
Huang Biyun "Prosperous Love"

author:Qi Lu Qingwei is gone

When Shu Jing first met Fang Guochu, it was an autumn afternoon. I don't know if it's because of the faint autumn colors, or his slightly slumped back, or the outdated hardcover books on the bookshelf in his office, which smoke out that old atmosphere, she remembers that it was an autumn afternoon, and she can't forget it.

She held the door lightly, he carried her on his back, crouched on the typewriter, Dada, she couldn't see him. She stopped suddenly, like a drama about to appear, and foresaw that the fight on the stage would be lively, so she stopped, took a breath, and then caught up.

"My name is Cheng Shujing, and I am your student."

He didn't stop and continued typing, saying, "Oh. Mr. Zhu didn't tell me that he spoke Mandarin. ”

"I've been in Taipei for seven years, and I can't speak Cantonese."

Shu Jing was originally a student of Mr. Zhu, and planned to do a research topic on "Public Housing Estates and the Administrative Power of the State" with him, but Mr. Zhu found out that he had lung disease and wanted to take a leave of absence from the school year, so he solemnly introduced Shu Jing to Fang Guochu: Fang Guochu was an active social element in Hong Kong in the 70s, and he had a good foundation in left-wing theory and practice. Mr. Zhu patted Shujing and told her that she also had to be a teaching assistant for Fang Guochu in a monograph course. Shu Jing frowned, her heart was not happy, and she had to face Mr. Zhu. Mr. Chu, a Taiwanese, understood the limitations of doing sociological research there, but pushed her to a left-winger......

"Do you have an outline? What about the class schedule for the tutorial? Still didn't turn around, kept typing, Shujing leaned against the door frame, and suddenly felt very aggrieved, so he only leaned against the door and didn't say a word.

He's knocking, patting, reaching, beating, slower. He thought she was gone; Shujing stood at the door of a strange man like this, thinking about whether she should say "I'm leaving, I won't do the question with you", "I'm sorry for the trouble", or "I don't have the syllabus and class schedule, because Mr. Zhu will help me originally", but she didn't say anything, turned around and left.

"Hey, I've got a book list here, a class schedule, take it, read it and come back to me." He chased her quickly, she looked at him, this Fang Guochu, thirty-four or five years old, very refreshing, tired, he stuffed a stack of A4 paper into her hand, and returned to the office, with his back to the door, knocking on the typewriter, without closing the door, Shu Jing looked at the book list in his hand, suddenly startled, turned back to him, stood behind him and said, "Mr. Fang, I haven't read Weber!" He frowned and said, "Well, how can you study sociology, you might as well study housekeeping." Shujing looked at him motionlessly, without saying a word, just looking at her. Fang Guochu saw her eyes, she was really smart, one black and one white, not stained with red dust. Fang Guochu thought to himself, "Old Zhu has a bad heart. And he said, "I will teach thee." ”

As a result, the working hours of the book earner from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. have since begun. Fang Guochu started with the journal first, and then asked Shujing to read a little primer, and then pushed her master's classics. Shu Jing read dizzy, biting her lip, but never complained, just like when Shu Jing saw her parents leave, Shu Jing never shouted or persuaded from beginning to end, just bit her lip and applied to go to Taiwan privately, go to high school, college, and only told them before leaving. Shu Jing never felt that it was useless to complain, so she rarely talked to Fang Guochu, just took the book list and handed him the reading report. She had never read leftist sociology, and within a month, she read from Marx to the Frankfurt School, and even Fang Guochu couldn't help but be impressed.

When Fang Guochu was lecturing, her spirit was bright, and Shujing sat in the last row of chairs in the classroom, leaning on her body, just looking at him, she didn't know if she wanted him. In the last mistake of the introduction, he talks about his own experience in catching Godber. Eyebrows fluttered. Shu Jing thought that when he was young, he must have been very good.

At the end of class, Shujing didn't move, just gently pressed her heart, there was a bird in her heart, and she wanted to fold her wings from now on. Fang Guochu saw her from afar. At this moment, Shu Jing's eyes flashed, and it was actually a student named Zhou Zuer, wearing a blood-red leather tie and honey-colored skin, grinning at Shu Jing. Shujue Mu Ban smiled bitterly, this student, he never prepares for the tutorial, but he is a little clever in class, and he takes up all the time to speak, and Shu Jing can't take him. Zhou Zuer said: "Miss Cheng, thank you for teaching, can you invite you to dinner?" Shujing lowered her head and thought, "Okay", "Not good?" His tie was so blood-red that she couldn't think about it. "This student, Miss Cheng has something to talk to me about, you can come next time." Fang Guochu said from afar.

Zhou Zuer turned sideways and glanced at Fang Guochu, Fang said to Shujing, "I'll look for you again." Then he picked up the big bag of squash rackets and walked into the sun.

The door to the classroom was closed, and Shujing felt that the room was pale. Fang Guochu said, "Where do you like to eat?" She just bowed her head and smiled.

He took her to an Italian restaurant in Central. The book sipped the liquor quietly, and the two were silent. He probably finished his words in class. He suddenly said, "Your white velvet dress is so beautiful." Shujing raised her head and smiled. He may have read Lenin and Trotsky by heart, but he couldn't tell the difference between fluff and hair. Shujing said, "Your red leather tie is also very beautiful. "Actually, he wore a gray-blue threaded tie. Fang Guochu was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help laughing.

At the end of the semester, Shujing suddenly felt that the Christmas vacation was too long. She didn't know if she missed the homework Fang Guochu gave her, or his people. Again and again, she walked past his office, and couldn't help but stop, but she didn't see him. Therefore, Shujing was bold and developed the habit of visiting his office every day. Shu Jing looked at it like this, leaning against the door, as if leaning against a person. Until one day she ran into him.

