
How to quickly pull the atmosphere at the annual meeting? Hi Live Interactive System: Try these raffle games

author:Hi live large-screen interaction
How to quickly pull the atmosphere at the annual meeting? Hi Live Interactive System: Try these raffle games

When it comes to the annual meeting, there is no escape from the lottery and the game link, which is an indispensable highlight of the annual meeting, and the traditional lottery game is far from satisfying the people who love to play now. In recent years, there has been a rise in the use of large-screen interactive software to compete and draw, and everyone present participates together, the scene can be quite spectacular, and the audience is overturned! However, there are many types of software in the market, and they are all updated quickly, so it is necessary to ensure the playability and attractiveness of the software when choosing, as well as the stability of the software. Xiaobian recommends some of the better ones you have used, I hope to give you some help!

How to quickly pull the atmosphere at the annual meeting? Hi Live Interactive System: Try these raffle games

Traditional Gameplay:

1. Stories (or words, poems) solitaire

Tools: 无

Participants: Collective

Game rules: This game is to start by one person to say an idiom, and then the rest of the people will continue in order, note: the first word of the idiom received by each solitaire must be the last word of the previous person, which can be replaced by homophony. When it is the turn of a solitaire and the solitaire is unable to pick it up, the host can give them a certain punishment (they can perform a show or imitate an action).

2. Top Balloon Competition

Props: 1 balloon, 1 rope

Participants: Two groups (usually 3 to 7 people per group)

Rules of the game: Before the game starts, the rope is pulled along the middle of the court (like a tennis net), and then the two sides line up with the ball overhead, which side lands first loses, and the two sides take turns to serve. Demonstrate the ability to cooperate and compete. (Note that you can only use the head, not other parts of the body)

3. Crowded buses

Summary: A relay race in which three newspapers are taped together into a round paper tube, and the runners enter the round paper tube to run to the target and then turn it back.


1. All staff are divided into several teams.

2. According to the order, several team members run into the paper tube (the number of people is not limited)

3. Run to the target and then turn back, and hand the paper tube to the next group.

4. If the newspaper is broken, the person inside the carton should repair it with tape on the spot.

5. The group that all employees complete the fastest wins.

Fourth, heart to heart, I will guess better than you

Props: Game titles (can be performable idioms or words)

Participants: Two-person group, multiple groups can participate

Game rules: A group of two people who start the game must first face each other (one person is the performance planner, one is the guesser), and then the host will write the idiom or word to be performed on a piece of paper, so that the performer can do it for the guesser, when the performer finishes the performance, the guesser can guess the idiom or word of the action made by the performer, it is considered to be passed.

At present, it is more creative and suitable for more than 10,000 people to play interactive gameplay:

Shake it up for interaction

Shake Shake Interactive was first developed in the hi scene and quickly swept the major events across the country, when all the users at the same time frantically shook the mobile phone, the atmosphere instantly ignited. Support a variety of activities: tug-of-war, racing, dragon boat racing, yacht racing, etc. The elements are all customizable, and the infinite change of surprises and the atmosphere of the scene is a must-have part of the event.

How to quickly pull the atmosphere at the annual meeting? Hi Live Interactive System: Try these raffle games

Answer the quiz

The answering test is very suitable for interspersing in the middle of the meeting, and the answer can be used to PK on-site knowledge and skills; Flexible question bank configuration, exciting new ways to answer questions on the spot, and custom settings of question answers make the activity more creative and more entertaining.

How to quickly pull the atmosphere at the annual meeting? Hi Live Interactive System: Try these raffle games

Blind box draw

The blind box lottery is an online activity on an e-commerce platform, usually launched by the platform and the brand in cooperation. In the blind box lottery, users need to buy a blind box with relatively low pricing and no specific internal content on the outside, which will randomly contain some products or coupons and other rewards. Users can only learn about the rewards they have obtained by opening the blind box, which increases the fun and anticipation of the lottery. In addition to satisfying users' curiosity and desire to collect, the blind box lottery can also promote consumers' attention and willingness to consume brands, and can also help brands create unique marketing strategies and images.

