
The Chinese men's basketball team lost to Australia 87-107 Conclusion: 4 new stars are amazing, 3 are not up to standard, and the state is sluggish

author:Cheng Cheng Sports

On July 2, Beijing time, the Chinese men's basketball team lost 87-107 in a warm-up game against Australia. Although the results were not satisfactory, several young players who emerged from the competition showed their talent and potential, bringing a ray of light to the future development of the national team. In particular, Yu Jiahao and Liao Sanning have performed particularly eye-catching, not only injecting new vitality into the team's attack and defense, but also showing good skills and cool heads on the field.

The Chinese men's basketball team lost to Australia 87-107 Conclusion: 4 new stars are amazing, 3 are not up to standard, and the state is sluggish

Yu Jiahao, the 21-year-old rising star on the inside with a staggering 221 centimeters, finished the first half with a perfect five-of-five shooting performance, contributing 12 points and three rebounds. His presence has made the Chinese team's interior defense more solid, and he can also provide consistent scoring points when attacking.

The Chinese men's basketball team lost to Australia 87-107 Conclusion: 4 new stars are amazing, 3 are not up to standard, and the state is sluggish

Liao Sanning, a 23-year-old high-point guard, has become a key figure on the court with his keen observation and excellent breakthrough ability. Especially in the third quarter, when the opponent attacked aggressively, he scored consecutive points to help the team break the scoring drought, scoring 26 points in the game, showing the demeanor of a leader.

The Chinese men's basketball team lost to Australia 87-107 Conclusion: 4 new stars are amazing, 3 are not up to standard, and the state is sluggish

In addition to these two outstanding players, Wang Lanyan and Yang Hansen also have good performances. Wang Lanyan contributed 18 points with a buzzer-pressing three-pointer and a steady shooting touch, and his performance was full of potential and vitality. The 18-year-old showed his defensive ability and rebounding skills in just nine minutes, adding strength to the team's interior defense. The active performance of these young players is the hope of the future of the Chinese men's basketball team, and their growth will be the key to improving the competitiveness of the national team.

The Chinese men's basketball team lost to Australia 87-107 Conclusion: 4 new stars are amazing, 3 are not up to standard, and the state is sluggish

However, behind the light, there are still players who are a little worried. Although Jiao Boqiao, Li Hongquan and Zhu Junlong did not make serious mistakes, their performances were only passing. As part of the team, their performances on the pitch have not been able to give the team more of a boost, which can be a weakness in high-intensity international competitions. In future training and competitions, these players will need to work hard and improve to ensure that they can contribute to the team when it matters most.

The Chinese men's basketball team lost to Australia 87-107 Conclusion: 4 new stars are amazing, 3 are not up to standard, and the state is sluggish

Even more interesting is the performance of the experienced players. As a veteran of the team, Cheng Shuai Peng should have stepped up in difficult moments, but his performance in this game was greatly reduced. Shooting just 2-of-10 from the field and missing all 5 three-pointers was a huge blow to the team's morale. His sluggish performance in the third quarter, when the team needed him most, contrasted with the opponent's 17-0 attack wave, which undoubtedly deepened the team's predicament.

The Chinese men's basketball team lost to Australia 87-107 Conclusion: 4 new stars are amazing, 3 are not up to standard, and the state is sluggish

Like Cheng Shuaipeng, Du Runwang and Cui Xiaolong's performances were also disappointing. Du Runwang, as a No. 4 player who should have the ability to shoot, was so timid that he didn't dare to shoot on the court, which had a great impact on the team's tactical execution. Cui Xiaolong's performance was the lowest point of the game, his offensive selection was extremely poor, and many solo battles were ineffective, which seriously affected the overall rhythm of the team.

The Chinese men's basketball team lost to Australia 87-107 Conclusion: 4 new stars are amazing, 3 are not up to standard, and the state is sluggish

Although the result of this game was disappointing, it also showed the potential and shortcomings of the Chinese men's basketball team. The outstanding performances of the young players are a source of hope for the future development of the national team and show their potential to grow at a high level. However, there is still a need for further improvement in experience and consistency, especially for those veterans who have underperformed, to rediscover their form and ensure they can provide the support and leadership they need when it matters most.

The Chinese men's basketball team lost to Australia 87-107 Conclusion: 4 new stars are amazing, 3 are not up to standard, and the state is sluggish

The road ahead lies ahead, and every step of the Chinese men's basketball team is full of challenges. I hope that the players can learn the lessons of this warm-up match, continue to improve and improve, and meet every international competition with a more mature and stable performance. Only by continuous efforts and progress can we win respect and success in the international arena in the future.

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