
Concubine Yi is the biological mother of Yinqi, the fifth son of the emperor, but Emperor Yongzheng hates her, so why did he let the fifth child go?

author:The historical smell of copper smell

Introduction: In the early period of the Kangxi Dynasty, Emperor Yongzheng was an excellent prince who worked hard for the imperial court. In Kangxi's later years, after the trend of nine sons taking over the throne was formed, he was still sharp and introverted, and his appearance made Huang Ama unable to see that he had coveted the throne for a long time. Of course, the Eight Masters Party later became his fierce rival, but they were still defeated in his hands. In the sixty-first year of Kangxi, the fourth son of the emperor Yinzhen successfully inherited the throne, and changed his name to Yongzheng the following year.

Concubine Yi is the biological mother of Yinqi, the fifth son of the emperor, but Emperor Yongzheng hates her, so why did he let the fifth child go?

The fifth son of the emperor Yinqi and the ninth son of the emperor Yinqi are brothers of the same father and mother. However, among the nine sons of the Kangxi Dynasty, Yinqi was not on the list, and chose to be a plain and ordinary prince. There were three princes in the Kangxi Dynasty who were all crowned princes by Jin, and the fifth son of the emperor was one of them.

Yinyu is one of the leaders of the Eight Masters Party, and naturally he is also Yongzhengye's fierce rival, and at the same time, his biological mother Concubine Yi also makes Yongzheng a little hateful. However, as Yinqi, the son of Concubine Yi, Emperor Yongzheng did not suppress him after succeeding to the throne, but allowed him to die a good death.

So, why did Yongzheng choose to let go of the fifth child?

Concubine Yi is the biological mother of Yinqi, the fifth son of the emperor, but Emperor Yongzheng hates her, so why did he let the fifth child go?

One: Although Concubine Yi has the grace of childbirth to Yinqi, she does not have the grace of nurturing.

In the eighteenth year of Kangxi, the fifth son of the emperor Yinqi was born, and his biological mother Guo Luoluo was just a concubine at this time. According to the regulations of the Qing Dynasty, concubines with a concubine rank are not qualified to raise the children they have born.

Later, after discussing with Kangxi in the harem, it was unanimously decided to let the then Empress Xiaoyiren and the Empress Dowager Renxian personally raise them. Empress Dowager Renxian is the niece of the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang, the mother-in-law of Kangxi, and naturally the grandmother of the fifth son of the emperor, Yinqi.

These two have always been highly respected in Kangxi's harem, and Kangxi also has special respect for the two, since they handed over the fifth child to them, it shows that they also trust them very much, and at the same time, they also attach great importance to the fifth child.

Then, Concubine Yi has no nurturing grace for this eldest son. Mother and son rarely see each other, so Yinqi has been relatively unfamiliar with this biological mother since he was a child, and basically only knows that he gave birth to himself, and there is nothing else.

Concubine Yi is the biological mother of Yinqi, the fifth son of the emperor, but Emperor Yongzheng hates her, so why did he let the fifth child go?

2: He has been kind since he was a child, and he can treat each other with sincerity when he gets along with his brothers.

may be affected by the environment, Yinqi and the ninth brother Yinyu's personalities are completely different. Because Yinqi has always been raised by the queen and queen mother of the harem. Both of them are highly respected, kind, and have a profound cultural heritage, and they are also very careful when educating Yinqi.

First of all, Yinqi has studied the culture of Manchu, Han and Mongolia since he was a child, and his ability is outstanding, so that he was able to be promoted to Prince Heshuo during the Kangxi period.

Secondly, Yinqi's personality is relatively kind, and he is calm in dealing with the world. Although he was raised in the deep palace, he was treated with sincerity when he got along with the royal brothers and sisters, and was loved by everyone.

Of course, Yinqi not only treats his brothers and sisters so friendly, but also treats the palace maids and eunuchs around him as approachable, which makes people think that the fifth prince is a good person.

Concubine Yi is the biological mother of Yinqi, the fifth son of the emperor, but Emperor Yongzheng hates her, so why did he let the fifth child go?

Three: Yongzheng has also raised the palace since he was a child, and he has been with Yinqi since he was a child, and he has a deep relationship.

When the fourth son of the emperor Yinzhen was born, his biological mother Wu Yashi was also not qualified to raise her son in person because of her bad background. This is also the reason why Wu Yashi likes Lao Fourteen but doesn't like Yongzheng very much.

Therefore, since it can't be raised, of course, it must be handed over to the queen or concubine with a higher status in the harem to raise. Kangxi chose Empress Xiaoyiren, who was Tong Jia's family. The reason why this queen raised Yongzheng, and later Yongzheng also reused his younger brother Long Keduo.

Concubine Yi is the biological mother of Yinqi, the fifth son of the emperor, but Emperor Yongzheng hates her, so why did he let the fifth child go?

Then, the fourth son and the fifth son of the emperor were both raised in the harem, and they had more opportunities to get along, plus Yinqi's personality was relatively peaceful, and the relationship accumulated by the two since childhood was still very deep.

Although Lao Wu Yinqi and Lao Jiu Yinqi are brothers, Yongzheng did not punish him after succeeding to the throne because of this relationship.

Concubine Yi is the biological mother of Yinqi, the fifth son of the emperor, but Emperor Yongzheng hates her, so why did he let the fifth child go?

Four: Yinqi knew his own strength and was not involved in the nine sons.

Of course, after Yongzheng succeeded to the throne, the key reason why he did not embarrass the fifth child was that among the nine sons of Kangxi in his later years, Yinqi never participated in it, but avoided it.

However, Yinqi is not suitable to participate in the succession, whether it is from the matrilineal family or from his own personality and courage.

Yongzheng can see from this point that Yinqi has no second heart for the court and the monarch, and just wants to be a good prince and spend his life plainly.

Concubine Yi is the biological mother of Yinqi, the fifth son of the emperor, but Emperor Yongzheng hates her, so why did he let the fifth child go?

Five: After Yongzheng succeeded to the throne, how did he treat the old five Yinqi?

First of all, Yinqi did not hold an important position in the court in the Yongzheng Dynasty, but became an idle prince and died in the tenth year of Yongzheng. After his death, he himself was the Prince of Heshuo, and the sons-in-law who chose to inherit the title should be demoted one level to inherit the title of King of Dorogun. However, his second son inherited the title of Prince Heshuo. From this point of view, Yongzheng still treats this family favorably.

Secondly, when he died, Yongzheng personally ordered him to be buried according to the etiquette of the prince, and also gave him the nickname Wen, which means that Yinqi was a gentle and generous prince during his lifetime, and treated his brothers and sisters very well.

Concubine Yi is the biological mother of Yinqi, the fifth son of the emperor, but Emperor Yongzheng hates her, so why did he let the fifth child go?