
Ma Mingfang Profile


In the turbulent years, Ma Mingfang's situation is not optimistic. Once, he told a riddle to his daughter, who was visiting him in the hospital: "Red lantern, green treasure cover, sister mention, sister love." Ma Mingfang's daughter couldn't guess. At this time, Ma Mingfang said meaningfully: "This is chili." The riddle has a shell, and when you peel it off, you reveal the essence. To be a human being is also like chili peppers, the redder they are, the hotter they are, and they will never change their taste. In 1974, when Ma Mingfang was dying, he called his daughters to him and said: "You tell Chairman Mao that I am a good person." ”

Ma Mingfang (1905~1974) was named Luo Zeng, known as Jimin, and used to be known as Ruzhou. Shaanxi Mizhi people. In the spring of 1925, he was admitted to the Suide Provincial No. 4 Normal School, and in May he participated in the struggle in solidarity with the students of Xi'an to drive Wu (Xintian). In June, when news of the Shanghai "May Day" tragedy reached northern Shaanxi, Ma joined the school's solidarity. In the autumn of the same year, he was introduced by Ma Ruisheng to join the Communist Party of China. In the spring of 1926, he successively served as the leader of the Fourth Division of the Communist Party of China and the secretary of the branch. In October, he went south with the Kuomintang Special Committee of the Communist Party of China in northern Shaanxi to aid the Shaanxi Army's Shi Kexuan Department. After the siege of Xi'an was lifted, he was assigned to serve as a political instructor in the second battalion of the political security team of the allied army headquarters in Shaanxi.

After the defeat of the Great Revolution, Ma returned to northern Shaanxi and continued to lead the revolutionary struggle in his public capacity as a teacher at Xiangshuibao Primary School in Hengshan County. Soon after, he served as the secretary of the Hengshan District Committee of the Communist Party of China, and in January 1929, he was transferred to the secretary of the Suide North District Committee of the Communist Party of China. Dressed as a peasant and with a shaved head, he went deep into the countryside to secretly contact comrades and carry out arduous revolutionary mobilization work. Thanks to his efforts, the CCP's grassroots organizations in Hengshan and Suide North Districts were restored. After that, he also served as the secretary of the Zhenchuan District Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Mizhi District Committee, and the Central County Committee of the Communist Party of China, organizing and leading the peasants to fight local tyrants, divide the land, and carry out the agrarian revolution. In March 1931, due to the pursuit of the Kuomintang, Ma went to Shanxi and served as an inspector of the Shanxi Special Committee of the Communist Party of China.

After Ma returned to northern Shaanxi from Shanxi, he was transferred to the special committee of the Communist Party of China in northern Shaanxi in May 1931, and successively served as a member of the organization committee and a propaganda committee member of the special committee, and in the autumn of 1932, he acted as secretary of the special committee. In July 1933, in order to implement the instructions of the representative of the CPC Central Committee in northern Shaanxi on the work in northern Shaanxi, the special committee of the Communist Party of China in northern Shaanxi, under the chairmanship of Ma, held the fourth enlarged meeting in Gaoqijiaqi, Jiajia County. The meeting decided to step up efforts to expand the first detachment of the guerrilla forces in northern Shaanxi, create more guerrilla detachments, open up guerrilla areas in Anding, Suide, and Shenfu, actively carry out guerrilla warfare, establish the Soviet region in northern Shaanxi, and elect Cui Tianfu as secretary of the special committee and Ma as a member of the organization committee.

After the enlarged meeting of the Special Committee, the revolutionary situation in northern Shaanxi flourished. In the second half of 1934, Ma was entrusted by the Special Committee to prepare for the First Congress of Workers, Peasants and Soldiers in Northern Shaanxi. In January 1935, the congress was held in Baimiaocha, Chiyuan County, and the Soviet Government of Northern Shaanxi Province was elected and established, with Ma as the chairman. In February of the same year, the Special Committee of the Communist Party of China in Northern Shaanxi was abolished, and the Soviet Government of Northern Shaanxi Province was placed under the leadership of the Northwest Working Committee of the Communist Party of China, with Ma still as the chairman. In September, the Shaanxi-Gansu-Jin Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China was established, and Ma served as a member of the Provincial Party Committee and continued to serve as the chairman of the Northern Shaanxi Provincial Soviet Government. In October, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China led the Red Army to march to northern Shaanxi, abolished the Shaanxi-Gansu-Jin Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, and established the Northern Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, with Guo Hongtao as secretary and Ma still as chairman of the Northern Shaanxi Provincial Soviet Government. In the winter of 1936, Guo was transferred to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and Ma took over as secretary of the Northern Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China. In May 1937, the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo Special Region Committee of the Communist Party of China was established, and in January of the following year, it was renamed the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo Border Committee of the Communist Party of China. During this period, he did a great deal of work for the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to set up the base camp of the Chinese revolution in the northwest, to mobilize the people to support the Red Army's eastern and western expeditions, and to consolidate the Soviet areas in northern Shaanxi.

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, the government of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo Border Region was established in September 1937, and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to appoint Ma as a member of the government of the border region and director of the Department of Civil Affairs. With the approval of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, he went to the Soviet Union for treatment in August 1938, and was still concerned about the situation of the Anti-Japanese War at home. In January 1941, he returned to China from the Soviet Union via Xinjiang with Zhang Ziyi and Fang Zhichun, and temporarily lived in Dihua (now Urumqi) to serve as the branch secretary of the Xinjiang Office of the 18th Group Army of the Communist Party of China. In 1942, when the international anti-fascist war entered the most difficult period, Sheng Shicai, the Xinjiang frontier inspector who once flaunted himself as anti-imperialist and pro-Soviet, embarked on the anti-Soviet road, and in September of that year, 123 CCP staff members in Xinjiang were placed under house arrest in four places, and Ma was placed under house arrest in Bahuliang; In the spring of 1943, these CCP personnel were sent to four prisons, and Ma was thrown into the fourth prison in April, and then transferred to the first and second prisons. As one of the leaders of the struggle in prison, Ma waged an indomitable struggle against the reactionary forces. During a trial, a Kuomintang judge slandered the Eighth Route Army as a "bandit" for sabotaging the War of Resistance. He was furious and reprimanded the enemy: "You are completely nonsense, the Eighth Route Army insisted on the War of Resistance on the front line, and you did not resist the War of Resistance, but you brutalized the Eighth Route Army here, who sabotaged the War of Resistance and who was the bandit?" The presiding judge was furious, and several jailers swarmed him and beat him all over his body. But he was righteous and awe-inspiring, and continued to expose the crimes of the Kuomintang diehards and Sheng Shicai in sabotaging the War of Resistance. The presiding judge had no choice but to order him to be dragged back to prison. Seeing that the method of torture to force the Communists to submit was ineffective, Sheng Shicai's accomplices tried to weaken the fighting spirit of the Communists by filling out the registration form, claiming that as long as they filled in the "willing" and "faithful" columns on the form, they would be paid travel expenses and immediately released to go home. Ma Mingfang had insight into the traitor and filled out the form in front of many prison officials: "Faith: Communism; Volunteer: Go back to Yan'an!" Stunned the enemy. During this time, he also participated in leading the struggle in prison. From April 23 to June 11, 1945, the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held in Yan'an. Ma Mingfang, who was still in prison in Xinjiang at the time, was elected as an alternate member of the Seventh Central Committee.

