
Jones publicly responded to black fans: He is an MVP, and as long as he works hard, he can prove his worth!

author:CBA hall

For Jones, he likes to post some of his updates on social media. In this case, he updated another dynamic, of course, this dynamic is still in response to black fans. In fact, Jones made it clear that he was not very happy in Xinjiang before, and this dynamic may be to prove himself.

Jones publicly responded to black fans: He is an MVP, and as long as he works hard, he can prove his worth!

For example, Jones made it clear: I know I will look down on those who criticize me and think I'm done. There's a lot more to prove! Now it's a personal vendetta! In fact, Jones didn't play very well last season, especially in the finals, when he was recognized by Qiu Biao, he couldn't show any aggressiveness. This is also because Jones has no three-pointers and no teammates who can block and pick, which ultimately causes him to play very passive on the offensive end, which may also be the reason why Jones is so dissatisfied.

Jones publicly responded to black fans: He is an MVP, and as long as he works hard, he can prove his worth!

And Jones also emphasized his MVP in the article: I want to rule, glory and redemption. I don't need to find myself, the MVP player is still here. Jones was indeed an MVP-caliber player before, and he has that confidence. Of course, he has always maintained his strong training volume, and Jones will keep playing at every stage, which is certainly a huge guarantee for his game form, but as he gets older, his strength will definitely decline, which is a huge hidden danger for him.

Jones publicly responded to black fans: He is an MVP, and as long as he works hard, he can prove his worth!

And Jones also made a promise: when I decide to finish, I will do it. So he's definitely hoping to get back to the MVP level next season. It's just that at that time, he needs to join teams that aren't strong, like the edge of the playoffs, and that adds to Jones. If it's still the kind of championship-caliber team, Jones will inevitably continue to expose hidden dangers after coming to the key game.

Now, he is just a regular season player, not a playoff player, and it is true that the hidden dangers of offense and defense are too great. The most fatal thing is that Jones is now 36 years old, and he will be 37 next year, and there is really not much time left for him.