
Female Bao Gong Qian Ying


She was China's first female Minister of Supervision, widowed all her life, and was known as the "female Baogong". In order to resist her parents' arranged marriage, she did not hesitate to cut her throat and self-harm, and was known as the "fourth master". She went on a public hunger strike in prison, determined to clear her name. For the sake of the revolutionary cause, she was separated from her family. In the face of the powerful, she was not afraid, and Premier Zhou called her "female baogong". She is Qian Ying, the first Minister of Supervision of New China.

In September 1954, the Ministry of Supervision of the State Council was established, and Qian Ying served as the first Minister of Supervision. In this way, Qian Ying became the second female minister after Shi Liang. Qian Ying is not only a female cadre, but also dares to adhere to the truth, seeks truth from facts, is selfless with an iron face, and has a very high prestige in the party.

Qian Ying in the early days

  Qian Ying (1903-1973) was born on May 14, 1903 in Xiaoqiao Village, Maqiao Town, Xianning County, Hubei Province. When Qian Ying was born, the Qian family was prosperous and was a well-known family in the local area. Qian Ying read the Four Books and Five Classics and many Tang and Song poems with her brother when she was a child, and the poems she wrote were widely praised in her hometown, and she was known as the "talented girl" Qian Liujie.

On May 14, 1903, a family surnamed Qian in Xianning County, Hunan Province welcomed a daughter. This baby girl was born beautiful, so she was named Qian Ying by her parents.

The Qian family has been in business for generations, has a solid family background, and is also a well-known family in the local area. Therefore, Qian Ying has received a high-quality education since she was a child. The Qian family has one son and three daughters, and Qian Ying is the fourth.

It is worth mentioning that although Qian Ying is a daughter, she enjoys the same treatment as men, so everyone affectionately calls her "Fourth Master". Qian Ying's family is very traditional and can be seen as a remnant of old things from the Qing Dynasty.

On the contrary, her sisters hold the ideas of the old society, but Qian Ying is different.

Or with the blood of freedom flowing in her bones, she refuses to be bound by old ideas. Since childhood, Qian Ying has shown rebellion against feudal traditions. When she was 8 years old, her parents sent her to a private school.

There, she mastered the Four Books and Five Classics, Tang and Song poems, and even often wrote praiseworthy poems. But as her father had been doing business abroad for a long time, Qian Ying was exposed to all kinds of new things, and she was eager to explore more knowledge, and she was deeply disgusted with the old rites.

Influenced by new ideas, she was even more determined against feudalism. According to the old etiquette system, women should bind their feet, but Qian Ying longs for independence and rejects any form of restraint.

Qian Ying was smart and studious, and stayed on to teach in 1922 because of her excellent grades. However, the Qian family failed to run a business because of Qian's father, and the family fell into the middle of the road, and Qian Ying also reached marriageable age.

Traditional marriage pays attention to the life of parents and the words of matchmaking. Qian Ying's parents chose a large family for her and accepted the dowry. However, Qian Ying, who pursues new ideas, is reluctant to accept an arranged marriage, she remembers that her classmates and friends are in pain because of arranged marriages, and she thinks that marriage dating will cut off her path to study, so she firmly opposes it.

Qian Ying's resoluteness failed to change her parents' decision, but accelerated the preparations for marriage. Under the protection of her mother, she was forced to die, but in the struggle between life and death, her mother chose to protect her life.

Although she was left with a deep scar, she knew that this home was no longer for her. In the end, she went to Wuhan alone to study and was successfully admitted to Hubei Women's Normal University.

Her determination and courage make her story a revelation of self-redemption and the quest for freedom.

Hubei Women's Normal School, an institution that inherits the glorious revolutionary tradition, has witnessed the heroic trend of female teachers. Qian Ying understands that all this is not easy to come by. On campus, she studied diligently and always ranked high in all subjects.

In her spare time, she often reads books to cultivate her sentiments. She yearns for a society where men and women are equal, and quietly aspires to change the status quo. In March 1927, under the recommendation of Wu Ruizhi, Qian Ying joined the Communist Youth League of China and became a member of the Communist Party of China in the same year.

Since then, the rebellious girl who once opposed feudalism has grown into a revolutionary who fights for the revolutionary cause. After graduating from Hubei Women's Normal School, Qian Ying went to Guangzhou to work under the arrangement of the party organization.

However, Chiang Kai-shek staged the appalling "April 12" counter-revolutionary coup d'état in Shanghai, and the situation took a sharp turn for the worse.

Although the news of the failure of the Nanchang uprising reached Qian Ying's ears, she did not back down because of this. She resolutely went to Canton to join the uprising, even if it might put her in danger.

However, the Canton Uprising also ended in failure, a large number of members of our Party were brutally killed, and Canton fell into the White Terror. In desperation, Qian Ying could only leave Guangzhou temporarily and embark on the difficult road of finding the party organization.