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has been working hard to rescue the arrested comrades in Xinjiang. During the Chongqing negotiations, Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai also raised the issue of releasing CCP personnel detained in Xinjiang prisons to Chiang Kai-shek. In March 1946, Zhang Zhizhong was appointed director of the Northwest Expedition of the Nationalist Government and chairman of Xinjiang Province. He was instructed by Zhou Enlai to decide to "release political prisoners" as soon as he took office. Escorted by Zhang Zhizhong, Ma Mingfang and more than 120 other CPC personnel returned to Yan'an on 11 July, where they were warmly welcomed by Mao Zedong, Zhu De, and other central leading comrades and the people in the border areas. In November of the same year, Ma was appointed deputy secretary of the Northwest Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. In order to make Jinnan a rear base in the northwest battlefield, the Jinnan Working Committee of the Communist Party of China under the direct jurisdiction of the Northwest Bureau of the Central Committee was established in January 1949, and Ma served as the secretary of the Jinnan Working Committee of the Communist Party of China. With a still very weak body, he tossed and turned on the plateau, working day and night for the liberation of the great northwest and for the party building and political power building in the new area. In August of the same year, he led a delegation from the Northwest Liberated Region to Beiping to attend the first plenary session of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and was elected as a member of the first National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

In April 1949, as the War of Liberation drew to a close, Chiang Kai-shek refused to sign the peace agreement, so Mao Zedong and Zhu De ordered their troops to cross the river south, launching the famous battle of crossing the river.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) fought extremely quickly and liberated Nanjing, Wuhan, Taiyuan, and other regions in a very short period of time.

Seeing that the general trend had gone, Hu Zongnan led his troops to slip away, and in May, the People's Liberation Army successfully liberated Xi'an. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, people's governments at all levels were established one after another, among which our protagonist, Ma Mingfang, served as the first governor of Shaanxi Province after the founding of the People's Republic of China. Next, let's get to know this great hero specifically.

In a small village in Mizhi County, Shaanxi Province, there is a farmer named Ma Jucai, in addition to plowing the fields and farming, he also helps people tell fortunes and read feng shui in his spare time, so as to supplement the family, and his wife is also a simple and kind person.

The couple had a son, named Ma Mingfang, who is our protagonist today, who was born in 1905, a turbulent time.

Despite living in poverty, his parents still insisted that Ma Mingfang read and write, and he knew that this opportunity was not easy to come by, so he studied very hard and was admitted to the Suide Provincial Fourth Normal School in 1924, and his life has changed dramatically.

During his tenure of office, he advocated a patriotic cultural movement, reformed the bad practices in schools, and propagated the spirit of Marxism.

Deeply influenced by the principal, Ma Mingfang's outlook on life and values have undergone tremendous changes, and in the process of learning, he explored the truth of saving the country and the people, only the Communist Party can save China, and Ma Mingfang became a real Communist Party member in 1925 at the age of 20.

After joining the party, due to his outstanding performance, the organization sent him to the Shi Kexuan Department of the Kuomintang in Xi'an to do military movement work. After the siege of Xi'an was lifted, he served as a political instructor of the second battalion of the political security team of the Shaanxi General Headquarters.

As the Communist Party grew stronger, Chiang Kai-shek, fearing that our Party would threaten his position, staged a counter-revolutionary coup d'état on April 27, 1927, suppressing and massacring Communists, progressives, and the revolutionary masses.

Under such a dangerous situation, Ma Mingfang led the people to crack down on the local tyrants and shoddy gentry in northern Shaanxi, divided the peasants to cultivate land, established base areas, and resolutely struggled against the reactionary forces.

In order to avoid pursuit, Ma Mingfang went to Shanxi, and not long after, he returned to northern Shaanxi to create a guerrilla force and carry out revolutionary struggle.

In January 1935, Ma Mingfang became chairman of the Soviet government in northern Shaanxi. In light of the domestic situation, Ma Mingfang and others developed revolutionary contingents in Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningbo and established a revolutionary base area in the northwest. Due to the failure of the revolution, the Red Army had to carry out the Long March, and the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo base area became the key place of the Long March, and Ma Mingfang and others were also highly praised by Chairman Mao.

After the Lugou Bridge Incident in 1937, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression broke out. In order to be able to prepare sufficient strategic materials, Ma Mingfang, who served as the director of the Civil Affairs Department of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo Border District Government, worked day and night until he finally collapsed.

In April 1938, he was sent to Moscow for treatment. When he returned to China in 1941, he was blocked in Dihua (present-day Ulu-Uqi) because the road from Xi'an to Yan'an was blocked by the Kuomintang heavy troops. In accordance with the instructions of the Party Central Committee, he assumed the duties of secretary of the Party branch in the Xinjiang Office of the Eighth Route Army.

Unexpectedly, Ma Mingfang's experience during this period made him imprisoned until his death twenty years later. This past has to start with the Xinjiang warlord Sheng Shicai. With the help of the Soviet Union, Sheng Shicai completed the reunification of Xinjiang in early 1937 and established an anti-Japanese national united front with the CCP in October 1937. Subsequently, the CCP set up an office of the Eighth Route Army in Xinjiang in Dihua, with Chen Yun as the first director of the office.

In January 1941, when the Southern Anhui Incident occurred, and when the Soviet-German War broke out in June 1941 and the German army was once in an advantageous position, Sheng Shicai changed his court and took refuge in Chiang Kai-shek under the pull of Chiang Kai-shek. In September 1942, Sheng Shicai put all 128 CCP members and their families and children under house arrest in Xinjiang. On the night of February 7, 1943, the number of CCP cadres who were imprisoned by April 13 had reached 60.

