure knife, with its unique design and exquisite craftsmanship, became a symbol of luxury and power in the Xia Dynasty. This sword is three feet nine inches long, and every inch embodies the painstaking efforts and wisdom of the swordsmith. The blade was made using the most advanced forging technology at the time, and it was tempered to give it unparalleled sharpness and toughness.

The blade is engraved with a dragon bird ring, which is one of the most striking features of the Great Xia dragon sparrow. The dragon sparrow, the legendary mythical bird, represents auspiciousness and dignity, while the dragon is a symbol of power and majesty. The combination of the two not only shows the supremacy of the Xia monarch, but also implies the prosperity of the country. The carving process of the dragon bird ring is extremely delicate, and every stroke is lifelike, as if it will spread its wings at any time.

In addition to the dragon bird ring, the back of the knife of the Great Xia dragon bird is also embedded with colorful glass. These glasses are colorful and crystal clear, shining dazzlingly in the sun. Glass was an extremely precious material at the time, and only the royal family and nobility could use it. The embedding of colorful glaze not only increases the beauty of the Great Xia Dragon Sparrow, but also highlights the richness and luxury of the Xia Dynasty.

The handle of the Great Xia Dragon Sparrow is also exquisite. It is made of the finest jade and gold, and it has a warm feel and a bright color. The handle of the knife is also carved with exquisite patterns, which echo the dragon bird ring on the knife body, forming a harmonious unity. The handle is designed not only for aesthetics, but also for practicality, making it more stable and comfortable to hold.

The production of this knife is undoubtedly the pinnacle of the craftsmanship of the Xia Dynasty. It is not only a weapon, but also a work of art, a witness to history. The existence of the Great Xia Dragon Sparrow allows us to get a glimpse of the splendor and luxury of the Xia Dynasty and feel the culture and art of that era.

However, the fate of the Great Xia Dragon Sparrow is closely linked to the rise and fall of the Xia Dynasty. The tyranny of the last monarch of the Xia Dynasty led to the turmoil of the country and the suffering of the people. As a saber for the saber, the Great Xia Dragon Sparrow is also regarded as a symbol of tyranny. In the hands of Ji, the knife may have once been stained with the blood of innocents and became an accomplice to tyranny.

But with the fall of the Xia Dynasty, the legend of the Great Xia Dragon Sparrow gradually changed. It is no longer just a symbol of tyranny, but has become a historical legacy, a cultural inheritance. People began to re-examine the knife, looking for the splendor of the Xia Dynasty and the essence of art.

The legend of the dragon sparrow in Daxia inspired the creation of later generations of literati and artists. In many poems and songs, the Great Xia Dragon Sparrow has been given new meaning and connotation. It is depicted as an artifact that transcends the world, a power that can enlighten the heart. These literary works not only enrich the cultural connotation of the Great Xia Dragon Sparrow, but also make it an indispensable part of Chinese culture.

The Inushen Sword, one of the legendary three evil weapons of antiquity, is closely related to the monarch of the late Xia Dynasty. This knife is not only known for its evil power and strange legends, but also for its association with the tyranny and brutality of the Tsuki, making it a feared presence in history.

It is rumored that the origin of the Inugami Sword is quite mysterious, some say that it is a divine object from the sky, and some say that it is cast by an underground magic stone. Either way, it gives the knife supernatural powers and unpredictable attributes. The blade of the Inugami sword is said to be unusually heavy, and the blade is sharp enough to easily cut through gold and stone. What's even more weird is that the knife body seems to be forever shrouded in a faint layer of black gas, as if there are countless unjust souls wrapped around it, wailing in a low voice.

Different from the dignity and artistic value of the Great Xia Dragon Sparrow, the Inujin Knife embodies more of a kind of gloomy and terrifying. Its hilt is usually carved into the shape of a dog's head, and the dog's mouth is wide open, as if ready to devour everything at any moment. This design is not only chilling, but also symbolizes the tyranny of the Tsuga, like a vicious dog, mercilessly devouring the lives and hopes of the people.

As the last monarch of the Xia Dynasty, his reign was full of tyranny and brutality. He was so extravagant and extravagant that he turned a blind eye to the sufferings of the people, and even treated his opponents with cruelty. Against this backdrop, the Inugami Knife became a terrifying weapon in the hands of the Tsuga, who is said to have personally executed many loyal people with this knife, causing the Inugami Knife to stain the blood of countless innocent people.