However, her journey has not been without its challenges. Kuomintang officers and soldiers set up checkpoints in various places to stop the movement of the revolutionaries. In order to avoid these whistles, Qian Ying decided to choose to take the waterway.

On the riverside, she was lucky enough to find a civilian boat docked on the shore. Desperate to find the organization, she didn't hesitate to get on the boat. However, things didn't go as smoothly as she thought.

The owner of the boat showed unusual enthusiasm for Qian Ying, and at first, Qian Ying thought that she had met a good person. But when she entered the interior of the ship, she found that the ship was all women.

This made Qian Ying immediately alert.

It was extremely rare for women in that era to go out, let alone go out in groups. Qian Ying cautiously asked the woman beside her about the situation, but the other party was just silent with a worried expression.

Qian Ying asked a young girl under the pretext of drinking water, and the girl hesitated for a moment and said, "The family told us that this boat could take us out to find work." ”

Qian Ying immediately realized that the people on this ship might be sold by their families, and they didn't know where they would be sent, but it was certainly not a good place. In order to avoid a tragedy, Qian Ying began to try to escape.

In the end, she took advantage of the crew's inattention and turned over and jumped into the Pearl River. The Pearl River was turbulent and quickly washed Qian Ying away.

Qian Ying almost drowned in the Pearl River and was rescued by an enthusiastic fisherman. After that, she did not dare to delay and hurried on the road. While resting at the inn, she was ill-intentioned by two men, but she was keenly aware that she might be targeted by a pervert, so she returned to her room early and locked the door to avoid danger.

In order to prepare for a rainy day, Qian Ying wrote a poem on her handkerchief. The gist of the poem is that she is a lonely woman who travels with her father, but is attacked by bandits, and her father is unfortunately killed, and she goes through many difficulties to escape.

Early the next morning, Qian Ying set off for the train station. However, the two wicked men did not give up and followed her to the train station. Qian Ying had no choice but to hop on the train.

However, due to the lack of a ticket, she was discovered by the staff. Subsequently, the police searched her and found the handkerchief with the poem written on it. The director was deeply saddened by this and sympathized with her plight, so he let her ride the train for free.

After going through all kinds of difficulties, Qian Ying finally came to Hong Kong in July 1928 to find an organization. Arranged by the party organization, she came to Shanghai to serve as the secretary of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions.

At that time, her direct supervisor was a leader named Tan Shoulin.

Tan Shoulin, the eldest brother who had experienced many peasant uprisings led by the Communist Party and had rich revolutionary experience and profound knowledge, was admitted to Peking University in 1921.

The Canton Uprising, in which he was also involved, despite the failure of the operation, his arrest and imprisonment, but he did not reveal a single word to the enemy, and was eventually released due to lack of direct evidence and transferred to Shanghai to continue the revolutionary work.

Frequent contact at work made Qian Ying have feelings for this strict and firm boss. Their like-mindedness quickly led them to fall in love.

Just two months later, they were married. However, in that war-torn era, they had already made the decision to give up their small family for everyone. Within 100 days of her marriage, Qian Ying received an order from the organization to go to the Soviet Union to study.

During Tan Shoulin's study abroad, he wrote a letter home to his wife Qian Ying every week, and never stopped. In the letter, he expressed his longing for his wife and cheered her on with his encouragement.

He would also mention the situation in the country and his own work, hoping that his wife would keep up with the party. While studying in the Soviet Union, Qian Ying found out that she was pregnant, which was both a surprise and a worry for them.

They did not know how the child should be placed, but ultimately decided to foster the child in a nursery in the USSR. Two years passed quickly, and Qian Ying's study life was coming to an end.

In the spring of 1931, she embarked on a journey back home. On her last day back home, she spent the night with her children, but she lost count of the number of times she had secretly wiped away tears.

However, with the mission in place, she could only hold back her tears. Sadly, many years later, when Qian Ying came to look for news of the child, she was told that the child had died early.

Qian Ying returned to her motherland desperately and reunited with her husband, who had been thinking about her day and night. Under the arrangement of the organization, they went to Honghu Lake to work together.

However, a twist of fate separates them. Qian Ying had to go to Honghu first, and her husband temporarily decided to stay there to deal with affairs because of the persecution of the Shanghai trade unions.

At that moment, no one could have predicted that their separation would become an eternal farewell. On April 23, 1931, an unacceptable news came that Qian Ying's husband was arrested again and put in a "repeat offender" cell.

Hearing the news, Qian Ying's heart was like a knife, she couldn't forget her husband, and she couldn't extricate herself from his safety. In order not to interfere with her work, Qian Ying still firmly completed the tasks assigned to her by the party organization during the day.

