
32 men and 1 woman were trapped on a desert island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951

author:Bureau of Grotesque Science
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative sources and personal opinions, and the source of the literature has been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

When it comes to desert islands, what comes to mind must be that there is no water, no food, life is difficult, and it is not an exaggeration to eat people. After all, people can do anything when they are hungry.

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on a desert island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951

The 16-year-old girl was stranded on a desert island, met 32 soldiers, ate and drank trivialities, and had to face things that were more terrifying than eating and drinking. For example, what should I do if a woman becomes a scarce commodity and is robbed, but she can't grab it? Turning against each other? Cannibalism? That's a big test.

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on a desert island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951
32 men and 1 woman were trapped on a desert island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951

Back in 1944, World War II was coming to an end, and Japan was in chaos. In order to send supplies to the front, Japan sent three fishing boats from the port of Yokohama straight to the Pacific Ocean. As a result, as soon as these three ships arrived near the Mariana Islands, they were attacked by US airstrikes, and all three ships were blown up and sunk. Fortunately, not far from the Japanese-controlled Anatahan Island, more than 30 survivors swam to the isolated island with all their might, just to survive.

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on a desert island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951

Anatahan Island, the location is very remote, and there were people living in the past, just because the volcano on the island loves to make noise, and now no one dares to live there. There are two Japanese left: Kazuko Higa, a young and beautiful woman, and her boss, Masami Kusakabe. Kazuko's husband went out to run errands before and never returned, so Kazuko had to take care of each other on the island with the boss of the lower part of the day, barely making ends meet.

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on a desert island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951
32 men and 1 woman were trapped on a desert island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951

The survivors went to the island and their first task was to survive. They have to learn how to make food, build shacks, and keep themselves safe in this strange land. Fortunately, Anantahan Island is still rich in animal and plant resources, and the gang quickly found their way out, began to pick wild fruits, catch sea fish, and even found some old farm tools, started farming, and finally had something to eat.

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on a desert island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951

Completely cut off from the outside world, the psychological pressure of these people has skyrocketed. They don't know how the war went, when they would be saved, or even if the people outside remembered them. U.S. planes occasionally flew over the island, and everyone was hoping to bring some hope. As a result, not only did it not reassure them, but it made them even more panicked.

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on a desert island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951
32 men and 1 woman were trapped on a desert island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951

In the beginning, everyone had a common goal - to live, so they were all united as one person. Higa Kazuko and Kusakabe even pretended to be husband and wife to form a small family. As the only woman on the island, Kazuko has become the spiritual support of the men and the key figure in maintaining the balance on the island.

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on a desert island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951

After a long time, Higa Kazuko and the little foolish husband and wife drama of the lower part of the sun were finally recognized. Everyone realizes that they are not really a couple, and the atmosphere on the island begins to become tense. The men began to be jealous, vying to show favor to Kazuko: this one brought her freshly picked wild fruits, the other was busy building her a sturdier hut, and some people directly called out to her face.

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on a desert island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951

In order to suppress this secret infighting, someone turned his mind and proposed to let Kazuko marry the lower part of the sun. Just under the coconut tree, the wild flowers that the sun picked up by hand made a wreath as a ring, and the two were "married". But who knows, this little trick did not bring the expected peace, but an unexpected event came to a big reversal, and the situation on the entire island was completely disrupted.

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on a desert island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951
32 men and 1 woman were trapped on a desert island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951

One day, while strolling along the beach, the survivors came across the wreckage of a crashed U.S. warplane. They dug out a couple of pistols and a bunch of bullets out of the pile of broken metal. This unexpected discovery immediately shattered the subtle harmony on the island.

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on a desert island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951

A few guys who used to be soldiers used their military knowledge to repair the two pistols they found. Now, they will immediately become the bosses on the island, on this island, whoever holds the gun in his hand can have the final say and control the fate of everyone. The small days that relied on everyone helping each other and being harmonious were directly replaced by a naked rule of force.