Fang Guochu turned out to be much taller than her. He lowered his head and said with a smile, "Why do you come every day?" I'll see you in the newspaper room across the street. ”

Shujing's face was flushed. He came closer and said, "Since you are here, don't go." Shu Jing noticed that she leaned forward a little to enter his arms. She took a step back. Fang Guochu was still smiling, he didn't force him forward, because there was no need for this.

He prepared afternoon tea for her, because Fang Guochu's dormitory was all British-style buildings, with large white wooden framed floor-to-ceiling windows, wisteria flowers crawling on the wall, and the sunlight was thin, Shujing knew that this was a completely British conspiracy: his living room was so clean and tidy, and there was a pair of newly embroidered silk sleeping drags on the carpet, Shujing looked extremely frightened, and regretted a little, why did he come to his house for afternoon tea.

But he only showed her a few old photos, he circled himself with a red pen, and said to Shujing: "This is Fang Guochu." The most popular Trotskyist in Hong Kong in the 70s. You see, is it not like it? Shujing thought and said, "You are much older. But she didn't say, just reached out and touched his face, and he grabbed her, and she said, "Can I ask for another bad milk tea?" "When he went, he kicked the sleeping drag over. Shujing took off her shoes and rubbed her bare feet on the carpet, but it was hot and itchy, and when he came back, she put on the goose yellow embroidered big pink Lang Jin Xiang and slept on it. Shu Jing never drank the cup of milk tea, and when she got dressed again and returned to the living room, the milk tea was already cold, she couldn't help but shudder, Fang Guochu hugged her tightly, he never imagined that she could be such an enthusiastic woman. Leave these many fine tooth marks on his body,

Until the end of the vacation, Fang Guochu had never looked for Shujing, he was afraid that she was the kind of old-fashioned woman, once she had a physical relationship with her, she would stick to it tightly, and she would still be his student next semester, so he couldn't afford to make such trouble. But he still looked out in the newspaper reading room every day, looking forward to Shujing's tall and thin body, and he missed the coldness and calmness of her body, like water. She didn't appear, and Fang Guochu suddenly wanted her very strongly.

When she saw Shu Jing again, Fang Guochu found that Shu Jing had cut her hair, and her eyes were very distinct, and she called him: "Mr. Fang." Then he was given a small paper and nothing else. Then he turned and departed. She just glanced back at him, if Fang Guochu wanted to love this woman's soul, he would definitely fall in love with such a pair of gentle and firm eyes, but he hadn't decided yet, and he didn't feel the need to make a decision on any woman.

There was no introductory class in the next semester, and the book earner only came to him once a week, he gave her a bibliography, she gave him a report, and the two of them exchanged papers silently. Shu Jing's homework was very detailed, and the bibliography actually included works published in 1984, which caused Fang Guochu to catch up. He couldn't help but be a little resentful, carrying a big burden for no reason, both at work and mentally.

Shujing came and went like this, as if nothing had happened, even Fang Guochu suspected that he hadn't touched her at all, this day Shujing said that he couldn't find StuartHall's article, so Fang Guochu said, "Come to my house and get it." Shujing bowed her head and said nothing. Fang Guochu was not sure at this time, he had touched her. He reached for her shoulder. She dodged and said, "Please bring the book to the office next time." Fang Guochu stretched out his hand, not knowing how to advance or retreat for a while, and couldn't help asking: "Why?" As soon as he spoke, he regretted it, but he couldn't help it. Shuqian just looked at him, a pair of eyes, gentle and affirmative. After a while, she leaned over a little and said, "Thank you." And he closed the door and departed.

He opened the door to chase her, and found that she was walking side by side with a man with honey-skinned skin and a racket on his back, Fang Guochu couldn't help but grit his teeth, how could he not get her. Fang Guochu was ruthless, and went to the dormitory to look for her very early the next day, but she didn't answer the bell, and Fang Guochu was not good at lingering in the student dormitory, for fear that the students would recognize him, so he had to pretend, wear a big sunglasses, and read the newspaper at the gate. He wanted her, he wanted her cold body, and only this could calm his uneasiness.

The sun is up, and the book is gone. Fang Guochu took off his glasses, and for the first time he felt a little stunned, only to realize that he had long forgotten the taste of amazement...... Last time, it may have been that he found his former friend Xiao Chaoran to make a funny movie, and he became popular...... He was a little stunned. Nowadays, everything is calm, and college is the easiest place to calm down...... Fang Guochu put back on his sunglasses: What do you do with him in the morning.

At this time, Shu Jing was wearing a set of pink sportswear, carrying a racket, and walking with the male student from the morning light, Fang Guochu almost felt Shu Jing's slight sweat, he couldn't help gritting his teeth, she and he never shed a drop of sweat, she was always so cold. But she played ball with the kid and sweated...... Fang Guochu stood up, grabbed the kid and punched him twice, the kid knocked down Fang Guochu's sunglasses with one hand, and was stunned. Shujing stepped back and said coldly: "Zhou Zuer, you go back first." Zu'er couldn't help but say loudly: "You are afraid of him when he teaches, hollow old man, idle, what does he know except for two words?" Shujing said word by word: "You go back first, did you hear that?" Zhou Zuer was suddenly deflated and said, "I'll look for you again, okay?" Shu Jing said softly: "Let's talk about it." "The corner of his eyes glanced at Fang Guochu faintly, and Fang Guochu smiled.