After Chiang Kai-shek sent the so-called "special Xinjiang trial team", he began to interrogate 15 of the arrested CCP members with Sheng Shicai for three months, and Xu Mengqiu, Pan Tong, and Liu Xiping defected. On September 27, with Chiang Kai-shek's approval, Sheng Shicai secretly killed Chen Tanqiu, Mao Zemin, and Lin Jilu for the trumped-up crime of "endangering the Republic of China".

In August 1947, the Northwest Bureau of the Communist Party of China moved to the area of Linjiaping Town, Linxian County, Shanxi, and Ma Mingfang's residence

At the end of September 1944, after Sheng Shicai was transferred from Xinjiang by Chiang Kai-shek, Wu Zhongxin took over as chairman of Xinjiang Province and threw almost all the CCP personnel under house arrest into prison. It was only after Zhou Enlai of the Eighth Route Army's office in Chongqing that the Kuomintang authorities agreed to release the CCP detainees in Xinjiang in April 1946.

Twenty years later, in 1966, after the "August 18" mass organization of Nankai University in Tianjin was the first to make "meritorious contributions" in the so-called "61-person traitor group" case, another mass organization of the university named "Weidong" was not to be left behind, and was anxious to find an opportunity to make meritorious contributions.

One day in May 1967, when the organization searched their homes, they found a group photo of 130 people and their families and children, including Li Zonglin (then vice chairman of the Third Sichuan Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and former secretary of He Long); Immediately after that, they found a list of CCP personnel who had been arrested and imprisoned by the Kuomintang in Xinjiang that year, as well as some information about the sacrifices of Chen Tanqiu and Mao Zemin after their arrest as introduced to them by the Third Ministry of Machinery Industry and the Civil Aviation Administration of China.

After piecing together these fragmentary information, they made such a "reasoning": Li Zonglin, Chen Tanqiu, Mao Zemin, and Lin Jilu were arrested together, but Chen, Mao, and Lin were killed, while Li Zonglin, Ma Mingfang, and Zhang Ziyi were released, so it is very likely that Li, Ma, and Zhang betrayed Chen, Mao, and Lin in prison. The more than 100 people who took the photo with Li may also have defected.

Next, they decided to "dig deeper" along this line. This move was supported by Wu Faxian, the commander of the Air Force at the time, and Ye Qun, the wife of Lin Biao, who was quite "interested", also sent his brother Ye Zhen to intervene. But the irony is yes: on July 11, 1946, when Ma Mingfang and others were released without charge and returned to Yan'an, it was Lin Biao who personally went to Qilipu to welcome them; After a strict review and a break, Lin Biao also participated in the work assigned to Ma Mingfang and others.

After the "Xinjiang Ma Mingfang Traitor Group" was formally placed on file for investigation, 20 senior cadres including Ma Mingfang, Zhang Ziyi, Fang Zhichun, and Gao Dengbang were unconditionally released and returned to Yan'an, and now senior cadres serving in the party, government, and military systems were listed as targets for review. At the same time, the special case group also repeatedly interrogated the enemy agents of the year, such as Zheng Dalun, a former spy of the Central Unified Bureau, and Xu Mengqiu, a traitor, and attempted to use Zheng Dalun and Xu Mengqiu's fake supplies to Ma Mingfang and others to punish them.

In 1971, after the September 13 incident occurred and Lin Biao died, Zhou Enlai was responsible for presiding over the work of the Central Committee, and began to clean up, review and peacefully reverse all kinds of unjust, false and wrongful cases. Ma Mingfang and others also actively appealed and wrote letters to the chairman, prime minister, and other leaders to reflect the situation and explain the facts. Chairman Mao also gave special instructions on this case: There are too many unjust cases in the country, and various special cases have been carried out for many years.

At the same time, when Zheng Dalun and several others who had provided false testimony were re-interrogated, the existence of the so-called "Xinjiang Ma Mingfang traitor group" was also denied.

After the report was submitted to the Central Committee, Zhou Enlai read it and gave instructions: change the review report to a rehabilitation report. On July 31, 1975, the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued a document stating: "Chairman Mao and the Party Central Committee have approved the rehabilitation of the 'Xinjiang Ma Ming Plan'." ”

It's a pity that Ma Mingfang didn't wait for this day, and died unjustly on August 13, 1974. Before he died, when his family came to visit him, he said to his son: Dad's problem has made you also wronged, but you must believe that I have not done anything to be sorry for the party in Xinjiang and have not embarrassed Chairman Mao. ”

In the winter of 1932, Ma Mingfang was appointed acting secretary of the Special Committee of the Communist Party of China in northern Shaanxi, and was ordered to go to Xi'an to report to the provincial party committee. At that time, the funds for the activities of the special committee in northern Shaanxi were very small, and they could not even afford a much-needed mimeograph machine. Ma Mingfang went out to inspect and inspect his work, but he was always penniless.

Even though life was very difficult, Ma Mingfang's firm belief in the revolutionary cause was never shaken.

In January 1935, Ma Mingfang was elected chairman of the Soviet Government of Northern Shaanxi Province. In May, under the unified command of Liu Zhidan, the Red Army in northern Shaanxi smashed the enemy's second "encirclement and suppression," and the two Soviet districts were connected into one and became the foothold of the Central Red Army's Long March, and Ma Mingfang also became one of the main leaders of the base areas in northern Shaanxi.

At the end of that year, Chairman Mao led the Long March troops to northern Shaanxi, and Ma Mingfang was successively appointed as a member of the Presidium of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo Border Region Government, acting minister of the Ministry of the Interior, and director of the Department of Civil Affairs. Due to long-term fatigue, he fell seriously ill, and in 1938, with the approval of the Party Central Committee, Ma Mingfang went to the Soviet Union for treatment and study.

In January 1941, when more than 20 people, including Ma Mingfang and Fang Zhichun, returned from the Soviet Union, they passed through Xinjiang, and the Party Central Committee approved him to temporarily stay in Xinjiang and serve as the secretary of the party branch of the office.

At this time, Sheng Shicai, who came to power in Xinjiang through a coup d'état, once disguised progress in order to consolidate his position, in order to deceive the trust of the Soviet Union and our party. In the winter of 1939, in the first anti-communist upsurge set off by the Kuomintang diehards, Sheng Shicai followed Chiang Kai-shek in his anti-Soviet and anti-communist efforts.

In September 1942, Sheng Shicai placed 150 cadres working in Xinjiang under house arrest and arrested them. Among them is Ma Mingfang. In prison, Ma Ming's torture of the enemy, he was unyielding and righteous.

