
Early Love (5)

author:No North South

After Jiang Chen slammed the door and entered the room, Xia Yu sat alone in the living room for half an hour.

She was worried that her son wouldn't be able to figure it out, so she got up in the middle of the night and ran away from home. After waiting for half an hour, the door to my son's room was still closed. She crept to the door of her son's room, put her ear to the door and listened, the room was quiet, there was no sound at all. My son may have fallen asleep, right? Xia Yu thought.

Xia Yu tiptoed back to his room, gently closed the door, and went to bed and lay down.

After his son's commotion, Xia Yu tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. Messing around in my head. Son, is this a rebellious period coming? The daughter of the Juan's family is as old as Jiang Chen, and she has to fight with Juan and her husband every two days, throwing stools, pots and pans, or running away from home for a few days. Juan tried all kinds of methods, but she was never able to achieve the goal of getting along harmoniously with her daughter. In the past year, Juan has given up completely! She eats and drinks her daughter at home, and she doesn't ask if she is not at home, and everyone is okay.

But in private, when Juan chatted with Xia Yu, she cried a lot: Yu, do you know how much my heart hurts? O flesh that fell from my own body! For more than ten years, I held it in the palm of my hand and held it in my mouth, for fear that she would suffer a little hardship and suffer a little sin, and she would give what she wanted. Look at me now, toss me to death! Do you know what she yelled at me? "Die! I don't want to see you." I said you don't even have a place to live without us! Guess what she said? "You are dead, everything here is mine"! Oh my God! How did you think she became like this? How likable you were when you were a child! Now I dare not see her, and I tremble when I see her...... Forget it, I gave up! She begs for herself!

At that time, Xia Yu was reading a book about adolescent development, which said that the imbalance in the physical and psychological development of adolescent children will lead to a series of problems such as mood swings, bad behavior habits, and difficulty in communication. She used the knowledge of two-legged hair learned from the book to comfort Juan, so that she wanted to open up, and it would be good after the rebellious period.

Early Love (5)

Juan was already crying with red eyes and nose, and said angrily: I don't care, I don't care anymore, I don't care about my life anymore. If my daughter had one-tenth of your son, I would pay homage to my ancestors every day and kowtow. Alas! Life!

At that time, she was also glad that her son had almost no rebellious period.

The son grew up with his grandmother since he was a child. Eating, drinking, and sleeping are all under the sole responsibility of my grandmother. At that time, Xia Yu's career had just started, the customers of procurement had not stabilized, the company had not formed a scale, there were only a few small labor teams, Xia Yu was almost devoted to the development of the company, and had no time to take care of the children.

At that time, she always thought: When she has accumulated a certain amount of wealth and her career is on the right track, she must find more time to spend with her children.

When his son was young, Jiang Haicheng was just a small clerk, and he was not busy with work, but after getting married, Xia Yu found out that Jiang Haicheng didn't like to take care of the trivial things at home.

Jiang Haicheng, who grew up in the countryside, has a particularly serious machismo mentality in his heart, stubbornly believing that doing housework and taking care of children are women's business.

He knew that his work and promotion were inseparable from the help of his father-in-law, and at Xia Yu's parents' house, sometimes he had to do some work such as washing dishes, mopping the floor, changing a light bulb, and repairing a toilet, but when he walked out of his father-in-law's house, he was full of complaints, saying that what he was doing at home was the business of his mother-in-law and mother-in-law, and he had no manly image at all.

After his son went to elementary school, Jiang Haicheng insisted on taking his children and his wife home to live under the pretext that his son was older and he should let his father-in-law and mother-in-law live for a few days.

In fact, Jiang Haicheng had to leave his father-in-law's house, and there was a reason he couldn't speak: a sense of oppression.

He always felt that his father-in-law would look at him with scrutinizing eyes and talk to him in an inquiring tone, which made him have a strong feeling of not being able to raise his head. Although Xia Yu explained to him that his father was used to being an official, he couldn't distinguish between work and life. But he still couldn't stand this feeling, and promised that after returning home to live, he would spend more time with his children and housework.

But this is not the case. After returning home, Xia Yu was still busy, unable to take care of housework, and didn't even have time to cook for the children. Jiang Haicheng's entertainment is more and more, drinking every day until midnight. There was no way, Xia Yu had to move the old mother again, and came home every day to cook two meals for the child. Instead of living a quiet life, the old lady became busier, running between the two families every day.

When my child goes to elementary school, he will have homework every day. Jiang Haicheng is also not so concerned about tutoring children's studies.

Once, Jiang Chen, who was in the third grade, did reading, and there was a question after the short essay: How do you feel after reading this short essay?