However, the legend of the Inugami sword is not limited to the tyranny of the Katsu. In some ancient legends, the Inugami knife is also associated with some mystical powers. Some say it can summon evil spirits, some say it can predict the future, and some even say it can control people's hearts. These legends, while heavily mythical, also reflect the fear and awe that people have for the knife.

With the fall of the Xia Dynasty, the tyranny of the Tsui became the dust of history, but the legend of the Inugami Sword did not disappear with it. Its story has been circulated among the people and has become a kind of warning to future generations to be wary of the corruption of power and the dangers of tyranny. In some literary works, the Inugami sword is depicted as a symbol that represents not only the brutality of the sake, but also all the rulers who abuse their power and harm the people

The legend of the Inugami sword is like a mirror, reflecting the brilliance and darkness of human nature. Its story will continue to circulate in the long river of history and become a source of reflection and vigilance for future generations. Although this dog sword, one of the three evil weapons of antiquity, is full of evil and horror, its existence also makes us cherish the importance of peace and justice even more.

The confrontation between the Xuanyuan Golden Sword and the Inu God Sword is a contest between good and evil. The sword light of the Xuanyuan Golden Sword was as dazzling as the scorching sun, illuminating the entire battlefield and dispelling the darkness brought by the demon wind. Although the Dog God Sword was powerful, in front of the Xuanyuan Golden Sword, its evil power seemed vulnerable.

After a fierce battle, the Inu God Sword was finally shattered by the Xuanyuan Golden Sword. Fragments were scattered and scattered, each piece containing the evil power of the Inujin Sword. In order to prevent these fragments from causing disaster to the world again, the hero used the power of the Xuanyuan Golden Sword to seal them one by one.

The process of sealing is fraught with hardship and danger. Each fragment tried to break free from the seal and reunite into a complete Inujin Blade. But with his strong will and the power of the Xuanyuan Golden Sword, the hero finally succeeded in sealing all the fragments in different places, so that they could no longer coalesce.

The shattering and sealing of the Inugami Sword is not only a victory in a battle, but also a symbol. It symbolizes the ultimate triumph of good over evil, and symbolizes the dispelling of darkness by light. The power of the Xuanyuan Golden Sword not only shattered the Dog God Sword, but also shattered the tyranny of the Dog, bringing new hope to the people.

However, the legend of the Inugami Knife did not end with its shattering. In later generations, there are still many legends about the fragments of the Inugami sword. Some say that these fragments still contain great power and are capable of awakening sleeping evil; Some people say that as long as the fragments of the Inugami Sword remain, it is possible that it will gather again and reappear in the world.

These legends, although mythical, also reflect people's fear and vigilance of the Inugami sword. The story of the Inujin Sword has become a kind of warning, reminding future generations to be wary of the power of evil and adhere to the belief in justice. At the same time, it also reveals to us that no matter how powerful the power of evil is, as long as we have light in our hearts, we can dispel darkness and defeat evil.

The Tang Dynasty was a prosperous era in Chinese history, with strong national strength, prosperous culture, and remarkable military achievements. The birth of Tang Hengdao is precisely in such a background. It is not only the product of the development of military technology in the Tang Dynasty, but also the crystallization of the wisdom and skills of the craftsmen of the Tang Dynasty.

In the wars of the Tang Dynasty, the Tang horizontal knife played a vital role. It is not only the main weapon of the soldiers, but also a symbol of the spirit. The soldiers of the Tang Army were armed with Tang horizontal swords, brave and good at fighting, invincible, and made great achievements for the reunification of the country and the stability of the frontier. The sharpness and solidity of the Tang horizontal knife gave the Tang army a clear advantage on the battlefield.

The sharpness of the tip of the knife is another distinctive feature of the Tang horizontal knife. The craftsmen of the Tang Dynasty paid special attention to the polishing and treatment of the tip of the knife when making Tang horizontal knives. They employ special forging and quenching techniques that make the tip of the blade both sharp and strong, capable of easily piercing enemy armor and inflicting lethal damage. This sharp tip of the knife gives the Tang Hengdao a great advantage in close combat.

In the wars of the Tang Dynasty, the Tang horizontal knife was used very extensively. Both infantry and cavalry were armed with such knives. The infantry used the Tang horizontal knife for hand-to-hand combat, while the cavalry used the slender blade and sharp tip of the Tang horizontal knife for quick slashes and stabs. The flexibility and attack power of the Tang horizontal sword enabled the Tang army to quickly defeat the enemy on the battlefield and win the battle.

