
The 12th Detachment of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Army (87) conquered Zhaoyuan County, and the Third Route Army entered the Soviet Union one after another to recuperate

author:Guarding the terracotta

The 6th Detachment of the Third Route Army of the Anti-Japanese Federation, which was active in the Baiquan, Mingshui, Hailun, and Suileng areas, under the leadership of detachment leader Zhang Guangdi and political commissar Yu Tianfang, persisted in carrying out guerrilla warfare in small groups on the plains. On April 28, the 6th detachment attacked the headquarters of the Japanese immigrant regiment in Suileng Ruisui Village, killing and wounding more than 20 enemies, capturing 20 rifles, 1 portable machine gun, more than 7,000 rounds of ammunition and many clothing and cloth; On May 20, he attacked the enemy at Shenglang Station in the east of Tieli, occupied the station, captured 5 railway policemen, and seized 5 rifles and 8,000 yuan of counterfeit currency. On June 1, Gao Jixian led 43 soldiers of the 6th detachment to attack the Japanese garrison and puppet police forces at night in a village in the northeast of Tieli, killing more than 70 enemies and capturing 1 light machine gun and 15 rifles. The 6th detachment also defeated the puppet Hailun police guerrilla brigade in Gaoxian Village, Wangkui County, and captured Wang Yuxi, the captain of the enemy brigade.

In September, Zhang Shouhou, commander-in-chief of the Third Route Army, went to Nanbeihe in Tongbei County to convene a meeting of cadres of the Sixth Detachment to discuss plans for carrying out guerrilla activities in eight counties: Hailun, Suihua, Lanxi, Qinggang, Mingshui, Baiquan, Hulan, and Tongbei. The 6th detachment then returned to Helen and began to collect supplies and supplies for the winter. On September 12, the 6th detachment went out of the secret camp to the side of the mountain and encountered the enemy. After half an hour of fighting, the enemy was defeated and retreated, and the 6th detachment retreated to the secret camp. On the 16th, the 6th detachment attacked the Goryeo shack near Zhangjiawan and obtained a tent for 5 people and several buckets of supplies. On the 17th, they arrived at the residence of Kim Ce, secretary of the North Manchurian Provincial Party Committee, to negotiate and convey the work instructions of the General Headquarters to the 6th detachment. With the participation and guidance of Kim Chae, the 6th Detachment immediately convened a joint military-political meeting to discuss and implement the supplementary opinions of the General Headquarters on the summary of the 6th Detachment's guerrilla warfare on the plains, rear work, and military activities, and expressed its complete agreement with the instructions and opinions of the General Headquarters, pointing out that the political influence of the 6th Detachment has expanded and it has established very good relations with the masses, but it also pointed out the shortcomings that exist, such as the failure to reach the original base areas during the flooding season of the river, and the insufficient development of party and government work and detective work. Soon after, the 6th detachment marched south to Qing (An), Sui (Hua) and other counties, where it took a month to collect and distribute grain three times, "because of the poverty of the people's households, they did not get a lot of grain", but in addition to the front for their own use, "all the money was handed over to the rear, and the rear did not have food before the year." Other clothing, shoes, socks, and cotton hats were prepared, and the troops carried out guerrilla operations in small groups with Qing'an and Dongxing as the rear.

