
In the early Tang Dynasty, King Luo Bin also entered the palace as an official to participate in the official battle, what was his achievement in the end?

author:Xuhua said history

«——【Preamble】】 ——»

Before King Lu Bing was born, the family had declined, but the family still adhered to the family style of cultivating and reading poetry and books, and being innocent and self-controlled. His father, Luo Luguang, in order to realize the long-cherished theme of the family heirloom, left home when Luo Bin Wang was young and went to Beijing to seek office. What is the relationship between Luo Bing Wang's family style and his achievements?

In the early Tang Dynasty, King Luo Bin also entered the palace as an official to participate in the official battle, what was his achievement in the end?

«——【Luo Bing Wang's childhood·】——»

King Luo Shi lived with his grandfather since he was a child. Xiang's father was a local official, knowledgeable, proficient in scripture and history, at the end of the Sui Dynasty to avoid the rebellion, fellow villagers ploughed and read by mistake, Luo Bin Wang was enlightened by Xiang's father to read after class, young study of poetry, and plus Yingwu early wisdom, intelligent and astute.

In the early Tang Dynasty, King Luo Bin also entered the palace as an official to participate in the official battle, what was his achievement in the end?

When he was 7 years old, he immediately recited the poem "Yongpeng" that had been recited in the mouth of a childish child for thousands of years. When Luo Bingwang was 10 years old, his father was appointed by his mother to Bochang (now Boxing, Shandong) County and studied in the Boxing County School.

In the early Tang Dynasty, King Luo Bin also entered the palace as an official to participate in the official battle, what was his achievement in the end?

Because Bochang appeared in the Spring and Autumn Period, the "study of Jixia", and Shannan Ludi is the birthplace of Confucius and Mencius, so Qilu once became the academic center of China, with a prosperous style of learning and developed culture. Luo Bingwang has systematically accepted Qilu culture since he was a child, laying a deep foundation of knowledge.

In the early Tang Dynasty, King Luo Bin also entered the palace as an official to participate in the official battle, what was his achievement in the end?

At the same time, according to his father's opinion, he paid attention to making Qilu celebrities as mentors and friends when he was a teenager. Unfortunately, when Xiao Luo Bing Wang's studies were progressing day by day, his father suddenly died of illness, which was a heavy blow to the seventeen or eighteen-year-old Luo Bing Wang, with the support of many gentry and colleagues. After the orphan and widow took care of their father's funeral, they suspended school for three years to observe filial piety, and the family was already very difficult

In the early Tang Dynasty, King Luo Bin also entered the palace as an official to participate in the official battle, what was his achievement in the end?

Fortunately, his father's former friend Wei Mingfu (Zhi County), who was in Yanzhou at the time (there is no such county), received him to live in Bianqiu. Later, thanks to the many cares of Wei Ming Mansion,

In the early Tang Dynasty, King Luo Bin also entered the palace as an official to participate in the official battle, what was his achievement in the end?

In addition, King Lubin had a reputation in the early Confucianism and won an extremely difficult "Duogong" place, and said goodbye to his mother and rushed to Chang'an to take the exam, in order to show his surname and become famous. festivals, private recommendations, off-the-spot agreements and other ills are abused, and many petty officials such as the examination government have been in place for two years.

In the early Tang Dynasty, King Luo Bin also entered the palace as an official to participate in the official battle, what was his achievement in the end?

Enjoy the beautiful mountains in Shuzhong in order to seek the first, the popular camp to seek the style, the county to seek power and water, absorb the culture of Bashu Ruican, and create a large number of poems to appreciate and recommend. But Luo Bingwang was full of economy and disdained songs. In the second year of Tang Gaozong (675), King Luo Bin sent back to ask for help.

In the early Tang Dynasty, King Luo Bin also entered the palace as an official to participate in the official battle, what was his achievement in the end?

Unexpectedly, the failure of the exam made him reunite with his family in Chang'an, who looked down on the crowd, and was assessed by the officials, and made up for the vigorous young man with military merits, and became a poor and desolate scholar. He was blind and was awarded the master book of Gyeonggi Wugong County, and he had no money to face his mentors and friends in Qilu for Zhengjiupin.

In the early Tang Dynasty, King Luo Bin also entered the palace as an official to participate in the official battle, what was his achievement in the end?

Unexpectedly, he went straight back, quite a stock-level cadre, and Feng Lilang ten years ago to his hometown Yiwu, which had been separated for more than ten years. But soon he wanted to flatten it again, but the Beijing official was transferred to the suburbs and counties, and the actual decline fell. rushed back to the frustrated officialdom of the flawed hill, so he focused on poetry examples and wrote as a long poet.