The production process of Tang horizontal knife is also very particular. The craftsmen of the Tang Dynasty used a variety of advanced techniques when making Tang horizontal knives. They use high-quality steel, which is repeatedly folded and forged, resulting in a very high level of hardness and toughness. In addition, they have adopted special quenching and tempering techniques to further improve the strength and durability of the blade.

The handle design of the Tang horizontal knife is also very user-friendly. Based on the principle of ergonomics, the craftsmen designed the shape of the handle to fit the grip of the human hand. This design not only makes the soldiers more comfortable when using the Tang horizontal knife, but also reduces hand fatigue and improves the durability of the battle.

The Tang horizontal knife, the famous knife of the Tang Dynasty, will continue to shine in the long river of history and become a valuable asset for future generations to learn and research. Its story will continue to inspire future generations to pursue excellence and create their own legends. The Tang horizontal knife, which played a decisive role in the war of the Tang Dynasty, will always be remembered and praised by people.

Miao Dao, also known as the Imperial Forest Saber, is a sword weapon with a long history and unique design in Chinese martial arts. It not only witnesses the development of Chinese martial arts, but also enjoys a high reputation in the martial arts world for its unique style and practical value.

The blade of the Miao knife is usually long, up to about one meter in length, the blade is narrow and straight, the lines are smooth, and there is no obvious distinction between the back and the blade. This design makes the knife more light and flexible when wielded, and can quickly perform attacks such as straight stabs and diagonal slashes. The sharp tip of the knife is suitable for piercing, while the sharpness of the blade guarantees its cutting ability.

The handle design of the Miao knife is also distinctive, usually long and can be held with both hands, which increases stability and strength when used. The end of the handle is often equipped with a ring, which not only adds to the aesthetics, but also can be used as a tool for self-defense and counterattack in actual combat. In addition, the handle is made of a variety of materials, some are made of hardwood, some are made of metal, and some are even inlaid with gemstones, indicating the identity and status of the user.

The skill of Miao Dao is unique in the martial arts world, forming a unique training system and techniques. The knife technique of Miao Dao includes a variety of actions such as chopping, slashing, stabbing, hanging, pointing, and teasing, each of which has its specific timing and tactical intentions. Users of Miao knives need to go through a long period of training to master these techniques and use them flexibly in actual combat.

Over time, Miao Dao not only played an important role in actual combat, but also became an important part of Chinese martial arts culture. Many schools of martial arts use Miao Dao as an important part of training, and through the practice of Miao Dao, the coordination, flexibility and strength of the martial artist can be exercised.

The making of Miao knives is also an art. Excellent Miao knife makers will carefully select materials and strictly control every production link to ensure that each Miao knife has excellent performance and beautiful appearance. In modern society, with the development of science and technology, the production process of Miao knife is also improving, but the traditional handmade Miao knife is still loved and cherished by people with its unique charm.

Miao knife, as a classic sword weapon in traditional Chinese martial arts, has a deep historical origin. According to research, the development of Miao knife can be traced back to the ring head knife of the Han Dynasty and the horizontal knife of the Tang Dynasty, which had an important impact on the formation of Miao knife in terms of shape and use.

The ringhead knife is a common single-edged straight knife during the Han Dynasty, which is characterized by a metal ring on the handle and a straight blade, which is convenient for one-handed or two-handed use. The horizontal knives of the Tang Dynasty were known for their excellent craftsmanship and practicality, with a wide blade and a thick back, suitable for chopping. While inheriting the characteristics of these two knives, Miao Dao has developed its own unique style.

The blade of the seedling knife is slender and resembles a seedling, hence the name. This design not only gives the Miao Dao elegant lines, but also enhances its flexibility and penetration in actual combat. The length of the blade is usually about one meter, and some are longer, making the Miao knife also have a place in long weapons. The narrow design of the blade makes the knife lighter when wielded, and it can quickly perform continuous attack movements.

The sharp tip of the Miao knife is suitable for piercing, while the sharpness of the blade ensures its cutting ability. The back of the knife is usually designed to be straighter, which not only reduces the weight of the knife, but also makes the knife more stable when wielded. The design of the shank is also distinctive, usually long and can be held with both hands, increasing stability and power when used. The end of the handle is often equipped with a ring, which not only adds to the aesthetics, but also can be used as a tool for self-defense and counterattack in actual combat.

Miao Dao, a sword with a long history and unique design, will continue to shine in the long river of Chinese martial arts and become a valuable asset for future generations to learn and research. Its story and craftsmanship will continue to inspire future generations to strive for excellence and create their own legends. The Miao knife, which resembles a seedling, will always be remembered and praised by people.