In the winter of this year, the Japanese puppet army stepped up the "encirclement and suppression" of the 6th detachment, and the anti-union contingent was greatly reduced, and its activities were very difficult, so they were forced to move to the mountains and forests of the Qing'an area to deal with the enemy. At the end of that year, the 6th detachment learned that there was a Japanese survey team on the banks of the Dayimi River in Dongshan, Suihua, and decided to carry out a surprise attack on it. Gao Jixian, deputy head of the detachment, selected 20 key members in the team and set off at 9 p.m. when he met Chinese laborers on the way and learned that the enemy situation had changed. It turned out that at 6 o'clock that night, more than 70 Japanese soldiers and more than 100 puppet soldiers arrived and stationed there. Gao Jixian decisively decided to take advantage of the enemy's unstable foothold to carry out a surprise attack. Therefore, the team advanced to the predetermined target in three groups, and when they reached the vicinity of the three tents where the enemy was camping, the rifles and machine guns of the raiders suddenly opened fire at the enemy. The enemy was caught off guard, and the ghost cried wolf. Squad leader Wang Yufa rushed to the enemy's tent, kicked the tent into a big hole, dragged out the crooked machine gun inside, and swept towards the enemy when he picked it up, causing the enemy to suffer heavy casualties. In addition to the escaped puppet army, 8 puppet soldiers were captured. Gao Jixian learned from the prisoners that the tent they attacked was a puppet army, and the Japanese army was still in two tents not far from here, with a total of 86 people. When the puppet army was raided, the Japanese army did not know the situation and did not dare to rush out. Gao Jixian believes that there are 4 anti-United Nations machine guns, with strong firepower, and the sky is dark, so it is easy to fight and disperse, and there is a certainty of victory. Therefore, he immediately commanded the troops to surround the Japanese tents, and concentrated their firepower to strafe fiercely, and the Japanese troops resisted desperately, crying and shouting. In this raid, 172 puppet soldiers were killed and wounded, 8 people were captured, and many Japanese soldiers were killed and wounded. The 6th detachment of the raid team lost 4 people and 4 were wounded. More than 100 rifles and more than 200 rounds of ammunition were seized.

The 9th Detachment, which had jointly attacked Keshan County with the 3rd Detachment, withdrew from the county seat immediately after the war, and after a short rest at the Nanbeihe River in Tongbei County, it continued to carry out guerrilla activities along the Beihei Line of the Nenjiang River. After the Japanese puppet army carried out the "great crusade" in autumn and winter, Bian Fengxiang, the commander of the 9th detachment, led more than 60 commanders and fighters to avoid the enemy's front, moved to the mountainous area east of Huhai Road, and relied on this, and operated in the areas of Hailun, Tongbei, Bei'an, Longzhen, Kedong, and Baiquan, constantly harassing the Japanese immigration groups, Japanese monitoring posts, and Japanese-run wood enterprises along the mountainous areas. After the winter, the 9th detachment encountered the Japanese Takeshita "crusade team", killed more than 40 enemies, and broke through the enemy's encirclement. On November 29, the 9th detachment attacked Li Dianfang and three other "group tribes" in Bei'an. As the Japanese puppet army stepped up its "crusade" in autumn and winter, 20 soldiers of the 9th detachment were sacrificed, and more than 20 recruits could not endure the hard life of the winter guerrilla war and left the unit one after another. The 9th detachment was finally transferred to the area around Tonghe and continued its guerrilla activities.

After the formation of the 12th detachment, under the leadership of the detachment leader Li Jingyin (later Dai Hongbin) and political commissar Xu Hengzhi (concurrently), it carried out activities in the Mulan and Qingcheng areas of the Longnan region, and was very active for a time. In April, political commissar Xu Hengzhi led 50 soldiers to attack the puppet police brigade in Sanhedian, Daqinggouli, Mulan County, killing more than 20 enemies, seizing more than 50 long and short guns, 3,000 rounds of ammunition, and burning down 12 houses in the puppet police station. In June and July, the 12th detachment held a cadre training class to prepare for the expedition to the south after the green yarn tent was raised.

