
laughed and embraced, "Du Hua Nian" Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe had a sweet interaction, but I died laughing in Wu Lei's comment area

author:Haha laughs at Mi Spicy
laughed and embraced, "Du Hua Nian" Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe had a sweet interaction, but I died laughing in Wu Lei's comment area

Recently, a light comedy "Du Hua Nian" is on the air, the heroine eldest princess is played by Zhao Jinmai, and the first assistant prime minister is played by Zhang Linghe, which is quite CP. Although the track of the recent rebirth drama is a bit volume, this one stands out from the encirclement and is constantly searched. The heroes and heroines of different political camps,Back to 20 years ago after being reborn.,At that time, the female protagonist was an 18-year-old girl.,The male protagonist is a 20-year-old champion.,Their souls live in themselves 20 years later.,Do a good job of power struggle at the same time,Rediscover your love for each other.。

laughed and embraced, "Du Hua Nian" Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe had a sweet interaction, but I died laughing in Wu Lei's comment area

The plot is very compact, and it's good to look at it as a light comedy, the big heroine, the princess has money, power and status, and the horse eats soft rice and is always jealous [tears] It's so sweet to watch them interact.

laughed and embraced, "Du Hua Nian" Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe had a sweet interaction, but I died laughing in Wu Lei's comment area

I think that at the beginning, Zhao Jinmai and Wu Lei's blizzard played a sweet [tear run] Many fans watched the new drama and ridiculed it

laughed and embraced, "Du Hua Nian" Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe had a sweet interaction, but I died laughing in Wu Lei's comment area


laughed and embraced, "Du Hua Nian" Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe had a sweet interaction, but I died laughing in Wu Lei's comment area

I died laughing, hahahahaha

‬妙妙 我要在你们奶茶里加30勺盐[可怜]

laughed and embraced, "Du Hua Nian" Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe had a sweet interaction, but I died laughing in Wu Lei's comment area

Invincible [呲tooth][呲tooth]


laughed and embraced, "Du Hua Nian" Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe had a sweet interaction, but I died laughing in Wu Lei's comment area

Hehe, we don't know if they're happy or not, but we're happy [Aimu]


laughed and embraced, "Du Hua Nian" Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe had a sweet interaction, but I died laughing in Wu Lei's comment area

It's so CP-like

‬红豆生南国 裴相是男模

laughed and embraced, "Du Hua Nian" Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe had a sweet interaction, but I died laughing in Wu Lei's comment area

Red beans are born in the south of the country, Pei Xiang is a male model, I wish you to pick more, and Pingle is acacia. Can't you two really fall in love for some reason, just for me [tears].


laughed and embraced, "Du Hua Nian" Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe had a sweet interaction, but I died laughing in Wu Lei's comment area

Ten fingers interlocked, I want to fall in love when I look at it this time, [melon-eating masses] [melon-eating masses]


laughed and embraced, "Du Hua Nian" Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe had a sweet interaction, but I died laughing in Wu Lei's comment area

This game, hahahaha

laughed and embraced, "Du Hua Nian" Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe had a sweet interaction, but I died laughing in Wu Lei's comment area

This look is absolutely amazing, hahahahaha


laughed and embraced, "Du Hua Nian" Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe had a sweet interaction, but I died laughing in Wu Lei's comment area

In the future, I will read the male and female protagonists of the novel, and this will not have a picture [Aimu] [Aimu]


laughed and embraced, "Du Hua Nian" Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe had a sweet interaction, but I died laughing in Wu Lei's comment area

Hahahaha, his bickering is quite funny

laughed and embraced, "Du Hua Nian" Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe had a sweet interaction, but I died laughing in Wu Lei's comment area

我有一种预感[机智][机智]这将成为张凌赫又一个经典台词:你错了,就得认,她爱我 你得滚‬!

laughed and embraced, "Du Hua Nian" Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe had a sweet interaction, but I died laughing in Wu Lei's comment area
laughed and embraced, "Du Hua Nian" Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe had a sweet interaction, but I died laughing in Wu Lei's comment area

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