
Leaders generally like to promote this kind of cadre: everything has a goal, everything has a result, and everything has feedback

author:Political Papers
Leaders generally like to promote this kind of cadre: everything has a goal, everything has a result, and everything has feedback

This article is selected from the first issue of the "Threesome" series of articles of the 15 series of materials originally compiled by me, and in early July, I will share this compilation to the group.

The "Threesome" series is mainly to share the original work experience of the writer in the system.

Some literary friends, especially new literary friends, have a strong "scholarly" spirit and "angry youth" feelings, and they are "not cold" to the sophistication of the organs, and they have the problem of high "IQ" and insufficient "emotional intelligence".

Therefore, I set up a team of writing partners with the "people who have come before" and "discerning people" in the system, and unreservedly "taught" to literary friends "survival skills" such as work experience, handling methods, communication skills, etc., which cannot be learned or taught in actual work, so as to help literary friends avoid detours and grow and mature rapidly.

Here are some articles from the compilation of the "Threesomes" series to learn, understand and improve with literary friends.

Leaders generally like to promote this kind of cadre: everything has a goal, everything has a result, and everything has feedback

The following is the main text

There is a colleague in the office, who has not been in the company for a long time, and a certain leader assigns a matter that needs to be cross-departmental, but he does not explain the specific matters in detail, and only knows that he wants to write a material that is responsible for the advancement of the field.

After he finished it, he handed it over to the contact, but the other party replied many times on the grounds of "I can't read" and "I can't understand the meaning", which caused dissatisfaction among colleagues, thinking that the other party was deliberately embarrassed, and replied in a fit of anger, "Can't read?" Then you should read it a few more times. ”

As soon as this remark came out, he instantly angered the other party, strongly accused his colleagues of having a bad attitude, and then made trouble with the section chiefs of both sides, and was also known by the leaders in charge, and was criticized many times at the meeting.

Although this was originally a very simple matter, there was a problem, which also reflected that the understanding of the goals and results was not clear enough when handing over the work task.

The two sides did not communicate fully at the beginning, one party did not put forward specific needs, the other party only provided content according to subjective understanding, and when there was a conflict, the leader was not informed of the problems in the negotiation in time, the feedback was not timely enough, and the personal emotions were not well controlled, which made things worse.

1. Everything has a goal

In the system, it is necessary to accurately understand and understand the intention of the leader, that is, the goal to be achieved.

However, the minds of leaders are difficult to understand, and the so-called comprehension of the leaders' intentions is because those intentions are what they want you to know and you should know.

In practice, some personnel still have deviations in understanding and recognizing the intentions of leaders.

Either go your own way and do what you want; Either it is a superficial taste, which is far from the original intention of the leader; Either they only comprehend the surface and fail to touch the essence.

Although sometimes the leader only explains a few words, if he does not seem to understand this goal, and does not ask further questions, he will take things for granted, and the result is likely to be contrary to the actual requirements, leaving the impression that he will not be able to do things, and it is thankless.

For example, some colleagues will encounter such a situation, the leader assigns a task, but does not immediately understand the meaning of the other party.

I want to ask more, and I am worried that the leader will feel that his work ability is not high; Don't ask, and I'm afraid of which link will go wrong.

I was silently entangled for a long time, constantly internal friction, and there was no way to advance the progress of the work.

"I can't help but do things, and I can't do anything when I'm tired." If you don't understand the intention of the leader, you will work twice and make a lot of effort, and it will be in vain.

To do things within the organs, it is necessary to have a complete and accurate understanding of the intentions of the leaders, clearly grasp the objectives of the matter, and cannot take things out of context, deviate from the original intention, and still less play them at will.

Second, there are results in each piece

Leaders like to use people who are serious and responsible for their work, and being responsible for their work is responsible for themselves.

If the things assigned by the leader fail, it will affect the progress of the work and make the leader taboo.

In psychology, there is an effect called the halfway effect, which refers to a negative impact on the target behavior due to the interaction between people's psychological factors and environmental factors when the motivation process is halfway through.

At work, we also encounter similar situations, we originally thought that we could complete the work in a certain period of time, but then did not complete it, so we began to self-doubt, self-denial, self-abandonment, and felt that "forget it", "let's do it", "there should be no problem".

However, leaders don't like subordinates who have no sense of responsibility and dedication. If he can't do the things assigned by the leader, not once or twice, then there will be no greater possibility for him to do anything in the future.

Within the system, everyone should develop the good habit of doing things with a solid basis, rules and regulations, a beginning and an end, and a beginning and an end, so as not to leave "sequelae," still less to affect the image and prestige of the leadership.

Leaders generally like to promote this kind of cadre: everything has a goal, everything has a result, and everything has feedback

3. Feedback on everything

In case of trouble, do not be good at making opinions, and take the initiative to ask for instructions and report to the leader, which is the principle to be observed within the system.

Don't ask for instructions, don't report, be careful with your black gauze hat.

If you can't find a leader's office today, you won't be able to find your own office tomorrow.

In the unit, there are individual colleagues who "only care about hard work, regardless of upward feedback", are afraid of communicating with leaders, and often have "come" but no "to" for assigned things;

Or because some people are afraid of being blamed by the leader, they choose to hide and delay when problems arise, and wait until "the matter is a foregone conclusion and causes a catastrophe" before hating "it's too late";

There are also some colleagues who do not give timely feedback on urgent and important matters, resulting in untimely response planning, which leads to serious consequences......

Asking for more instructions and reporting often is the focus of subordinates doing a good job.

Report to the leader and ask for instructions, and the instructions received are always very valuable and timely.

Especially in key places, we should ask the leader for instructions and solicit his opinions and views to avoid causing losses and troubles.

Everything has a goal, everything has a result, and everything has feedback, which is also a closed-loop thinking that needs to be cultivated in the system.

Start well and finish well, you must learn to be a reliable person.

When it is like "basketball", everyone fights, everyone grabs, and everyone likes you; And it can't be like "volleyball", you hit it, I push it, and no one wants you.