On the issue of the guerrilla activities of the 12th detachment in the plains in the summer of 1940, Jin Ce, secretary of the North Manchurian Provincial Party Committee, and Zhang Shouwei, commander-in-chief of the Third Route Army, had different opinions. Jin Ce believed that the local organization work in the Zhaozhou area had been carried out to a certain extent, and that the local masses demanded resistance against Japan, so he decided that the 12th Detachment would go deep into the Zhaozhou, Zhaodong, and Zhaoyuan areas in the summer, and that the 6th Detachment would still carry out activities in the Wangkui, Mingshui, Qinggang, and Anda areas of the plain guerrilla area in 1939. "It was estimated that the enemy situation at the southwest foot of the Xiaoxing'an Mountains was serious, so it was decided that the 6th and 12th detachments would meet as much as possible during the guerrilla attack on the plains this summer, and go west to the areas of the West Xing'an Mountains, Zhalantun, and Jingxing, and part of them to the east. At the same time, they should decide on it according to the actual situation and the enemy's situation." Zhang Shouhou believed that it was too deep to carry out guerrilla warfare on the plains in Zhaozhou, and it would be risky to go to the Xing'an Mountains with one detachment, so he transferred the 12th detachment to the east in a hurry. "In order to respect the military system of the General Command, send people west to transfer back the 12th detachment."

During this period, the 12th detachment, led by Xu Hengzhi and Dai Hongbin, set off from the rear base of the Anbang River, passed through Bayan and Hulan counties, and then took a boat down the Hulan River, landed in Lanxi, and crossed the Binzhou railway line. At the end of August, Xu Hengzhi and others met with Xu Zemin, a member of the local party organization in Zhaozhou. In April, Xu Zemin was instructed by Feng Zhongyun and Xu Hengzhi to contact the Volunteers and other armed national salvation fighters in Zhaozhou in order to respond to the guerrilla activities carried out by the 12th Detachment in the Sanzhao area, and Xu Zemin and the 12th Detachment operated together. The 12th detachment was supposed to arrive in Zhaozhou in July, but it was a month late due to heavy rain. When the team reached the vicinity of Mangou Station, the target was exposed, and the enemy tracked and concentrated on the border of Zhaozhou County. The 12th detachment had to hide in the sorghum fields. At the beginning of September, they arrived at Fengle Town in the northeast of Zhaozhou County, and attacked the town from the east gate, killing and wounding 6 Japanese puppet personnel, capturing 2 puppet military and police officers, and seizing 27 rifles, 4 pistols, and 2,361 bullets. They also seized the fake bank and obtained 150,000 yuan in counterfeit currency, 2,000 pieces of opium, 43 watches, and one or two kilograms of gold. On the 18th, the troops planned to attack the Song Station puppet police station in Zhaodong County, but because of the traitor's informant, they were suddenly surrounded by a large number of Japanese puppet troops. During the breakout operation of the 12th detachment, the political commissar of the detachment, Xu Hengzhi, lost contact with the main force and led ten members to move in the direction of Qingcheng. The main force moved to Zhaozhou under the leadership of the head of the Dai Hongbin detachment. On the way, Dai Hongbin absconded with the money, and the team lost its commander. In late September, with the help of the local party organization, more than 70 separated team members were gathered and a meeting of party members and cadres was convened in five houses in the south of Zhaoyuan County, and it was decided that Xu Zemin would act as the head of the detachment and Han Yushu would act as the director of the political department. After the meeting, Xu Zemin led 3 team members to go out to liaise. Han Yushu led his team to encounter the Japanese army at Shijiawo Fort, north of Sanzhan Town, Zhaoyuan County, and repelled the enemy after the battle. At this time, the 12th detachment had been determined to attack Zhaoyuan County, so it hid at the junction of Zhaoyuan and Zhaozhou counties.