The two of them had nothing to say in the car, and Fang Guochu reached out to hold Shu Jing's hand. Shu Jing struggled slightly, and Fang Guo became more and more entangled. Shu Jing half-pushed, half-pushed, didn't look at him, but felt his presence all over his body. Shujing looked at the scene outside the window, a little confused, he loved her, he didn't accept her; He loved her, and he saw her as a woman in a bed; He didn't love her, but he looked for her, and he drove the car so freely. He loves her, not her, her. He thought about it. Shujing is just weak. At this time, the car braked suddenly, and it turned out that the pickup truck in front of it collided with a taxi. Somehow, the tail of the pickup truck turned upside down, and it turned towards the book, and the front glass was shattered. The driver was a young man in his twenties, lying on the wheel, sleeping, with a few drops of blood sticking to his hair, and his color was extremely staged. Fang Guochu pressed the number and said, "Unlucky, I don't know how long it will take to stop." Shujing couldn't help but look at him with admiration. The young man struggled, and then fell down again, revealing his hands, which were extremely clean in the sun. The stuffed cars were very quiet, the police did not come, everyone was calm, around the bones, what to wait, what to wait. Fang Guochu held Shu Jing tightly, Shu Jing leaned against the car window, the window was cold and unpopular. She couldn't help but exhale and let the window fog up a layer of fog to prove that she was alive, and after a while, Fang Guochu said: "The fire department said that all ambulance personnel would arrive at the scene of the accident within 12 minutes, which is simply the biggest lie in the world." Shu Jing couldn't help but look at the white bones. She thinks that she will not let you be proud until she has a bright nightmare of white bones. Fang Guochu suddenly said, "No, that's just the third big lie. "How short life is, how rare it is to meet, thousands of thoughts, all kinds of obsessions, before this white bone, it is all a lie Fang Guochu said: "The second big lie is: I love you." I only love you one. "It doesn't matter if it's a lie or not, what is not a mirror, before the white bones, perhaps the most stubborn person will be willing to be deceived Fang Guochu turned around, leaned on the steering wheel with one hand, and said with a smile: "Do you want to listen to the biggest lie in the world?" Shu Jing always looked at the white and bony hands, and she didn't care about anything on the steering wheel, Fang Guochu said, "You marry me, okay?" Shu Jing gently held her hand, feeling that flesh and blood were nothing more than flesh and blood. Maybe that's it. Marriage. What does it matter, this body is nothing more than flesh and blood. She said, "Okay." She never turned her head to look at him.

They held a very simple marriage ceremony, and Shujing only sent a card to his parents; I didn't even write a return address. Fang Guochu's family is all in the mainland, there is only one eldest brother, but unfortunately he has not obtained a degree after studying in the United States for eight years, but taking this opportunity, Shujing met Fang Guochu's so-called comrades-in-arms, they stirred up Chinese sports and fishing together, a doctor of Chinese named Xiao Gao, teaching elementary school, belly fat so swollen that three primary school students could not surround it; a pornographic magazine, named Li Da, who is full of fat stomach and lustful with watery eyes; and Fang Guochu mentioned that Xiao Chao, who was making a movie, also came, his hair was extremely unkempt, his shirt was too narrow, and Shujing saw the hair on his navel; One opened a bookstore. The suits are outdated, and the shirt collar is still a little torn; There is also a leader who has become a pressure group, and he is the loudest. DISTURBING IT, THEY PLAYED SHOWHAND, LI DA WAS THE WINNER, XIAO CHAO COULDN'T HELP BUT HIS MOTHER, XIAO GAO, LIBERATED HIS BELLY, AND SAW THE LIGHT OF DAY AGAIN. Fang Guochu sang with a red face, probably gambling big, but he didn't make any noise, just concentrated. Shujing was far away from them, leaning against the screen, plain white; She suddenly felt that mourning and joy were almost the same, both of them were desperate and lively. The night was quiet, and Fang Guochu was already drunk. Shujing shampooed and bathed in a lotus transparent cotton dressing gown. Leaning against the bed, she didn't want to sleep or wake up. The moon sank and the stars fell, the night shifted, Fang Guochu turned around, a little conscious, he tore open Shu Jing's nightgown and he didn't even have time to take off her clothes, Shu Jing didn't move, only three or two efforts, Fang Guochu vented out. Shujing's hands and feet were in extreme pain: she longed to cut off her body. At this time, the dawn is faint, and there are birds outside the window. Shujing said with a wry smile, "Marx said that marriage is institutionalized prostitution, and it turns out that he is right. Fang Guochu turned around and snorted slightly. Shujing packed up the quilt and went to the guest room to sleep. He doesn't know yet. Maybe he knew, but he didn't care, Shujing was full of pain, and pulled the curtains tightly, it was dawn outside, but she didn't want to know.

The next morning, Shujing woke up, still not knowing where he was. It's just that there is a breakfast plate next to the bed, and a large bouquet of lilies is inserted in the crystal cold water bottle, Shujing holds the lilies and eats the petals one by one, it turns out that the flowers are beautiful and the taste is extremely bitter. Fang Guochu could probably hear the sound. Knock on the door first. Without waiting for Shujing to answer, he pushed the door in. Seeing Shu Jing like this, he just hugged her. Shujing's body softened, and he almost burst into tears, Fang Guochu said, "I'm sorry." Shu Jing gritted her teeth, her face was as good as her eyebrows, and she said, "My responsibility as a wife." Fang Guochu buried his head in Shu Jing's chest, Shu Jing hesitated for a while, and then reached out to stroke his head, and found that he had a lot of gray hair and many years of worry, so why bother.

