
Coriander can't be eaten casually? Doctors have advised many times: people with sensitive skin, these things must be controlled!

author:Director Xu Health said

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"Who would have thought that the coriander I love so much would become a forbidden fruit that I can't touch!" Xiang Wanzhen looked helplessly at the coriander-free lunch box in front of her, and her heart was mixed. Xiang Wanzhen, a 29-year-old graphic designer, is passionate and creative about life. However, life presented her with a particular challenge: she was allergic to many things, including her favorite food of coriander.

An allergy to coriander is medically known as a food-specific allergy, a condition in which the immune system mistakenly perceives certain components of a food as harmful and activates the body's defense mechanisms to release chemicals that trigger inflammation and other allergy symptoms.

Coriander can't be eaten casually? Doctors have advised many times: people with sensitive skin, these things must be controlled!

The terpenes and polyphenolic compounds found in coriander, while beneficial to most people, may be a trigger for allergic reactions in some people. For Xiang Wanzhen, coriander causes not only rashes and itching on the skin, but also indigestion and occasional headaches. This reaction forced her to give up some of her favorite foods, including coriander.

The essence of allergies is actually an immune response, when the body comes into contact with proteins that it considers to be "enemies", it produces antibodies to attack these proteins, resulting in a range of allergy symptoms.

Coriander can't be eaten casually? Doctors have advised many times: people with sensitive skin, these things must be controlled!

A key strategy for managing food allergies is to avoid ingesting allergens. For people like Xiang Wanzhen who are allergic to coriander, this means reading ingredient labels carefully when buying food, and asking if it contains coriander or its related ingredients when eating out.

It's also important to understand cross-reactivity, as certain plants that are biologically similar to coriander, such as celery or coriander, can also trigger allergic reactions.

Coriander can't be eaten casually? Doctors have advised many times: people with sensitive skin, these things must be controlled!

In addition to avoiding exposure to allergens, Xiang Wanzhen also needs to maintain a strong immune system. A balanced diet, adequate rest, and proper exercise can help her body better manage possible allergic reactions. Adequate intake of vitamins C and E helps to boost the function of the immune system and acts as antioxidants against free radicals produced by allergic reactions.

People with allergic skin should also take care of their skin and avoid cosmetics and skincare products that can cause irritation. Using gentle, fragrance-free cleansing and skincare products can reduce skin irritation and discomfort.

Coriander can't be eaten casually? Doctors have advised many times: people with sensitive skin, these things must be controlled!

In her daily life, Xiang Wanzhen has also learned to use some natural anti-inflammatory products, such as skincare products containing calendula or chamomile, which can help relieve the symptoms of skin allergies.

In addition to avoiding foods such as coriander, which can trigger allergic reactions, doctors have repeatedly advised that there are three substances that people with sensitive skin must strictly control: milk, shellfish, and processed foods rich in additives. Not only can these foods and substances trigger food allergic reactions, but they can also lead to exacerbated skin problems, such as eczema and rashes.

Coriander can't be eaten casually? Doctors have advised many times: people with sensitive skin, these things must be controlled!

Milk is an integral part of many people's daily diet, but for those with sensitive skin, certain proteins in milk can become allergens. In particular, lactose and casein, which are difficult to completely break down in some people's bodies, can trigger a variety of reactions, including skin allergies.

People with allergic skin may find that their skin condition is erythema, itching, or peeling if they continue to consume milk. In addition, milk may worsen pre-existing inflammatory conditions, such as eczema, which may be exacerbated by milk intake.

Coriander can't be eaten casually? Doctors have advised many times: people with sensitive skin, these things must be controlled!

Shellfish such as shrimp and crab are often a common cause of allergic reactions. These seafood contain an ingredient called chitosan, which can trigger an overreaction of the immune system in some people.

When a person with sensitive skin ingests shellfish, their immune system may mistakenly identify these proteins as harmful substances, triggering systemic or localized allergic reactions, including rashes, itching, or swelling of the skin.

Coriander can't be eaten casually? Doctors have advised many times: people with sensitive skin, these things must be controlled!

Processed foods rich in additives are also something to avoid for those with sensitive skin. These foods often contain high amounts of preservatives, pigments, and chemicals such as MSG, which can cause an inflammatory response in the consumer's body, especially in people with skin sensitivities.

For people with sensitive skin like Xiang Wanzhen, it is especially important to adjust their eating habits reasonably and choose fresh, natural ingredients. She is advised to minimize the intake of these high-risk foods in her daily life and increase anti-inflammatory foods such as green leafy vegetables and fish rich in Omega-3 fatty acids to help reduce inflammation levels in the body and improve the health of the skin.

Coriander can't be eaten casually? Doctors have advised many times: people with sensitive skin, these things must be controlled!

As the first line of defense of the human body, the health status of the skin directly affects the overall health of the person. Sensitive skin, in particular, requires gentle yet effective care to reduce irritation and prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions.

Xiang Wanzhen recently replaced her skin care products with hypoallergenic ones, you know, the ones that don't add irritating ingredients like fragrance and alcohol. She also pays attention to moisturizing, and always uses skin care products that have a good moisturizing effect, because keeping her skin hydrated can help her avoid itching and erythema caused by dry skin, which is a savior for sensitive skin!

Coriander can't be eaten casually? Doctors have advised many times: people with sensitive skin, these things must be controlled!

She also learned a lot of clever skin care tips, such as never washing her face with too hot water, as it can easily damage the skin's natural protective layer, making it more sensitive and more prone to dryness.

She also doesn't use that kind of rough towel, or rub her face vigorously to avoid additional damage to her skin. What's more, she chooses cosmetics very carefully, always picking those labeled "non-clogging pores" or "oil-free" to make sure that the things she uses will not make her skin uncomfortable.

Coriander can't be eaten casually? Doctors have advised many times: people with sensitive skin, these things must be controlled!

She began experimenting with managing stress through meditation, yoga, and other relaxation techniques. These activities have helped her stay calm and reduce stress-induced skin problems such as stress eczema.

Xiang Wanzhen's life and work have improved because of her health and lifestyle changes. Not only did she learn how to manage her skin condition, but she also used her experience to help those around her realize the close relationship between lifestyle and health.

Coriander can't be eaten casually? Doctors have advised many times: people with sensitive skin, these things must be controlled!

It's not just an investment in one's health, it's an improvement in the overall quality of life. For all those experiencing similar challenges, Xiang Wanzhen's story offers a positive and viable solution, showing that through lifestyle changes, everyone can achieve a healthier and more satisfying life. (All names have been changed)

What do you think about skin sensitivity? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

[1] Liu Wanwen. Expression and significance of GLUD1 in malignant melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancer, Chinese Journal of Integrative Dermatology and Venereology, 2024-04-30

Coriander can't be eaten casually? Doctors have advised many times: people with sensitive skin, these things must be controlled!
Coriander can't be eaten casually? Doctors have advised many times: people with sensitive skin, these things must be controlled!