
The world's largest landlocked country is _____?

author:Chinese Internet Confucianism

If you were to be asked which country was the largest landlocked country in the world, what would be the first answer that came to mind? Perhaps you will think of the vast territory of Russia first, or perhaps your answer is Mongolia, which is close to the mainland. In fact, the correct answer to this question is the country we are going to introduce today - Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan is the first stop of President Xi Jinping's visit. It is the ninth largest landlocked country in the world in terms of land area and the largest landlocked country in the world. Not only that, but it is also the hometown of singer Di Mahi, and their "China expert" president also loves to eat back pot meat...... Today, learn about the country through a set of maps↓

The world's largest landlocked country is _____?
The world's largest landlocked country is _____?
The world's largest landlocked country is _____?
The world's largest landlocked country is _____?
The world's largest landlocked country is _____?
The world's largest landlocked country is _____?
The world's largest landlocked country is _____?
The world's largest landlocked country is _____?
The world's largest landlocked country is _____?

It is worth mentioning that the Agreement between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Mutual Visa Exemption has entered into force in November 2023, making it more convenient for Chinese citizens to travel to Kazakhstan. Intrigued? Let's go on a trip!

Source of this article: CCTV News WeChat public account

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