
Sister Yan went to Shen Mansion to be a maid, but was retaliated by Miss San for breaking through Miss San's shady feelings

author:Little Plum pushes the book

My sister-in-law, who depended on me for her life, went to Shen Mansion to work as a maid.

But because he broke the shady relationship between Miss Shen Jiasan and his brother.

was retaliated by the third lady and sent to the bed of the young master of the Shen family.

As Young Master Shen became more and more obsessed with his sister's body.

The third lady of the Shen family seduced the young master in the name of being a fox and prodigal sister, stripped her sister of her clothes and threw her in the market.

Later, my sister died of shame.

But the person who is obviously in love with his brother is the third lady of your Shen family, Shen Zhinian.

Reliving my life, I decided to replace my sister and become the maid of the Shen family.

Sister Yan went to Shen Mansion to be a maid, but was retaliated by Miss San for breaking through Miss San's shady feelings


Daddy ignored the court for 200,000 taels of silver, the Qin Mansion was raided, the men were exiled, and the female dependents were not official prostitutes.

Overnight, the huge Qin Mansion was left with only an empty shell.

Only my sister Qin Yungui and I were saved by my father's friend.

He said:

"Brother Qin is too greedy and too ruthless, this matter was handled by Yushitai and Hubu Shangshu together, and with my ability, I can only protect one of you."

"Nowadays, there are only two ways to go, one is to hide your identity, send it to a small official mansion, and become a servant, although it is a slave and a servant, but at least you can live a stable life in the future."

"The other one is more aggrieved, I can only go to Mingyue Tower to be a dancer, I have said hello over there, I won't embarrass you too much, this is better than being tortured in the military tent."

That being said, Mingyue Tower is a flower building in the end, a place of fireworks and willow lanes, and you can see the sorrow of your life in the future.

The sister in front of me glanced up at me, and then bowed to the person in front of her:

"Thank you Uncle Wang, as a sister-in-law, I don't want to watch my sister suffer, so let me go to Mingyue Tower."

Uncle Wang opened his mouth to persuade:

"Yun'er, you are different from her, you are Brother Qin's only concubine, but she ......."

Qin Yungui bowed to Ying Ying again and interrupted him:

"It is precisely because I am a concubine that I am deeply taught by my father, and at this time, I should take care of my sister even more, so as to live up to my father's trust."

After speaking, I glanced at my sister, and my sister Shi Shiran smiled, and the bitterness and worry in the ridiculousness completely fell into my eyes.

It seems to say, sister, be careful with everything.


My sister and I were both reborn, I went to Shen Mansion, and my sister went to Mingyue Tower, which I discussed with my sister in advance.

My sister was originally unwilling to let me go to the Shen Mansion to take risks and live a new life, she just wanted to rely on me for her life and live this life in peace.

But I still remember the bruised traces of my sister in my previous life, the hot teardrops that fell on my hands when I accompanied my sister, and the vivid and smiling sister who was lying on the bed, like a lifeless corpse.

When Uncle Wang found us that day, I only thought that Shen Mansion was a good place to go, and if I had to let my sister go, she couldn't resist me.

So my sister entered the Shen Mansion and became the maid of the third lady of the Shen family.

Originally, it was better to be a young lady's maid than dancing and laughing in Mingyue Tower and begging for a living under a group of men.

But when she entered the Shen family, she realized that Lord Shen was a small official, and the family business was not big, and Shen Zhinian, the third lady of Shen, was brought back by Master Shen from Mingyue Tower outside.

It is said that Master Shen was drunk, and he was drunk at a dancing girl, and the dancing girl was pregnant, but unfortunately the fetus was difficult to give birth and died, and before he died, he said that the child was Master Shen's, crying and begging to let Master Shen keep her, and Master Shen was forced to fall down because of his reputation.

After Master Shen brought her back, he threw her into the courtyard in the corner and left her to fend for herself.

But Shen Zhinian has an arrogant and domineering sister-in-law, Shen Zhichu.

Since entering the Shen Mansion, Shen Zhinian has become her toy, and she has been running over to bully Shen Zhinian twice in three days.

The whole Shen Mansion knew that Shen Zhinian was not the bloodline of Master Shen, but nominally the third lady of the Shen family.

After a long time, even the subordinates don't pay much attention to this Shen San.

As you can imagine, the sister who served in her yard was no better.

