
In-depth analysis and coping strategies of involution

author:Medical care is red and blue
In-depth analysis and coping strategies of involution

The term "involution" originated from the term "agricultural involution" proposed by American anthropologist Clifford Geertz in his book Agricultural Involution: The Processes of Ecological Change in Indonesia Involution). In his agricultural study of the Indonesian island of Java, Geertz found that despite the increasing number of local labor inputs into agricultural production, the growth of agricultural output was extremely limited, and only more elaborate and complex labor was carried out at the original level of technology, a phenomenon known as "agricultural involution". Later, the concept of "involution" was widely used in other fields to describe a situation in which there is excessive competition and internal attrition in the context of limited resources, but it does not lead to substantial development and progress. In China, the term "involution" has become a hot word on the Internet in recent years, and is used to describe similar phenomena in many fields such as society, education, and the workplace.

The most common English expression for "involution" is "involution" or "rat race". "Involution" focuses on a complex but non-evolutionary change or excessive refinement within it. "Rat Race" places more emphasis on intense, endless, and often exhausting and stressful competitive or hectic states.

Definition of "involution" in English:

“Involution refers to a situation where excessive internal competition and intense efforts within a system or group do not lead to substantial progress or improvement but rather result in a state of intense and often meaningless struggle and exhaustion.” (“内卷”指的是一种在一个系统或群体内过度的内部竞争和高强度的努力,没有带来实质性的进步或改善,反而导致了一种强烈且往往无意义的挣扎和疲惫的状态。 )

1. The essence of involution

Involution, a word that is frequently mentioned in today's society, can be understood as an excessive and disorderly state of internal competition. In this state, individuals continue to invest more in order to gain an advantage in limited resources or opportunities, but fail to bring about a corresponding increase in output or quality.

In the workplace, for example, when a company has a limited number of promotions, employees may show their value by working overtime and taking on more work tasks in order to get promotions. However, this kind of competition may lead to everyone being in a high-intensity work situation, but the overall work efficiency and innovation ability are not significantly improved, but instead reduce the job satisfaction of employees and the work-life balance is broken.

2. The theoretical source of involution

The term involution was first coined by the American anthropologist Clifford Geertz while studying agriculture on the Indonesian island of Java. He found that although the local labor force is increasing into agricultural production, the growth of agricultural output is extremely limited, and only more elaborate and complex labor is carried out under the original level of technology, which is the so-called "agricultural involution".

Later, this concept was extended to other fields. In China, the phenomenon of involution is reflected in education, workplace, and social life. For example, in the college entrance examination competition, students invest a lot of time and energy in repeated brushing and tutoring in order to improve their scores. In the job market, job seekers are constantly raising their academic qualifications and credentials in order to get a position, leading to excessive competition.

3. Different forms of involution

  1. Educational involution

    In the field of education, students face tremendous pressure to go on to higher education. Parents sign up for various extracurricular tutoring classes and interest classes for their children, and students are busy completing a lot of homework and exams every day. This excessive competition deprives students of time and space for free development, and their creativity and individuality are suppressed. For example, in order to enter key junior high schools, primary school students in some areas must not only perform well in school, but also participate in various competitions such as mathematics and English.

  2. Involution in the workplace

    In the workplace, employees work overtime desperately in order to get the opportunity for promotion and salary increase, and even the "996" and "007" work models appear. However, this overtime culture often does not lead to substantial improvements in work outcomes, but rather leads to impaired physical and mental health and reduced productivity. For example, some companies require employees to remain online after work and respond to work demands at any time, making it impossible for employees to truly relax and rest.

  3. Consumption involution

    There is also an involution phenomenon in the consumer sector. In pursuit of the so-called "high quality of life", people compare themselves with each other and buy more expensive goods and services. For example, when buying a house, the pursuit of large-scale and luxurious decoration that exceeds one's actual needs leads to increased economic pressure.

  4. Social involution

    In social situations, in order to gain more attention and recognition, people carefully build their social image and spend a lot of time and energy to show their lives on social media. For example, in order to take a perfect photo, carefully planned, posed, or even used excessive beauty, losing authentic self-expression.

Fourth, the solution to the involution

  1. Optimize resource allocation

    Governments and societies should work towards a more equitable and equitable distribution of resources, especially in key areas such as education, health care, and employment. Through policy guidance and resource investment, we will reduce the gap between regions and between urban and rural areas, so that more people can enjoy equal opportunities for development. For example, we should increase investment in educational resources in rural and impoverished areas, improve the quality of education, and enable rural students to have a level playing field.

