
Americans have always wondered why bin Laden alone let China go after he launched attacks on many countries.

author:Sisyphus on the mountainside
(The content of this article is based on authoritative historical data, and there are literature citation sources at the end of the article)

On 11 September 2001, an unprecedented terrorist attack shocked the entire world. Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden is believed to have masterminded the brutal attacks on many countries, but it is puzzling why China has survived this "holy war" against Western countries.

Americans have always wondered why bin Laden alone let China go after he launched attacks on many countries.

As the cat-and-mouse standoff between bin Laden and the United States continues to escalate, the mystery has become even more intriguing. Behind the-for-tat game of interests and ideological conflicts, why did bin Laden selectively "let go" of China?

Exploring this mystery will not only uncover the sinister intentions of the United States in manipulating power in the Middle East, but will also solve a major mystery concerning world peace.

Americans have always wondered why bin Laden alone let China go after he launched attacks on many countries.

Clash of ideologies

In this magical land of the Middle East, the ancient Islamic civilization and the brand-new Western industrial civilization are engaged in a protracted contest.

It is not only home to the world's main energy and oil, but also an important hub for cultural exchanges between the East and the West. For the emerging superpower of the United States, control of the Middle East is undoubtedly the top priority of its global strategy.

Since the 90s of the 20th century, the US government has made it clear that it will safeguard its own lasting interests in the Middle East and ensure that local oil is exported at a reasonable price.

In order to achieve this goal, the United States has vigorously cultivated allies in the Middle East, strengthened its influence on local countries, and tried to control the direction of Middle East affairs in an all-round way.

Americans have always wondered why bin Laden alone let China go after he launched attacks on many countries.

From Morocco to Kuwait, from Oman to Jordan, the majestic architecture of the U.S. Embassy is a testament to the country's ambitions and intentions in the region.

However, it is precisely this interference and control that provokes strong resentment and resistance from Islamic radicals like bin Laden. The son of a wealthy Saudi businessman, bin Laden had a keen interest in political and military topics from an early age.

He deeply despises the long-standing meddling of the United States in the internal affairs of the Islamic world, especially in the conflict between Israel and the Arab countries. What makes him even more angry is that the United States is also trying to influence and assimilate the beliefs and values of the younger generation of Muslims by exporting Western cultural ideas.

Americans have always wondered why bin Laden alone let China go after he launched attacks on many countries.

The turning point came in the early 1990s with the Gulf War. In order to deal with Iraq, the Saudi government allowed the presence of US troops, which is undoubtedly a flagrant violation of the rules of Islam and further exacerbates bin Laden's dissatisfaction and hatred of the United States.

Where there is oppression, there is resistance, and bin Laden finally chose the difficult path of confrontation with the world's superpower, and he founded al-Qaeda, openly declaring war on the United States, calling the confrontation "a war between one man and one nation."

Osama bin Laden's anti-American ideas are closely related to his personal experience and the ideas he believes in. Judging from the memories of his classmates, teachers, and neighbors, when he was young, he had a quiet personality and worked hard, and few people would have expected him to end up on the road of "terrorist". However, after being stimulated by some incidents, his antipathy towards the United States has increased day by day, and his anti-American ideology has gradually formed and become firm.

Americans have always wondered why bin Laden alone let China go after he launched attacks on many countries.

In fact, the differences between the Islamic world and the emerging industrial civilization of the West have existed for centuries. On the one hand, there is the agrarian civilization of Islam, which advocates religious beliefs and traditional lifestyles; On the other side is the emerging industrial civilization of the West, which advocates freedom, materialism, and affluence.

The fundamental clash of the values of the two civilizations dooms them to coexist in harmony. Bin Laden firmly believed that the United States was violently violating the interests and principles of the Islamic world and tarnishing its cultural traditions. As a "mujahideen", he called on Muslims of all countries to unite against this harm and bullying.

Americans have always wondered why bin Laden alone let China go after he launched attacks on many countries.