On October 6, 1940, the 12th detachment moved in the direction of Zhaoyuan according to the battle plan, and they advanced along the river to Lianhua Paotun. Originally, the attack was planned to be launched before dawn, but due to heavy rain, the team's movement slowed down, and it was only before dawn that they reached Aomutai, which is 9 kilometers east of Zhaoyuan County. The commander decided to camp here in seclusion and planned to return to the operation the next day. At dawn, the commander discovered that the station was low-lying and inconvenient to look at, which was unfavorable to the Anti-Japanese Union. Just after breakfast, the team members stationed in Tundong suddenly found that a Japanese army was marching towards Tunzhong. They immediately opened fire and knocked the Japanese officer down from his horse. Then, more than 100 Japanese puppet soldiers came to reinforcements in seven or eight cars. The two sides engaged in a fierce battle and could not hold each other. The battle lasted until dusk, and all the houses in the tun were destroyed. Due to the huge disparity in strength between the enemy and us, the 12th detachment suffered heavy casualties, and the team was scattered and retreated on its own. During the breakout, three commanders, including Han Yushu, Secretary of the Party Committee, Wang Diange, Captain of the 24th Brigade, and Guan Xiuyan, Captain of the 26th Brigade, died honorably. Thirteen of the 16 players who broke through were injured. Under the leadership of Zhang Ruiyan and Niu Jingfang, they retreated to a swamp with difficulty. Under the cover of Liu Fenglin, a local fisherman, they recuperated and reorganized for more than a month. Soon, the local party organizations managed to protect the wounded who had been scattered in the villages and communicated with each other. Xu Zemin, the acting head of the detachment, also mobilized young peasants to join the army through local anti-Japanese mass organizations. In this way, the 12th detachment was increased to 36 people, and the strength was strengthened. Under the leadership of Xu Zemin, the whole team continued to operate in the Sanzhao area.

In late October, the 12th detachment held a cadre meeting in a lama temple near Shijia Fanfang at the third station, and decided to unite more than 80 people from the Ai Qingshan Division of the local volunteer army to act together, and at the same time contact the newspaper office in Zhaoyuan Street, the puppet flag office, and the patriotic elements among the retired police officers to attack Zhaoyuan County.

The county seat of Zhaoyuan is the location of the puppet Golros Rear Banner Office, and there are more Japanese puppet troops stationed. However, the Japanese puppet authorities thought that the anti-union forces had been completely wiped out and that all their main forces had withdrawn. They transferred more than 200 Japanese puppet troops and armed policemen to the courtyard of the puppet flag office, and they thought that they could sit back and relax. The Japanese puppet personnel in the Sanzhao area are holding a so-called "meeting to suppress bandits and congratulate successes" in the county seat. In addition to the Japanese military counselors and instructors from Zhaoyuan, Zhaozhou, and Zhaodong counties, the puppet Binjiang Province, the Harbin Fourth Military Administrative Region, and the Railway Bureau also sent representatives to attend the meeting.

On November 6, more than 80 people from the 12th detachment and the Ai Qingshan Division of the Volunteer Army marched overnight to Da Lagatun before dawn, and at 11 o'clock in the evening of the 8th, they marched to the vicinity of the county seat in the face of a biting cold wind. He further briefed the commander of the detachment on the enemy situation in the city, and after the commander once again examined and approved the battle plan, he began to move, dividing his troops from the southwest corner of the county town and entering the city, and smashing the puppet flag office. When the enemy sentry found out about the situation and was about to call the police, he was tied up by the stormtroopers and forced the pseudo-police to disarm. Subsequently, the anti-United Nations fighters opened the warehouse and quickly transported all kinds of weapons, ammunition and military supplies; He also opened the prison and released more than 100 people who had been imprisoned by the Japanese puppeteers. In this battle, a total of 9 Japanese puppet policemen below the head of the Japanese police unit were killed, 116 armed military policemen were captured, 5 light machine guns, 3 82 mortars, more than 300 long and short guns, more than 20,000 rounds of ammunition, 12,000 yuan of counterfeit currency, more than 70 war horses, more than 100 military blankets, 59 sets of puppet police uniforms, and many other military food and supplies were seized, and a total of one car and two rubber-wheeled carriages were filled.