Originally, she was just doing some work in the yard to serve tea and sweep the house, but slowly, the maids and servants who saw the wind and steered the rudder also rode on her sister's head to spread wild.

Yueyin was deducted, he was called up three times twice in the middle of the night to pour the night pot, in the cold winter in the cold well water, and a pair of green fingers were frozen and swollen three times, these were originally the things of those servants, and they were all pushed on Sister Yan.

This is not enough, Sister Yan's outstanding appearance and inadvertently revealed demeanor in her gestures have been hated by some maids. My sister doesn't like words, and the sneers of the maids are like hitting the cotton.

So from then on, my sister's food was either rancid, or something unclean was added, and good clothes would always be inexplicably broken into rags, and they couldn't be worn again, and the only thing that could be kept was the one on her body.

At this time, I have relied on my own means, settled in the Mingyue Building, and became the maid of the famous Oiran Lianyue in the capital, although I need to dance for the guests, but my mother obeyed the words of the Lianyue she held on the tip of her heart, and the Lianyue raised her eyebrows, and only said that if even the maids around her have to use their bodies to please those men, then her signboard of the Mercy Moon will not be smashed alive. So I didn't have to pick up customers, I just took care of Rei Yue wholeheartedly.

My sister would also write me some letters to my family, and the letters only asked me how I was doing, and did not mention her hard work in the Shen family.

Because these sisters have endured.

Until that day, Shen Li, the young master of the Shen family who was drunk, broke into the courtyard of his third sister for some reason, and raped his sister.

The woman's chastity is not under Luo's skirt, and her sister has a soft temperament, but in the end, she is a little arrogant in her heart, even so, she gritted her teeth and persevered.

But the black-hearted Mrs. Shen actually stripped her naked in the eyes of the Shen Mansion on the grounds that her sister was lewd and seduced her precious son, pressed her in the compound, hit thirty boards, and threw her unconscious sister like a broken sack to the crowded street, and made a lot of publicity, saying that her sister was a fox spirit, seducing the master's family, and making his Shen family restless.

The breath that my sister was hanging on finally disappeared.

After I rescued my sister, she committed suicide by throwing herself into a well in the middle of the night.

And in this life, I stood at the gate of Shen Mansion, and the golden word Shen Mansion stabbed my eyes.

My sister is the pearl of my father and wife's palms, pampered and raised, simple-minded, never touching the pickled things of the back house, and always with a friendly heart.

But I'm different, I was pulled back from hell by my sister.


Shen Zhichu came to find Shen Zhinian's trouble again.

It is said that the master praised Shen Zhinian in class, saying that her articles were good, and also gave Shen Zhinian the Zihao pen that he had collected for many years.

Shen Zhichu was so jealous that he didn't care about thirty-seven twenty-one, and stopped Shen Zhinian outside the school.

"You are worthy of the Master's pen for such a lowly person?"

Shen Zhichu snatched the pen that Shen Zhinian held in his hand, and after playing with it in his hand for a while, he broke it and threw it on Shen Zhinian's face.

Shen Zhinian was used to being bullied, so he only frowned and ignored her.

Shen Zhichu looked at her indifferent appearance and became even more angry.

"You are just like your lowly mother, and the articles you make are also lowly."

"Don't think that if the master awards you today, you will be able to climb on my head, Shen San, you are still a dancer who is not even as good as a subordinate."

After speaking, one of the maids beside him clasped Shen Zhinian's hand, and one of them lifted Shen Zhinian's head, revealing her face.

Shen Zhichu slapped her a few times, and was about to take the hairpin on his head to slash Shen Zhinian's face, when I spoke:

"Second Miss, the master is from over there."

He pointed to a shadowy figure on the other side of the bamboo forest.

Shen Zhichu was afraid that the master would see her beating people, although he was resentful in his heart, but in the end he left with the two maids hatefully.

I picked up Shen Zhinian, who was sitting on the ground, her moon-white skirt had been stained with some yellow sludge, and I couldn't help frowning when I looked at the swollen red marks on her face.

The people on the other side of the bamboo forest walked out, just a passing boy.

"Multi-...... Thank you."

Shen Zhinian lowered his head and covered his face with a handkerchief, but the numbness on his face was so clear.

I helped her back to the yard, helped her take medicine carefully, took care of her carefully every day, and blocked Shen Zhichu's troubles for her a few times.