Overall, bin Laden's strong hatred of the United States has deep historical and cultural roots. Ideological differences and confrontation are the fundamental reasons for the long-term antagonism between the two camps. In bin Laden's eyes, a compromise with Western civilization would be a complete renunciation of Islamic teachings. Therefore, he chose a difficult path of resistance without hesitation.

Intrigue under the Game of Thrones

In the Middle East, the United States has always been an out-and-out behind-the-scenes manipulator. On the surface, they support Israel at one moment and woo Arab countries at the other, and seem to be wandering on both sides. But in reality, this behavior is a manifestation of the power play of the United States with ulterior motives in the region.

Americans have always wondered why bin Laden alone let China go after he launched attacks on many countries.

Throughout the second half of the 20th century, the United States began to intervene militarily in the Middle East. In 1956, the Anglo-French coalition with Israel attacked Egypt in an attempt to regain control of the Suez Canal. Although the war came to an end under pressure from the United States and the Soviet Union, the confrontation between the Arab countries and Israel had begun to take shape.

In 1967, the "Six-Day War" broke out, Israel launched a surprise attack on the Arab army and won an overwhelming victory, and after the war, it directly occupied the vast Palestinian territory, including the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights. In this crucial battle, the United States undoubtedly played a major role as an instigator and supporter.

Americans have always wondered why bin Laden alone let China go after he launched attacks on many countries.

In the decades that followed, the conflict in the Middle East continued to heat up, and the armed confrontation between the two sides intensified. In fact, what the United States has done is to deliberately escalate the contradictions and plunge the Middle East countries into internal friction so as to maximize their own interests. Once the countries of the Middle East are busy with their internal affairs, it will be easier for them to be at the mercy and manipulation of the United States.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, U.S. influence in the Middle East reached new heights. In order to firmly control this region in their own hands, they spared no effort to launch a series of military operations such as the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, which brought great disasters to the local people.

Americans have always wondered why bin Laden alone let China go after he launched attacks on many countries.

Data shows that from the start of the Iraq war by the United States alone to 2022, about 9.2 million Iraqi citizens have become refugees due to the war. After the U.S. intervention in Libya's civil war in 2011, the once-peaceful and stable country also fell into a situation of long-term turmoil.

It is true that creating turmoil and contradictions in the Middle East is a consistent trick of the United States. But their deeper purpose is to firmly control the region's oil resources and strategic corridors.

Since the Industrial Revolution, oil has become the most valuable resource in the world, and the Middle East is undoubtedly the commanding heights of this "black energy". Once upon a time, the British were thrilled to discover the rich oil reserves in Saudi Arabia, which they regarded as a true "golden land".

Americans have always wondered why bin Laden alone let China go after he launched attacks on many countries.

After the end of World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union were locked in a protracted Cold War standoff. In this contest of powers, the Middle East region has undoubtedly become the most important task for both sides. For this reason, the United States has tried to woo Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern oil-producing countries at any cost, trying to bring them into its camp.

Of course, for the United States, oil resources are not only energy itself, but also a valuable strategic resource. By controlling oil production, the United States can firmly maintain the hegemony of the dollar and dominate the operation of the global economic and trade system.

For this reason, the United States has spent huge sums of money to buy Iran, Afghanistan and other Middle Eastern countries, as long as they obediently accept the manipulation of the United States. At the same time, the United States has also tried its best to suppress countries that were once "pro-Soviet" such as Syria to prevent Arab countries from forming alliances and breaking away from the control of the United States.

Americans have always wondered why bin Laden alone let China go after he launched attacks on many countries.

The wisdom path of calming people

In this confrontation between the United States and bin Laden, China was surprisingly spared, becoming an exception to bin Laden's "holy war". The solution to this mystery reveals China's unique philosophy of life and wisdom.

As the most populous country in the world, China has been an ancient civilization with a tradition of attaching importance to peace and opposing the use of force since ancient times. Whether it is immigration control or gun control, China has extremely strict regulations in these areas, aiming to prevent the occurrence of violence to the greatest extent.

