
Worried about Nvidia This stock reveals when AI will go mainstream

author:Lao Sun is at the forefront of science and technology


Quick guide

Nvidia shares have seen significant volatility over the past month, driven by concerns about demand for AI chips and the speed of adoption. Although the share price has grown by more than 100% this year, it has fallen 13% in the last three trading sessions. The impact of technological progress on productivity takes time, but investment in AI technology could spur economic growth. CGI plans to invest $1 billion over three years to enhance AI capabilities, but customers are adopting AI at a slower pace than expected, and most are still in the exploratory stage. While 80% of customers are exploring generative AI, less than 10% are in the implementation phase, showing caution. Analysts expect CGI shares to rise as larger companies prepare for AI spending.

Worried about Nvidia This stock reveals when AI will go mainstream

Fluctuations in Nvidia's stock price

Nvidia's stock price has experienced significant volatility over the past month due to concerns about the future demand for AI chips and the speed of AI adoption. Despite a share price growth of more than 100% this year and strong net profit growth in the first two quarters, the stock is down 13% in the last three trading sessions. Major cloud computing companies such as Microsoft, Amazon, and Google have been significant buyers of Nvidia's AI chips in recent years, prompting investors to question the return on investment of these tech giants and the sustainability of their spending on AI chips.

Worried about Nvidia This stock reveals when AI will go mainstream

The impact of technological developments on productivity

Historical data shows that major technological advances often take longer than expected to translate into productivity improvements. For example, the introduction of railways in the UK will take about 70 years to see its impact on productivity. However, technological advances since then have shown a short lag. Despite uncertainty about the profitability and future demand for AI chips, there are signs that investment in AI technology may be spurring broader economic growth. Economists point out that the recent productivity growth in the U.S. economy is partly attributable to software investment, and the full benefits of AI are expected to be felt in the second half of the decade.

Worried about Nvidia This stock reveals when AI will go mainstream

The role of CGI in AI adoption

CGI, a multinational IT company headquartered in Canada, has been at the forefront of assisting companies in integrating AI into their business operations. The company disclosed plans to invest $1 billion over three years to enhance its AI capabilities. However, CGI's customers are adopting AI at a slower pace than expected, and many are still in the exploration phase of the technology. While about 80% of customers are currently exploring generative AI, less than 10% are already in the implementation phase, indicating a cautious approach to AI deployment. Despite the gradual adoption of AI, analysts expect CGI's share price to rise as larger companies prepare for increased AI spending, allowing it to capitalize on this expected growth.

Worried about Nvidia This stock reveals when AI will go mainstream

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