Early the next morning, the streets of Zhaoyuan County were full of people, all of them beaming, celebrating the victory of the Anti-Japanese Federation. At 7 o'clock, the 12th detachment held a mass meeting in the cross street, distributed anti-Japanese leaflets to them, and gave speeches to expose the lie that the anti-Japanese contingent had been completely annihilated. More than 100 young people immediately joined the anti-union team. In this way, the 12th detachment had more than 140 cavalry members and more than 30 infantry troops, all dressed in brand-new clothes and large guns, each carrying two bags of ammunition and a war horse. After the meeting, the 12th detachment took the captured booty, sang songs, and majestically evacuated the county seat of Zhaoyuan. The battle to attack the county seat of Zhaoyuan was carried out under the condition that the Japanese puppet authorities thought that their rule had been quite consolidated, and it was a battle in which the Third Route Army of the Anti-Japanese Union entered a period of extremely arduous struggle and attacked the county seat after attacking Nehe and Keshan. This victory encouraged the anti-Japanese enthusiasm of the people of North Manchuria. Afterwards, the enemy said in the "bandit report": "Xu Zemin, the leader of the 12th detachment of the Northwest Temporary Headquarters of the Third Route Army of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, led more than 60 bandits, gathered more than 120 bandits in the vicinity, and in order to supplement the shortage of weapons and ammunition, plundered materials, and suddenly attacked Zhaoyuan County at 23:30 on November 8, repelling and disarming 116 of our military and police. The report called the anti-coalition siege force "swift in action" and "clever in tactics," admitting that the pseudo-garrison was "weak and bound to fail."

After attacking Zhaoyuan County, the 12th detachment took the initiative to attack continuously. On November 9, during the attack on Toutai Town, the 12th detachment burned down a puppet police station and disarmed 15 puppet policemen. That night, the troops reorganized their ranks at Yangmuwobao and organized them into three brigades, totaling more than 170 people. At noon on the 10th, the 12th detachment had an encounter with the Japanese puppet "crusade team", and during the battle, the newly formed 3rd Brigade Ai Qingshan Division lost contact with the detachment, and on the 18th, it joined the Ai Qingshan Division in Xiyang District, Zhaozhou. After that, the 12th detachment moved to the Sanzhao area, fought forty or fifty battles with the Japanese puppet army, conquered Toutai Town, Sanzhan Town, Tuogu, Gulong and other Japanese puppet strongholds, and also attacked Gulu Station Town, Anda Xingshugang Japanese Pioneer Group, Tailai County Wukeshu Town, Kangzuolin and other more than ten towns, the team has grown to more than 200 people. The Japanese puppet report said: "Since the attack by the 12th Detachment of the Third Route Army of the Anti-Japanese Union on November 8, the actions of the bandits in the southwest of Binjiang Province have become more active, and in about 10 days, there have been 12 incidents of attack and victimization. After the activities of the 12th detachment in the Sanzhao area spread, more than 80 soldiers of the Harbin Wanggang Puppet Flying Brigade were influenced by it and held an anti-Japanese and anti-Manchurian riot.

In December of this year, the Japanese puppet Binjiang Province regarded the three counties and one banner of Zhaodong, Zhaozhou, Anda, and Guoerlus Houqi (Zhaoyuan) as the key areas of "public security and rectification", formulated the "Winter Sanzhao Area Public Security and Rectification Plan", and formed a "Public Security Work Guidance Department" with the Fourth Military Administrative Region as the mainstay, with the participation of the puppet Ministry of Public Security, the puppet Binjiang Provincial Police Department, and the puppet officials of the Concord Guidance Section, and dispatched the Japanese army's Zi'an Force, the puppet army Liu Xing's troops, the puppet police team, and the puppet Xuanfu Working Committee to form a "crusade team" to thoroughly "crusade" against the Anti-Japanese Federation. They also carried out mass arrests and massacres of the anti-Japanese masses, creating a horrific "three-fault tragedy" and destroying underground party organizations. The area where the 12th detachment is located is surrounded by the Nenjiang River in the west, the Songhua River in the south, the Hulan River in the east, and the enemy's heavily defended Eastern Railway in the north. According to the instructions of Zhang Shouhou, commander-in-chief of the Third Route Army, the 12th detachment moved to Hulan, Shuangcheng and other places, returned to Qingcheng and the upper reaches of the Anbang River in Tieli Nanshan, and continued to persist in the struggle under the leadership of Jin Ce, secretary of the North Manchurian Provincial Party Committee, and Xu Hengzhi, chief of the general staff of the Third Route Army of the Anti-Japanese Alliance.