  2. Drive innovation

    Encourage all industries to carry out technological innovation, model innovation and management innovation, and open up new markets and development space. Enterprises should increase R&D investment, cultivate innovative talents, improve core competitiveness, and get rid of low-level homogeneous competition. For example, the Internet industry continues to introduce new applications and services, creating more jobs and business value.

  3. Reform the evaluation system

    To establish a diversified and comprehensive evaluation system, we should not only pay attention to single indicators such as achievements and performance, but also pay attention to the comprehensive quality, innovation ability and social contribution of individuals. In the field of education, in addition to examination results, attention should be paid to students' practical ability, creativity and moral cultivation; In the workplace, in addition to work results, employees' teamwork skills, communication skills and professionalism should be considered.

  4. Strengthen education and guidance

    Through education and publicity, people are cultivated with correct values and a sense of competition. Let people realize that success is not only the accumulation of materials and the improvement of status, but also the realization of self-worth and contribution to society. Schools and families should focus on cultivating students' interests, hobbies and strengths, and guide them to choose a suitable development path according to their own characteristics.

  5. Policy regulation

    The government should introduce relevant policies to regulate market order and restrict acts of unfair competition. For example, labor laws and regulations should be formulated to protect workers' right to rest and legitimate rights and interests, and enterprises should be prohibited from working excessive overtime; Strengthen anti-monopoly law enforcement to prevent imbalances in competition caused by market monopoly.

Fifth, the improvement of management

  1. Management by objectives

    Managers should be clear about the long-term and short-term goals of the organization and communicate them effectively to employees. Ensure that employees understand how their work aligns with organizational goals to increase direction and motivation in their work. For example, set clear annual and quarterly goals and break them down into specific tasks and targets.

  2. Talent training and development

    Pay attention to the training and development of employees, provide opportunities for learning and promotion, and help employees improve their own capabilities. This increases employee job satisfaction and loyalty, and reduces brain turn. For example, we develop individualized career development plans for our employees, and provide internal training courses and external training opportunities.

  3. Communication & Feedback

    Establish smooth communication channels and encourage employees to put forward opinions and suggestions. Give timely feedback to employees on their work, affirm their achievements, point out their shortcomings, and help them improve their working methods. For example, hold regular team meetings for one-on-one performance interviews.

  4. Team building

    Create a positive team culture and promote cooperation and collaboration among team members. Enhance team cohesion and improve work efficiency through team activities. For example, organize outdoor outreach activities, team dinners, etc.

  5. Incentives

    Design a reasonable incentive mechanism, including material rewards and spiritual rewards, to stimulate employees' work motivation. For example, the establishment of performance bonuses, outstanding employee selection, etc.

6. How to avoid involution

  1. Be clear about your goals and values

    Know what you really want and don't blindly follow in the footsteps of others. According to your own interests, abilities and career planning, set goals that are in line with your own development, and avoid being swayed by external competitive pressures.

  2. Continuous learning and self-improvement

    Continuously improve their knowledge and skills, and enhance their core competitiveness. By learning new knowledge and skills, you can broaden your horizons and find new development opportunities to avoid falling into low-level competition.

  3. Maintain a good mindset

    Maintain an optimistic and positive attitude and maintain a calm attitude towards competition. Don't be overly anxious and nervous, and learn to adjust your emotions and state under pressure.

  4. Focus on work-life balance

    Arrange working time and living time reasonably to avoid excessive occupation of personal life by work. Pay attention to physical and mental health, relieve work pressure and improve quality of life through sports, leisure and other means.

In short, involution is a complex social phenomenon that requires the joint efforts of the government, social organizations, enterprises and individuals to solve it. By optimizing resource allocation, promoting innovation, and reforming the evaluation system, the pressure caused by involution can be alleviated. In terms of management, organizational efficiency and employee satisfaction can be improved through scientific management methods; Individuals should clarify their goals, constantly improve themselves, maintain a good attitude, avoid falling into the whirlpool of involution, and achieve their own healthy and sustainable development.

  • “The Nature of Academic Involution Phenomenon of Doctoral Students and Its Changes at the Present Time” :发表于中国科学技术大学的学报。 该论文探讨了博士生“学术内卷”现象的本质及其时代流变,指出其本质是市场逻辑超越学术逻辑,分析了博士生在学术场域与其他权力场域间的关系及面临的挑战,并提出了后“内卷化”时代的培养路径。 DOI:10.19834/j.cnki.yjsjy2011.2023.02.03
  • “An Analysis of the ‘Involution’ Phenomenon in Contemporary Society: A Comparative Study” :可能是一篇对当代社会“内卷”现象进行比较分析的论文,它或许会对比“内卷”在不同领域或不同社会背景下的表现、原因和影响等。
  • “Escaping the Involution Trap: Strategies and Pathways for Individuals and Societies” :此论文可能聚焦于探讨个人和社会如何摆脱“内卷”困境的策略与途径,研究可能涉及心理、教育、社会政策等多个方面。
  • “The Impact of Involution on Work-Life Balance and Well-being” :关注“内卷”对工作与生活平衡以及人们幸福感的影响,分析这种现象如何影响人们的身心健康、生活质量以及工作满意度等。
  • “Causes and Consequences of Involution in Education: A Case Study” :通过案例研究的方法,深入分析教育领域中“内卷”的原因和后果,例如对学生学习压力、教育质量、创新能力等方面的影响。