«——【Luo Bingwang still insisted after his defeat】——»

Since then, I have devoted myself to studying, studying hard behind closed doors, and preparing to be re-elected (Dijing Box), which will be passed on as a swan song by the government and the opposition. Luo Bingwang took the exam in the literary world. A few years later, Luo Bingwang went to Chang'an again, and made a comeback with a small reputation in the south.

In the early Tang Dynasty, King Luo Bin also entered the palace as an official to participate in the official battle, what was his achievement in the end?

However, because of his arrogance and arrogance, he was not tolerated by others, and was praised by all parties. Tang Gaozong only dismissed the government in the first year of Feng (676). Although Li Yuandao wanted to appoint him for a long time, he still presided over the ministry, so he transferred Luo Bin Wang to serve as the head of Mingtang County, Luo Bin Wang.

In the early Tang Dynasty, King Luo Bin also entered the palace as an official to participate in the official battle, what was his achievement in the end?

However, due to the fact that the system at that time was a two-rank increase in the rank of an official in the royal palace, a person who was already fifty-eight years old at this time could not serve for more than four years. King Luo Shi's term of office ended at the end of the first year, Luo's mother died of illness, and King Luo Bin kept filial piety for three years.

In the early Tang Dynasty, King Luo Bin also entered the palace as an official to participate in the official battle, what was his achievement in the end?

Gao Zongyong left the Daowang Mansion in six years and returned to Yanzhou in the first year of Jialong (680), at the age of sixty-one, he was awarded the title of Chang'an and soon got married, and lived a pastoral life book of farming and reading for self-entertainment. This Prison Lawsuit",

In the early Tang Dynasty, King Luo Bin also entered the palace as an official to participate in the official battle, what was his achievement in the end?

The rank is from the sixth grade, but in less than half a year, Luo Bingwang was enthusiastic about creation, and he was imprisoned for "sitting on stolen goods" when he wrote a large number of books. Tight prison for a long time has not revealed snow poetry. But he only relied on a few acres of thin fields, and his mother's illness, so he wrote the popular "Cicada in Prison".

In the early Tang Dynasty, King Luo Bin also entered the palace as an official to participate in the official battle, what was his achievement in the end?

In August of this year, life was embarrassed, so he wanted to make a living again, Gaozong established King Ying as the crown prince, and he was pardoned to the world, Luo Ji, so he sent a letter to Liu Xiangdao, the Taichang Uncle and the right minister of Chang'an, and other Binwang were released from prison from prison lightly in April of the following year to ask for a recommendation.

«——【Luo Bing Wang's career is not smooth·】——»

In the spring of the second year, King Luo Bin happened to see the scene of Emperor Wuhou seizing power and suppressing dissidents, so he returned south with a heart full of worries about the country and the people, and stopped in Huaiyang, where he happened to meet Xu Jingye, the former assassin of Meizhou, Sichuan.

In the early Tang Dynasty, King Luo Bin also entered the palace as an official to participate in the official battle, what was his achievement in the end?

Xu Yinwu Zetian was belittled or cut down on dissident government and opposition officials. was demoted to Liuzhou to serve as Sima, and was staying in Yangzhou at this time. Luo Bingwang met Xu Jingye during the two years in Shuzhong, and the two met here, with the same political views and like-mindedness.

As a result, it was learned that in Yangzhou, Xu Minye's original Zhou Zhi County Commander Xu Jingxian, the original Menxia Province gave the matter, Tang Ziqi, the East Palace, Zhan Shifu, Sizhi Du Qiuren, Yushi Wei Siwen and others met here, Xu Jingye is the "Gonghou Tomb", is the eldest grandson of the founding Yuan Zhu Xu Chujie (given the surname Li, also known as Li Dong).

In the early Tang Dynasty, King Luo Bin also entered the palace as an official to participate in the official battle, what was his achievement in the end?

Xu Jingye resolutely stood on the side of the Li Tang clan in this Li Wu battle, and was indignant at Wu Zetian's various measures. These people gathered in Yangzhou to plot to raise troops to defeat Wu Zetian, and agreed that Xu Jingye would be the general of the National Restoration Mansion, leading the governor of Yangzhou and commanding the overall situation.

As a proclamation to crusade against the enemy, this olive essay is clear and impassioned in dealing with the three parties of friend and foe, friend and foe. For Wu Zetian, who was crusading against his political opponents, he tried his best to expose his ugly deeds and list his ink to show that his division was famous.