The year 1940 was the most difficult year for the anti-Japanese guerrilla war in Northeast China. However, under the command of the North Manchurian Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and the commander-in-chief Zhang Shouhou, all the officers and men of the Third Route Army persisted in fighting despite the strong enemy. The 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th detachments are active in 18 counties of Heilongjiang Province based on the mountainous areas east of Chaoyang Mountain and Suihua. In this vast area, the Third Route Army extensively waged guerrilla warfare in the Heinen Plain under the frenzied "crusade" and "sweep" of the Japanese puppet army. According to incomplete statistics, during the one-year guerrilla war, the detachments adopted flexible and mobile guerrilla tactics and successively attacked some central towns, such as Keshan, Laha, Nenan, Tongkuan, Nehe, and Zhaoyuan, successively attacked more than 30 places such as "group tribes," puppet police stations, and Japanese pioneer regiments, raided the Japanese puppet army more than 20 times, and seized a large number of guns, ammunition, and other materials.

In the guerrilla warfare of 1940, the Third Route Army won the support and support of the broad masses because of its strict discipline and attention to safeguarding the interests of the masses. After the beginning of winter, due to difficult conditions, the detachments suffered setbacks, but in this area, the political influence of the party and the Anti-Japanese Federation was expanded, and the belief and hope of the masses of the people in the victory of the anti-Japanese struggle were strengthened. While leading the troops in battle, Zhang Shouhou, commander-in-chief of the Third Route Army, successively wrote the "Commemorative Song for the Founding of the Third Route Army" and the "Ten Songs for the Soldiers of the Third Route Army of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Army," which played a very good role in boosting the morale of the troops and strengthening organizational discipline.

The detachments of the Third Route Army achieved considerable results in guerrilla warfare on the plains in 1940. In late October of that year, Yu Tianfang, political commissar of the 6th Detachment, summed up the experience of guerrilla warfare on the plains throughout the year, and talked freely about the importance and role of guerrilla warfare on the plains. He believes that: 1. Since the Northeast Anti-Japanese Forces suffered serious losses in 1938, most of the troops have been fighting guerrillas in the unpopulated mountainous areas, forming a state of desperation and a state of eating and sleeping. When the contingent is separated from the masses, it will never develop if it has only the opportunity to reduce its numbers and increase its losses. In order to accumulate strength and preserve and expand new forces, the Anti-Japanese Union had no choice but to carry out the guerrilla plan on the plains. 2. Due to the so-called "separation of bandits and people" policy implemented by the Japanese invaders, the political influence of the Anti-Japanese Federation and the righteous and bright cause of national salvation were wiped out. In order to expand the influence of the Anti-Japanese Union, the only way to carry out guerrilla activities was to go to the plains. 3. The Anti-Japanese Union is an anti-Japanese group of the broad masses of the people, and it cannot exist without the people. The people are the living fortress of the anti-coalition army, and if it can win the support of the people, it will surely develop and win, otherwise it will be opposed and defeated. Through guerrilla warfare on the plains, the Anti-Japanese Union was with the masses and won the support of the masses. 4. The guerrillas on the plains penetrated deep into the enemy's hinterland, supported the national war of resistance, and pinned down the enemy's forces. Taking the 6th detachment as an example, a small force of less than 50 people actually pinned down hundreds to 1,000 Japanese puppet troops. The Japanese puppet authorities mobilized troops from more than 10 counties to deal with the 6th Detachment of the Anti-Japanese Union, and even had to transfer the troops guarding along the mountains to the plains, thus dispersing the enemy's forces and making the enemy's weakness of insufficient troops even more prominent.

