
Zhao Wei, whose ambition exploded, was not only accused of insulting China with Japan, but now her true form is revealed, and she ends happily

author:Piggy talks about gossip

Zhao Wei, the actress who was once loved for her role as Little Swallow in "Huanzhu Gege", has now become the target of public criticism. Her story can be called a realistic version of the drama from glory to decline.

In 2001, just when Zhao Wei's career was in full swing, a "pro-Japanese humiliation of China" storm pushed her to the forefront of public opinion. In a set of photos taken for a fashion magazine in the United States, Zhao Wei is dressed in a costume with Japanese elements, and the pattern on it appears to be a Japanese military flag.

This move instantly ignited public outrage. It is unacceptable that a Chinese celebrity should swagger through the market in costumes that symbolize aggression. In the face of overwhelming criticism, Zhao Wei seemed careless.

Her indifferent attitude added fuel to the fire. Netizens accused her of "insulting the country", "traitor", and "pro-Japanese and insulting China". Finally, at the New Year's party of "Deep Love and Rain", an angry audience member rushed onto the stage and splashed feces on Zhao Wei, who was singing.

Zhao Wei, whose ambition exploded, was not only accused of insulting China with Japan, but now her true form is revealed, and she ends happily

This scene became a major turning point in her career. However, even after experiencing such humiliation, Zhao Wei still did not respond or apologize positively. She asked her agent Chen Rong to come forward to make a statement, but she only shirked her responsibility, saying that foreign designers did not understand the history and national complex of the Chinese people.

This attitude has undoubtedly made the public even more angry. People began to question: "Yes, foreign designers don't understand, what about you?" Don't you understand it as a Chinese? Zhao Wei's attitude of blindly shirking responsibility made things bigger and bigger.

Originally, if she could apologize in time, maybe the matter would have passed slowly. But she didn't admit her death, but netizens couldn't bear it. It is believed that we can let go of China's history, but we must not forget it.

We are even more in a position to forgive the evil deeds of the aggressors on behalf of those great men who fought bloodily for us to win peace. As a public figure in China, Zhao Wei's behavior is undoubtedly an insult and injury to the Chinese people and history.

Zhao Wei, whose ambition exploded, was not only accused of insulting China with Japan, but now her true form is revealed, and she ends happily

This incident became the beginning of the collapse of her image, and also laid the groundwork for her various controversies in the future. After marriage, Zhao Wei became involved in the business world after becoming acquainted with the wealthy businessman Huang Youlong, looking like a strong woman.

The couple's operation in the capital market is dazzling, and they are unanimously called "the female version of Buffett" by everyone. In 2014, Zhao Wei and his wife showed superb capital operation ability.

They bought 1.93 billion shares of Alibaba Pictures at HK$1.6 per share, becoming the second largest shareholder of Alibaba Pictures in one fell swoop. Subsequently, they cleverly cashed out and netted HK$1 billion.

This was followed by another wave of operations, cashing out HK $1.256 billion again. This technique can be called a model of empty gloves white wolf, which made Zhao Wei famous in the business world. However, the ambitious Zhao Wei couple did not stop there.

Zhao Wei, whose ambition exploded, was not only accused of insulting China with Japan, but now her true form is revealed, and she ends happily

In 2017, they planned another big deal. Zhao Wei wants to use her Longwei Media Company to acquire tens of billions of Wanjia cultural listed companies. This operation was supposed to repeat the old trick, and once again use the principle of leverage to wave the white wolf with empty gloves.

But unexpectedly, it was discovered before the operation. This failed acquisition caused the stock price of Wanjia Culture to collapse, causing huge losses to many shareholders. In the end, Zhao Wei and others were fined 300,000 yuan and expelled from the securities market for five years.

However, Zhao Wei and his wife didn't seem to care about the huge losses caused, and they patted their butts and left after only paying 300,000 yuan, leaving behind a lot of chicken feathers and countless miserable shareholders.

What's even more staggering is that just the year before in 2018, Zhao Wei was also found to have evaded 130 million yuan in taxes. This figure is astronomical for ordinary people, but it is only a drop in the bucket for Zhao Wei, a business tycoon.