The book is waiting for him. was polite, called him "Mr. Fang", kissed his forehead at night, said "good night", and then locked the door of the guest room, she never forgave him. Fang Guochu bought her jewelry, clothes, and flowers, and she gladly accepted them, saying "thank you" and kissing his face; But always lock the door to your guest room. Fang Guochu couldn't help but be upset, when he got out of class, he went to the canteen to drink a bottle of beer, bought a box of barbecued pork, went home with a red face, and fell asleep. Shu Jing still maintains the habit of working in the library until eleven o'clock every day, but his homework has not been changed for him. Sometimes Fang Guochu woke up in the middle of the night and saw that Shujing's room was tight, closed in pitch black, so he watched TV, ate barbecued pork, and drank a bottle of beer by himself, and he didn't understand why he wanted to get married. And he found out that he was married to a woman who was most troublesome of the most.

Shujing was in the dark, and the movement in the living room was clearly audible: he yawned, he snored, and Shujing wanted to come out to see him three or four times, but he always held himself back: he never loved her, so he couldn't get her. Until one night, Shujing found that Fang Guochu was no longer sleeping in the living room, and Fang Fang entered Fang Guochu's bedroom to look for him. But he slept so hard that he didn't even know she was coming. The next morning she got up to work, and he was still sleeping; Perhaps her presence or absence doesn't matter so much to him anymore. Shu Jing is just cold-hearted, and husband and wife are no different. Fang Guochu likes to sleep, the real kind of sleep: sleeping with his head covered. The book is quiet, and the husband and wife share the same bed, and they can be unkind and loveless.

Since then, Fang Guochu and Cheng Shujing have become husband and wife, Fang Guochu still likes to sleep, and Shujing still gets up in the morning to work. Sometimes they make love, sometimes they don't. Shujing was originally not good at talking, and now she has nothing to say. After a month, Fang Guochu felt bored, and gradually started to gain weight. Really, I got my Ph.D., I got a teaching position, and my three-year probationary period of doing research has passed. Right now...... Even got married, Fang Guochu was even more bored, the only thing he could do was to gain weight and drink a big bottle of beer after class. Fang Guochu thought that maybe he should have a son, but that was not his responsibility.

Shujing was taking birth control pills by herself. She was already thin, and somehow, the more she took the medicine, the thinner she became. One day, Shujing sat alone in the canteen at dusk, staring at Xiao Yaowan, she didn't understand why she wanted to get married, and she had more trouble than Fang Guochu. There was a sudden disturbance in the cafeteria, and a group of students were shouting about tea and coffee. Shu Jing frowned, and suddenly realized that Zhou Zuer was also among them. He hasn't looked for her since she got married. After a long time, he became more and more delicate, wearing a wide jersey, and in early spring, half of his shoulder was bare. Shu Jing found that he hadn't exercised for a long time: Fang Guochu was a person who no longer exercised, and his mind and body were the same. Shujing suddenly lowered his head.

"Cheng Shujing, I haven't seen you for a long time, you have lost a lot of weight, everyone is in a hurry to get fat when they get married, but you like to be thin." That Zhou Zu'er leaned on the table and looked at Shu Jing with a sideways face, Shu Jing unconsciously blushed and his ears were hot: he held the small pill tightly. "It doesn't matter, you're still beautiful." Zhou Zuer got closer, and Shujing saw his half-exposed shoulders again: "Skinny, like a chicken." Shujing couldn't help but laugh.

Shujing followed them down the mountain to watch a movie, and Zhou Zuer introduced her as "Cheng Shujing" and accompanied her all the time. Shu Jing didn't say much anyway, and everyone soon forgot to have a relationship with her. She just exists. After watching the movie, they went to the Hong Kong and Macau Pier to eat. The lights are brilliant, the figures are building, and Shujing can't help but gently pinch Zu'er's shoulder: how vain is the excitement. They were a group of five or six people, all first and second graders, who were exchanging shopping experiences. There is a woman, extremely gorgeous, Shujing looks familiar, it turns out that she works part-time as a news reporter in the TV station, her name is Zhao Mei, she is paid, and she treats her. Zu'er taught people to swim, and he was also paid, and he invited him to drink. Almost all of them have part-time jobs, and today's students are really elite, how can there be poor scholars, so Zhao Mei asked: "Cheng Shujing, what are you doing part-time?" Shujing said: "I will be a wife." She couldn't help but ask, "What?" Do housework?" Shujing replied: "No, you don't need to do housework, just room service." Zu'er diverted the topic, and Shujing only felt that he hugged her tighter. Shu Jing also let him go, although it was passive, Shu Jing couldn't help but admit it. Compared to Fang Guochu, any young man is a temptation. After the meal, they also went to Central to dance, Shujing drank wine, and felt even more dizzy, the lights were blue, purple and white, Shujing felt that this was hell. She insisted on refusing to dance, and Zu'er was bored. Shujing instigated him to jump with Zhao Mei. Shujing sat in a corner, and suddenly saw his own small purple face on the glass of the wall. She held her face. In hell, she saw herself: small, purple-white; The face of this era, but after all, it is still her own. It's so noisy outside, so many people and many things, and the only thing that can be mastered is a little bit of oneself, a little bit of quietness. She suddenly missed Fang Guochu very strongly. and tied to him, her and his fate. She took advantage of the fact that everyone was crowded on the dance floor and slipped away quietly.

The fog was very heavy at midnight, and Shujing, who was far away, saw that the lights were on in her room: she couldn't help but quicken her pace. In the bleak night, it was her only hope.