When the enemy interrogated him, they slandered the Communist Party for splitting and sabotaging the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and being a bandit. Ma Mingfang was furious and reprimanded: "The Eighth Route Army insists on the War of Resistance on the front line, you don't fight the War of Resistance, but you are here to kill the Eighth Route Army, who is sabotaging the War of Resistance?" Who are the bandits? ”

The enemy asked him to renounce his faith and leave the Communist Party, and as long as he wrote "voluntarily go home" and "no longer believe in communism" on the form, he could be released immediately and sent home for the passage expenses. As a result, in front of his interrogators, he wrote two lines:

Faith – Communism

Volunteer - return to Yan'an

When Ma Mingfang was in prison, he often organized his fellow inmates to fight hunger strikes against the enemy. In March 1945, Ma Mingfang sent a representative to propose to the prison authorities: unconditional release and collective return to Yan'an; return of stolen books; Newspapers are allowed; improving living conditions; There are 5 requirements for guaranteeing freedom in the hospital.

Not only did the prison authorities refuse, but they also severely beat the deputies. Seeing this, Ma Mingfang continued to lead the hunger strike of his fellow inmates, and eventually the enemy was forced to release the delegates and accept all but the first demand.

During the struggle in prison, the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held in Yan'an, and Ma Mingfang was elected as an alternate member of the Central Committee in absentia.

In March 1946, Zhang Zhizhong was appointed director of the Northwest Battalion of the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government and chairman of Xinjiang Province. Before Zhang Zhizhong took office, Zhou Enlai instructed him in person to release the political prisoners held in Xinjiang and try to send them back to Yan'an.

On July 1, Ma Mingfang and others were released. After returning to northern Shaanxi, Chairman Mao personally sent 10 large trucks to meet him. Soon, Chairman Mao personally went to visit Ma Mingfang at his residence. "Jiefang Daily" also published a welcome article at the same time: "Those who are alive are steadfast and unyielding, and those who are dead regard death as home." ”

Ma Mingfang: One of the founders of the Northern Shaanxi Base Area. Ma Mingfang (1905-1974) was a time-tested proletarian revolutionary, a staunch Marxist, and one of the founders and main leaders of the revolutionary base areas in northern Shaanxi. In his revolutionary career of more than 50 years, he endured hardships and dangers, remained steadfast and unyielding, worked diligently, worked diligently for the people, and made outstanding contributions to the cause of liberation of the Chinese people, socialist revolution, and socialist construction.

Ma Mingfang, known as Ruzhou and known as Jimin, changed his name to Mingfang after participating in the revolution, and assumed the pseudonym Ma Luo in Xinjiang prison. A native of Yejiacha, Mizhi County, Shaanxi Province. He was born on December 14, 1905 into a poor peasant family. In 1925, he was admitted to the Shaanxi Provincial Fourth Normal School, which was a "red school" presided over by the Communists, and the principal was Li Zizhou. In the autumn of the same year, he joined the Communist Party of China, and then served as the head of the party group and branch secretary of the school. In October 1926, he was assigned by the party organization to do political work in the Shi Kexuan Department of the Kuomintang Allied Army with Feng Yuxiang as the commander-in-chief. After the siege of Xi'an was lifted on November 28, 1926, Shi Kexuan served as the head of the Security Department of the General Headquarters of the Nationalist Army in Shaanxi and the principal of the Zhongshan Military School in Xi'an. Ma Mingfang served as a political instructor and secretary of the CPC branch in the second battalion of the Ministry of Security. After the counter-revolutionary coup d'état of April 12 in 1927, Ma Mingfang was assigned by the party to leave Xi'an and return to northern Shaanxi, where he successively served as secretary of the Hengshan District Party Committee, secretary of the Suide North District Party Committee, secretary of the central county party committee of Mi (fat) Jia (county) town (Sichuan), and member of the Special Committee of the Communist Party of China in northern Shaanxi.

In January 1931, the Special Committee of the Communist Party of China in Northern Shaanxi was transferred to the leadership of the Hebei Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China. When the Fourth Plenary Session of the Sixth CPC Central Committee was conveyed, the Party Central Committee set up an "Extraordinary Committee of the Central Committee" without authorization, and sent people to the Special Committee of Northern Shaanxi to propagate its own views and carry out separatist activities to organize the Second Party. Zhao Boping, secretary of the special committee of northern Shaanxi, convened members of the special committee to repeatedly study and discuss and clearly expressed support for the Fourth Plenary Session of the Sixth CPC Central Committee, and appointed Ma Mingfang, member of the special committee, together with Yang Pu, a representative of the Hebei Provincial CPC Committee, and Bai Mingshan, a representative of the "Preparatory Office for the Emergency Meeting of the Hebei Provincial CPC Committee," to go to the Suide County CPC Committee to convey the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the Sixth CPC Central Committee and the special committee of northern Shaanxi, and to oppose and stop the activities of the "Preparatory Office for the Emergency Meeting of the Hebei Provincial CPC Committee" in support of separatism. In March of the same year, when Zhao Boping led a delegation of the Northern Shaanxi Special Committee to Tianjin and Beijing to report to the Northern Bureau for instructions, the local revolutionary activities in northern Shaanxi were suppressed by the enemy. On his way back from Beijing to northern Shaanxi, Zhao Boping met with Liu Tianzhang, responsible person of the Shanxi Special Committee of the Communist Party of China, and explained the decision of the higher-level party organization on Ma Mingfang's appointment as a member of the Standing Committee of the Special Committee of Northern Shaanxi and concurrently in charge of the organization. In the autumn of the same year, the Shanxi Special Committee was destroyed, and Ma Mingfang got in touch with Zhao Boping in Xiayanwan, Yulin, and returned to the Northern Shaanxi Special Committee to continue his work. On October 1, 1932, Zhao Boping listened to Gao Langting's report on the situation of the Northwest Vanguard of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army at Ma Mingfang's house and decided to change its name to the Ninth Detachment of the Shaanxi and Gansu Guerrillas of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army (referred to as the Red Ninth Detachment), with Gao Langting as the captain and Ai Longfei as the political commissar, and Ma Mingfang tutored the guerrilla leaders to study Mao Zedong's "Why Can China's Red Regime Exist?" ", "The Struggle of Jinggang Mountain", "The Spark of a Spark, Can Fire the Plain" and other works. In December, the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee transferred Zhao Boping to take charge of the work of the Sanyuan Central County Committee of the Communist Party of China, and Ma Mingfang acted as secretary of the Northern Shaanxi Special Committee. In July 1933, Ma Mingfang presided over the Fourth Enlarged Meeting of the Special Committee of Northern Shaanxi in Gaoqiqi Village, Jia County, to analyze the revolutionary situation in northern Shaanxi and discuss the issue of waging guerrilla warfare in accordance with the instructions of the central representative in northern Shaanxi. In his political report on behalf of the Special Committee, Ma Mingfang explicitly proposed to vigorously develop guerrilla warfare, open up guerrilla zones, expand the revolutionary armed forces, create base areas, and establish workers' and peasants' political power when conditions are ripe. After this meeting, the armed struggle in northern Shaanxi was in full swing, and many rural poor peasant associations and Red Guards were established; especially after the first "encirclement and suppression" of the Kuomintang army was smashed, the Soviet areas of Anding, Suide, Suimi, and Jiawubian were connected for hundreds of miles.

