
At my ex-husband's wedding banquet, I revealed his secret, and the audience was dumbfounded, even his father was speechless

author:Observation Room 7
This article is a fictional novel, the pictures are all network pictures, and the names of people and places are all apocryphal.


Sitting on the sofa, I stared back to the night when my husband, Li Guoqiang, stopped me angrily because of a misunderstanding, and asked me if I had an illicit relationship with Zhang Ligang, who was six years younger than me.

At my ex-husband's wedding banquet, I revealed his secret, and the audience was dumbfounded, even his father was speechless

Zhang Ligang, an architect he met at a community event, fell in love with me at first sight and confessed to me desperately.

Even though I was married, he persevered.

I tried my best to explain to Guoqiang, and my heart was as messy as a blender, but fortunately, in the end, Guoqiang calmed down and believed my words, and things calmed down.

It seems like yesterday that we met by chance in the library of the university, when he was intently looking at a book on mechanical design.

I am good at discovering beauty, and I am deeply attracted by his serious appearance.

As the relationship deepened, we found that the other party was so compatible.

After graduation, we decided to enter the palace of marriage hand in hand, and the crystallization of love made our lives extra sweet.

However, good days always seem to be short-lived.

In the third year of marriage, Guoqiang's father, who is also my father-in-law, came from the countryside to live with us in the city.

The old man was fine when he first came, but within a few days, he began to urge us to have children, saying that the family had to be lively, and it was necessary to have a child to be complete.

We had this plan in mind, so we didn't pay much attention to it.

But as the days passed, I never got pregnant, and my father-in-law's attitude gradually changed, and he began to blame me frequently.

Under the pressure of my father-in-law, I went to the hospital for a comprehensive examination, but the results given by the doctor made me breathe a sigh of relief: everything was normal in my body and there was no problem with fertility.

This result means that the problem may lie with Guoqiang.

I came home with the inspection report in hand, and I had mixed feelings.

I know how sensitive and difficult this result is for a man with a lot of self-esteem.

I remember that night, I cautiously told Guoqiang the news, but he couldn't accept this reality for a while, and was silent for a long time.

I could understand his feelings, a deep sense of frustration and helplessness.

But I know that no matter what the odds are, we must face them together.

After a long conversation late at night, our relationship was stronger.

That night, we decided to face this problem together no matter what, after all, home is a harbor that we need to maintain together.


After a period of hard work and persuasion, Guoqiang finally agreed to go to the hospital for a check-up.

At my ex-husband's wedding banquet, I revealed his secret, and the audience was dumbfounded, even his father was speechless

The results of the examination were like a bolt from the blue, Guoqiang was diagnosed with azoospermia, and it was basically impossible to have children.

Faced with such a result, I saw the despair in Guoqiang's eyes, and I couldn't bear it.

I thought to myself that I must not let this news break us.

At the suggestion of a TCM friend, I began to secretly brew Chinese medicine for Guoqiang, hoping to improve it.

I wake up at 5 a.m. every morning and go to the market in the dark to buy fresh herbs.

I carefully put these herbs in a casserole in proportion according to the instructions of Chinese medicine and simmered for three hours on low heat.

Then, before Guoqiang got up, I would pour the medicinal soup into a thermos cup and pretend it was just a normal hot morning drink.

However, a happy life is always so susceptible to outside interference.

When my father-in-law learned of the results of the hospital, he began to verbally abuse me.

He rebuked me loudly in the living room, his words full of reproaches and insults, as if I had caused all this.

During that time, I lived with great stress and pain every day.

Even so, I never had any complaints, and I only thought about how to reduce the burden of the national power.

Just when I thought things were bad enough, bigger blows followed.

It was an autumn afternoon, and I received a call from Xiaofang, a college classmate I hadn't contacted in years.

She seemed excited to tell me that she was pregnant, but to my shock, she claimed that the father of the child was Guoqiang.

I could barely believe my ears at the time, and my heart was tumbling.

Xiaofang went on to say that this was the best revenge for me, because she thought that I had taken away Zhang Ligang, who she had always had a crush on.

This sudden blow made me exhausted and cried.

I decided to remain silent, not wanting to add any burden to Guoqiang when he was already physically and mentally exhausted.

I want to see what choice Guoqiang will make in the most fragile moment of our marriage.

I waited quietly, full of apprehension, not knowing how our relationship would develop.


That night, under the dim light of our living room, Guoqiang took a deep breath, admitted his relationship with Xiaofang in a heavy tone, and filed for divorce.

At my ex-husband's wedding banquet, I revealed his secret, and the audience was dumbfounded, even his father was speechless

Although I was reluctant and unwilling in my heart, in the face of his firm eyes, I knew that everything was a foregone conclusion.

I accepted his offer of divorce, but with the support of my father-in-law, I insisted on a request for the division of property – a small compensation for my many years of married life.

After the divorce, I put all my energy into my work, trying to numb my mind with busyness.

One night when I thought I was slowly coming out of the haze, I unexpectedly met Zhang Ligang in the fruit section of the supermarket.

He seemed to have found me intentionally and came up with a plan that shocked me - to get revenge on Guoqiang and Xiaofang's infertility certificate by revealing Guoqiang's infertility certificate at their wedding banquet.

The resentment and grievances in my heart made me hesitate to agree to this plan.

Zhang Ligang helped me prepare everything, and the two of us stood at the entrance of the wedding banquet, and to the sound of soft music, I stepped forward without hesitation, holding the decisive certificate of infertility in my hand.

At that moment, all eyes were on me.

I read the fact that the country is strong and sterile, and the air is filled with shock and whispers.

Guoqiang, Xiaofang, and their ex-father-in-law's faces instantly turned pale, and they looked embarrassed in front of everyone.

After all this was done, Zhang Ligang and I left the wedding banquet scene tacitly, and my heart swelled with unprecedented joy.

That night, I went back to my little apartment alone and sat silently by the window reflecting on it all.

The failure of my marriage has taught me so many lessons, and it has also taught me the importance of tolerance and understanding for both parties.

My marriage with Guoqiang was doomed to fail from the beginning because of the lack of these.

After this incident, I learned that revenge never brings me real happiness.

Although at that moment, my heart felt a brief release, but more of it was nostalgia for the good memories of the past and infinite anticipation for the future.

I decided to live my life well, let go of all my baggage, and welcome the next morning and sunset with a new self.

This story is purely fictional, the names and events in the story are fictional, and the purpose of using place names is only for the purpose of describing the plot and making it easy to read and understand.