In handling international affairs, China pursues a peaceful foreign policy of non-interference in internal affairs, persists in resolving differences through dialogue and consultation, and spares no means of force. Therefore, bin Laden, a self-proclaimed "mujahideen", naturally did not point the finger at China.

Americans have always wondered why bin Laden alone let China go after he launched attacks on many countries.

On the other hand, China has never taken the initiative to get involved in the contradictions and disputes in the Middle East. Unlike the frequent US military involvement in the region over the years, China's adherence to the principle of non-intervention in the Middle East has not given too much support or opposition to either side, and this neutrality has also saved it from being targeted by bin Laden.

At the same time, the "pan-Islamism" pursued by bin Laden is fundamentally at odds with the peaceful ideals that China has always pursued. As a radical in Islam, bin Laden aspired to unite the Islamic state under the banner of "jihad" by force. China has always emphasized that different civilizations can coexist in harmony, replace exclusion with inclusiveness, and move towards peaceful development through mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation.

This philosophy is inherently contrary to the belligerent, extreme orientation of bin Laden's character. Therefore, even if China and the United States have geopolitical differences, bin Laden will not easily list them as the main "targets".

Americans have always wondered why bin Laden alone let China go after he launched attacks on many countries.

As a matter of fact, China's philosophy of dealing with world affairs can be summed up in four words: "Calm things and calm people." Whether dealing with domestic conflicts and disputes or facing international disputes, China has always adhered to the principle of avoiding aggravation of conflicts to the greatest extent. Using a peaceful and rational way to channel the differences between the two sides and ultimately resolve the disputes is the keynote of the policy that the Chinese government has been trying to adhere to and pursue.

This is in stark contrast to what the United States has done in the Middle East. Over the years, the United States has spared no effort to sow turmoil and discord in the Middle East, intending to plunge the region into protracted internal friction and firmly control the strategic resources of the entire region.

Americans have always wondered why bin Laden alone let China go after he launched attacks on many countries.

The United States blindly pursues the maximization of its own interests and completely ignores the lives and interests of the people in the region, which runs counter to China's concept of "calming things down".

This contrast may be the fundamental reason why bin Laden has turned his attention away from China. As an Islamic extremist, bin Laden lacks a direct conflict of interest with China, despite his deep hostility towards the United States and its allies.

By contrast, China has always been a wise and pragmatic power, neither intending to interfere too much in the internal affairs of other countries, nor causing substantial harm to Islamic countries. This is in line with bin Laden's original intention of attacking Western civilization and defending Islam.

However, what the United States has done in the Middle East has greatly damaged the interests and dignity of Islamic countries, and naturally it has become bin Laden's primary "target."

Americans have always wondered why bin Laden alone let China go after he launched attacks on many countries.

The dawn of peace and justice

In fact, throughout the long history of mankind, peace and justice have always been the ultimate ideals pursued by people. In the final analysis, the development of any civilization should conform to this purpose. However, what the United States has done in the Middle East is tantamount to a complete betrayal of this goal.

They rejected peace and stirred up more wars; They have despised justice and killed innocents for their own selfishness. In contrast, China's wisdom in dealing with the Middle East issue is closer to the common expectations of mankind. So, bin Laden had to admit it and exclude China from his targets.

Americans have always wondered why bin Laden alone let China go after he launched attacks on many countries.

In the face of increasingly serious geopolitical conflicts, we should reflect on the various practices of the United States in the Middle East, learn from the painful experience, and turn to the right path of peaceful development. After all, a new world order that is more just and reasonable is the highest goal we should work together. Peace and justice are the guiding light to that ideal.


  1. Oil Power: Dialysis of the "Triangular Relationship" between the United States, Saudi Arabia and Aramco since World War II (Petroleum Industry Press)
  2. "From the Central to the Local: China Unleashes an Iron Fist Against Terrorism" (People's Daily Online)


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