
Reunion after 30 years! Zhou Huimin and Zhang Min 2 goddesses are in the same frame, and they instantly return to the past!

author:Entertainment Jun said the entertainment industry

56-year-old Hong Kong actress Zhang Min has faded out of the showbiz in recent years, and recently in order to watch her friend Zhou Huimin's performance, she rarely appeared in Wenzhou to cheer, which is also the reunion between the two parties after 30 years, and the group photo immediately evoked memories in the hearts of a large number of fans. As soon as the post came out, the group photo of the two goddesses of the "Shuangmin Society" surprised netizens, "No matter how the world changes, the two of you have not changed!" "I thought this picture would have to wait for the next life! ”

Reunion after 30 years! Zhou Huimin and Zhang Min 2 goddesses are in the same frame, and they instantly return to the past!

Zhou Huimin performed in Wenzhou on June 30, and the artists on the same stage were Joey Yung, Guan Zhibin, Yong'er and Wei Lan, but what impressed her the most was that she saw her friend Zhang Min, who she hadn't seen for more than 30 years, and she was moved to post today, "I didn't expect the performance in Wenzhou to create a reunion between the two of us." "I thought you were just talking, surprised you really came all the way to see me." Zhou Huimin revealed that the moment she saw Zhang Min on stage, she couldn't wait to walk off the stage and hug each other, "I haven't seen each other for more than 30 years, it turns out that no matter how the world changes, as long as I am next to you, I will be embraced by your full love, as always." ”

Reunion after 30 years! Zhou Huimin and Zhang Min 2 goddesses are in the same frame, and they instantly return to the past!

Zhou Huimin (left) is rare to be in the same frame Zhang Min, and said emotionally, "I haven't seen you for more than 30 years, it turns out that no matter how the world changes, as long as you are by your side, you will be embraced by your full love, as always." (Taken from IG)

In the exposed photos, Zhang Min wears a small round hat, thick-framed glasses, a white jacket with a black underwear, Zhou Huimin is wearing denim pants, and the 56-year-old Shuangshu hugs each other. Zhou Huimin attached a number of photos with Zhang Min, attracting fans to leave messages such as "Qi dreams come true", "What a classic frame", "Forget one goddess, but two goddesses...... Miserable".

Zhou Huimin debuted 2 years earlier than Zhang Min, the two have co-produced Hong Kong films "Hardcover Chasing Girls: 3 Wolf Family", "Demon Road" and other films, Zhang Min retired from the film industry after filming the movie "Ten Brothers" in 1995, and faded out of the screen in 2000.

Reunion after 30 years! Zhou Huimin and Zhang Min 2 goddesses are in the same frame, and they instantly return to the past!

Zhang Min (second from left) and Zhou Huimin (second from right) collaborated on the 1987 movie "Hardcover Chasing Girls: 3 Wolf Clan", when Qiu Shuzhen and Weng Huide performed together, and the four goddesses in the film had many sexy performances, which are still unforgettable. (Still)

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