Fang Guochu was watching TV, and when he heard her come back, he didn't move. Still watching TV. Shu Jing didn't take off his coat, and he was wet and lay on his shoulder. Neither of them sounded, and the sound of the TV was very high: "I was very naughty when I was a child......" Shu Jing turned off the TV when he stepped forward, but Fang Guochu held the remote control and immediately turned the TV on again. Because the voltage was uneven, the human head on the screen was torn into a spasmodic look, and Fang Guochu's face couldn't help but be a little distorted. Shu Jing realized that the person on the screen was Xiao Chao. Shu Jing just wanted to lie on Fang Guochu's shoulder, and halfway through her movements, she froze and couldn't help but say, "Why didn't you ask me why I came back so late?" Fang Guochu still looked at the screen and said: "This guy's theoretical foundation is the weakest, and he is timid, so let me make ideas for him in everything; Her name is Huang Cuixian, she is a very beautiful girl, Xiaochao and I are rivals in love, and comrades-in-arms, and finally ...... The man she married was admitted to the Legislative Council. She's a visionary girl...... I haven't seen her for a long time, and I don't know if she's fat...... Have children...... Xiao Chao is just a play, I have taught the book for the past ten years...... "Shu Jing bit by bit, I feel that Fang Guochu has killed her heart alive, he is not waiting at all, his whole person is just a past tense, he has killed himself one by one, Shu Jing couldn't help pinching his neck and shaking him: "Guo Chu, Guo Chu!" She squeezed him hard, and he gradually felt breathless, so he reached out to climb her, and the book was still burning: "I, I!" Fang Guochu's eyes were dilated, he looked at Shu Jing, and saw through her, his god was far away. Shu Jing was dizzy, and he wanted to pinch him to death immediately: "I! I'm so young, why do you want to bury me? Why did you bury me? "Fang Guochu is just dead, he doesn't have a wild suit in his neck, he just wants Shujing to let go of his hand quickly, but he didn't pull her again." Fang Weichu, this year is 1986, 1986, do you know?" Shu Jing felt that his words were thrown into the vast sea, and he unconsciously let go of his hand, and after a while, Fang Guochu said, "You pinched my throat and hurt." Shu Jing was all gone, his whole body softened, and he lay down on the sofa, Fang Guochu cleared his throat, got up and said, "You pinched my throat, do you want to drink hot water?" He went to the dining room step by step to pour tea, and Shujing was in pain, just rubbing the clothes on his chest: she was wrong; She married an old man. Maybe she hurt him. When she marries him and fulfills his responsibilities as a man, he has nothing to do: she has forced him to be an old man, and perhaps it is only her fault. Shujing couldn't help but shrink and pull her hair. Fang Guochu came back, hugged her, and whispered, "Shujing, come and have a cup of hot tea." Come. Come. He patted her on the back, rubbed her, and coaxed her: "Come, drink tea, I'm sorry, I'm always like this." Shu Jing overturned the hot tea and said, "Just because you are always like this." The hot tea scalded Fang Guochu, and his patience was exhausted: "Neuropathy." He didn't care about Shujing, continued to watch TV, and turned up his voice very high, Xiaochao sang, and Xiaochao made funny dramas. Shujing curled up on the sofa, Shujing repeated in his heart, he was finished. She was not willing to end up like this: if she went down with him, she would be finished...... Ashes. So she was willing to burn, and let him watch the fire from the dim end, and then he sank...... One burns, the other sinks, husband and wife should share weal and woe, why is it so.

It is also appropriate for the cold time of spring. Shu Jing actually got sick, a little hot, dizzy, Fang Guochu Zhang Luo saw a doctor for her, the tea continued, and she did her husband's responsibility, Shu Jing was born with a different heart. but it was shaken again. Shujing has been sick for several days. That Zhou Zu'er's powerful call came, and it was Fang Guochu who answered. Fang Guochu listened to the young man's voice and couldn't help asking, "Which one is looking for her?" Hearing that it was Zhou Zuer, he said in a rough voice: "She is sick, please don't disturb her again." Hung up with a bang, Shujing was dizzy in the room, only to be woken up by the sound of hanging up the phone, Fang Guochu came in, Shujing closed her eyes tightly, and was still asking, "Who?" Who to look for? Fang Guochu couldn't help but be angry: to this day, she is still not clean with this kid, so she leaned against the door from a distance and said: "Your little friend Zhou Zuer wants to come to greet you!" Shu Jing opened his eyes slightly, only looking at Fang Guochu, Fang Guochu sneered and said, "The child is taking my "Modern Theory" class, he could have taken an E, but now he is qualified to get an F!" Shu Jing wrapped herself tightly in the quilt, trembling for a while, and couldn't speak. Fang Guochu was not to be outdone, and wanted to pull away a little Shu Jing's quilt, Shu Jing didn't know where to get the strength, and pressed it hard, Fang Guochu said vigorously: "He deserves it!" These students don't learn and don't have skills, they just chase girls and play tennis, am I right? Scare? When I was in college, "Ah" Shujing suddenly screamed, because of her weak strength, it was actually just a scream of "Ah, Ya" in her throat, Fang Guochu was startled, and the words stopped, Shujing breathed a sigh of relief, and let go of her body, Fang Guochu unconsciously pulled up Shujing's quilt: Finding that Shujing's body was like a young ice silkworm, she was much thinner, and she looked like she had no flesh and bones, Fang Guochu couldn't help but sigh and cover the quilt for Shujing. Shujing turned around with difficulty and carried him on his back. He stood guard for a while, and saw that she did not move. Thinking that she was asleep, he tiptoed to go out. Shu said quietly: "Guochu, don't keep mentioning whether the past is good or not." You are not an uninformed person......" She turned around again and again, facing Fang Guochu: "We have all read...... It should be reasonable...... A lot of things we ...... Do you want me to say, 'Actually, I love you the most'...... A lot of things are clear. We don't just talk...... You should understand. Shu Jing said that, but she felt that her heart was half dead, she just closed her eyes, Fang Guochu reached out and held Shu Jing: her hand, small, but extremely hard, Fang Guochu gently hugged Shu Jing. stroked her hair, but there was infinite trouble in her heart: such a woman, playing dumb riddles every day, wouldn't it make her nervous. Fang Guochu couldn't wait to leave Shujing, turn around and never return, but since he was confused at first, but he was always her husband, how could a man easily divorce his wife. Fang Guochu was also a little glad that Shujing didn't have a child at the moment, "I must buy some condoms tomorrow." Fang Guochu hugged Shujing in his body, but he made such a decision in his heart.

