
Zhao Jiwei has a lot of live broadcast information! 3 moves to circle fans, personally participated in the warm-up game, and recognized Liu Ziqing's ability

author:CBA hall

Zhao Jiwei had nothing to do and conducted a live broadcast, and at the beginning, Zhao Jiwei had three very popular moves. One is that Zhao Jiwei turned off the gift function, and personally admitted that this live broadcast was just to chat with everyone, which is commendable. There is also Zhao Jiwei wearing his own endorsement brand during the live broadcast, and these two aspects are very good.

Zhao Jiwei has a lot of live broadcast information! 3 moves to circle fans, personally participated in the warm-up game, and recognized Liu Ziqing's ability

At the same time, Zhao Jiwei in the live broadcast room also showed the gifts given to him by the children of Lancang, Yunnan Province, which are still kept by Zhao Jiwei and shown to fans. Judging from this detail, Zhao Jiwei will collect each souvenir, which shows Zhao Jiwei's sincerity and is also highly recognized.

Zhao Jiwei has a lot of live broadcast information! 3 moves to circle fans, personally participated in the warm-up game, and recognized Liu Ziqing's ability

Subsequently, Zhao Jiwei also responded to some details of the warm-up game. On the one hand, he will play in the warm-up game, because all the veterans have recorded before, which means that they will all participate in the warm-up match at the end of the month, not just Zhao Jiwei. And in the middle of the year, he will return to the team for training, but at that time, Zhao Jiwei will not play for a long time, just make an appearance, play for a few minutes, and bring benefits to the fans.

Zhao Jiwei has a lot of live broadcast information! 3 moves to circle fans, personally participated in the warm-up game, and recognized Liu Ziqing's ability

Zhao Jiwei immediately responded to his weight problem: I will gain more than ten pounds every offseason, but I will lose weight in 15 days in 15 days. In fact, it is very simple for professional players to lose weight, after all, they have enough training, coupled with controlled diet, it is very easy to lose weight, and Zhao Jiwei can maintain a perfect figure at the end of the month.

Zhao Jiwei has a lot of live broadcast information! 3 moves to circle fans, personally participated in the warm-up game, and recognized Liu Ziqing's ability

And Zhao Jiwei also specially praised Liu Ziqing's strong ability, which everyone can see. Especially for the construction of youth training, which is what Liaoning needs the most at present, Liu Ziqing has no problem completing this aspect. Coupled with winning two championships, it is also a further guarantee for his status.

And Zhao Jiwei also announced that he would go on a campus trip after that, but it is not clear what school he will go to, and Wang Junrui does not know. It's not bad to continue to carry out public welfare activities, at least to use your influence to motivate everyone, and you can also encourage students.

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