How to quickly pull the atmosphere at the annual meeting? Hi Live Interactive System: Try these raffle games

Picture draw

Directly draw user photos, which photo is drawn, the corresponding user will win the prize, all the photos uploaded by users on the scene form a photo wall, unique photos (beautiful photos) lottery, bid farewell to the traditional mode of drawing WeChat avatars, make the on-site activities more fresh, especially suitable for activities that need to be dressed up, such as: corporate annual meeting, anniversary celebration staff photo upload for lottery. Upload everyone's childhood photos for the raffle, which makes the raffle even more mysterious. Use your brains to discover more interesting photo lotteries; The extraction effect is cool, the technology elements are full, and the picture content is richer.

How to quickly pull the atmosphere at the annual meeting? Hi Live Interactive System: Try these raffle games

Big Wheel Draw

This kind of lottery form must be familiar to everyone, but the difference with the actual lottery is that it is a large-screen interactive lottery activity, no need to prepare props in advance, and the background can be directly set up for display, or the original taste, but it is a more trendy way.

Employees scan the code to enter the lottery, click on the space box to draw, and the lottery results can also be exported with one click, saving a lot of troubles. Think about how troublesome it would be if you had to prepare a physical carousel to move to the annual meeting venue, and if the award was wrong and could not be modified immediately, and how troublesome it would be to move it into the warehouse after the annual meeting.

How to quickly pull the atmosphere at the annual meeting? Hi Live Interactive System: Try these raffle games

Red envelope rain

I believe that no matter where you are, as long as you say the word red envelope in the event, you can basically attract the attention of many audiences. After entering the organizer's platform by scanning the code through WeChat, the red envelope is shaken on the spot, and the red envelope on the big screen falls from top to bottom like rain, and all participants have the opportunity to get the red envelope. Red envelope rain can be said to be the most interactive large-screen interactive game on the scene, as long as there are activities where people exist, this game is the first choice for interaction, and it is definitely an artifact-like existence.

How to quickly pull the atmosphere at the annual meeting? Hi Live Interactive System: Try these raffle games

Barrage on the wall interaction

Interactive games must be the most important part of the audience to participate in, but what kind of games can not only mobilize everyone's enthusiasm, but also allow everyone to participate? Usually because of the size of the stage or the time of the event, the interactive game on stage does not allow everyone to participate, and it is a bit of a sense of powerlessness that is difficult for a clever woman to cook. Then WeChat wall interaction can definitely meet all your requirements.

This product can be said to be the earliest interactive game born, the participants on the scene pay attention to the official account platform and send the desired text, pictures, and videos directly to the platform, and the large screen will display the sender's WeChat avatar, nickname, and send content in order of priority, and finally if there are other links on the platform, participants can join directly, this form is throughout the entire event, it can be said that "a deep sea into the platform, all links can be hi".

How to quickly pull the atmosphere at the annual meeting? Hi Live Interactive System: Try these raffle games

3D Draw

The 3D lottery is a very cool and atmospheric way to win the WeChat lottery for live activities. On the big screen, the user's avatar is composed of various 3D graphics, constantly changing, and the avatar of the lucky user keeps flying out of the 3D graphics, and finally draws out the winning user. Generate a logo or company name through the 3D check-in function, and display the graphic logo composed of the user's avatar before the lottery starts. If the prize is sponsored by a sponsor, then the sponsor's logo or name can be displayed here to achieve a very good acknowledgment effect.

How to quickly pull the atmosphere at the annual meeting? Hi Live Interactive System: Try these raffle games

WeChat 3D check-in

WeChat 3D sign-in is a new type of sign-in product developed by hi on-site interaction on the basis of the original sign-in wall, and the screen effect is cooler and the animation effect is better. When the user enters the venue, scan the sign-in QR code to complete the sign-in, and after the sign-in is completed, it can be automatically spelled into a 3D graphic or the company's logo or slogan.

How to quickly pull the atmosphere at the annual meeting? Hi Live Interactive System: Try these raffle games

How to make these big screen live interactive mini-games for free?

