
S's mother bombarded her ex-son-in-law Wang Xiaofei, but she turned a blind eye to the current Gu Junye of Big S, and Ma Xiaomei also lay down

author:Boss Qian is in the countryside



Some netizens exposed that the barbecue restaurant opened by Big S Gu Junye in South Korea is very hot, and Gu Junye himself even appeared in the restaurant to cook for fans in person, according to netizens, the store has prepared autographs from the couple to fans, as well as magazines and other items, in addition, the price in the store is also very affordable, and a noodle only costs more than ten yuan.

S's mother bombarded her ex-son-in-law Wang Xiaofei, but she turned a blind eye to the current Gu Junye of Big S, and Ma Xiaomei also lay down

Netizens posted the double autograph they got at Gu Junye's barbecue restaurant

S's mother bombarded her ex-son-in-law Wang Xiaofei, but she turned a blind eye to the current Gu Junye of Big S, and Ma Xiaomei also lay down

S's mother was slapped in the face again! Big S Gu Junye's barbecue restaurant has a booming business, and the couple sends signed photos for the meal

In the disturbance of the entertainment industry, Big S's family trivialities have always attracted much attention. Recently, S's mother spoke out again, which aroused heated discussions among many netizens. As the saying goes, "every family has a scripture that is difficult to read", under the eyes of the public, every move of this family is magnified and scrutinized. As a former top figure, Big S still has a very high traffic even if he does not make a comeback. However, there are countless controversies and accusations surrounding her, which makes S's mother no longer able to sit idly by. When her daughter Da S became the target of public criticism again and again, S's mother was distressed, can this voice calm the turmoil of public opinion? Or will it cause more waves? It's confusing.

S's mother bombarded her ex-son-in-law Wang Xiaofei, but she turned a blind eye to the current Gu Junye of Big S, and Ma Xiaomei also lay down

S's mother can be said to be heartbroken this time, and her words are full of maintenance and grievances for her daughter. First of all, S's mother accused netizens of having a poisonous mouth, just because Big S posted a photo of wearing lipstick, netizens began to point fingers at Sang and scolded Huai, and all kinds of ugly words were thrown at Big S. You know, everyone has a love for beauty, how can sending a photo attract so much malice?

Moreover, S's mother thinks that Big S gave up her brilliant career for Wang Xiaofei, what a sacrifice! A woman, for the sake of love and family, is willing to put down her career, but in exchange for such treatment. What's more, S's mother thinks that Wang Xiaofei's family is using her daughter Big S to hype, which makes the already complicated situation even more confusing. Originally, emotional matters should have been resolved privately, but now the city is full of turmoil, which is not good for anyone.

S's mother bombarded her ex-son-in-law Wang Xiaofei, but she turned a blind eye to the current Gu Junye of Big S, and Ma Xiaomei also lay down

S's mother finally implored everyone to stop spending on her daughter Da S and let Da S return to a normal life. Think about it, Big S used to be brilliant in the entertainment industry, but now he is entangled in all kinds of trivial matters and can't be at peace. She is just an ordinary woman, and if she wants to live a peaceful life, has this become a luxury? Some people may say that as a public figure, you should bear this.

Don't forget, celebrities are also human beings, and they also have seven emotions and six desires, and they can also be hurt. Shouldn't we be more understanding and tolerant, and less malicious and aggressive? If you always treat public figures like this, who will dare to easily pay your sincerity and pursue love in the future? Do we want to see everyone in the entertainment industry cautious and afraid to live their lives authentically?

S's mother bombarded her ex-son-in-law Wang Xiaofei, but she turned a blind eye to the current Gu Junye of Big S, and Ma Xiaomei also lay down

This series of things made the whole situation like a mess, and I couldn't figure it out. The emotional entanglement between Wang Xiaofei and Da S has become a lengthy "serial", and the audience seems to be tired of watching it, just wanting this farce to end quickly and Da S to be clean. But the question is, can it end so easily? I don't think so. As long as one party does not give up, this matter will have to continue to be tossed. But then again, shouldn't Big S himself reflect on why he has come to this point? Was it a trick of fate, or was there something wrong with your choice? In any case, it is really embarrassing that things have developed to this point.

Netizen comments

In the face of the "love" and "double standard" of the big S family, netizens have also turned into jokers, and the painting style in the comment area is wonderful:

S's mother bombarded her ex-son-in-law Wang Xiaofei, but she turned a blind eye to the current Gu Junye of Big S, and Ma Xiaomei also lay down

"S's mother's acting skills, it's a pity not to win the Oscar, every time she can step on the thunder accurately, which makes people angry and laughing!"

"Marriage is not easy, and it is okay to cherish it, but the double standard is not right, S's mother's operation, it is really incomprehensible!"

S's mother bombarded her ex-son-in-law Wang Xiaofei, but she turned a blind eye to the current Gu Junye of Big S, and Ma Xiaomei also lay down

"The melons in the entertainment industry are really more and more flavorful, but I hope these stars can also learn how to 'self-control' and don't always occupy public resources."

The ♀️ story of the big S family is more bloody than the series, but we also have to eat melons rationally, don't be led to the rhythm."

S's mother bombarded her ex-son-in-law Wang Xiaofei, but she turned a blind eye to the current Gu Junye of Big S, and Ma Xiaomei also lay down

"Is Mother S telling us with practical actions, what is called 'mother's love is like a landslide, no one can stop it'?"

"In the final analysis, I still hope that everyone can find their own happiness, instead of staging one farce after another under the public gaze."

S's mother bombarded her ex-son-in-law Wang Xiaofei, but she turned a blind eye to the current Gu Junye of Big S, and Ma Xiaomei also lay down

"The water in the entertainment industry is unfathomable, let's be quietly a melon-eating crowd, just take a look, don't get too deep into the play."

These comments not only reflect netizens' enthusiasm for gossip in the entertainment industry, but also reflect everyone's rational thinking about family, marriage and the behavior of public figures. After all, while eating melons, maintaining a sense of rationality and kindness is what we should do most.

S's mother bombarded her ex-son-in-law Wang Xiaofei, but she turned a blind eye to the current Gu Junye of Big S, and Ma Xiaomei also lay down

Final comment

All in all, every "performance" of S's mother is like a well-choreographed script, with maternal love and double standards coexisting, which makes people dazzled, and they can't tell whether it is true feelings or explosive acting skills. In the vast sea of the entertainment industry, the affairs of the big S family have long become a must-have conversation after dinner. But then again, as George Bernard Shaw said, "Self-control is the demeanor of the strong." Perhaps, it is really time for them to press the pause button to cool down this farce and give the audience some breathing space. After all, if you keep making a fuss like this, be careful and end up "frying" the audience's patience and goodwill, then you are really lifting a stone to shoot yourself in the foot!

S's mother bombarded her ex-son-in-law Wang Xiaofei, but she turned a blind eye to the current Gu Junye of Big S, and Ma Xiaomei also lay down

Okay, that's all for today's "melon eating conference", let's see how this "double standard drama" develops in the future, remember to move the small bench, let's see you next time!




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