
The cost of building a car in 5 years has been reduced by more than 50%, and the media: the more Tesla sells, the more cost-effective it will be


Since the second quarter of this year, Tesla has continued to launch financial preferential policies to benefit consumers, superimposed on the vehicle replacement subsidy policies introduced across the country and in various places. Tesla's delivery centers around the country are often crowded with people, and there are long queues of people waiting for delivery.

The cost of building a car in 5 years has been reduced by more than 50%, and the media: the more Tesla sells, the more cost-effective it will be

According to the data of the Passenger Association and statistics from a number of media, from June 17 to June 23, Tesla's domestic sales reached 17,400 units. With stable and reliable product quality, the number of registrations of Model 3 in China exceeded 6,000 units in a single week, setting a record for the highest sales volume since the launch of the new model! Among them, a large number of owners have picked up the new Model 3/Y by replacing their old cars.

The cost of building a car in 5 years has been reduced by more than 50%, and the media: the more Tesla sells, the more cost-effective it will be

So, why are other trams benchmarking against Tesla, and Tesla can still sell so well?

Because people who know cars know that Tesla is cost-effective, so Tesla sells well, sells large, and the scale effect brings cost reduction, and the cost performance is higher.

The cost of building a car in 5 years has been reduced by more than 50%, and the media: the more Tesla sells, the more cost-effective it will be

In fact, from 2018 to 2023, Tesla has reduced the cost of building cars by more than 50%, benefiting more consumers, and it will be further reduced in the future.

What's even more rare is that Tesla is not reducing costs by cutting corners and shrinking configurations, but continues to bring fresher, smarter, more luxurious, more comfortable and safer driving experience to more car owners through technological innovation.