
The third aunt was sick and the aunt shouted for donations, named me and asked me to give 10,000 yuan, and I detonated the powder keg with one sentence

author:A minute in the world

This article is a fictional novel, the pictures are all network pictures, and the names of people and places are all apocryphal.

I am Zhao Hua, a 35-year-old owner of a small and medium-sized enterprise, who grew up in a large family.

The generations in the family are complicated, and the relatives are complicated, but everyone usually gets along well and lives in harmony.

Until last month, the family atmosphere became tense because of the sudden stroke and hospitalization of the third aunt, and everyone was worried about the health of the third aunt.

Last Saturday, I was working on the company's annual summary report when my phone rang suddenly, and it was a message from the family group.

Click on it to see that it was the donation notice initiated by the eldest aunt, saying that it was to raise funds for the third aunt's treatment expenses, I think this is normal, after all, it is a practice to help each other within the family.

The third aunt was sick and the aunt shouted for donations, named me and asked me to give 10,000 yuan, and I detonated the powder keg with one sentence

But when I saw the amount of donations, I was surprised to find that my aunt actually asked me to donate 10,000 by name, which made me feel very confused and flattered.

In order to find out the reason, I immediately called my aunt.

On the other end of the phone, my aunt's voice looked a little tired, but when I mentioned the amount of donation, her tone became firm.

She said vaguely that as the pillar of the family, I should contribute to the family when it is in trouble.

Despite my mixed feelings, I finally agreed.

Hanging up, I sat in my office chair for a long time.

I decided to take time out of the weekend to visit my third aunt in the hospital, and maybe I could learn some family stories from my third aunt that I didn't know.

When I arrived at the hospital, I saw the third aunt on the hospital bed, she was pale and weak, but when she saw me come to visit, her eyes flashed with joy.

We talked about family life and family donations.

When I was named to donate 10,000 yuan, the third aunt's eyes suddenly became complicated, and she told me earnestly that there are indeed many unknown contradictions and pressures within the family.

She stressed that instead of worrying about money, there should be more understanding and trust between families.

The third aunt's words hit me like a hammer in my heart, and I realized that there may be a more complex network of family relationships hidden behind this incident.

The air in the ward also seemed to become heavy, and time seemed to stand still at this moment.

After leaving the hospital, I decided to find an opportunity to have an in-depth conversation with my aunt, and I thought I needed to know more about it, not only because I wanted to know the reason behind it, but also because I believed that trust and understanding between family members were more important spiritual pillars than material support.

I understand that this is not just about a single donation, it touches on the cornerstone of mutual help and understanding that the family has built over time.

In the days to come, I would like to be the one who promotes family harmony and helps resolve conflicts, because I believe that the strength of the family lies in unity and understanding.

I had just returned from the hospital that day, and the news in the family WeChat group exploded like firecrackers.

Everyone was talking about the donation, and looking at the words on the screen, I had mixed feelings.

Auntie's words "Zhao Hua, you should donate 10,000" caused a war without gunpowder.

I tried to explain that my financial situation was not as good as everyone thought, but no one seemed to buy it, and a few distant relatives began to jump out and accuse me of being rich.

I knew that at this time, impulse was the devil, and I decided to communicate with my aunt privately to find out why she had to ask me to donate so much.

On the weekend, I drove to my aunt's house, and along the way, the traffic in Beijing was congested as usual, but I was even more panicked.

I planned a few things I wanted to know: the specific arrangements for the donation, my aunt's thoughts on the fundraiser, and her personal contributions.

My aunt's house is in an old community in Xicheng District, and I found her apartment building according to my memory.

When I knocked on the door and went in, my aunt was busy in the kitchen, and when she saw me coming, she seemed a little surprised, but she still warmly asked me to sit down, and then she continued to busy hers.

"Auntie, I came this time mainly to talk to you about the third aunt's fundraising."

I'm trying to introduce a theme.

The third aunt was sick and the aunt shouted for donations, named me and asked me to give 10,000 yuan, and I detonated the powder keg with one sentence

The aunt stopped what she was doing and sat down, her tone still resolute, but a little softer than when she talked on the phone before.