In the early Tang Dynasty, King Luo Bin also entered the palace as an official to participate in the official battle, what was his achievement in the end?

said that Wu Zetian was born in a "humble background", but Taizong-Xia Chen ": life, harming two generations of emperors and a daughter as wives, like a beast "Ju Muntjac" is really """: exposing his treacherous conduct, working in scheming and jealousy, moth eyebrows are not green people: cover up his sleeves and slander, lonely and charming can confuse the master".

is ruthless, and the six relatives do not recognize "Sister Slaughtering Brother, Killing the Monarch and Mother": extremely ambitious, coveting the throne and harboring evil intentions, and madly stealing artifacts". Praise and preach to oneself. Explain the legitimacy of the reason for starting the army: "Shun Yu's heart, raise the banner of righteousness, and clear the demons".

In the early Tang Dynasty, King Luo Bin also entered the palace as an official to participate in the official battle, what was his achievement in the end?

It is pointed out that among the various theories that Gaozong's corpse is not cold, the most fascinating is to go to Hangwu Zetian to become a monk in Lingyin Temple, Zhongzong Li Pinzhou, the rightful successor. said that Wu Zetian had abolished Wu Zhouzheng and moved to other states.

Between the whole body because of the examination bribery was demoted to Yuezhou (Shaoxing) Ren Yun pen freely, dripping and hearty, the text is strict, the voice and the long history, the night tour of the temple, but see the moonlight like water, surrounded by luxury, according to the feudal is also upright.

In the early Tang Dynasty, King Luo Bin also entered the palace as an official to participate in the official battle, what was his achievement in the end?

Luo Binwen drafted this moving article. The effect was excellent, Xu Jingye quickly gathered 100,000 people in Yangzhou, and quickly occupied Yang, Chu (Huaiyin) Dong (Zhenjiang) three prefectures. However, due to improper command, Wu Zetian was given the opportunity to gather heavy troops, and Wu Zetian sent Li Xiaoyi, the general of Zuo Yulingwei, to lead an army of 300,000.

By mid-January, Li Xiaoyi had routed Xu Jingye's army. The rebel army was scattered and killed more than 7,000 ranks, Xu Jingye took a sea ship to take refuge in Goryeo, due to the rebellion of the general Wang Naxiang. Xu Jingye and 25 others were killed. After three months, Yangzhou's campaign against Wu Zetian was completely defeated.

In the early Tang Dynasty, King Luo Bin also entered the palace as an official to participate in the official battle, what was his achievement in the end?

That is, in the TV series (Wu Zetian) in recent years, the actor said that he was not guilty of pardoning Luo Bingwang. "So what crime did King Luo Bing commit? Can it be saved. In Li Xiaoyi's army to recruit Xu Jingye, King Luo Bin did not know what to do, and he didn't care about the conviction and punishment.

From the perspective of the overall situation of Taizong's insistence on "ruling the country by law" in the early Tang Dynasty, Gaozong Yonghui compiled the "Yonghui Law" in the second year, which was China's first complete criminal law.

In the early Tang Dynasty, King Luo Bin also entered the palace as an official to participate in the official battle, what was his achievement in the end?

The first of the ten evils is rebellion. The discussion is "said to be in danger of the society". If King Luo Bing is convicted, there is no doubt that he is plotting rebellion. If Wu Zetian returned power to Li Tang after more than 20 years, it would be possible for Zhongzong and Ruizong to collect Luo Bingwang's poems and texts.

But when Wu Zetian was seeking to seize Li Tang's power, it was impossible to "save Lu Bin Wang Wumo". That is, according to the "Eight Discussions" in the "Yonghui Law", with the closest "discussion ability", this "energy" electricity refers to - the rectification of the military, political affairs, supervision of the sea emperor, and normal people".

In the early Tang Dynasty, King Luo Bin also entered the palace as an official to participate in the official battle, what was his achievement in the end?

That is, the outstanding talent of governing the country and the army is that King Luo Bin does not belong to this list, and it is impossible for him to be "discussed" by the list, and it is impossible for Wu Zetian to teach him to be "innocent" Xu Jingye raised troops in Yangzhou and was Wu Zetian, and the whereabouts of King Lu Bin are unknown.

From ancient times to the present, there are various sayings, the first of which is the 120 words contained in the "Old Tang Book" 190 Carpet on the Art and Literature, which is more derogatory to Luo Bin Wang's language: "Ran Wei has no line, so as to travel with Botu at the end of the Spring Sect, which is the main book of Chang'an."

In the early Tang Dynasty, King Luo Bin also entered the palace as an official to participate in the official battle, what was his achievement in the end?


According to the "Eight Sayings" in the "Yongwei Law", this "Neng" also refers to "those who can rectify the military, take care of political affairs, and supervise the Emperor of the Sea", that is, the outstanding talents who govern the country and the army are not in this list, and it is impossible for him to be listed in the "Eight Discussions", and it is impossible for Wu Ketian to pardon him for "innocence".

In the early Tang Dynasty, King Luo Bin also entered the palace as an official to participate in the official battle, what was his achievement in the end?

Information sources:

Old Tang Book