
Zero international server jam in the absolute zone, how to solve the low frame rate

author:Dream Elf Uiz

Zero international server jam in the absolute zone, how to solve the low frame rate

The player's role as a "rope maker", special class attributes and guided exploration missions make the game challenging and developmental. The open world has a high degree of freedom to explore, and the diverse areas and mission designs add to the fun and depth of the game. By interacting with NPCs and building relationships, more cooperation opportunities and story clues are unlocked, deepening players' understanding and engagement in the game world. How to solve the problem of lag and low frame rate on the PUBG international server has deeply troubled many players. Next, we will introduce you to the solution.

Zero international server jam in the absolute zone, how to solve the low frame rate

Jeopardy zero international server stuck, what should I do if the frame rate is low?

In order to solve the problem of PUBG server lag and low frame rate, you can usually try to improve the network quality, limit automatic updates, and change the connection method. If you can't determine the specific cause, you can try the above methods one by one.

a. Optional strategy: Boost network - network

Due to the distance between the player's geographical location and the server, this situation can easily lead to lag and low frame rate on the PUBG server.

Find Jeopardy Zero International Server in U U

Zero international server jam in the absolute zone, how to solve the low frame rate

After clicking, you can get a stable network connection, and smoothly connect to "Jeopardy Zero International Service"

bOptional policy: Restrict automatic updates

The problem of PUBG lag and low frame rate may be caused by network latency, server load, etc. By restricting automatic updates, you can free up a portion of bandwidth and system resources, helping to improve game performance and network connection stability. You can choose to manually update the game patch in the game launcher settings to avoid taking up too much network resources during the game update process.

Zero international server jam in the absolute zone, how to solve the low frame rate

cOptional Policy: Change the connection mode

The PUBG International server freezes and has low frame rates due to network-to-network connections. To solve this problem, you can try to change the connection method, such as changing the network environment, upgrading the network device, using optimization tools, optimizing network settings, etc., to improve the communication efficiency between the game server and your personal device, so as to improve the smoothness and frame rate performance of the game.

Zero international server jam in the absolute zone, how to solve the low frame rate