The next day, Shujing saw that he was better, wrapped in felt, sitting in front of the window and watching the fog, looking just confused, Guochu accompanied Shujing for more than a week. I couldn't breathe, so I called my old friend in the living room to talk to friends. As he spoke, the doorbell rang, and Shu Jing could hear the disturbance outside, Guo Chu was still talking, and Shu sat quietly, until he saw the fog thinning, revealing azaleas scattered all over the ground. At this time, Guo Chufang came in, took a bunch of daffodils, put it down and left. Shujing asked, "Who is here?" Guo Chu replied, "No." Just sent flowers. Shu Jing said: "How long have you been talking to the flower deliverer?" Guo Chu replied: "I am on the phone." Looking down, the bouquet was connected to the business card, and it was very clearly written, "Cheng Shujing, I wish you good health." Zu'er Shujing stopped asking, leaned over and opened the big wooden window, and dropped the bouquet. Fang Guochu immediately walked back and closed the window for Shujing. Shu Jing saw that Guo Chu was smiling slightly, so he said, "If I have any decision, I hope it will be based on a more sacred reason. Guo Chu smiled, frowned and asked, "What decision?" Shujing hugged the felt, closed her eyes step by step, and her face was as calm as a burial.

Fang Guochu was worried for several days, and every time he went to Shujing's room, he tiptoed, put down the pills and warm water and left. He didn't know what she would decide: this woman, anything was possible. Maybe she'll pinch him to death. Or maybe she'll scream and die. Fang Guochu was single-minded, and only hoped that she would get well soon; It's good for everyone to go out to work. Therefore, Fang Guochu always has the TV on in the living room and the radio at the same time. He just corrected the paper on the TV and casually gave the student a mark. Sometimes when I look up and see Shujing's room, I am shocked, and the volume in my hand will always be a C.

If the book is quiet, the sick will be cured. Fang Guochu woke up one day and found that Shujing had gone out to work and left him breakfast, Fang Guochu felt that this was a murderous house. The woman floated around, without a trace, he walked around the house alone, opened all the doors and windows, but it was a cloudy day in late spring, and the house still looked ghostly, Fang Guochu had to go out to call.

Shujing sat in the library for a morning, after all, it was the beginning of a minor illness, and the soul was always the soul, the body was the body, and he was free. She leaned over to look at the campus, the cuckoo had been thanked, after a minor illness, everything was far away, Shujing felt that she was short-sighted, everything was glorious, even Fang Guochu was far away, so she packed up her books and wanted to go home to sleep. Maybe wake up. can still share the family, husband and wife together, she can only count on this sleep. Change everything. Before arriving at the door, Shujing could hear the compulsion in the room, mixed with bursts of laughter. The book stood quietly and smallly, and found that the yellow frangipani in front of the door was in full bloom, draped like a madwoman's hair. She suddenly felt very weak, so she gently held on to the white wooden door. She remembered her childhood...... Her mother often ran away, and at the end of the year, she would keep her a new set of clothes anyway. She put on her stiff new clothes, held on to the door, and the mortar fire was heard outside...... The one she waited for would never come. She stood like this for the rest of her life. Shu Jing raised his face and rubbed a handful of Huang Frangipani.

In the living room were four men, eight hands, four mouths, and it didn't stop. Xiao Chao is laughing and said, my current goal is not to write or read, but the beautiful lady will always find you a few. Li Da still glanced at a pair of lewd eyes: "Xiao Chu will write some comments for me, this is a high-level adult magazine, maybe it can be reported to the school for academic publication!" When Shujing closed the door, they realized her intervention and beckoned. Fang Guochu only said, "I'm back." "Yanqing didn't leave the card idea, and Shujing hung one

Smiling, Tingting sat behind Fang Guochu and found that Fang Guochu was doing a good job; "It's boring, touch!" This is Fang Guochu's explanation to the ground, Shujing leaned on Fang Guochu's shoulder, these eight hands, held high the ideal banner, and now she is only touching around on the mahjong table, she suddenly stopped being angry, and could only gently stroke Fang Guochu's shoulder. Fang Guochu was dedicated to managing his purity, and he didn't even bother to answer Li Da's words, and suddenly the muscles on his shoulders tightened: "Ha!" Self-touch three spicy! He pushed the card to count the money, and Fang turned his face to Shujing and said, "Could you please pour a few tea for us?" Xiaochao then said: "Are we hungry, do we have anything to eat?" Shujing stood up, plain white as a lotus. She said, "Oh, please wait. But she didn't go into the kitchen. She just walked to the door and slowly unlocked the lock. The sound of mahjong stopped for a while, and Shujing was outside the door. Hearing Fang Guochu said: "She often has such a strange temper, don't pay attention to her......" Shu Jing closed the door, and the sound of mahjong sounded compulsively, Huang Suqing bloomed, draped away like a mad woman's hair, Shu Jing tore off a yellow frangipani flower and inserted it on her head. With the sky above and Victoria Harbour at your feet, the book is quiet step by step, but you know that there is no way out. She walked diagonally down Third Street, Second Street, First Street...... Maybe it will come to zero, and from then on, the dust and dust, each in its own place. What to say, there is no war artillery, but in a peaceful and prosperous world, people are just like ashes. Fang Guochu is finished...... Shu Jing suddenly felt homeless, so he couldn't go any further, touched the dessert shop by the seaside, and called a guest of mulberry egg tea, the entrance was extremely bitter, and the ground was just blindly adding sand sugar, but then even the sand sugar could not be dissolved, and it was gathered at the bottom of the bowl, and Shu Jing knew that everything was in vain.