Zhao Wei, whose ambition exploded, was not only accused of insulting China with Japan, but now her true form is revealed, and she ends happily

However, who would think that they have less money? She tried in vain to take advantage of the law, but she didn't expect to be counterattacked. This series of events has sparked a wide range of discussions in society. People began to question that this former film and television star has now become a "businessman" in the capital market, but his behavior frequently touches the bottom line of law and morality.

Zhao Wei's image has taken a sharp turn in the hearts of the public, from the former "little swallow" to a greedy and unscrupulous capitalist. This experience of ups and downs in the business world has become an indelible stain on Zhao Wei's career.

With the accumulation of wealth and status, Zhao Wei's behavior became more and more despicable. She seems to have forgotten her roots, forgotten who made her popular, and the arrogance and ruthlessness she showed made people shudder.

In the "Wanhui Incident", Zhao Wei used her influence to suppress the "Hello, World Wide Web" website. This website was founded by Wan Hui and her husband Wu Leshui. At the beginning, the website released a report about Zhao Wei's involvement in crime, but Zhao Wei used resources to block it.

Zhao Wei, whose ambition exploded, was not only accused of insulting China with Japan, but now her true form is revealed, and she ends happily

Wu Leshui was forced to have no choice but to flee to Japan, while Wanhui was imprisoned. In the end, Wu Leshui died in Japan, and the family was forced to die. Although the official investigation results say that Wu Leshui committed suicide due to depression, the truth is still confusing.

What's even more shocking is that shortly after this incident, some netizens asked Zhao Wei on Weibo to name her daughter. The name given by Zhao Wei turned out to be "Leshui", which has the same name as the late Wu Leshui.

This move made people shudder, and I don't know what Zhao Wei's intentions were. In 2019, something even more appalling happened. Zhao Wei and her former friend Zou Xue had a dispute because of a poorly managed bar.

In an altercation, Zhao Wei instructed her driver to beat Zou Xue, who was already pregnant. This act completely shattered the public's remaining goodwill towards her. The turmoil of the movie "No Other Love" pushed Zhao Wei to the forefront of public opinion.

Zhao Wei, whose ambition exploded, was not only accused of insulting China with Japan, but now her true form is revealed, and she ends happily

Regardless of public opposition, she insisted on using "Taiwan independence" actor Dai Liren. In the face of overwhelming criticism, Zhao Wei not only ignored it, but also used resources to hire online trolls, found powerful hackers to delete criticism and comments, and even did not let go of the comments of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League.

She also defended Dai Liren online, which showed that she no longer cared about public feelings and public opinion. Zhao Wei's deletion of the official Weibo of the Communist Youth League has attracted widespread attention, and people can't help but sigh at the power behind Zhao Wei.

However, her behavior of covering her ears and stealing the bell was in vain after all. She can delete comments that already exist, but she can't stop a steady stream of new ones. In the end, the film was too controversial and has not been released to this day.

In this series of events, we see a Zhao Wei blinded by power and money. Her arrogance and conceit, which challenges the public's bottom line again and again, eventually pushes herself to the edge of the cliff.

Zhao Wei, whose ambition exploded, was not only accused of insulting China with Japan, but now her true form is revealed, and she ends happily

In 2021, the gears of fate finally began to reverse. Zhang Zhehan's "Yasukuni Shrine" incident became the last straw that broke the camel's back, and Zhao Wei, as its boss, was also implicated.

The cause of the incident was that when Zhang Zhehan was attending a friend's wedding in Japan, he entered the "Yasukuni Shrine" and posted photos. As we all know, the Japanese soldiers enshrined here include war criminals who committed heinous crimes in the Nanjing Massacre.

The move quickly caused an uproar online. As Zhang Zhehan's boss, Zhao Wei is to blame. Overnight, her work was taken off the shelves entirely, including numerous films and TV series.

Her social media accounts were shut down, and even Weibo and Chaohua were forcibly shut down. What's even more shocking is that even her name is not searchable online. The former queen of film and television disappeared from public view overnight.

Zhao Wei, whose ambition exploded, was not only accused of insulting China with Japan, but now her true form is revealed, and she ends happily

This comprehensive ban is not only a personal punishment for Zhao Wei, but also a warning to the entire entertainment industry. It shows that no matter how hot a star is, once he touches the public's bottom line, he will face severe punishment.