So I went from a sprinkling girl to Shen Zhinian's personal maid.

When Shen Zhinian was doing homework, I inadvertently revealed that I recognized many words, and Shen Zhinian would take me with me every time I went to the school, and I became her companion again.


I finally met the eldest young master of the Shen family, Shen Li, in the school.

Shen Li is not a swinger brother, on the contrary, he is dignified, talented, has some knowledge in his belly, and the articles he makes also have his own opinions, and he can often be praised by his master.

He's not just a straw bale.

There are many other women in the school who are fond of him, secretly sending Qiu Bo to him, or giving him their own hand-embroidered purse, or making some exquisite pastries for Shen San to give him.

He didn't take it, and seemed a little annoyed, thinking that these women were very annoying, not at all like a wicked person who would rape women after drinking.

On this day, I deliberately wore a moon-white dress and stood next to Shen Zhinian, like a pair of sisters.

The Master asked a difficult question.

No one in the entire study hall was silent, and even the most powerful Shen Li was frowning and pondering.

"This is a question that the examiner in charge of the examination in previous years, Lord Yan, once found, and it is normal for you to not be able to argue, so let's continue to lecture."

"Husband...... Master, slaves and maids can argue."

I slowly stood up in the midst of an uproar.

After saying his opinion, the master stroked his beard, nodded, and praised it repeatedly.

I felt the gazes cast around me, all kinds of things, especially Shen Li's gaze that could not be ignored.

After getting out of school, Shen Li deliberately came over, and I lowered my head, but I could feel his gaze that could not be ignored.

"Zhinian, you did your homework well, and even the maids around you are insightful."

Shen Zhinian looked at me, pulled out a shallow smile, put the food box in his hand towards Shen Li's hand, and said in a tone that was not salty:

"My maid is naturally good, but she is not as happy as a girl like my eldest brother."

"This is the pastry that Miss Lin asked me to give you."

After speaking, he ignored Shen Li, turned around and left, the moon-white skirt brought out a fragrant breeze, and the posture was graceful and moving.

"Ah Nian! You know I'm know—"

Shen Li hurriedly wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, just looked sadly at Shen Zhinian's distant back.

After Shen Zhinian left, only Shen Li and I were left, and the breeze blew through the bamboo forest beside him, rustling, as if whispering.

Shen Li looked at me and said:

"You're smart, take care of your young lady and don't make her unhappy."

I raised my head, looked at him, and said meaninglessly:

"Young Master, Third Miss, she ...... It's been a hard time."

"As the third miss's brother, you can come and see her more, and the miss will definitely be very happy."

The wind was blowing, and I looked at Shen Li's obviously pierced and panicked expression, leaned down and bowed to him, and said:

"The slave and maid are gone."

Sure enough, as my sister and I guessed, Shen Li had unusual feelings for Shen Zhinian.

He actually disregarded humanity and fell in love with his adoptive sister!

No wonder Shen Li would break into Shen Zhinian's courtyard after being drunk, but he couldn't ask for it, he became ill after years of longing, and he was full of lust, and he was completely blocked by Shen Zhinian with his sister.

How ridiculous, in their previous life, because of their shady relationship, they let others die for them.

It's just that Shen Zhinian didn't know that her brother had such an unspeakable relationship for her before.


My sister sent me a letter.

The letter said that with the help of Lianyue, she had settled down in Mingyue Tower, and her mother did not let her pick up guests, and the guests who came to see Lianyue were all nobles, sitting in a high-rise private room, listening to the sound of Pianyue's pipa, and never overstepping the rules.

In the words, the flower building of Mingyue Tower is much stricter than the rules of the official palace of the Shen Mansion, and praised Lianyue, saying that she is unforgiving but kind-hearted, and has become a sister with her, telling me to be careful.

I was very happy to see my sister's letter.

I'm also relieved to hand over my sister to Retsuki.

My sister is different from me, she is a good character, sincere and kind person, and she is a lady carefully raised by her father and wife.

And I'm just a maid who grabs food with vicious dogs

My aunt who gave birth to me was not favored, when I was young, my aunt left me outside to freeze in order to let my father come to the yard to see her, I had a high fever, and my father came to my aunt's yard as he wished.