In January 1934, at a joint meeting of the party and caucus in northern Shaanxi held in Nanqi Village, Jia County, Ma Mingfang, together with other comrades, resisted the erroneous views of the central representatives in the north, continued to expand the revolutionary armed forces, and opened up new guerrilla areas. In August of the same year, at a meeting of the special committee of northern Shaanxi held in Qingjian Temple, the lessons and lessons of the first anti-"encirclement and suppression" campaign were summed up, and the "Resolution on Smashing the Second Encirclement and Suppression of the Kuomintang Army" drafted by Ma Mingfang was adopted, and it was decided to expand the first, second, and third detachments of the northern Shaanxi guerrillas into the first, second, and third regiments of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army in northern Shaanxi, and gradually establish workers' and peasants' political power at all levels. On January 25, 1935, the Special Committee of Northern Shaanxi convened the First Congress of Workers, Peasants and Soldiers of Northern Shaanxi Province in Baimiaocha (now Ansai County) in Chiyuan County to discuss the establishment of Soviet governments at all levels, the agrarian revolution, and the defense and development of the Soviet areas in northern Shaanxi. The congress elected the Soviet Government of Northern Shaanxi Province, and Ma Mingfang was elected chairman. The meeting adopted the "Land Law", "Labor Law", "Marriage Law", and "Law on the Election of the Workers' and Peasants' and Soldiers' Congress of Northern Shaanxi." The establishment of the Soviet Government in Northern Shaanxi Province marked the basic consolidation and continuous expansion and development of the revolutionary base areas in northern Shaanxi, and revolutionary committees or Soviet governments were established in Shenmu, Jiaxian, Wubao, Suide, Qingjian, Anding, Chiyuan, and Yanchuan (Chiguang) counties, and the agrarian revolution work was further launched.

With the further development of the situation of the revolutionary struggle, there is an urgent need to exercise unified leadership in the two Soviet areas of Shaanxi, Gansu and northern Shaanxi, and the two Red Armies also urgently need to cooperate closely and fight side by side. To this end, Liu Zhidan presided over a joint meeting of the Shaanxi-Ganbian Special Committee and the Northern Shaanxi Special Committee held on February 5, 1935 in Zhoujialao, Chiyuan County (now Zichang County), and decided to establish the Northwest Working Committee of the Communist Party of China (hereinafter referred to as the Northwest Working Committee), and nine people, including Liu Zhidan, Xi Zhongxun, and Ma Mingfang, were elected as leading members of the Northwest Working Committee. Under the unified leadership and command of the Northwest Work Committee and the Northwest Military Commission, the 26th Army of the Red Army and the 27th Army of the Red Army fought side by side and successively liberated the six county towns of Yanchang, Tingchuan, Anding, Ansai, Baoan, and Jingbian, thus connecting the two Soviet regions of Shaanxi, Ganbian and Northern Shaanxi, and establishing a foothold for the CPC Central Committee and the Central Red Army's Long March to reach northern Shaanxi.

In October 1935, Ma Mingfang, chairman of the Northern Shaanxi Provincial Soviet Government, Cui Tianmin, and Huo Weide, vice chairmen of the Soviet Government, issued the "Emergency Mobilization Order to Crush the Third "Encirclement and Suppression" of the Kuomintang, calling on every functionary of the Soviet government at all levels and the toiling masses of workers, peasants, and toilers to urgently mobilize and take up arms to smash the enemy's third "encirclement and suppression" and win a complete victory in the revolutionary war.

On October 19, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Mao Zedong led the Shaanxi-Gansu detachment of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army to reach northern Shaanxi victoriously. In light of the political and military situation at that time, the CPC Central Committee adjusted its leading organs and set up the Northwest Central Bureau of the CPC, the Northwest Office of the Central Government of the Chinese Soviets, and the Northwest Office of the Central Revolutionary Military Commission. From March 11 to 15, 1936, the Second Congress of the Northern Shaanxi Provincial Soviets was held in Wayaobao. At the meeting, Ma Mingfang made a report on the work of the Northern Shaanxi Provincial Soviet Government over the past year, adopted a policy decree on launching the agrarian revolution, and elected a new Soviet Government of Northern Shaanxi Province, with Ma Mingfang as chairman and Ho Weide as vice chairman. In order to better carry out guerrilla warfare in the Soviet area, Ma Mingfang set an example by taking the lead in joining the Red Guard Battalion in Wayaobao City together with the staff of the organs, studying military knowledge and guerrilla tactics together, and being ready to go to the front line at any time. On 1 July, Ma Mingfang published an article entitled "Soviet Work in Guerrilla Areas" in the third issue of the "Party Work," a journal of the CPC Central Committee, stressing that the primary task of the Soviet region in northern Shaanxi is to actively lead guerrilla warfare, so that guerrilla units and guerrilla groups can develop like a spider's web and develop universally, so as to effectively strike at and destroy the enemy. At the same time, it is necessary to distribute land to the poor peasants as soon as possible in areas where the agrarian revolution has not yet taken place, so that they can be liberated from the exploitation of the feudal landlords. In the winter of the same year, Ma Mingfang was appointed secretary of the Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, and Ma Peixun took over as chairman of the Northern Shaanxi Provincial Soviet Government. At that time, both the party Central Committee and the central leading comrades were very concerned about the work of the northern Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee. On March 11, 1937, Ma Mingfang attended the enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and reported on the work in northern Shaanxi. At the end of the meeting, Zhang Wentian stressed that the work in northern Shaanxi should be adapted to the new situation after the peaceful settlement of the Xi'an Incident, that the democratic system of universal suffrage should be implemented in the special administrative region, that the policy of confiscating landlords' land should be stopped, and that the common program of the anti-Japanese national united front should be resolutely implemented. On May 2, Ma Mingfang attended the National Party Congress (also known as the Soviet District Party Congress) held by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in Yan'an, and was elected as a member of the presidium of the congress. The meeting called for building the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo Border Region into a model area of anti-Japanese democratic politics. On May 15, Ma Mingfang was elected as a member of the Executive Committee of the Party Committee of the Special Administrative Region at the first congress of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo Special Economic Zone of the Communist Party of China. In his speech at the meeting, Mao Zedong called for the establishment of the SEZs as a model area for anti-Japanese democratic politics, for the political and military model of the anti-Japanese national revolutionary war, and for the realization of a model area for the realization of a democratic republican system. After the meeting, the northern Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee first launched a democratic election campaign within the party. Ma Mingfang said in his article "The Democratic Election Movement within the Party in Northern Shaanxi" published on July 30, 1937 that through democratic elections within the party, some outstanding party members were selected to the party's leading posts, and some corrupt party members, opportunists, and incorrigible elements were purged, so as to push the democratic life within the party to a lively new level. At the same time, Ma Mingfang also repeatedly demanded that the party committees at all levels and the Soviet government conscientiously strengthen their leadership over the anti-Japanese movement to save the country, and demanded that leading cadres at all levels go to the masses of the people, adopt new methods of democratic work, and mobilize the people, instead of copying the old methods used in the past to open up the Soviet areas. It is necessary to resolutely act in accordance with the requirements of the party Central Committee and Mao Zedong to create the northern Shaanxi Soviet region into a model area for democratic resistance against Japan.