In China's long history of martial arts, in addition to famous knives such as Tang Hengdao and Miao Dao, there are many other legendary famous knives, each of which carries a unique story and profound cultural connotation. These famous swords not only played an important role in the actual combat of martial arts, but also left an indelible mark on literature, art and even folklore.

First of all, it is worth mentioning the "Longyuan Sword", which is said to have been forged by Ou Yezi, a famous swordsmith in the Spring and Autumn period. Known for its sharpness and cold light, the blade of the sword is often depicted as glowing with a faint blue light, as if it contains the mysterious power of the waters of the deep sea. Legend has it that Long Yuanjian once accompanied King Goujian of Yue to taste his courage, and finally helped him achieve the great cause of restoring the country.

Along with the Longyuan Sword, there is also the "Tai'a Sword", which is also from Ou Yezi's hand, and its sharpness is even believed to be able to cut gold and jade. The legend of Tai'a Sword is related to the King of Wu, who is said to have used this sword to kill a demon snake and quell a disaster, so Tai'a Sword is regarded as a treasure of the town.

In addition, the legendary "Gan Jiang" and "Mo Ye" are also two legendary famous swords. Their stories originate from the touching deeds of the ancient swordsmith and his wife, Mo Xie. In order to forge a sword that is unparalleled in the world, Mo Ye threw himself into the furnace, died with his sword, and finally cast the double sword of Gan Jiang and Mo Ye. These two swords are not only extremely sharp, but also contain the deep affection and sacrifice of the husband and wife.

In folklore, there is also a short sword called the "Fish Intestine Sword", which is said to have been made specifically for assassins. The sword is short and easy to hide, and is said to have been used as a murder weapon to assassinate the Wu king. Despite its modest size, the sharpness and stealth of the Fish Gut Sword has left a unique mark on history.

In addition to this, there is also the "Zhanlu Sword", which is known for its excellent craftsmanship and craftsmanship. Legend has it that the Zhanlu sword was forged by an ancient master, with a light body and a sharp blade, which can be used to make quick decisions, and is considered to be the best among swords.

In China's rich history and culture, famous knives are not only sharp weapons in actual combat, but also carriers of legendary stories and heroic deeds. In addition to the aforementioned Tang Heng knife and Miao knife, there are also Kun Gong knife, Ming Hong knife, Seven Star Treasure knife and Xinting Hou knife, etc., each of which carries a unique historical background and story, and has become the object of praise for future generations.

The Kornium Knife, the legendary weapon of the gods, is said to be made of strange metal from meteorites falling from the sky, which is extremely sharp and can cut gold and jade. The legend of this knife is closely linked to ancient mythology, and it is said that it was once held by the Yellow Emperor to conquer the Quartet and pacify the world. The legend of the sword is full of mystery, it is not only a symbol of strength, but also the embodiment of providence and oracles.

The Minghong sword, which is the same origin as the golden sword of the Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, is said to have been formed from the raw materials left over from the casting of the Xuanyuan sword. The birth of this knife itself is full of legends, and its existence seems to be a providential arrangement, destined to leave an immortal reputation on earth. The sharpness and tenacity of the Ming Hong knife made it invincible on the battlefield and became the dream knife of many heroes and heroes.

The Seven Star Sword, named after the seven jewels on the sword, is set on the hilt according to the arrangement of the Big Dipper, which not only adds to the beauty of the knife, but is also believed to guide the direction and bring good luck. The Seven Star Knife is related to Cao Cao's attempted assassination of Dong Zhuo, which was unsuccessful, but the Seven Star Sword became famous as a symbol of scheming and courage.

Xinting Hou Dao is related to Guan Yu, a famous general in the Three Kingdoms period. It is said that this knife was Guan Yu's saber, and he fought on the battlefield with him and made great achievements. The sharpness and sturdiness of the Xinting Hou knife witnessed Guan Yu's bravery and loyalty, and became a treasure knife admired by later generations of martial artists. It is not only a symbol of Guan Yu's martial arts, but also his indomitable and loyal spirit.

The existence of these legendary knives has given us a deeper understanding of history, a greater appreciation for peace and justice, and a greater pride in our own cultural traditions. Their stories and spirit will inspire generations of Chinese to strive for excellence and create their own legends. These famous knives will always be remembered and praised by people, they are not only the crystallization of ancient craftsmanship, but also the symbol of the indomitable and courageous spirit of the Chinese nation.

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