从认知语言学视角对隐喻型网络热词“内卷”进行解析及英译研究的论文“Research on the Analysis and English Translation of the Metaphorical Internet Buzzword ‘Involution’ from the Perspective of Cognitive Linguistics”也可供参考,其发表于《英语广场:学术研究》2023年第19期,作者为彭建武、王辉。 该研究从认知语言学视角出发,以隐喻映射为认知起点,结合意象图式和概念整合对“内卷”进行解析和英译研究。

  1. The Nature of the Phenomenon of "Academic Involution" for Doctoral Students and Its Changing Times" - Wang Hongcheng, Hu Lifang

    With the help of field theory, this paper analyzes the positional relationship between doctoral students in the academic field and other power fields, and points out that the phenomenon of "academic involution" of doctoral students is mainly manifested in inefficient and irrational competition in the writing and publication of papers, and the essence is that market logic surpasses academic logic. "Academic involution" stems from the complex influences inside and outside the academic field, including factors such as social acceleration and time discipline, digital dependency and group coercion. In the post-"involution" era, the training path of doctoral students includes the formation of a "slow time field" of academic work, the exploration of hierarchical training, and finally the return to the academic spirit of pursuing truth, goodness and beauty, and the construction of a benign academic community.

  2. "Overcoming the Dilemma of Involution of Rural Governance with Grassroots Governance Innovation" - Wang Yu

    This paper discusses the practical problem of involution of rural governance, and takes the governance dilemma and innovative practice of L Village, a typical poor village in County C, as an example, to analyze why grassroots governance innovation has become a way of "de-involution". It is pointed out that in the context of the existing resources going to the countryside, the key to overcoming the dilemma of involution of governance lies in rebuilding the public nature of village communities and giving full play to the autonomy of village community members.

  3. "Articles about involution-Zhihu column"

    The paper discusses the reasons for involution from three aspects: economy, politics, and culture. The economic aspect includes the contradiction between the historical evolution and the new era, and the alienation of people by the social division of labor; At the societal level, there are factors such as irrational competition and singular values. The article mentions that when the mainland changed from labor growth to technological growth, the contradiction between the old ideas and the new situation led to involution; Instrumental rationality replaces value rationality, making people objectified, society rigid, and people can only struggle in the volume and being rolled.

  4. From "Involution" to "Lying Flat": Modernity Anxiety and Youth Subculture Reflections

    This paper theoretically sorts out and thinks about "involution" and "lying flat", which is helpful to understand the current situation of modern social development, the current network culture symptoms and social and cultural psychology. The paper points out that at the moment when the development of network media technology is accelerating, "involution" and "lying flat" appear in the form of youth subculture and have a huge impact, which can be used as a case when talking about the negative impact of modern society and the cultural mentality of young people.

  5. 《On the Gap between Adoption and Understanding in NLP》

    This ACL'21 article summarizes five problems in the current research in the field of NLP, namely, the premature application of methods that are not fully analyzed and understood, the risk of preference calculation without considering their limitations, the preference for publication, the impossibility of reproducing experiments due to experimental costs, and the uninterpretability of models, and gives corresponding solutions to these problems. This paper points out that there is a phenomenon of excessive involution in the NLP field to refresh SOTA, the parameter scale has risen sharply, and the computing power consumption, experimental cost and optimization difficulty of large models have discouraged researchers, and the author believes that it is necessary to create an environment where the shortcomings of NLP methods and negative discoveries can be explored.

  6. "The popularity of involution vocabulary on the Internet attracts attention"

    This paper analyzes the phenomenon of the popularity of involution words on the Internet, and discusses the reasons for its formation from the meaning and performance of involution. It is believed that the manifestations of involution include "over-dense growth", "irrational internal competition", and "increase in the number of rules that prevail in society". The main reasons for the formation of involution are the contradiction between the historical evolution of the economic level and the new era, and the alienation of people by the social division of labor, which leads to the replacement of value rationality by instrumental rationality.