
The boy's perspective tells you: how to hang a man

author:Blind date emotional story meeting
The boy's perspective tells you: how to hang a man
The boy's perspective tells you: how to hang a man
The boy's perspective tells you: how to hang a man
The boy's perspective tells you: how to hang a man
The boy's perspective tells you: how to hang a man
The boy's perspective tells you: how to hang a man
The boy's perspective tells you: how to hang a man
The boy's perspective tells you: how to hang a man
The boy's perspective tells you: how to hang a man
The boy's perspective tells you: how to hang a man
The boy's perspective tells you: how to hang a man

As a man who has been single for many years, I suddenly felt that to "hang" a man, this matter has to start with the man's psychology. Don't get me wrong, I'm not teaching you scheming, but I want to share some "practical experience".

I remember one party, I met her - Xiaoli. She's not the type to be stunning at first sight, but there's always a warmth in her smile and eyes that makes people want to get closer. That night, we had a very speculative conversation, from poetry and poetry to philosophy of life. The attentive look in her eyes as she listened made me feel valued like never before.

Later, we got to know each other. I've found that Xiaoli always shows off her uniqueness inadvertently. She doesn't deliberately please, but she makes people feel comfortable every time they get along. She has her own circle of life, but she also takes the initiative to invite me to participate in her activities. This feeling of imminence fascinated me more and more.

In fact, if you want to "hang" a man, the most important thing is not appearance or means, but internal attraction. You want to make him feel that you are a funny, independent, and worthy person. It's not the kind of girl who revolves around him all day long and has no self-life.

Of course, that doesn't mean you have to completely ignore his feelings. The occasional little surprise and timely care can warm up your relationship. But remember, don't overdo it, otherwise you will become a "licking dog", which will make him think that you are not worth much.

Having said all this, the most important thing is sincerity. Be honest with yourself and be honest with him. In this way, you can "hang" a man's heart and make him willingly pay for you.

Okay, that's my experience of "hanging man". If you find it useful, please give it a thumbs up! Or, if you have any better way, please share it in the comment area!