Hi live platform can make these small games for free, Hi live is a simple, free, fun live interactive large screen production tool developed by Beijing Zhongwang Brahma Interactive Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd., in the market of similar products, has been ranked first in the Baidu index for several consecutive years, serving 300,000 activities every year, and more than 100 million people around the world have participated in Hi live activities. In addition to the above kinds of fun games, there are many more on the hi site, and interested friends can go to the official website of hi site to see it by themselves!

How to quickly pull the atmosphere at the annual meeting? Hi Live Interactive System: Try these raffle games

Let's take 3D sign-in as an example to demonstrate the production process:

Welcome to Hi site.

Follow the process to create a new event

How to quickly pull the atmosphere at the annual meeting? Hi Live Interactive System: Try these raffle games

1. Function description

Participants scan the QR code on WeChat, and after completing the check-in, the avatar will be displayed on the big screen, arranged and displayed or formed into a graphic

2. Function settings

  1. Go to the interactive function settings and select "Check-in Wall" to set the relevant settings
How to quickly pull the atmosphere at the annual meeting? Hi Live Interactive System: Try these raffle games

2.3D basic settings of the sign-in wall: avatar, avatar form, and whether to display the number of sign-ins

How to quickly pull the atmosphere at the annual meeting? Hi Live Interactive System: Try these raffle games
  1. 3D effect settings
How to quickly pull the atmosphere at the annual meeting? Hi Live Interactive System: Try these raffle games

1) Custom logo: Click Edit, upload a custom logo graphic, and manually adjust the effect to achieve the best effect

How to quickly pull the atmosphere at the annual meeting? Hi Live Interactive System: Try these raffle games

2) 3D Graphics Transformation: Click "+" to add graphics

How to quickly pull the atmosphere at the annual meeting? Hi Live Interactive System: Try these raffle games

3) Background Effects & Custom Music

How to quickly pull the atmosphere at the annual meeting? Hi Live Interactive System: Try these raffle games

3. Effect display

Click "View 3D Sign-in Wall Screen" to preview the effect

How to quickly pull the atmosphere at the annual meeting? Hi Live Interactive System: Try these raffle games

(Custom logo)

How to quickly pull the atmosphere at the annual meeting? Hi Live Interactive System: Try these raffle games


How to quickly pull the atmosphere at the annual meeting? Hi Live Interactive System: Try these raffle games

(Rotating Cylinder)

How to quickly pull the atmosphere at the annual meeting? Hi Live Interactive System: Try these raffle games

(Spiral Ribbon)

How to quickly pull the atmosphere at the annual meeting? Hi Live Interactive System: Try these raffle games

(3D Rubik's Cube)

How to quickly pull the atmosphere at the annual meeting? Hi Live Interactive System: Try these raffle games

(Cubic Rectangle)

How to quickly pull the atmosphere at the annual meeting? Hi Live Interactive System: Try these raffle games

(Time Tunnel)

How to quickly pull the atmosphere at the annual meeting? Hi Live Interactive System: Try these raffle games


The background image is limited to 5M,The video is limited to 50M,Please open the browser before uploading to test whether it can be played normally,The browser plays normally and then uploads and uses,When using the background video,You can separate the background sound effect of the video and upload it to the background sound effect,So that there is a sound effect when the video is played。 It is not necessary to display the logo in the background settings, and if the display logo is not set, it will not appear in the screen effect. When customizing graphics, you can choose the sharpness, the higher the definition, the richer the details, but correspondingly, the higher the computer configuration; If you find that you compare cards when you open the 3D check-in page, you can turn down the sharpness of the resulting custom graphics.

How to quickly pull the atmosphere at the annual meeting? Hi Live Interactive System: Try these raffle games

frequently asked questions

1: Do I need staff to help me sign in on the 3D check-in wall?

Answer: No, the 3D sign-in wall is for guests to scan the code to sign in, and a staff member can count the sign-in data in the background.

2: Do you want to make the shape of the 3D check-in wall avatar by yourself?

Answer: No, the three-dimensional image composed of the avatar is automatically formed in the background of the 3D sign-in wall.

3: Is 3D check-in wall data available?

Answer: After the event, you can export it in the background of the micro site.

How to quickly pull the atmosphere at the annual meeting? Hi Live Interactive System: Try these raffle games

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