Zhao Wei's experience made many artists begin to reflect on their words and deeds. In the process, we are seeing an awakening of public power. Instead of blindly worshipping celebrities, people are beginning to examine their words and deeds with a rational eye.

Netizens expressed their "great happiness" and thought that Zhao Wei's experience was self-inflicted. This incident also reflects the power of public opinion in today's society, which should not be underestimated.

It is able to gather quickly, form a huge amount of pressure, and even change the fate of a star. For Zhao Wei, this is undoubtedly a heavy lesson, and it is also a summary punishment for her controversial behaviors over the years.

Zhao Wei, whose ambition exploded, was not only accused of insulting China with Japan, but now her true form is revealed, and she ends happily

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it is March 2024. On an ordinary day, a familiar and unfamiliar figure appeared at Beijing International Airport - Zhao Wei. This once glorious film and television queen is now in a state that is embarrassing.

Witnesses described that Zhao Wei appeared alone at the airport, without her former bodyguard team, and could not see her wealthy businessman husband Huang Youlong, who is of Singaporean nationality. This actress, who is nearly half a hundred years old, has exhaustion written on her face, and she can no longer see her former domineering and aura.

Zhao Wei's dress is very plain, which is in stark contrast to the glamorous and glamorous of the past. The most striking thing is that she wears a string of Buddhist beads around her neck, as if seeking some kind of spiritual sustenance.

However, this did not arouse the sympathy of passers-by, but attracted ridicule from netizens: "Bring the Buddha beads and become a Buddha on the spot?" What's even more touching is that Zhao Wei, who used to be the focus of attention everywhere she went, is now ignored.

Zhao Wei, whose ambition exploded, was not only accused of insulting China with Japan, but now her true form is revealed, and she ends happily

There were no fans to say hello, and no paparazzi to follow, so she silently pulled her suitcase and blended into the flow of people at the airport. This scene is reminiscent of her former glory.

At that time, Zhao Wei was followed by a bunch of bodyguards everywhere she went, surrounded by fans. And now, she is alone, looking so lonely. Zhao Wei's current situation is undoubtedly closely related to her controversial behaviors in the past.

From "pro-Japanese insult to China" to beating pregnant women, from suspected stock market manipulation to being completely banned, this series of incidents has left an indelible negative impression on the public's mind. When netizens saw Zhao Wei's current state, they all said "retribution is coming".

Obviously, wanting to regain the public's trust and love is tantamount to ascending to the sky for the current Zhao Wei. This "strong woman" who used to dominate the film and television industry can only look back on her past in loneliness.

Zhao Wei, whose ambition exploded, was not only accused of insulting China with Japan, but now her true form is revealed, and she ends happily

Zhao Wei's story can be called a mirror of the entertainment industry. It reflects not only the ups and downs of a star, but also some problems in the entire entertainment industry and even society, which is worth pondering.

First, it serves as a reminder that the words and actions of public figures have enormous social implications. From the "pro-Japanese insult to China" incident to the beating of pregnant women, to stock market manipulation, Zhao Wei's every move has sparked widespread discussion and criticism.

This reminds us that celebrities should be more cautious in their words and deeds, and always remember their social responsibilities. Second, Zhao Wei's experience also highlights the power of public opinion supervision. In the information age, the public's eyes are clear.

Zhao Wei tried to use her influence and resources to manipulate public opinion many times, but in the end she could not escape the fate of being completely blocked. This kind of supervision has played a positive role in maintaining social morality and purifying the atmosphere of the entertainment industry.

Zhao Wei, whose ambition exploded, was not only accused of insulting China with Japan, but now her true form is revealed, and she ends happily

Moreover, Zhao Wei's story also reminds us to look at fame and fortune correctly. She became popular from the corner of Little Swallow, but because of excessive ambition and obsession with power, she eventually lost everything.

This is undoubtedly a profound lesson. Finally, this case also reflects some chaos in the entertainment industry. From the "Wanhui Incident" to the Zhang Zhehan Incident, we have seen some artists and agents abuse their power and ignore the public's feelings.

This requires the entire industry to rethink and straighten out. In general, Zhao Wei's experience is worth pondering for every public figure and even every ordinary person. It tells us that on the road to success, we must not forget the original intention, let alone the bottom line of morality and law.