
US lawmakers were frightened by the "mechanical dog" and demanded that the Ministry of Defense investigate the Chinese army? Really fake

author:The Wisdom of the Yuan Era
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I don't know if you can imagine a scene, hundreds of mechanical dogs, carrying two heavy fire machine guns on their shoulders, firing at full power, advancing in formation, who can stop it?

US lawmakers were frightened by the "mechanical dog" and demanded that the Ministry of Defense investigate the Chinese army? Really fake

Members of the U.S. Congress, frightened by a "mechanical dog", even asked the U.S. Department of Defense to investigate the Chinese military.

He said the Chinese military has assembled a bunch of mechanical dogs, which are armed and may be used as weapons against their American GIs.

US lawmakers were frightened by the "mechanical dog" and demanded that the Ministry of Defense investigate the Chinese army? Really fake

He's so excited! He said, how can he accept turning man's best friend "dog" into an offensive weapon? Dogs are innocent, and they should be loved, not used to hurt people.

US lawmakers were frightened by the "mechanical dog" and demanded that the Ministry of Defense investigate the Chinese army? Really fake

The absurdity of the proposal

US lawmakers were frightened by the "mechanical dog" and demanded that the Ministry of Defense investigate the Chinese army? Really fake

In the United States, there is an annual discussion meeting on the National Defense Authorization Act, and as a result, one congressman opened his mouth and closed his mouth and said a "shocking" remark.

He even suggested that the U.S. military investigate whether our Chinese army is equipped with a lot of robot dogs with weapons.

US lawmakers were frightened by the "mechanical dog" and demanded that the Ministry of Defense investigate the Chinese army? Really fake

I just want to ask, do we have mechanical dogs in China, or how many mechanical dogs there are, and what does it have to do with the United States?

How old are you in the United States, and you still want to investigate China? What people didn't expect was that this proposal had actually passed and was now in the Senate discussion process.

US lawmakers were frightened by the "mechanical dog" and demanded that the Ministry of Defense investigate the Chinese army? Really fake

It is unimaginable that this proposal can be passed, China has a lot of powerful weapons, but they only dare to investigate this.

The congressman in this incident may be "flattering" to those who "protect animals" and "love dogs", or those who are "radical" patriots.

US lawmakers were frightened by the "mechanical dog" and demanded that the Ministry of Defense investigate the Chinese army? Really fake

Examples of other bizarre proposals

US lawmakers were frightened by the "mechanical dog" and demanded that the Ministry of Defense investigate the Chinese army? Really fake

You say this proposal, it really makes people laugh and cry, this kind of strange proposal in the US Congress is not only this one, it is simply endless!

In May, for example, there was a proposal to arrest those who oppose Israel and send them to prison terms. This is clearly trying to curry favor with the Jewish tycoons, after all, in the United States, everything has to be tied to money.

US lawmakers were frightened by the "mechanical dog" and demanded that the Ministry of Defense investigate the Chinese army? Really fake

As a result, some people were actually arrested and sent to Gaza to work. I heard that there are many college students in it.

These proposals are almost like a joke, and people can't help but want to complain. But then again, it's a unique sight in American politics!

US lawmakers were frightened by the "mechanical dog" and demanded that the Ministry of Defense investigate the Chinese army? Really fake

In September last year, someone in the United States put forward a crazy proposal, saying that all the salaries of the top brass of the US military should be reduced to $1!

It's like a joke, but guess what? This proposal was greenlit all the way in the House of Representatives and passed smoothly!

US lawmakers were frightened by the "mechanical dog" and demanded that the Ministry of Defense investigate the Chinese army? Really fake

Ordinary people with low political literacy are easily attracted to such simple, stimulating proposals.

Politicians, in order to curry favor with voters, keep coming up with such proposals, as if they are playing a game of "see who dares to be crazier".

US lawmakers were frightened by the "mechanical dog" and demanded that the Ministry of Defense investigate the Chinese army? Really fake

Even this part of the people who control the army is targeted by politicians. In order to win attention, they even dared to move the army's jobs.

US lawmakers were frightened by the "mechanical dog" and demanded that the Ministry of Defense investigate the Chinese army? Really fake

Military applications of mechanical dogs

US lawmakers were frightened by the "mechanical dog" and demanded that the Ministry of Defense investigate the Chinese army? Really fake

Speaking of this mechanical dog, the United States takes it very seriously!

This is not only because it resembles the big dog in the family, but more importantly, the "hard power" behind it. This guy has the flexibility of his limbs and can handle rough mountain roads and complex obstacles with ease.

US lawmakers were frightened by the "mechanical dog" and demanded that the Ministry of Defense investigate the Chinese army? Really fake

Compared with traditional wheeled or crawler robots, the performance of mechanical dogs in complex environments is simply a "god-like existence", and the mobility and adaptability are envied by Lao Mei.