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on a desert island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951

On this desert island, Kazuko is the only remaining woman, and soon becomes a "hot commodity" in the eyes of everyone. This extreme environment really tests human nature to the limit, and a series of deaths are terrifying. Every time someone hung up, the pistol changed hands. That gun was like a curse, and whoever got it was unlucky, and whoever touched it died.

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on a desert island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951
32 men and 1 woman were trapped on a desert island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951

Kazuko's situation is getting harder by the day, and she has to go back and forth between several men, barely maintaining that fragile balance. As time passed, the island's resources were slowly empty, food was scarce, fresh water was insufficient, and the pressure to survive was suffocating. In this case, people begin to show their ugliest side.

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on a desert island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951

Once, the survivors, with a hot head, decided to throw their pistols into the sea. As a result, without the scary weapons, the contradictions on the island not only did not decrease, but became more and more violent. Slowly, a group of people became more and more crazy, and actually came up with an amazing idea - to kill Kazuko.

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on a desert island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951

This idea, which can be said to be not human, is supported by many people. On the one hand, Kazuko is the only woman on the island, and everyone rushes to chase her; On the other hand, she is also seen as the culprit that caused the conflict. I feel that as long as Kazuko disappears, everyone will be calm.

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on a desert island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951
32 men and 1 woman were trapped on a desert island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951

The plan eventually came to a try, and Kazuko knew about the horrific plan. Faced with a threat to her life, she decided to flee. One night, Kazuko quietly left her residence and went into the dense forest of the island alone.

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on a desert island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951

Life in the jungle was miserable. Kazuko had to bear hunger and cold alone, and he had to guard against wild beasts. She barely survived by picking wild fruits and catching small animals, and every day seemed to be fighting with fate. However, it was during this lonely day that Hezi was determined to seek help from the outside world.

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on a desert island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951

Here's your chance. One day, Kazuko saw a U.S. military patrol plane. She risked her life and wrote a huge "SOS" on the beach with a branch. This desperate action finally made her wait for a chance to save her life.

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on a desert island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951

In June 1950, when the U.S. Army finally set foot on Anatahan Island, Kazuko became the first survivor to be rescued, and subsequently, others were rescued. When they stepped on the rescue boat, six years of living on an island were finally over.

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on a desert island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951
32 men and 1 woman were trapped on a desert island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951

When these survivors returned to Japan, they were greeted not by the warm embrace of their families, but by a large number of doubts and accusations from society. Many people simply don't understand what they are going through on the island and start blaming them. The survivors also began to wonder, "Did I really leave that island?" Why do you say that about us? "

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on a desert island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951

Kazuko's story is like a drama, the media labeled her as the "Queen of Anatahan Island", and since then her life seems to have been magnified, and in an instant, Kazuko has become the focus of public attention. Every day is endless speculation and criticism. Some people think she has a hard life, some people think she deserves it, and some people even call her a slut.

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on a desert island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951

Public opinion did not defeat Kazuko, she thought about it and let others say it, so she didn't have to say it herself, so she wanted to enter the entertainment industry. But it's a tough road. She has not participated in professional training, and she can't find a way in the entertainment industry, so she has no choice but to give up this dream.

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on a desert island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951
32 men and 1 woman were trapped on a desert island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951

Life is really a big joke, Kazuko escaped the ghost gate, and fate didn't plan to let her go. The financial difficulties overwhelmed her, and the psychological trauma was even more head-wrenching.

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on a desert island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951

As a result, she decided to remarry, wanting to fight again and look forward to a peaceful life. It's a pity that the old naughty boy of fate has played a bad trick again. In 1972, Kazuko left this world due to a brain tumor, when she was in her fifties.

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on a desert island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951

Her life is also legendary enough, at the age of 16, she saw human nature on the island, and finally returned to China, and public opinion did not stop, which is really "wonderful". But there's nothing wrong with her, she just wants to survive from beginning to end, and humanity really can't stand the test.

Here are the sources of information:

During World War II, this Japanese woman was trapped on an island with 32 men for seven years, and returned to China to reveal the ugliness of human nature_China Economic Net'

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on a desert island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951