Xia Yu was not at home that day, the old lady was washing clothes, Jiang Chen took the book to find grandma, where would the old lady do such a question? She asked Jiang Chen to find Jiang Haicheng, who was lying on the sofa watching TV.

Jiang Haicheng looked at the question and said to his son: This question is for you to write, what is in your mind after reading this short article? What are your thoughts after reading it?

Jiang Chen said: I have no idea.

Jiang Haicheng said: Then you should write realistically.

So, Jiang Chen wrote down his answer: After reading this article, I didn't have any ideas.

The next day, the teacher called Xia Yu to tell him about it, and Xia Yu couldn't cry or laugh. went home and talked to Jiang Haicheng for a long time, Jiang Haicheng retorted eloquently: What? Is it bad to teach children to be honest?

Since then, Xia Yu no longer expects Jiang Haicheng to help her son with his homework, and she encourages his son to come home a little late from school in the afternoon and come back after finishing his homework at school. Because the school has teachers who can answer all the questions that my son has.

This habit was maintained by the son until he graduated from elementary school.

Xia Yu was lying on the bed, thinking of these past events, and suddenly felt that when her son was in elementary school, she and Jiang Haicheng had hardly accompanied their children!

Could it be that there was too little companionship when he was a child, which led to his son's early love?

Didn't the book say: Isn't it said that children who are in early love are all because of lack of love?

The more Xia Yu thought about it, the more guilty she felt. At that time, she was arrogant, quit her stable iron job from the unit, and was scolded by her father for being a bloody dog, she gritted her teeth and made up her mind to show her father a person. Now people are mixed up, but the son has become like this, what's the point of struggling to be like a dog?

Besides, Jiang Haicheng, over the years, he has been devoted to promotion, inviting guests to dinner everywhere, developing contacts, and with the promotion of Xia Yu's father, his position is getting higher and higher, but people are also getting busier and busier, and he is almost impossible to see his shadow in the forty months. The child lacks father's love, she lacks her husband's love, what are their lives?

The more Xia Yu thought about it, the more she failed, the more she thought about it, the more sad she became, and she couldn't help but tears ripple in the dark night, tossing and turning, and couldn't sleep.

Like Xia Yu, Jiang Hao also couldn't sleep.

At the end of the party, at the door of the hotel, Jiang Hao originally wanted to say to Tao Jin: Come home with me! But Tao Jin didn't give him that chance at all.

They have been separated on and off for 7.8 months. To be exact, it started after Tao Jin excitedly announced that she was pregnant.

To be honest, when he first heard the news of Tao Jin's pregnancy, Jiang Hao's excitement was beyond words.

Yes, they have been married for more than ten years, and the children of people his age around him have all gone to junior high school and high school, but he has not yet had a boy and a girl.

He knew that Tao Jin couldn't be blamed for not having children. Because in the second year after getting married, when the couple went to the hospital for an examination at the urging of Jiang Hao's parents, the doctor sentenced Jiang Hao to death in terms of childbirth: azoospermia, and there was little hope of cure.

This diagnosis knocked down all of Jiang Hao's fighting spirit at once, although he was unwilling to let his old father and mother beg his grandfather to tell his grandmother, in the past ten years, the tablets and decoctions were added up, Jiang Hao probably had a cart of skin, but the result of taking the medicine to check was the same.

Tao Jin once comforted Jiang Hao: Now that medicine is so developed, we can do IVF.

So, another round of rushing began. Jiang Hao paid a painful price for this. Because of azoospermia and not wanting to borrow sperm to have children, the doctor punctured Jiang Hao's testicles, but the result was still disappointing.

This attempt also broke the harmony of his small family. The family of four is divided into two factions: the representative of one faction is Tao Jin, plus Jiang Hao's mother, and both women advocate borrowing sperm to have children. Tao Jin is anxious to be a mother, and when she sees other people's soft and glutinous children, her eyes light up, and motherhood is overflowing. She felt that she couldn't wait any longer, and she wouldn't be able to be a mother in her life if she waited any longer. Jiang Hao's mother didn't know much about IVF, and she agreed with Tao Jin's explanation. Since his son doesn't have this ability, why don't he use the power of medicine to have a child? The representative of the other faction is Jiang Hao, plus Jiang Hao's old father who is swaying from side to side. Jiang Hao felt that borrowing sperm to give birth to a child was not advertising the world that he was not a real man, so what was the difference between himself and the ancient eunuchs? How to look up and behave on the street in the future? Jiang Hao's old father couldn't figure out why his tall son had a problem in that regard. He didn't believe the doctor's test results! He said to his wife: What's wrong? As long as you can have sex with you, you can't have children? Don't follow the foolishness!