China's robotics technology has really advanced by leaps and bounds over the years, especially the mechanical dog, which is a great product.

US lawmakers were frightened by the "mechanical dog" and demanded that the Ministry of Defense investigate the Chinese army? Really fake

This kind of quadruped robot is becoming more and more common in our lives, not only helping us solve many practical problems, but also promising in the military.

With its reconnaissance capabilities, the mechanical dog can easily enter those dangerous areas that are difficult for humans to reach for intelligence gathering.

US lawmakers were frightened by the "mechanical dog" and demanded that the Ministry of Defense investigate the Chinese army? Really fake

If it is equipped with high-definition cameras, thermal imagers and other advanced equipment, it can work 24 hours a day like a real scout, providing commanders with first-hand and most accurate battlefield information.

Mechanical dogs can be used as transportation assistants, and in complex terrains such as mountains and jungles, mechanical dogs can carry supplies, ammunition and other materials to reduce the burden on soldiers and improve the mobility of troops.

US lawmakers were frightened by the "mechanical dog" and demanded that the Ministry of Defense investigate the Chinese army? Really fake

Some models of mechanical dogs can even carry light weapons and become mobile fire platforms. Think of a group of mechanical dogs, firing on all cylinders, da-da-da, all the way to the scene!

Robot dogs are our right-hand men, they not only help us do a lot of dangerous work, but also keep our people safe.

US lawmakers were frightened by the "mechanical dog" and demanded that the Ministry of Defense investigate the Chinese army? Really fake

If it is in a place full of mines, the mechanical dog can go to the mines with detection equipment, so that our people do not have to risk stepping on them, greatly reducing the risk of injury.

When disasters such as earthquakes and fires occur, the robot dog can rush in as soon as possible to help us find people who may still be alive

US lawmakers were frightened by the "mechanical dog" and demanded that the Ministry of Defense investigate the Chinese army? Really fake

Prospects for the application of mechanical dogs in the Chinese army

US lawmakers were frightened by the "mechanical dog" and demanded that the Ministry of Defense investigate the Chinese army? Really fake

Some time ago, at the Sino-Cambodian military exercise, the Chinese troops showed off their latest combat robots, which is really cool!

There are two types of these combat robots, one is the reconnaissance type, which is particularly lightweight, and there is a high-definition camera on the back, which can reconnoiter the environment and send intelligence back to the front-line fighters in real time.

US lawmakers were frightened by the "mechanical dog" and demanded that the Ministry of Defense investigate the Chinese army? Really fake

The other is the assault type, which can carry guns and charge into battle to clear the way for the fighters behind. Speaking of the future Chinese army, the army of mechanical dogs may really no longer be the plot of science fiction!

US lawmakers were frightened by the "mechanical dog" and demanded that the Ministry of Defense investigate the Chinese army? Really fake

Imagine that in those places where it is dangerous to explode, we can replace soldiers with mechanical dogs, who are not afraid of death or injury, greatly reducing the risk of casualties.

Mechanical dogs are like a "Predator", no matter what the terrain, they can handle it easily, and they are as agile as monkeys.

US lawmakers were frightened by the "mechanical dog" and demanded that the Ministry of Defense investigate the Chinese army? Really fake

The mechanical dogs don't need to eat or drink, as long as they replenish some energy and repair, they can continue to fight. This makes it much easier for our logistics department.

They also have other "superpowers", they can be used as mobile sensors and communication nodes to help us build a super complete battlefield information network.

US lawmakers were frightened by the "mechanical dog" and demanded that the Ministry of Defense investigate the Chinese army? Really fake

The future of the robot dog

US lawmakers were frightened by the "mechanical dog" and demanded that the Ministry of Defense investigate the Chinese army? Really fake

Now the mechanical dog is a sweet and sweet food in the military, and everyone is staring at it!

In particular, China's development speed in this area is simply eye-catching. Therefore, the United States and other countries are particularly concerned about the dynamics of China's robot dogs, for fear that China will leave them behind in this field.

Disclaimer: Some of the pictures in this article are taken from the Internet, if it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after verification.

Here are the real sources of information:

Three major news: major bad news came suddenly! The Ministry of Foreign Affairs was quick to take a stand; Biden is worried about the scene

US lawmakers were frightened by the "mechanical dog" and demanded that the Ministry of Defense investigate the Chinese army? Really fake

The PLA is equipped with robot dogs, and the United States will not be able to accept it......

US lawmakers were frightened by the "mechanical dog" and demanded that the Ministry of Defense investigate the Chinese army? Really fake

Drones and robot dogs are on the battlefield! China and Cambodia jointly organized a live military drill on land

US lawmakers were frightened by the "mechanical dog" and demanded that the Ministry of Defense investigate the Chinese army? Really fake

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