She looked up, only to realize that this was her student's favorite dessert shop to gather here, and that was how the matter had been decided.

Shujing knocked on Zu'er's door; The doors of the colonial university are all made of wood. Those who teach and those who read are not the same nostrils that breathe. She took a large bouquet of daffodils that were exactly the same as the one he sent, and returned him flowers and half a lifetime of affection.

"Who?" Zu'er's voice was a little floating, not quite like his Su Ri Ling Throat.

"Cheng Shujing."

It was Zhao Mei who opened the door, with scattered hair, residual makeup, and only a small coat. Shujing muttered, "Yes, no." "Give the flower to Zhao Mei, turn around and leave. Zhao Mei shouted: "It doesn't matter, don't you go ......" Shujing just hurriedly walked through the endless corridor; Like a red-whisked girl running away, a lifetime, all in one thought. This thought and the other thought, all of them are lost.

Shujing's mouth was dry, and he climbed up the mountain dumbly, and Victoria Harbor was already purple. She held her head, her mind was gone, and she had no body. When I got home, the living room was cleaner and quieter than usual, Chen Chenlie, the more open and spacious, Fang Guochu was upright, reading magazines. Seeing Shu Jing's pale face, he immediately stepped forward. Earnestly and diligently helped: "They are all gone, they are all old friends, have you seen them...... Just walk around, just walk around. Shujing didn't answer, she wanted to pour water to drink, Fang Guochu took the cup, poured water for her, and said, "I've fried hot angelica soup for you, and I'll drink it later." Shujing pushed the water away, his heart was like thunder, but he had already made a decision, and no matter how diligent he was, he would not do anything. Shujing walked back to her room by herself. Fang Guochu sat in the living room by himself and was stunned, the taste of angelica was extremely dignified, he really couldn't stand it, maybe he didn't treat her well, but wouldn't she be equally wanton and domineering, facing this Cheng Shujing, soft and hard, why bother, Fang Guochu stared at Shujing's room fiercely, strode to the kitchen and poured out a pot of angelica soup with a strong grass fragrance, Angelica was poured out, the smell was still lingering, Fang Guochu suddenly felt very annoying, too many things in life are lazy, and people can't control them when they come and go.

This Cheng Shujing, followed by nothing else, going out to work every day, sleeping in her room at night, Fang Guochu thought to himself, this cold war, and I don't know what year and day, maybe put it aside, she will be fine again. Anyway, this woman couldn't take anything from her, but Fang Guochu found that there were fewer books in Shu Song. The closet was empty again. I thought that this was summer, and I wanted to be fast when there were fewer things, so I didn't care, the summer vacation came, Fang Guochu was even more bored, and he took a nap every day, so he became more and more fat. Idle mahjong. I didn't dare to start at home, but it was better to go to Li Da. There are adult videos to watch, and they talk while watching. The day will be over. Come to Fang Guochu to BennyHillSHOW at night, a little stuffy, drink a big bottle of beer, and sleep well. Shujing came and went in front of him, day by day, counting and counting days.

This morning, Fang Guochu found breakfast on the table. The crystal bottle was filled with a large bouquet of lilies, and Fang Guochu suddenly felt that this situation was very familiar. The vase was pressed with a small letter, written "Mr. Fang Guochu", and on the plain white stationery was Shujing's small words: "Seven arrows tonight." TAVNERNA. Please enjoy the light. Fang Guochu couldn't help but be full of doubts, it was easy to stay until the evening. He actually did this kind of thing for the first time in his life: he looked for clothes to wear, and it took him a long time to put on a light gray wide-fitting suit, a cotton white shirt, no tie, and a white silk scarf: except for the night of the wedding, he never thought about clothes.

He had seen Shujing from afar, though she sat in a dim corner. He suddenly felt that she was beautiful: he paused, and then he met her.

Shu Jing saw him, pursed her lips, and seemed to be smiling. The face was slightly raised, and the old elephant was full of anticipation, and she beckoned him to sit down and ordered food for him. Then he didn't speak, just gently held his face: look at him. The candlelight jumped, and her face dimmed. Fang Guochu took out the bag towel for no reason, put it in his pocket, and said, "Bought a new dress?" Shu Jing bowed her head slightly and said, "No, it's homely." Fang Guochu asked, "Why haven't you seen it?" You have only white clothes, as if there is no beige. Shu Jing gently covered half of her face and said, "It was originally white, but it was old, and it looked a little beige." The first plate came, and the two of them were silent for a while, eating very attentively. Shu Jing said: "Guochu, many things have been put aside unconsciously. Fang Guochu felt very unhappy, so he put down the small fork and didn't eat. Shu Jing stretched out her hand to stroke the candle, and a drop of candle tears flowed down and stared on her fingers. Shujing said: "Divorce me, okay?" The candle tears burned, but Shujing didn't feel pain. Fang Guochu rubbed his temples, and then his eyes were itchy again, so he rubbed them. The hot wax on Shujing's hands is getting thicker and thicker. When the main dish came, Fang Guochu didn't use his knife and fork, but only inserted the bag towel back into the pocket of his jacket. After a while, he said, "Well, what do you say?" Kindness. That's it...... At my age, love and hate are not so strong...... I guess that's the generation gap. If we had met in 10 years, I would have guessed that the outcome would have been different...... Kindness. Shu Jing withdrew his hand, there were still candle tears on his fingers, and he grabbed Fang Guochu's little finger like this. Fang Guochu looked at the floating candlelight, and couldn't help but have a strange smile on his face: "But I will never object to young people pursuing their ideals. Kindness. I have a couple of old classmates who can help, and we may have to spend some time and legal formalities. Shu Jing pressed his hand and said, "We will divide the bill." Fang Guochu held Shujing with both hands and said, "Oh, I earn more than you, I'll let me do this host." At this time, the two looked at each other and shook hands, like any vulgar man and woman in love. Shujing said, "Come and accompany me tonight, okay?" Fang Guochu was a little strange, but he didn't ask, so he replied: "Okay." He suddenly found that he had also contracted the habit of being a scholar.

