
Celebrating July 1st and Ode to the Party's Grace - The Party Branch of Taoyuan County Teachers' Training School carried out a series of themed Party Day activities

author:New fingertips

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, enhance the concept of party spirit of party members, and give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, on July 2, all party members of the party branch of Taoyuan County Teacher Training School carried out a series of theme activities in Saiyang Village, Shaping Town, Taoyuan County, a demonstration site of clean culture.

Celebrating July 1st and Ode to the Party's Grace - The Party Branch of Taoyuan County Teachers' Training School carried out a series of themed Party Day activities

During the activity, Huang Xianli, secretary of the general party branch of the school, gave the "July 1st" special party class for all party members, summarized the work of the school in the first half of the year, affirmed the work style of all party members in their respective positions in the past six months, and put forward new requirements for the future branch work.

Celebrating July 1st and Ode to the Party's Grace - The Party Branch of Taoyuan County Teachers' Training School carried out a series of themed Party Day activities

After the end of the party class, all party members and branches carried out a concentrated study of the "Regulations", and the party members carried out in-depth discussions in combination with their personal work practices. Under the leadership of Li Huachu, secretary of the teacher training branch, all party members reviewed the oath of joining the party, purified the thoughts of party members, enhanced the sense of party spirit, and stimulated a sense of responsibility and mission.

Finally, all party members went to Saiyang Village, Shaping Town, Taoyuan County, a demonstration site of integrity culture, to visit and study, through field visits, holding red song singing competitions and interesting team building, so that the majority of party members can internalize in their hearts and externalize in their actions, enhance the consciousness of integrity and self-discipline, enhance the self-confidence and sense of honor of party members, and further promote the construction of school integrity culture.

Through this activity, the work enthusiasm of all party members has been improved, the advanced nature of party members has been maintained and carried forward, the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the school's party organization have been further enhanced, and the in-depth development of the construction of a clean school and the construction of teacher ethics and style of teaching has been promoted. All party members will continue to take practical actions to strengthen the education and management of party members, and promote the party building work of the school to a new level.

Source: Fingertip News

Author: Wang Fang

Editor: Qiu Qi

Celebrating July 1st and Ode to the Party's Grace - The Party Branch of Taoyuan County Teachers' Training School carried out a series of themed Party Day activities

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