
In June 2024, we will summarize/exceed the task and achieve a breakthrough

author:Orange heart

Written by Kokoro Tachibana

June flies by in a hurry, and when people reach middle age, they always feel that time flies.

Looking back on June, it was still a month with few harvests, but I couldn't stop myself from affirming myself, and this month was still different compared to last month.

Haha, the small goal of May was completed in June, and by the way, there was an unexpected small breakthrough.

1. Reading

I didn't read much this month, but I only read "Love, Need to Learn".

It's a book about intimacy, and to be honest, it's my first time reading about it.

It has always been believed that the improvement of intimacy requires the joint efforts of two people. If one person reads and the other does not, there will be no intimacy for the better.

In June 2024, we will summarize/exceed the task and achieve a breakthrough

But I was reminded of one sentence in the book, which says:

"At some juncture in intimacy, you don't have a way back.

You can't back off, you can't get angry, you can't fight to win or lose, you can't pretend you don't care.

You have to move forward hand in hand with the person in front of you, because whether you can pass these love hurdles is related to the happiness of you, your partner, and your children, and you have no choice. ”

Thinking of this, I feel that what the author said is also right, there must always be someone who changes first, and then another person will change.

For the sake of family harmony, I am willing to be the one who changes first.

After I figured it out, I began to read books intensively.

I learned a lot about intimacy in the book, the methods of the original family, and the way to get along with husband and wife.

The rest is to apply it to life and guide daily life.

I think that's also the meaning of reading, it changes your mind, guides your life, and makes you better and better.

In addition, there are 2 books for listening to fragmented time.

2. Writing

In May, I set myself a small goal of updating 2 articles per week, and this month I updated 13 articles, which exceeded the task!

In June 2024, we will summarize/exceed the task and achieve a breakthrough

Because the traffic of the articles written in May was not very high, I started to test the traffic again in June.

I got most of the recommendations for writing character drafts in the previous day, and I also wrote 100,000+, and this month I wrote two character drafts of Cai Lei and Yan Ning that I wrote before.

I didn't expect to get the same as before, and I was recommended by the platform again.

also wrote a character manuscript of Jiang Ping, which was also read more than other articles.

In July, I plan to write a few more character manuscripts to test the traffic.

3. Break through yourself and do what you dare not do

has been writing silently, and has never dared to appear in the live broadcast for various reasons.

But this time I wanted to break through myself.

In June 2024, we will summarize/exceed the task and achieve a breakthrough

On the last day of June, I accepted Mr. Mohua's invitation to share with my friends the experience of reading Cai Lei's "Believe" to write 19 articles last year, as well as publishing 100,000+ explosive articles and operating self-media.

It's a workout and an uplift for me.

I thought it would be cold, but I didn't expect the process to be quite smooth, and I chatted for about 2 hours, and shared everything I wanted to share.

Affirming myself again, I'm awesome!

Write at the end

Because she is pregnant with a second child, her energy is not as good as before.

The rhythm of going to bed early and waking up early was also disrupted.

You can only do this first, listen to the arrangement of your body, and try to read and write as much as you can when you have spare energy.

Halfway through pregnancy, the end of unloading is approaching.

Next month, I will continue to update at least 8 articles and read 2 books. See you at the end of next month! Keep up the good work! #头条创作挑战赛#

About the Author: Orange Heart

early to bed and early to get up practitioners;

Half fireworks, half bookish.

35+ office workers learn to write from scratch, write for a year, and submit sail books and other platforms;

One book writes 19 articles and earns 1000+;

Write 2 articles of 100,000+ in three months, with an income of 2500+.

Reading and writing is in progress, if you also like reading and writing, welcome to walk along the way.

I am fortunate to have you witness my growth.