Zhang Shouhou, commander-in-chief of the Third Route Army, said in his "Report on the Work of 1940" about the achievements of guerrilla warfare on the plains in that year: 1. There has been some progress in the collective and unification of the command organs, and in the consolidation of the existing armed forces, progress has been made in the transformation and training of cadres. We have quite corrected our mistake of "reconciling old cadres and hesitating to promote new cadres," and have conscientiously re-elected some old cadres and promoted some new heroic young cadres. In the ranks of the Party, a campaign to register Party members was launched, a number of impostor Party members and elements with dangerous tendencies were purged out of the Party, and work began to be carried out under the basic principle of building the Party. Progress has been made on the question of the regular organizational life of the Party, and self-criticism within the Party has begun in earnest, and almost all the Party branches of the team have discussed the Party Constitution, the Party Program, and Mao Zedong's exposition on the new stage. There has been a lot of progress in the party's spirit of study and in the role of party members as exemplary backbones. The prestige of party members among the masses has increased. The Soldiers' Committee, the democratic organization of the team members, also met frequently, which inspired the enthusiasm of the team members to learn and their interest in mass work and shooting skills. This is all a manifestation of concrete progress, eliminating incidents in which the team members fled in groups. Although some forces were lost, they were soon replenished with new ones. 2. The Anti-United Nations has achieved some military victories. Because the military and political cadres of the detachments and many combatants with a long history always maintained their spiritual superiority and the enemy's entire rule constantly revealed weak links and empty parts, the blow dealt to the enemy in 1940 hit the enemy quite at the vital point, and they successfully replenished their weapons, ammunition, food, and clothing. In particular, the impact of these examples of heroic struggle on the broad masses is of great significance. 3. The political influence of the Anti-Japanese Federation has won the trust of the broad masses of people in Heilongjiang Province, and a relationship of military-civilian cooperation has been initially established. Except for the traitors and lackeys, the broad masses of the people enthusiastically supported the Anti-Japanese Federation. In the summer of 1940, the Anti-Japanese Federation of Communists launched guerrilla attacks in 18 counties, and the masses in these counties were all the same, and they automatically assisted the Anti-Japanese Federation in various forms. …… During the two months of the 6th detachment alone, the masses voluntarily accepted the commission of the Anti-Japanese Federation, and 30 units carried out work for the Anti-Japanese Federation. However, those who can maintain a regular organizational relationship with the Anti-United Nations and supply them with food and clothing for a certain period of time are limited to areas such as Bohe, Keshan, and Bei'an. In other counties, there is still a temporary contact relationship. 4. In the work of dismantling the puppet Manchu army, the Anti-Japanese Union has won the general neutral attitude of the puppet Manchu army. As a result of the influence of the Anti-Japanese Federation on the puppet Manchu army and the puppet Manchu police in the past two years, such a fine situation has been created. In 1939, the Anti-Japanese Union captured about 600 puppet military police, and in 1940, 350 enemy military and police were captured. Regardless of the enemy's regiment commanders, company commanders, and puppet police chiefs, they will all be released after education. The private property of the puppet Manchu army was not confiscated, and in the summer of 1940 the puppet Manchu army did not fight seriously. But it is a pity that the Anti-Japanese Federation is not working in an organized way in the puppet Manchu army, which is really a serious phenomenon.

However, the guerrilla warfare on the plains of the Third Route Army in 1940 did not in fact make greater progress than in 1939. The General Headquarters of the Third Route Army compared the fighting situation in 1939 with the first four months of 1940, and clearly showed that the situation of the anti-Japanese armed struggle in the entire northeast was deteriorating day by day due to the extremely great disparity between the forces of the enemy and us. In this environment, in 1940, although the number of battles increased, the results of the Third Route Army were relatively reduced, and the losses greatly increased.

Comparison of the fighting of the Third Route Army in 1939 and the first four months of 1940

The 12th Detachment of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Army (87) conquered Zhaoyuan County, and the Third Route Army entered the Soviet Union one after another to recuperate