
Parents detained for 15 days for non-payment of tuition and fees? The band rhythm is really bad, and the school court is fine

author:Little milk cats love to bake bread

Parents detained for 15 days for non-payment of tuition and fees? The band rhythm is really bad, and there is nothing wrong with the school court

Hello everyone, I'm a little milk cat who loves to bake bread. Here, I wish the friends who read this article a harmonious relationship, good health, and smooth sailing.

This news is very meaningful.

In the past two days, I have been brushing up to such a news, Jiangsu Shuyang's parents were detained for 15 days because of arrears of tuition and miscellaneous fees, and they went to search for it, the title is more exaggerated than the other, the netizens are more excited than the other, and the comment area is full of scolding, and everyone has tilted out all the grievances and dissatisfaction.

Parents detained for 15 days for non-payment of tuition and fees? The band rhythm is really bad, and the school court is fine

- Didn't you say nine-year compulsory education? Why charge so much!

- I was detained for not paying tuition and fees, which is the first time in the world!

- The difference between the poor and the rich, the boss owes hundreds of thousands of wages, has the court detained him!

- More than 10,000 yuan, if there is anyone willing to detain, parents did not pay tuition and miscellaneous fees to detain people, and the school and law enforcement departments are guilty of knowing the law and violating the law!

Parents detained for 15 days for non-payment of tuition and fees? The band rhythm is really bad, and the school court is fine

I have always felt that this kind of thing is not so simple, do the courts and schools really dare to defy the world's condemnation and detain poor parents who cannot afford to pay the fees? Let's take a look at this and see what's going on.

First, this is not a public school and does not fall within the scope of compulsory education.

The child attends Mingde Middle School, which is a private secondary school with both high school and junior high school.

A lot of people come up and spray without looking at the nature of the school at all. In compulsory education, many fees are paid in advance by the state, so the fees are very low, but private schools are different, and all the expenses of people are borne by themselves, which must be achieved by charging students.

I think everyone has heard of private schools, and once it had another name called aristocratic schools, which were attended by wealthy families, and the public schools themselves were prepared by the state to take care of ordinary families. The couple did not go to the public and went to the private sector, it was their own choice, which shows that everyone knows what it is.

Parents detained for 15 days for non-payment of tuition and fees? The band rhythm is really bad, and the school court is fine

Second, the school court has conceded for a year to let the couple pool the money, but unfortunately they are still unmoved.

The child went to study in 2022, and he didn't give money after two semesters, and the school urged him many times to no avail, and took the child's parents to court in March 2023, when the court mediated that the child's parents could pay all the fees before April 20, 2024, and if they were overdue, they would not only have to pay the arrears, but also pay 3,000 yuan in liquidated damages.

From 2022 to 2022, the arrears have not been repaid until April 2024, the school has gone through the legal route, and the court has also done a lot of work, and the child's parents have turned a deaf ear.

Parents detained for 15 days for non-payment of tuition and fees? The band rhythm is really bad, and the school court is fine

Third, the child's parents are not without income, they are known to have an income of several thousand yuan per month, and they are unwilling to declare their income.

If they were really poor and couldn't get a penny out, I don't think the school would have gone to the point of prosecution, and the court wouldn't have made a decision to detain them. In fact, they have income, and their income is not low, and they are reluctant to declare their assets because they are afraid that everyone will know that they are poor? Think about it, how could it be.

If they are really poor, then in 2022 they will not choose to go to private schools, after all, these schools are clearly priced, and those who have no money have long since quit.

Fourth, this is the same as the nature of the boss's arrears of wages to migrant workers, and people of insight on the Internet should help migrant workers fight lawsuits, rather than lead the rhythm.

Many people on the Internet said that they had no money to pay tuition fees and were detained, and the boss owed migrant workers nothing at all, so as to criticize the society. There is essentially no difference between the two, both are breaches of contract by one party. But the difference is that the school has taken up legal weapons and gone to the court to sue, while some migrant workers will not use legal weapons, and their wages are still at the level of making trouble, which requires people of insight on the Internet to help them, and the relevant departments also need to actively intervene. As long as you take up legal weapons to ask for wages, none of those old bosses can escape.

Parents detained for 15 days for non-payment of tuition and fees? The band rhythm is really bad, and the school court is fine

Fifth, the self-media is vague, hides important information, and deliberately creates topics to attract attention.

The truth of this matter is that the parents of the children did not choose public schools, but chose to spend more money to send their children to private schools, and in the case of signing contracts first, they refused to pay tuition and fees, and the court mediated and gave a one-year grace period, but they also refused to pay. After confirming that they had several thousand dollars per month and were unwilling to declare their assets, the court finally detained them for 15 days.

Is there a problem with this? There is nothing wrong with it, it is reasonable and legitimate.

But how do the self-media describe it? They deliberately hid the fact that they were in a private school, they did not say that their parents had income and refused to declare their assets, and they were given a one-year grace period through court mediation. In short, the important information has been weakened by them intentionally or unintentionally, and they only emphasize one point, the parents were detained for 15 days for arrears of tuition and miscellaneous fees, provoking the public's nerves and bringing dissatisfaction.

What about netizens? The vast majority of netizens have no ability to distinguish at all, what they need is an outlet, and they will be done if they find an opportunity to spray directly.

Parents detained for 15 days for non-payment of tuition and fees? The band rhythm is really bad, and the school court is fine
Parents detained for 15 days for non-payment of tuition and fees? The band rhythm is really bad, and the school court is fine