In 1938, Ma Mingfang went to Moscow Eastern University for two years of study.

In January 1941, before returning to China, Ma Mingfang, together with Fang Zhichun and others, visited Dimitrov, the leader of the Comintern, and was warmly received and encouraged. Then return to China. When passing through Dihua (now Urumqi) in Xinjiang, due to the reversal of the situation in Xinjiang, he temporarily stayed in Dihua and served as the secretary of the party branch of the Eighth Route Army Office in Xinjiang and a member of the General Committee for Rectification and Study, and assisted Chen Tanqiu, representative of the CPC Central Committee in Xinjiang and head of the Eighth Route Army Office in Xinjiang, in leading the rectification study of the organs.

On September 17, 1942, in order to achieve his criminal goal of defecting to Chiang and opposing communism, the Xinjiang warlord Sheng Shicai put Chen Tanqiu, Mao Zemin (then director of the Xinjiang Provincial Department of Civil Affairs), Lin Jilu (then provost of Xinjiang College) and other CCP staff members in Xinjiang under house arrest in Qiu Mansion and Triangle respectively, and Ma Mingfang, Fang Zhichun, Zhang Ziyi and others were placed under house arrest in Bahuliang, and all of them were imprisoned in 1943. Soon, Chen Tanqiu, Mao Zemin, Lin Jilu and others were secretly killed by Sheng Shicai. While in prison, Ma Mingfang participated in leading the comrades in a heroic struggle against the enemy, educating them to resolutely fight against traitors, and leading everyone to sing the "Internationale" and learn to sing the "Prisoner's Song." With Zhang Ziyi, Ma Mingfang, and Fang Zhichun as the core, the party organization in prison clearly put forward the battle slogan: "A hundred sons with one heart, collectively return to Yan'an," and successively organized three "anti-universal interrogations" and three hunger strikes, all of which won basic victories. The enemy wanted to soften the fighting spirit of the Communists by filling in the words "faith" and "volunteering." Ma Mingfang wrote the spot: Faith - Communism; Volunteer - return to Yan'an. In prison, the Kuomintang diehards exhausted all kinds of torture, but he remained steadfast and unyielding, showing the noble revolutionary integrity of a Communist Party member. Ma Mingfang's firm communist conviction and tenacious fighting spirit made the Kuomintang diehards very frightened and exclaimed: "I am afraid that it is not a good strategy to be detained for a long time." ”

After the publication of the Double Tenth Agreement in 1945, Chiang Kai-shek was forced to agree to the release of more than 100 people, including Ma Mingfang, on May 10, 1946, after Zhou Enlai fought against the Kuomintang authorities on the basis of reason. On June 10, under the escort of Xinjiang Provincial Chairman Zhang Zhizhong, Ma Mingfang and 129 others set out from Dihua and returned to Yan'an on July 11 after a 3,000-kilometer journey, where they were warmly welcomed by Mao Zedong, Zhu De, Lin Boqu and other central leaders. After returning to Yan'an, Ma Mingfang served as deputy secretary of the Northwest Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and secretary of the Jinnan Working Committee and president of the Northwest People's Revolutionary University.

In March 1947, Hu Zongnan invaded Yan'an, and the Northwest Bureau moved to northern Shaanxi with the central authorities. At that time, in order to meet the needs of the war environment, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to set up a former enemy committee and a rear working committee in the Northwest Bureau. The former commission, with Xi Zhongxun as secretary, acted together with the Northwest Field Army commanded by Peng Dehuai and fought at the front; Ma Mingfang was the secretary of the post-committee, and he acted together with the government of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo Border Region led by Lin Boqu, and was responsible for local work and support for the frontline. Mao Zedong praised and said: You have cooperated very well in the front and rear, and although it is difficult to transport food and military supplies in the rear, food and military supplies have been transported under extremely difficult circumstances.

On September 21, 1949, the first plenary session of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference was solemnly opened at the Huairen Hall in Zhongnanhai, Beiping, and Ma Mingfang was elected as a member of the presidium of the congress and a member of the Committee for Sorting out the Draft Organic Law of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

On October 1, Ma Mingfang honorably participated in the founding ceremony.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Ma Mingfang served as the first secretary of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, chairman of the Shaanxi Provincial People's Government, third secretary of the Northwest Bureau, and vice chairman of the Northwest Military (Administration) Committee. During this period, during his work in Shaanxi and the northwest region, he correctly implemented the party's principles and policies from the building of political power, land reform, and the completion of the three major transformations, and achieved remarkable results in the work in Shaanxi and the northwest region.

In the autumn of 1954, Ma Mingfang was transferred to the post of deputy secretary general of the CPC Central Committee and deputy director of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, assisting Deng Xiaoping, secretary general of the CPC Central Committee and director of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, and was mainly responsible for the standing work of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee. In January 1956, Ma Mingfang was appointed Minister of Finance and Trade of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. In accordance with the tasks set by the central authorities for the finance and trade departments, he focused his efforts on the ideological and political work of the finance and trade departments, the building of the party's grassroots organizations, and the training of the contingent of cadres. In October 1960, Ma Mingfang was transferred to the third secretary of the Northeast Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. During his tenure in charge of finance and trade work at the Central Committee and the Northeast Bureau, Ma Mingfang worked hard under the conditions of serious difficulties in the economic situation. He spent a lot of time and energy vigorously strengthening the work of the party's grassroots organizations in the finance and trade departments and giving full play to the role of the grassroots party organizations as a fighting fortress.