So, from the second year of marriage, after Jiang Hao found out the problem, the young couple often quarreled. After every quarrel and cold war, Tao Jin had to find Xia Yu and Zheng Yun to cry, so Jiang Hao's defects Xia Yu and Zheng Yun knew about it, and they also thought of many ways to solve their problems.

Strange to say, in the past two years, Tao Jin may have been old and really missed the childbearing period, so he didn't mention giving birth to a child, and he no longer supervised Jiang Hao to take medicine. Jiang Hao, who has been taking medicine for more than ten years, can finally eat a normal meal.

Jiang Hao thought: If you don't have children, you don't have children! Aren't the Dinks living their lives the same?

Thinking about it carefully, it should be at the end of last year, Tao Jin, who has always been in good health, suddenly became lazy, couldn't wake up all day long, and had no appetite for anything. At the urging of Jiang Hao's mother, Jiang Hao took Tao Jin to the hospital to see a doctor.

On the way there, Jiang Hao reminded Tao Jin: You recall carefully, have you eaten anything recently? Got your stomach bad? Remember, the doctor will ask you in a moment if you can explain clearly.

Tao Jin said: Let's eat together every day, don't I eat the same as you?

Jiang Hao said: I'm fine after eating!

Tao Jin said: You are made of iron! Eating stones is also digested.

When he arrived at the hospital, Jiang Hao asked the guide what department he needed to hang up in this situation, and the guide said that he would go to the gynecology department first to see if he was pregnant.

Jiang Hao turned his face and scolded indignantly: Really TM which pot is not opened, which pot has to be mentioned! He wanted to hang up in the gastroenterology department, but Tao Jin insisted on listening to the doctor. There was no way, Jiang Hao had to reluctantly hang up the gynecology.

When queuing, Tao Jin said to Jiang Hao, who was dejected: What's the matter with your face? Have faith in yourself!

Jiang Hao said dissatisfiedly: I have a dick of confidence, this is not another rush to let the doctor sentence me to death!

Tao Jin said: Haven't you heard of the psychological effect? Sometimes we are too eager to achieve a certain goal but we can't achieve it, but if we don't think about that goal, our mind relaxes, and the goal is achieved......

Before Tao Jin finished speaking, the doctor called her number.

Tao Jin said to Jiang Hao: You don't come in together?

Jiang Hao waved his hand and said: Go ahead! There you go! I don't want to go in and hear the death sentence. I'm walking around, call me when you're done checking out.

After Tao Jin entered, Jiang Hao took the elevator downstairs, walked out of the hospital gate, took out a box of cigarettes from his pocket, lit one, and took a puff fiercely. He held his breath and held the cigarette in his mouth, letting the bitter taste of the spicy taste permeate his mouth. He stared blankly at the traffic in front of him and thought: Divorce! This time, Tao Jin will definitely divorce when he checks it out! Stop torturing each other! In the future, I will be a bachelor for the rest of my life, and I will never go to the hospital to listen to the doctor's verdict again! It's so uncomfortable, there's no dignity at all......

He was so focused on his thoughts that the sudden ringing of his phone scared him out. I took out my phone and saw that Tao Jin was calling. As he walked towards the entrance of the hospital, he fed and said, "I'm downstairs, I'll be there soon!"

Tao Jin screamed from the receiver of "Jiang Hao" mobile phone, which made Jiang Hao even more nervous, and he hurriedly asked: What's wrong? What's wrong?

Tao Jin cried and said, "Come quickly! Hurry up!

Jiang Hao ran upstairs, her heart pounding. What happened to Tao Jin? Actually cried? Is it an incurable disease? If this is the case, this marriage should not be divorced, even if the family is bankrupt, she will be treated......

Jiang Hao panted and ran to the door of the consultation room and found Tao Jin wiping tears with a piece of paper in his hand. Jiang Hao snatched the piece of paper, crumpled it into a ball, hugged Tao Jin in his arms and said: Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, don't be afraid of any disease! We have money, let's govern!

Tao Jin put his arms around Jiang Hao's neck, and the tears of crying and his nose flowed down together. She hammered Jiang Hao's back and said: You don't know! You don't know!

Jiang Hao patted Tao Jin's back and said: I know! Know! It's okay, we have money, and we're not afraid of anything! I'll take you to Beijing to see a doctor......

When Tao Jin heard Jiang Hao say this, he pushed him away, wiped his tears and said with a smile: What did you say? You unfold the piece of paper and look at it. Jiang Hao, I have it, we have a child!
