
The Russian army destroyed nine fighters of the Ukrainian army in one day, US media: The most expensive day in the history of the Ukrainian Air Force!

author:Taylor Tea Talk

On July 2, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that in the past 24 hours, the Russian army destroyed a total of nine Ukrainian warplanes in the air and on the ground.

The Russian army destroyed nine fighters of the Ukrainian army in one day, US media: The most expensive day in the history of the Ukrainian Air Force!

According to the latest war report released by the Russian Ministry of Defense, in the past day, in the three rounds of strikes launched by the Russian army using Iskander missiles on the Mirhorod military airfield in Poltava Oblast, a total of 5 Su-27 fighters were destroyed, and the two Su-27 fighters under repair were seriously damaged. In addition, the air defense system of the Russian army also shot down a MiG-29 and a Su-27 fighter of the Ukrainian army.

Forbes in the United States used "the most expensive day in the history of the Ukrainian Air Force" to describe the heavy losses suffered by the Ukrainian army in the past day!

The Russian missile attack lasted more than four hours, but the Ukrainian army was helpless against the Russian reconnaissance drones near the airport!

At present, more details of the Russian missile attack on the Ukrainian airfield are beginning to come to light.

First of all, the Russian drone has been tracking and reconnoitring the Mirhorod military airfield in Poltava Oblast for many days, and has been waiting for the Ukrainian fighters to land here in a concentrated manner before deciding to launch an attack to achieve better strike results.

Secondly, this missile attack by the Russian army was carried out in three phases and took more than 4 hours. After the first strike, the Russian army analyzed the real-time video information sent back by the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, and more than three hours later, launched two more missile strikes, further expanding the results of the battle.

The Russian army destroyed nine fighters of the Ukrainian army in one day, US media: The most expensive day in the history of the Ukrainian Air Force!

According to Ukrainian media, the entire course of the attack was as follows:

At 11:15, a Russian reconnaissance drone continued to reconnoiter over Mirhorod Airport for 20 minutes, during which time it transmitted relevant intelligence to the Russian command.

At 11:35, the first missile, the Iskander, flew towards the Mirhorod airfield.

At 11:40, Iskander missiles arrived at the Mirgorod airfield, and the first round of attacks ended.

About four hours later,

At 15:38, the Russian army launched a second Iskander ballistic missile from Crimea in the direction of Mirgorod.

At 15:48, ten minutes later, the Russian army again launched a third ballistic missile from Crimea in the direction of Mirgorod.

Judging from the video released by the Russian media, the four-hour air raid of the Russian army was all filmed by Russian drones.

The Russian army destroyed nine fighters of the Ukrainian army in one day, US media: The most expensive day in the history of the Ukrainian Air Force!

If the first missile attack by the Russian army on Mirhorod Airport was due to the failure of the Ukrainian army's radar system and did not capture the signal of the Russian drone, then when the second missile arrived, the Ukrainian army should know that there must be a Russian unmanned reconnaissance aircraft near the airport, and what the Ukrainian army must do at this time must be to search for and destroy the Russian drone as soon as possible.

However, the Russian drone was able to transmit back the strike process of the third Iskander ballistic missile in time, which shows that the Ukrainian army did not do such work, or that the Ukrainian army did not have the ability to find the Russian unmanned reconnaissance aircraft.

If this is the case, this shows that the Ukrainian army is not facing ordinary minor problems!

The Russian army has successively destroyed Ukrainian fighters parked at the airport, and there are major doubts about whether the Ukrainian army has the ability to ensure the safety of F16 fighters.

According to the American "Forbes" report, since last fall, the Russian army has destroyed Ukrainian fighters at the airport at least four times.

In the fall of 2023, the Russian army destroyed two MiG-29 fighters during two attacks on the airfield of the Ukrainian army.

In November 2023, the Russian army hit a fake Su-25 attack aircraft during another attack on the Ukrainian airfield.

