
Wang Mang's daughter: became a queen at the age of 8, widowed at the age of 14, was forced to remarry at the age of 18, and jumped into the fire at the age of 33 to apologize

author:Tranquil literature and history

In 9 A.D., the Empress Dowager of the Western Han Dynasty suddenly felt depressed in her heart, so she lay down to rest, and suddenly a man's hand reached into the tent and put it on her wrist:

"Weichen came to check the pulse by edict, and the new emperor ordered the ministers to cure the queen mother's illness, otherwise the minister's life will not be guaranteed." After speaking, the man pulled Wang into his arms.

Wang suddenly broke free, slapped his hand, and shouted angrily: "Eat the bear's heart and leopard gall, and don't look at where this place is, dare to be so rude!" ”

Wang Mang's daughter: became a queen at the age of 8, widowed at the age of 14, was forced to remarry at the age of 18, and jumped into the fire at the age of 33 to apologize

Wang is Wang Mang's daughter, and she is already the queen mother, who dares to plot against her? This has to start with her aunt Wang Zhengjun.

In 71 B.C., the Marquis of Yangping sent out a news that his wife gave birth to a daughter, who was born in a dream of holding the moon.

Wang Ban was overjoyed, named his daughter Wang Zhengjun, and deliberately cultivated his daughter since then.

When Wang Zhengjun was 17 years old, in addition to being incredibly beautiful, there was no sign of nobility, and it happened that people who could not afford to offend came to propose marriage, and Wang Ban could only agree to marry a daughter.

Unexpectedly, two dignitaries came to the door to propose marriage, but they both died on the eve of marriage, Wang Ban's heart trembled, is the little girl ominous? Hurry up and ask the master to show the little girl.

The master threw down a sentence, "This woman's life is expensive, and she can't bear it unless she is rich and noble." He was so frightened that he left without even eating.

The news of Wang Zhengjun's noble life spread far and wide, and reached the ears of the queen of the current dynasty, how could such a woman with an auspicious omen go to the people and immediately announce the edict into the palace.

In this way, Wang Zhengjun entered the palace and became the queen's personal maid, and was taught by the queen herself.

It is in response to the saying: as long as you want to accomplish something, God will pave the way for you.

Wang Zhengjun entered the palace for a year, and Sima Liangdi, who was favored by the crown prince Liu Zheng, died suddenly, Liu Zheng became ill with longing, and the concubines in the harem ignored them.

The queen arranged the Wang family to the prince's side in the name of waiting. Soon Wang Zhengjun gave birth to a son, and Emperor Xuan of Han was overjoyed, and immediately gave the emperor's eldest grandson the name Liu Biao and established him as the heir to the throne.

After the death of Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty, the crown prince Liu Zheng succeeded to the throne, known as Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty, and Wang Zhengjun's mother became the queen with her son. Wang Zhengjun is not pampered, and his son Liu Zheng is not a weapon, and he spends all day drinking, and Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty has the mind of abolishing the queen.

Fortunately, Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty died after only fifteen years of reign, and Wang Zhengjun escaped the catastrophe of the abolition.

Wang Mang's daughter: became a queen at the age of 8, widowed at the age of 14, was forced to remarry at the age of 18, and jumped into the fire at the age of 33 to apologize

In 33 BC, Liu Biao ascended the throne, known as Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty, and Wang Zhengjun was promoted to the empress dowager. Liu Biao was young and mediocre, lacked the ability to govern, and Wang Zhengjun held power alone.

When she first tasted power, she immediately became infatuated with this feeling, so she began to cultivate her own power on a large scale, and added all the men of her cousin Wang clan to the official ranks, and in this way Wang Mang stepped onto the stage of history.

Wang Mang is Wang Zhengjun's nephew, smart, good at drilling, he behaved politely and politely in front of Wang Zhengjun, knew how to be grateful and had no ambition, and soon won Wang Zhengjun's trust.

Wang Mang took the opportunity to win over the courtiers, cultivate party henchmen, and gradually mastered the state politics of the Western Han Dynasty.

Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty was happy to be at ease, and devoted all his energy to the sound of the dog horse, but finally died soon because he played too much game with Zhao Feiyan and the Hede sisters.

Since Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty had no heirs, Wang Mang supported the establishment of the sect and appointed Liu Xin, the king of Tao, as the emperor, and was known as the Emperor of Han Ai in history. Emperor Ai of Han was short-lived, dying after only 7 years of reign.

Emperor Ai of the Han Dynasty was the heir, and the emperor's throne fell to the 9-year-old doll of Liu Yin, the pro-clan of the clan, for Emperor Ping of the Han Dynasty.

Emperor Han Ping was too young to be in power, Wang Zhengjun summoned Wang Mang to the palace as the empress dowager to treat the funeral, assisted Emperor Han Ping, and forced the great Sima Dong Xian to kill himself on the other side.

At this time, Wang Mang saw that the time was ripe and no longer hid his ambitions, he coaxed Wang Zhengjun to retreat behind the scenes, and he himself dictated the dynasty and became the "regent emperor".

Emperor Regent was not an emperor after all, in order to hold the imperial power firmly in his hands, he followed Huo Guang's example and decided to marry his daughter to Emperor Liu Yin.

On the day of the open draft, he made his daughter the only candidate, and it was no surprise that he was elected queen.

At this time, Wang was only eight years old, and Liu Jin was nine years old, and the two of them together were not enough to reach adulthood. Liu Jian was under house arrest in the palace, unable to even see his own mother, living alone.

Wang's arrival was like a beam of light shining into his dark life, and the two ate and played together, gradually living and dying together.

However, before the two could become a de facto husband and wife, Emperor Ping of Han died violently, and he was only 14 years old when he died, and the cause of his death became a historical mystery. The Wang family became a widow.

Wang Mang supported the new decoration of the emperor, Wang became a young queen mother from the queen, at this time Wang Mang is the regent, and only owes a legitimate name to the emperor, except for the emperor's name, the others are the same as the emperor.

In 8 A.D., Wang Mang usurped the throne and changed the name of the country to "new", the Western Han Dynasty perished, Wang Zhengjun angrily scolded Wang Mang: "You received the favor of the Han family, but usurped the throne, and our Wang family will suffer sooner or later because of you." Wang Mang didn't care.

Wang Mang's daughter: became a queen at the age of 8, widowed at the age of 14, was forced to remarry at the age of 18, and jumped into the fire at the age of 33 to apologize

At this time, Wang was 18 years old and already had a judgment of right and wrong, and she hated her father for ignoring his conscience and not paying attention to principles. Then I remembered Liu Jin, who was with him when I was a teenager, and I couldn't forgive my father, so I was depressed and lived in a simple place.

Wang Mang was worried that his daughter would be depressed and sick, so he persuaded his daughter to remarry, but Wang refused, Wang Mang thought that Wang was hindered by the identity of the Queen Mother of the Western Han Dynasty, so he changed his daughter's identity to Princess Ding'an.

One day, Wang Mang ordered a beautiful man to pretend to be a doctor to visit Wang, wanting to take this opportunity to change her character from the beginning to the end and enjoy the joy of the world again. Unexpectedly, the Wang family didn't appreciate it, and beat up the people who came.

Wang Mang saw that his daughter had made up his mind, so he gave up.

In 23 A.D., Wang Mang rebelled and left, the rebels invaded Chang'an, burned Weiyang Palace, Wang Mang was killed by a car split, and the head was hung on the head of the city to show the public.

Wang didn't run away, she glanced at the sky, and Youyou highlighted 8 words: "How do I see the Han family." Then he calmly walked into the fire and died at the age of 33.

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