Shu Jing took Fang Guochu to a building in the West Ring, and when he went up the stairs, the wood creaked, and Shu Jing reached out to pull him.

It turned out to be a small unit with one living room and one room, with white linen curtains and Mongolian blankets intertwined with yellow and green. Fang Guochu saw that Shujing had already brought all the books and clothes from home. Fang Guochu couldn't help but shake his head: "I've never seen a woman like you." Shujing turned his face sideways, and his lips were still pursed with a smile: "You don't know much." Fang Guochu pulled her: "Willing to bow down." ”

Shu Jing only knew at this time that Fang Guochu could also be gentle. He touched her neck like this, for fear of breaking her to pieces. He stroked her eyebrows like this, and her eyelashes were as quiet as a dying butterfly. He bit her shoulder like this, and she thought she was celadon jade. He kissed her breasts like this, and she could be as soft as a baby. His body, his breath, his people...... What a peaceful sorrow.

Fang Guochu was tired, so he fell asleep on Shujing's bed. Shujing bathed and wiped his hair in front of him. When all was done, she laid away his clothes and woke him up.

Fang Guochu opened his eyes slightly, and wanted to sleep again. Shujing put on the sleeve of his shirt for him, and he woke up and said, "What? Shu Jing smiled and said: "This house is my heart, and this heart does not leave guests." Fang Guochu didn't say anything, and dressed silently. He kissed her on the forehead and left. At four o'clock in the night, Shujing turned on the lights in the whole house, and the lights were bright, and he sat alone in the living room.

Two weeks later, Shujing received a call from Fong asking her to sign a certificate of separation at a firm in Central, and the divorce would take effect automatically after two years: he could be diligent if he wanted to. Hanging up the phone, Shujing stayed for another night.

Divorce turned out to be easy, only when it was difficult to make up your mind, after the matter was over, the little lawyer shook hands with them, and Fang Guochu was also very natural, and shook hands with Shujing. Shujing immediately realized that he had taken off the ring.

They left the office building at lunchtime. The wind is surging in Central. Shujing stood on the street, hesitating. Fang Guochu was talking: "It's been very hot these days, there are a lot of mosquitoes, and the air conditioning can't drive away ......." "People come and go. The sun was shining, and Shujing was sweating...... "I don't wear clothes at home, but I can't sleep when it's hot...... late." Shu Jing raised her head, the summer was reflected on the glass screen of the building, tossing and turning, thousands of days...... "I got up early in the morning, I went to play tennis by myself......" Shu Jing gently pulled Fang Guochu's sleeve and asked: "Mr. Fang, are you happy?" At this time, they were standing on the safety island outside the entertainment theater, surrounded by dust on three sides, and exhaust fumes were spraying in waves. As soon as the red light turned on, Fang Guochu stopped and turned his head to look at Shujing: "Why do you ask such a question?" You should go to literature, philosophy, and so on. Shujing let go of him, didn't look at his eyebrows, smiled slightly and said, "Didn't you tell me to go to housekeeping?" Fang Guochu touched her forehead and said, "It's a child's temper." I still have to remember that I spoke unintentionally. At this time, the green light turned on, Fang Guochu hurriedly passed, in the crowd, he didn't notice that there was no Shu Jing, Shu Jing stood, holding the indicator light of the safety island, and whispered: "You are the person I love, how can I not remember?" But the one she loved was gone. On such a midsummer noon, such a traffic light crossing, such a thousand people, the person she loves has gone away Shu Jing grabbed the sign tightly, but Jue Slip did not leave her hand, she clenched her fists vigorously, all she had was that these enthusiasm were often out of control after the matter passed. Red light, green light, first time. Shujing cried.

Shujing took a big breath, raised his face, and greeted the sun. It should be like this, in a peaceful and prosperous world, the biggest personal experience is nothing more than disillusionment. The sun is scorching, and the book is still full of fiery red...... This kind of modernist architecture is still popular in Hong Kong, but it is actually outdated...... She lowered her head and gently held one of her hands. The weather was extremely hot, and the tears were still surging just now, and they dried up after a while, and the book was quiet but felt a little itchy on his face. Other than that, it was as if there was nothing: the city was so rapid that it did not even have time for a tear to remain on the face. The green light turned on, and Shu Jing straightened his shoulders and walked into the crowd, and disappeared.

We don't know where Shujing went. Maybe she's no longer young...... Maybe she will find someone worse than Fang Guochu to get married and have children. In this era, it seems that she can only do this.

In a peaceful and prosperous world, the most thrilling love story can only be like this. Hong Kong in the 80s.