But during the fourth air strike on the airfield of the Ukrainian army in the same month, a drone destroyed a Su-25 attack aircraft.

The most recent was the Russian attack on Mirhorod airport on July 1.

Since the beginning of this year, the Russian army has carried out a lot of air strikes on Ukrainian airfields, and the American "Forbes" obviously underestimated the number of Ukrainian fighters destroyed by the Russian army at the airport.

The Russian army destroyed nine fighters of the Ukrainian army in one day, US media: The most expensive day in the history of the Ukrainian Air Force!

Why did the Russian army destroy relatively few Ukrainian fighters at the airport in the past, but in the past year, the Russian army has destroyed more and more Ukrainian fighters at the airport?

The reason is that the reconnaissance and strike system of the Russian army has been greatly improved.

It turns out that the reconnaissance and strike system of the Russian army is relatively fragmented, and after the Russian unmanned reconnaissance aircraft obtains intelligence, it must be reviewed by the high-level command, and then the strike task will be assigned to the corresponding troops, and finally it will reach the missile or drone launch unit, which takes a very long time. Often, when the missile or drone launch unit receives the combat order, the target has moved significantly, or it is no longer in the monitoring range of the Russian army's unmanned reconnaissance. It is obvious that the original operational command system of the Russian army can no longer meet the current high-intensity operational needs on the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield.

In order to strike at the Ukrainian army's air defense system, the Hippocampus multiple launch rocket system and the aircraft parked at the airport in a more timely manner, the Russian army has greatly improved the combat command system and realized the integration of reconnaissance and strike.

The problem of intelligence decision-making, which used to take several hours or even a day to deal with, can now be solved in a matter of minutes, thus creating favorable conditions for the Russian missile and drone forces to quickly and accurately strike various military targets of the Ukrainian army.

The Russian army destroyed nine fighters of the Ukrainian army in one day, US media: The most expensive day in the history of the Ukrainian Air Force!

According to data released by the Russian Ministry of Defense, in the first two months of this year, the Russian army's rapid reconnaissance and strike system destroyed a total of 40 anti-aircraft missile launchers and more than 20 air defense radars of the Ukrainian army. It is precisely because of the large number of losses in the air defense system of the Ukrainian army that most of Ukraine is empty and defenseless, which eventually led to the destruction of most of Ukraine's energy infrastructure by various missiles of the Russian army.

In addition, the Russian army's rapid strike system has also destroyed many highly mobile Ukrainian Hippocampus multiple launch rocket systems, and in late June alone, 6 Hippocampus launch systems were destroyed by the Russian army.

The Russian army's attack on Mirhorod airport with Iskander ballistic missiles is a good example.

Russian drones found seven Su-27s parked at Mirhorod Airport, and after the intelligence was transmitted back to the command, the Russian missiles arrived at the airport in a few minutes. Even if the Su-27 wants to take off, it will take more than ten minutes to prepare, but it is clear that the reconnaissance and strike system of the Russian army will not give it a chance to take off.

In particular, the second and third attacks of the Russian Iskander missiles, with an interval of less than ten minutes, the Russian command needs to accurately judge whether it is necessary to continue to make up the knife in such a short period of time, according to the images sent back by the drones of the Russian army performing reconnaissance missions near Mirhorod Airport, which also proves the efficiency of the Russian reconnaissance and strike system from one side!

The Russian army destroyed nine fighters of the Ukrainian army in one day, US media: The most expensive day in the history of the Ukrainian Air Force!

In the past, the Ukrainian Air Force may have frequently changed the take-off and landing airports of the aircraft to avoid the strikes of the Russian missiles, but now due to the substantial improvement in the performance of the Russian UAVs, a large number of UAVs of the Russian army can penetrate into the vicinity of various forward airports of the Ukrainian army in advance, and wait for the rabbits.

In this way, as long as the F16 is stationed at a forward airfield within 500 kilometers of the line of contact, its safety cannot be guaranteed at all, let alone reverse the situation on the battlefield!

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