During the 10-year catastrophe, Lin Biao and Kang Sheng and their gang fabricated charges in January 1967, reversed right and wrong, and framed more than 100 people, including Ma Mingfang, Zhang Ziyi, Fang Zhichun, Gao Dengbang, and Yang Zhihua, who were arrested by the warlord Sheng Shicai in Xinjiang and surrendered to mutiny. Lin Biao and Kang Sheng and their gang named the case "Xinjiang Ma Ming's Plan" because of Ma Mingfang's highest position in the interrogation of the so-called "traitor group"; Because Ma Mingfang was placed under house arrest in 1942 and officially imprisoned in 1943, it is also known as the "43 Project". As a result, Ma Mingfang became the "ringleader" in this case and was persecuted even more brutally.

During the "Cultural Revolution," Lin Biao, Kang Sheng, and others, who appeared as ultra-"leftist," put forward the reactionary slogan of "doubt everything, defeat everything," and advocated that "all those who were arrested by the Kuomintang before liberation should be nullified and re-examined." As a result, in the wave of "shutting down traitors" that swept the whole country, following the so-called "61-person traitor group", the "Xinjiang Ma Mingfang traitor group" also quietly came out.

Because the "818" mass organization of Nankai University was the first to make "meritorious contributions" in the case of the so-called "61-member traitor group" led by Kang Sheng and others, another mass organization of the university named "Weidong" also rose up to catch up. One day in May 1967, when the mass organization was raiding their homes, they found a group photo of 130 CCP personnel and their families and children who had been released from the Kuomintang prison in Xinjiang before liberation, including Li Zonglin : Li Zonglin was arrested along with Chen Tanqiu, Mao Zemin, and Lin Jilu, but Chen, Mao, and Lin were killed, while Li Zonglin, Ma Mingfang, and Zhang Ziyi were released, so it is very likely that Li, Ma, and Zhang betrayed Chen, Mao, and Lin in prison, and the more than 100 CCP members who took photos with Li are likely to have defected. So he decided to continue the investigation and dig deeper, and was supported by Wu Faxian, then commander of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force, and Ye Qun, the wife of Lin Biao, who was also quite "interested", also sent his brother Ye Zhen to intervene in the case.

In early November, with the establishment of the Central "43" Task Force (meaning that the key to the Xinjiang prison problem was the problem of 1943) under the supervision of the Second Office of the Central Task Force led by Wu Faxian, Li Zuopeng, and Ye Qun, the so-called "Xinjiang Ma Mingfang Traitor Group" was officially put on file and codenamed "526" to the outside world. After Kang Sheng's examination and approval, among those who were unconditionally released and returned to Yan'an that year, 20 people, including Ma Mingfang, Zhang Ziyi, Fang Zhichun, and Gao Dengbang, who are now in senior leadership positions in the party, government, and military systems and are representative, are listed as the targets of direct examination by the special case group, and the rest are "put on file for review" by their units.

With regard to the "Xinjiang Ma Mingfang traitor group case," although the joint investigation team went to Xinjiang twice, because they obtained a lot of "dead materials" and few "living materials," and they could not confirm the problem of what they wanted to "prove," Wu Faxian, who was in charge of the case of the "Fourth and Three" special case group not long after it was established, instructed the special case group: "There are a lot of materials, and now we have to conduct a surprise interrogation and ask for their confessions." If there is a confession, the case can be finalized...... The other groups have all achieved results, but the group under the command of me, the commander, cannot report the results. For this reason, he ordered the special case team to "divide the people into three shifts and interrogate them day and night," "handcuff the criminals if they are not honest," and "there is no wheel warfare or extortion of confessions from them." Since then, the special case group has engaged in torture to extract confessions from the listed "criminals" and used torture such as wheel warfare and "airplane" to extract the "confessions" they need. At the same time, the special case group also repeatedly interrogated enemy agents of the year, such as Zheng Dalun, a former special agent of the Kuomintang Central Unified Bureau, and Xu Mengqiu, a real traitor, and fabricated false testimony by extorting, inducing, and accusing confessions. Despite this, the materials in the possession of the task force do not prove that these comrades committed acts of rebellion, but on the contrary, they show that they are the real heroes of the struggle in prison. However, Lin Biao, Kang Sheng, Jiang Qing, and others, out of ulterior motives, that is, in order to bring down a large number of veteran cadres, ignored the conclusive evidence and tried to use the false confessions provided by Zheng Dalun and Xu Mengqiu as the basis to force these loyal and unyielding comrades who had been tortured in Xinjiang prisons to admit that they were "traitors." The result was naturally in vain and failed miserably. Under these circumstances, Kang Sheng listened to the report of the task force on June 1, 1968, and rebuked the task force, saying: "My initial impression is that your thinking is a little chaotic, your work is a little slow, and your strength is a little scattered. Originally, the Ma Mingfang project was a relatively easy project to carry out, because there were a lot of materials, and there were many enemy and pseudo personnel who were ...... "In fact, Kang Sheng was clear about the situation of these comrades who were listed as the targets of the review in Xinjiang prison and the process of their release: On July 11, 1946, when these people were released without charge and returned to Yan'an, he personally went to Qilipu to welcome them; When the group had been scrutinized and recuperated, he was involved in assigning them work. However, now, he is talking nonsense with his eyes open: "There is an important feature of the Xinjiang case: Ma Mingfang, Zhang Ziyi, Fang Zhichun and other people have formed an organizational force, and they have organized and planned to conceal it from the party, destroy evidence, and cover up their traitorous faces, which can be thought of without much effort." He even said out of nothing: "Before these people come out, send people to negotiate with Zhang Zhizhong and ask for materials in exchange." Zhang Zhizhong was a representative of the Kuomintang. These people not only collectively concealed it, but also collaborated with Zhang Zhizhong to deceive our party and defect to the enemy. They worked with the Kuomintang in prison to destroy evidence, and then infiltrated our party with the Kuomintang and collectively concealed it from the party. ”

After Kang Sheng's speech, the "43" task force carried out rectification and wrote a written review, and the deputy secretary of the party branch was also transferred out and returned to his original unit. In order to realize the conspiracy of "eliminating traitors and spies from the party before the Ninth National Congress", Lin Biao, Kang Sheng, Jiang Qing and others could not wait to define and finalize Ma Mingfang and others. On August 11, Kang Sheng said in another speech: "Ma Mingfang's project can be determined: 1. The traitor issue can be determined; 2. The question of surrendering to the Kuomintang can be determined; 3. Shielding spies is very prominent and can be determined; Fourth, special suspicion; 5. Gaogang anti-party group. As a result, the comrades who were released from Xinjiang prison and returned to Yan'an were designated as "Ma Mingfang's traitor group". Still, they feel empty. In order to collect and supplement the "evidence," the special case group sent personnel to Xinjiang in March 1969 to conduct an investigation that lasted for four months. In some places, they even dug three feet into the ground and dug through, but they were still busy. Even so, Ma Mingfang and others were forcibly convicted by Kang Sheng.

