
Server Performance Testing: an introduction to popular performance monitoring tools in the industry

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What are the popular performance monitoring tools in the industry?

  • Linux 自带命令 Vmstat,Top 等
  • Nmon
  • Collectd + InfluxDB + Grafana
  • Prometheus + Grafana

An introduction to the industry's most popular performance monitoring tools

Linux 自带命令 Vmstat,Top 等

vmstat and top are both native commands of Linux systems that provide real-time monitoring information and are useful for system administrators and developers.

  • vmstat is a command-line tool that reports on the virtual memory, process, CPU, and IO status of a Linux system. It can provide real-time system monitoring information.

The vmstat command can control the frequency and verbosity of the output by specifying different parameters and time intervals. It is useful for monitoring and tuning the performance of the system.

Server Performance Testing: an introduction to popular performance monitoring tools in the industry
  • top is an interactive command-line tool for monitoring the system's processes and resource usage in real-time. It sorts processes by CPU, memory, IO, and more, and provides real-time statistics.

By using different command-line options and interactive commands, users can customize what is displayed and how they are sorted in top. Top is useful for monitoring the status of the system in real time and understanding the processes that are most resource-intensive.

Server Performance Testing: an introduction to popular performance monitoring tools in the industry


Nmon is a performance monitoring tool that collects and reports performance data for Linux systems in real-time. Nmon is a command-line tool that provides detailed information about CPU, memory, disk, network, and more.

Server Performance Testing: an introduction to popular performance monitoring tools in the industry

Here are some of the key features and capabilities of Nmon:

  1. Low system overhead: Nmon is a lightweight tool that consumes less system resources. It acquires performance data at very high sampling rates while reducing the impact on system performance.
  2. Multi-faceted metrics: Nmon can collect a wide range of metrics, including CPU usage, memory usage, disk read and write speed, network traffic, process information, and more.
  3. Real-time monitoring: Nmon operates in real-time mode and can provide real-time performance data. Its command-line interface displays a summary of current performance data, allowing administrators to view the operational status of the system at any time.
  4. Flexible Output Formats: Nmon can save performance data in different output formats, including text, spreadsheets, charts, and more. This allows administrators to analyze and visualize the data as needed.
  5. Extensibility: Nmon supports a plug-in mechanism, which can extend its functionality by loading plug-ins. There are many third-party plugins that can provide additional performance metrics and reports.

Overall, Nmon is a simple and useful performance monitoring tool for Linux systems. It provides rich performance metrics and operates in real-time mode, making it easy for administrators and developers to monitor and analyze the performance of the system.

Collectd + InfluxDB + Grafana

Collectd, InfluxDB, and Grafana are a common combination for building performance monitoring and visualization solutions. Here's a brief description of each component:

  • Collectd: Collectd is an open-source system statistics collection daemon. It regularly collects various metrics of the system, such as CPU usage, memory usage, network traffic, etc., and sends these data to InfluxDB for storage and query.
Server Performance Testing: an introduction to popular performance monitoring tools in the industry
  • InfluxDB: InfluxDB is an open-source, high-performance time series database designed to store and query time series data. It supports a highly scalable, distributed architecture and provides a powerful query language and aggregation capabilities for analyzing and monitoring time series data.
Server Performance Testing: an introduction to popular performance monitoring tools in the industry
  • Grafana: Grafana is a popular open-source data visualization and dashboard tool. It supports a variety of data sources, including InfluxDB. Grafana can connect to the InfluxDB database and use its query language and visualization capabilities to create real-time performance monitoring dashboards. Users can customize the dashboard and add a variety of charts, graphs, and alerts to showcase monitoring data.
Server Performance Testing: an introduction to popular performance monitoring tools in the industry

In summary, you can use Collectd, InfluxDB, and Grafana to build a complete performance monitoring and visualization system. Collectd collects system metric data and sends it to InfluxDB for storage. InfluxDB is capable of storing large amounts of time series data due to its high performance and scalability. Grafana then connects to InfluxDB and uses its rich visualization and query capabilities to create customized performance monitoring dashboards.

Prometheus + Grafana

Prometheus and Grafana are a pair of powerful open-source tools for building highly customizable monitoring and visualization solutions. Here's a brief description of each component:

Server Performance Testing: an introduction to popular performance monitoring tools in the industry
  1. Prometheus: Prometheus is an open-source system and service monitoring tool. It uses a multi-dimensional data model that collects and stores time series data. Prometheus has a powerful query language that allows for flexible querying and aggregation of collected data. It also provides an alarm mechanism that can trigger alarms based on defined rules.
  2. Grafana: Grafana is a popular open-source data visualization and dashboard tool. It supports a variety of data sources, including Prometheus. Grafana allows users to create custom dashboards through an intuitive interface and add charts, graphs, alerts, and more to showcase monitoring data. It provides a wealth of visualization options that give users the flexibility to present and analyze data.

Using Prometheus and Grafana, you can build a complete monitoring and visualization system. Prometheus collects, stores, and queries time series data, while Grafana creates customized monitoring dashboards by connecting to the Prometheus database and using its query language and visualization capabilities.


  • An introduction to the industry's most popular performance monitoring tools.

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Server Performance Testing: an introduction to popular performance monitoring tools in the industry

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