
China has not agreed to lunar soil sharing, but the United States is ready to circumvent domestic law, saying that it has given the green light to apply for research

author:History is like an edict
China has not agreed to lunar soil sharing, but the United States is ready to circumvent domestic law, saying that it has given the green light to apply for research
China has not agreed to lunar soil sharing, but the United States is ready to circumvent domestic law, saying that it has given the green light to apply for research
Sources: All of the information stated in this article is based on reliable sources, and is detailed at the end of the article

The successful return of Chang'e-6, China once again became the leader, and the distorted mentality surged into NASA's mind again, the "Wolf Clause" is a stumbling block, and the current state of the United States is to "slap itself in the face".

Unfortunately, the United States is not on the list of invitations to study lunar soil.

China has not agreed to lunar soil sharing, but the United States is ready to circumvent domestic law, saying that it has given the green light to apply for research

Hit a rake

No one expected that the Chang'e-6 lunar exploration journey would come to an end, and the American pot would be thrown directly to the source.

"When China decided to launch a mission to collect samples from the far side of the moon, it did not seek NASA's involvement."

China has not agreed to lunar soil sharing, but the United States is ready to circumvent domestic law, saying that it has given the green light to apply for research

It is as if China is wrong, but the "Wolf Clause" is like a shield, and the attitude of the US side has been made clear, and it is better to find like-minded friends than to be bored, and it is obvious that France, Italy, Pakistan and the European Space Agency are more suitable choices.

Moreover, the background of the U.S. regret is that the Chang'e-6 sampling expedition on the far side of the moon was successful, and if it is declared a failure, the United States does not know how it will deliberately attack China!

China has not agreed to lunar soil sharing, but the United States is ready to circumvent domestic law, saying that it has given the green light to apply for research

A spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the announcement of the opportunities for the Chang'e-6 mission was issued to the world, and that the reluctance to participate was the choice of the United States, not China's "exclusion".

The United States seems to have forgotten the existence of the "Wolf Clause" and that under the constraints of this domestic law, American scientists and relevant institutions are not allowed to participate in space exchanges with China.

China has not agreed to lunar soil sharing, but the United States is ready to circumvent domestic law, saying that it has given the green light to apply for research

It is also because of this domestic law that the United States can only hold its breath and watch as Chang'e-6 leaves a "medium" on the back of the moon, and watches the returner accurately land in the predetermined area of the Siziwang Banner in Inner Mongolia, and then the news of "the world's first lunar sampling trip sampling return" came out from China.

China has not agreed to lunar soil sharing, but the United States is ready to circumvent domestic law, saying that it has given the green light to apply for research

There are a lot of samples brought back, many countries are bound to get it, and the ambition is one of the United States, and it is currently the only one on the "blacklist".

The "Wolf Clause" passed in 2011 immediately put the official space cooperation between China and the United States into a "frozen state", and the responsible parties were all in the United States, not to mention cooperation, and even Chinese official visitors were forbidden to visit NASA.

China has not agreed to lunar soil sharing, but the United States is ready to circumvent domestic law, saying that it has given the green light to apply for research

It can be called the biggest barrier to aerospace science and technology cooperation, and when it is pushed with one hand, the United States must not have thought that China's aerospace will surpass its own one day, but the soldiers will block it, and the water will cover it, and it is really red-eyed, what kind of tricks will the United States use?

China has not agreed to lunar soil sharing, but the United States is ready to circumvent domestic law, saying that it has given the green light to apply for research

See Moves

The new operation of the United States, which affects two countries, proves that it is the only "active party".

When he released the signal to give the green light to the study and sent a congratulatory message to the Chinese side, Nelson's careful thoughts were almost impossible to hide.

China has not agreed to lunar soil sharing, but the United States is ready to circumvent domestic law, saying that it has given the green light to apply for research

He was thrilled that China intended to share its decision to collect samples, affirming that it would be "made available to the international community, as the United States did when Apollo landed on the moon."

In 1978, when China and the United States formally established diplomatic relations, Brzezinski, then adviser to the president on security affairs, brought a special gift - 1 gram of lunar soil when he visited China.