After many twists and turns, the injustice has been snowed

In 1971, after the September 13 incident, Zhou Enlai began to preside over the daily work of the Central Committee. Soon after, the central authorities cleaned up, reviewed, and rehabilitated all kinds of unjust, false, and wrongly decided cases that spread throughout the country at that time. Ma Mingfang and other comrades, who had been wronged, also appealed to the central authorities through various channels and wrote letters to Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Ye Jianying, and other party and state leaders, reflecting the victimization and explaining the truth.

In 1974, Li Changxi, Luo Shizhong, and Wang Jingye of the Beijing Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics were instructed to review the history of Cheng Jiuke, the former deputy secretary of the party committee of the college, and the problems of his related personnel. After five months of investigation, they reported the investigation and conclusions in writing to the central authorities in March of the following year. The report analyzes that the main reason for the protracted delay in the "Ma Ming Plan" is that "some task forces still carry old frames," that "the Second Office of the CPC Central Committee has sealed the materials in the Xinjiang enemy files that explain that these people have no problems, and does not allow them to be consulted and cited below," and "is waiting for the central task force to make a unified conclusion." And it is clearly pointed out: a large number of materials show that these comrades are not "traitors" at all, but heroes who fought bravely against the enemy. His release was unconditional, and the previous claim that Zhang Zhizhong was released because they had joined the Kuomintang and even secret service organizations was purely false rumors and should be denied. At the same time, Mao Zedong gave instructions on this case: There are too many unjust cases in the country, and various special cases have been carried out for many years. Therefore, Chairman Mao demanded that the people who were locked up be released first, and the cases should be closed separately according to different circumstances. At the end of the year, the Third Office of the Central Committee was ordered to review and close the case of the "Ma Ming Plan." After consulting a large number of enemy and false archives and archives that had been seized by Wu Faxian and others, they found a lot of conclusive evidence that could conclusively prove that Ma Mingfang and others had fought resolutely and performed very well in prison. At the same time, they re-interrogated Zheng Dalun and investigated several other people who had provided important false evidence, thus ascertaining the source of the so-called "living materials" on which the original task force "examined" and "decided." Accordingly, in March 1975, they wrote a review report on the case, which fundamentally denied the existence of the so-called "Xinjiang Ma Mingfang traitor group". The report was submitted to the central government, and Zhou Enlai gave instructions after reading it: compress the review report to about 1,500 words and change it to a rehabilitation report. At the same time, Premier Zhou also asked the secretary to excerpt part of Zhang Zhizhong's letter to Mao Zedong about the performance of CCP personnel in Xinjiang prisons that year, and send a copy to the Third Office of the Central Committee as evidence of these comrades' struggle in Xinjiang prisons.

In accordance with Premier Zhou's instructions, the Third Office of the CPC Central Committee quickly wrote a "Report on the Rehabilitation of Ma Ming Plan in Xinjiang" and submitted it to the higher authorities, and on July 31, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee forwarded the report to the provincial military-level units in Document No. 10 (1975). After the document was issued, although it played a positive role, due to various limitations, the problem was not completely resolved, and there was still a certain tail left for rehabilitation, especially for the CCP personnel of the former Xinjiang Air Force, there were even more unresolved problems.

After smashing the "Gang of Four," with the approval of the Central Military Commission, the General Political Department of the People's Liberation Army issued Document No. 13 in 1977, which denied the issue of the "traitor group," but still held that these comrades of the air force had committed "political mistakes," which aroused the dissatisfaction of the CCP personnel and their families in the former Xinjiang Air Force, and they continued to appeal.

Encouraged by the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 11 th CPC Central Committee, 15 comrades, including Gao Dengbang, Xie Liang, and Ji He, jointly wrote to Deng Xiaoping and Hu Yaobang on September 20, 1979, imploring the Central Committee to thoroughly resolve the problems of these people in the "Ma Mingfang Project." The letter said: "On July 19, 1975, although the Third Office of the Central Committee announced that the case had been rehabilitated, it was very incomplete, so many practical problems could not be resolved...... While announcing his rehabilitation, he also said that the case was filed for review because 'someone exposed it' and that it was 'completely necessary', which is tantamount to exonerating Lin Biao, Kang Sheng, and the 'Gang of Four', and showing that they have always been correct, that they are justified in framing and persecuting us, and that it is appropriate to be persecuted to death or disabled by them...... What is even more problematic is that the report on rehabilitation is limited to the central authorities' 'those who have been condemned as traitors in the past should be rehabilitated,' and it is very unfair that the more than 100 people who were put on file for examination in various parts of the country and most of the comrades who were subjected to the Zhulian were not seriously rehabilitated...... In addition, the rehabilitation report of the Third Office of the Central Special Project Office was only forwarded in the name of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee, and the document was distributed in a very narrow area, so many comrades could not see it at all...... As a result, many of the people in this case are still charged with being 'traitors' and are still in a very uncomfortable mood; some comrades who are able to work have not been assigned jobs, and many of their difficulties in life have not been resolved. To this end, he requested that "in the name of the Central Committee, the so-called 'Xinjiang Ma Mingfang Traitor Group Case' be completely rehabilitated, and all slanderous and untrue rumors imposed on the comrades concerned should be overturned...... The comrades who were framed, attacked, and rehabilitated because of this case were all rehabilitated. After reading the letter, Hu Yaobang immediately gave instructions: "Transfer." Please give instructions to Vice Chairman Deng and let Comrade Ren Poor do it. Since then, the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee has convened many forums attended by relevant comrades, listened attentively to their opinions, and in accordance with the requirements of Gao Dengbang and other comrades, jointly wrote a "Report on the Rehabilitation of the 'Xinjiang Ma Ming Plan'" with the General Political Department, which was approved after being submitted to the Central Committee, and thus produced the Zhongfa (1980) No. 65 document.

The "Xinjiang Ma Mingfang Traitor Group Case," which has existed for decades and has gone through twists and turns, has finally been brought to justice, which is undoubtedly a great comfort to a large number of wronged people and their relatives in this case.