"Zhao Hua, you also know that the third aunt's situation is not very good, and everyone is trying their best to find a way."

The aunt avoided my question about her personal contributions, and instead emphasized the seriousness of the third aunt's illness and the urgency of fundraising.

After several rounds of conversations, the aunt has always avoided talking about her personal contributions, and still consistently emphasizes the collective responsibility of the family.

I could sense that my aunt seemed to have difficulties that she was inconvenient to talk about, and that the family responsibilities she had been emphasizing were probably the only justifications she had.

On the way out of my aunt's house, I felt unprecedented pressure and confusion, and I also better understood the complexity of the contradictions and conflicts within the family.

Originally, I thought that I would be able to find the answer in the conversation with my aunt, but I didn't expect the question to seem even more confusing.

Despite all the doubts and uneasiness in my heart, I decided to donate as promised.

After all, the treatment of the third aunt is the most urgent thing at present, and the problems within the family may take longer to solve slowly.

On the way home, the night sky in Beijing was particularly deep, and the night breeze blew, which seemed to take away some of the depression in my heart.

I decided that after this incident was over, I would think carefully about how to deal with the contradictions and conflicts within the family, hoping to find a more harmonious solution.

After all, emergencies like the third aunt may happen in the future, and we can't be like this every time.

It was a sunny weekend, and our family had arranged a party and set up a long table in the back garden of our hometown, where the aromas of the various dishes were tantalizing, but there was a hint of tension in the atmosphere.

Ever since that controversy in the WeChat group, I've been looking for an opportunity to ask my aunt my questions directly.

Taking a deep breath, I took advantage of the pilaf to raise my voice and asked my aunt who was busy distributing dishes, "Auntie, why do you only ask me to donate 10,000 yuan in the matter of donation, but your personal contribution has been kept secret?" ”

The overwhelming silence instantly enveloped this back garden, and everyone's eyes were locked on the two of us.

The aunt was stunned for a moment, and then smiled awkwardly, but I didn't let her go and continued to ask.

Unexpectedly, this question directly ignited the family conflict that had long been ready to start, and the second uncle on the other side of the table suddenly joined the battle, "Indeed, I also think that you are not very fair to deal with this matter, aunt!" ”

Then, like bellows with an open mouth, the family members began to join the argument word by word.

Some supported me, believing that there should be clearer principles of financial disclosure and sharing; Some are inclined to aunts, believing that the family should focus on the overall situation and should not be overly entangled in the amount of personal donations.

This is not just a question of 10,000 donations, but more like a deep discussion about the monetary interests and contradictions within the family.

After the climax of the argument, I went back to my room with a feeling of chaos.

It's time to tidy up the ancestral house's warehouse, which is full of objects that have been forgotten by time.

In a dusty wooden box, I accidentally found a letter written by my aunt to her third aunt when she was young, revealing her promise about the distribution of the family's property.

The sudden discovery made me stunned, and this may be the key to resolving the family conflict.

At the next family gathering, I decided to go with the plan.

Holding the yellowed letter, I told my family members about my unexpected discovery.

For a while, the air seemed to freeze, everyone stared at the letter, and the aunt's face became complicated.

The third aunt was sick and the aunt shouted for donations, named me and asked me to give 10,000 yuan, and I detonated the powder keg with one sentence

After a deep silence, the aunt finally spoke, admitting her youthful promise and her failure to keep it for various reasons.

In this way, the tension began to ease, and the family members decided to sit down and revisit the issue of the distribution of the family property.

After lengthy but necessary discussions, we came to a consensus that a portion of the property would be used to set up a fund specifically to help family members in distress, such as the third aunt's treatment expenses.

Although this incident was full of controversy and contradictions at first, it eventually became an opportunity for communication and understanding between us.

I've realized that no matter how many internal conflicts the family faces, as long as we're willing to sit down and open our hearts to each other's voices, we can always find a way to solve it.

As a result, family relationships have been repaired and deepened like never before, and we have learned that only through frank dialogue and mutual understanding can we resolve misunderstandings and estrangements between each other.

This story is purely fictional, the names and events in the story are fictional, and the purpose of using place names is only for the purpose of describing the plot and making it easy to read and understand.