After my aunt tasted the sweetness, sometimes I broke my head, the blood flowed, and sometimes I broke my leg, and Sister Rui'er beside my aunt felt sorry for me and wanted to go to Langzhong, but my aunt didn't allow it, so she only sent her to Mrs. Yard to call Daddy.

At first, my father would rush to see me, but gradually he saw through my aunt's tricks, and he did not want to set foot in my aunt's yard again, nor did he come to see me, and even began to dislike me.

But my aunt didn't believe me, and she tortured me and scolded me for years.

She said that only children who can cry will have the love of their father,

At first, I would kneel outside my wife's courtyard and cry and beg my father to see my aunt.

When will she stop crying, maybe she will find that I have become an outlet for her to vent her grievances, or a tool to win her father's favor.

I was like a piece of wood that had lost its senses, letting her beat and scold and scream, and only silently endure this kind of life.

But one day, when she finally came to her senses, she realized that her father didn't want to come again, and that I was useless, so she left me aside and left me alone.

The first time my sister saw me, I was fighting with the dog for food, and I looked at her viciously, for fear that she would come and rob me of my hard-won meal.

My sister handed me a piece of pastry that I had only seen in Madame's yard and gently told me that I was her sister and that I would not suffer any more with her in the future.

I'm really going to have a good life.

But such a good and gentle sister, but was tortured by the Shen family to lose her soul and lose her will, and when I rescued her from the bazaar, she was naked, bruised and purple, covered with blood, like a rag doll.

In the end, I left only a letter for me to take care of, and lay dead at the bottom of the bottomless well.

But in this life, I chose the Shen Mansion.

Since some people have feelings, why not let them become a knife to kill them.

Where there is love, there is hate.


After Shen Li was punctured, he avoided me and Shen Zhinian for a period of time, and he no longer brought new calligraphy and brushes to Shen Zhinian.

But during this time, he was obviously absent-minded, and he frequently wandered in class, so that the master punished him several times.

After class, I quietly put a note on Miss Lin's desk while no one was paying attention.

I know that Shen Li is working very hard, he is preparing for the spring of the second year, so every day after school, he will go to the garden in the bamboo forest alone to read books.

On the note was written the words that Shen Li invited Miss Lin to meet in the bamboo garden.

Miss Lin saw the contents of the note, her face was happy, and she looked left and right again before putting the note into her purse and putting it away properly.

On the way back, I inadvertently counted the books in the box, and after ordering, I said to Shen Zhinian with a distressed face:

"Miss, when the slave maid was just tidying up, she accidentally left a book, and it happened to be the homework assigned by the master, let's go back and get it."

Shen Zhinian didn't reproach me, turned around and walked back with me.

happened to meet Miss Lin who came out of the bamboo garden.

Shen Zhinian's face became ugly, and he put down Miss Lin, who was about to say hello, stopped taking the book, turned around and left.

"Third Miss, wait for the slave! Oh, I haven't picked up the book yet!"

I stomped my feet on the spot and said loudly, but my eyes looked at the bamboo garden behind me.

Sure enough, I saw Shen Li, who hurriedly ran out.

"Was your young lady here just now?"

"Yes, she saw Miss Lin, turned around and left."

When Shen Li heard me say this, the anxious look on his face couldn't be concealed at all.

On the second day, he came to Shen Zhinian's courtyard.

"Ah Nian, yesterday it was Miss Nalin who somehow knew that I was studying in Zhuyuan, so she looked for it herself."

"I didn't say a word to her, so I told her to leave."

Shen Li surrounded Shen Zhinian, so anxious that he didn't care about me standing aside.

But Shen Zhinian still has to take care of me.

"Brother, what are these words, I'm just annoyed that my brother met with other young ladies in private, and it was very ugly to hear, and it was the face of the Shen Mansion that was lost."

"Ah Nian, don't be angry with me."

I knew it was time for me to give them time alone so that they could talk to each other, so I walked away.

From this day on, Shen Li seemed to confirm Shen Zhinian's feelings for him, and he was not as shy as before, in the name of visiting his sister, he came to Shen Zhinian's courtyard from time to time.

When I first mentioned this matter to Shen Li, I was vague, but it revealed that I was unhappy when I saw Shen Zhinian thinking about Shen Li, which gave him a signal that Shen Zhinian also had affection for him and did not hide it from me.

Then, with Miss Lin's stimulation, the two directly stabbed the window to show their affection.

And I watched coldly as the fire I lit the better.