China has not agreed to lunar soil sharing, but the United States is ready to circumvent domestic law, saying that it has given the green light to apply for research

The 12 astronauts of the Apollo spacecraft brought back 381.7 kilograms of native products from the moon, and the gram given to China is of great significance, half of which is collected, half of which is used for experiments, and dozens of articles of great reference value have been published.

In 2020, the year when Chang'e-5 successfully returned to the soil, China had already taken steps to share, and the United States at that time was in the same state as it is in 2024, NASA released an internal document in December last year, saying that the agency had sought a "green light" from Congress to allow researchers to obtain lunar soil samples collected by Chang'e-5.

China has not agreed to lunar soil sharing, but the United States is ready to circumvent domestic law, saying that it has given the green light to apply for research

Under the Wolf Clause, an exception is indeed possible, provided that NASA convinces Congress and the FBI that it is clear that engagement and cooperation with the Chinese "does not create a risk of transferring technology, data, or other information related to national security or economic security to China or Chinese companies."

China has not agreed to lunar soil sharing, but the United States is ready to circumvent domestic law, saying that it has given the green light to apply for research

Since the success of Chang'e-5, some people in the United States have begun to admit that the "Wolf Clause" will only hurt the United States in the end, and scientists have gradually responded to their call in 2014.

China has not agreed to lunar soil sharing, but the United States is ready to circumvent domestic law, saying that it has given the green light to apply for research

A number of scientists from the Manned Space Commission issued an article in 2014 acknowledging China's rapid development in space capabilities, suggesting that China be included in the United States' future international cooperation projects.

China has not agreed to lunar soil sharing, but the United States is ready to circumvent domestic law, saying that it has given the green light to apply for research


"There is an extremely stupid reason why NASA cannot study China's amazing new moon rocks".

In Nelson's view, China's approach is "excessive", but looking back at the past, between China and the United States, the excessive party has never been China.

China has not agreed to lunar soil sharing, but the United States is ready to circumvent domestic law, saying that it has given the green light to apply for research

The "Starlink" and "Blackjack" plans of the United States to directly send tens of thousands of satellites into space to seize the earth's low orbit, resulting in many later countries wanting to launch satellites but unable to find a foothold.

In order to weaponize and warn space, the United States even established three space military formations in 2019, and then brazenly began to develop offensive weapons in space.

China has not agreed to lunar soil sharing, but the United States is ready to circumvent domestic law, saying that it has given the green light to apply for research

In 2021 alone, the U.S. "Starlink" satellite has twice had close proximity incidents with the Chinese space station.

In order to conceal the identity of its own rightful person, the United States also announced in 2022 that it would stop the "ground-based anti-defense" experiment, and when it stopped, it wanted to stop the international community and try to formulate international rules at the United Nations.

China has not agreed to lunar soil sharing, but the United States is ready to circumvent domestic law, saying that it has given the green light to apply for research

"If the United States really cared about outer space security, it should have introduced this draft resolution at the UN General Assembly 60 years ago." In addition to these, another major hobby of the United States is to create a "strong threat" from China in the space field, so as to naturally expand its space armaments and create wave after wave of excuses for seeking a dominant position.

The United States can have its own dirty goals, the reality is that the "native products" from the back of the moon were brought back by Chang'e-6 with great painstaking efforts, and its belonging is China, NASA has given the green light to self-assessment, cooperation is not based on equality, and it is impossible to get lunar soil.

China has not agreed to lunar soil sharing, but the United States is ready to circumvent domestic law, saying that it has given the green light to apply for research

The trouble has already been pointed out by the Chinese side, and in the "Wolf Clause", whether the sincerity is true or false depends on whether the green light of the United States is temporary or long-term.

Reference: 2024-7-1: Chang'e-6 successfully returned with sampling on the back of the moon, foreign media: An extremely stupid reason prevents NASA from studying valuable samples

International Finance News: 2024-7-1: The United States said that NASA was not invited to study lunar soil The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded 2024-7-2: Do you want to apply for research on Chang'e-6 lunar samples? NASA Administrator: The green light has been given to apply for research

China Youth Network: 2022-11-2: The United States, as always, smears China's aerospace industry! Who is turning space into a new battlefield?

China has not agreed to lunar soil sharing, but the United States is ready to circumvent domestic law, saying that it has given the green light to apply for research