However, at night, she couldn't sleep because she was constantly worried about her husband. This is Qian Ying, a woman who loves her husband deeply and selflessly dedicates herself to the revolutionary cause.

Tan Shoulin never bowed to the Kuomintang in prison, but he eventually died heroically at Yuhuatai at the age of 35. Although his husband and wife relationship with Qian Ying was only 100 days, and there was not even a group photo, after hearing the news of her husband's sacrifice, Qian Ying still insisted on working and continuing her husband's unfinished revolutionary cause, vowing to make her husband's sacrifice worthwhile and make the enemy pay the price.

Tan Shoulin is the first and last person in Qian Ying's life. In the years that followed, Qian Ying loyally remained a widow for Tan Shoulin and stuck to it all her life.

In the face of other people's introductions and the pursuit of admirers, Qian Ying always replied without hesitation: "I have a husband, and he is here." And pointed to his chest. In 1933, Qian Ying was sent by the party organization to work in the Jiangsu Women's Committee, during which she was unfortunately arrested under the pseudonym Peng Yougu.

Despite the fact that the enemy had no direct evidence, she always adhered to the party's secrecy and did not admit her identity. She even led several hunger strikes as a result, which she won.

At that time, He Baozhen and Qian Ying were cellmates and Liu Shaoqi's wife. Once, someone from outside brought food, and according to the regulations, as long as the inspection was passed, the prison had no right to refuse.

However, the prison authorities insisted on retreating him.

He Baozhen Qian Ying was very angry about this situation and decided to take action. It just so happened that the chief of the prison came to make the rounds. Qian Ying asked, "Didn't you promise to give it to us?"

Why take it back? The section chief was speechless when asked, and then he actually started to attack He Baozhen and beat her severely. Seeing this scene, Qian Ying immediately shouted: "Political prisoners are not insulted!" ”

The whole prison shouted along with her. Eventually, the warden was forced to leave. However, due to someone's betrayal, Ho Baozhen's identity was eventually exposed. She died heroically in Yuhuatai in 1934 at the age of 32.

Qian Ying was transferred to the Capital Introspection Institute in 1936.

Qian Ying, a heroic revolutionary, has always firmly led her fellow inmates in resistance, even when she was imprisoned in a small black room, she never wavered. Zhou Enlai was moved by her firmness and asked to release her by name.

After pressure from the Kuomintang, she was finally released. Four years and five months later, she came to Beijing to work as Minister of Supervision of the People's Republic of China. In this position, she is diligent and conscientious, always putting the interests of the people first.

Despite her high position, she spends at least half of her time at the grassroots level every year, eating and living with the people, listening to their opinions, and rectifying the local bureaucracy. She is a leader who truly cares about the people.

In 1923, Qian Ying persuaded her mother to agree to her applying for the Hubei Women's Division. In Wuchang, she found her cousin Qian Yishi, who was then the director of the primary school attached to Wuchang High School and a naturalist teacher at Wuchang Zhonghua University. Qian Yishi was very fond and respectful of his talented and rebellious niece Qian Ying, and he warmly encouraged Qian Ying to apply for this school, and provided Qian Ying with accommodation, accommodation, and tutoring. With the help of Qian Yishi, Qian Ying passed the exam, but the school turned her away on the grounds of physical fitness. The unjust result made Qian Ying both disappointed and anxious, and she was in extreme distress for a while. Qian Yishi negotiated with the school five times, running in many ways, and finally Qian Ying got her wish and stepped into the door of Hubei female teacher. Hubei Women's Normal School is the base of the Chinese Communist Party for spreading revolutionary ideas, and Li Hanjun, an early leader of the Communist Party, once taught at the school. At the same time, under the guidance of progressive thoughts, especially after the semi-monthly magazine "Chinese Youth" sponsored by Yun Daiying spread to the Women's Normal School, Qian Ying was hungry and thirsty to read every issue. In addition, Qian Ying also read a large number of revolutionary articles, and her thoughts gradually leaned towards revolution. In March 1927, 24-year-old Qian Ying joined the Chinese Communist Youth League after being introduced by Wu Ruizhi in Hubei, and became a member of the Communist Party of China in the same year.

  After the defeat of the Great Revolution, Qian Ying accepted the party's dispatch to work underground in Shanghai, serving as the secretary and traffic officer of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. At work, she met Tan Shoulin, secretary general of the National Seafarers' Union, and the two developed a relationship. Tan Shoulin is a native of Tanling Village, Santang Township, Guixian County, Guangxi, born in 1896, and Qian Ying is 7 years old. In 1921, he was admitted to the literature department of Peking University, and while he was in college, he co-founded the progressive journal Guiguang with other progressive students. In 1923, he joined the Communist Party of China, and later returned to Guangxi to serve as secretary of the Wuzhou Special Committee, leading the peasant revolutionary movement. In 1926, Tan Shoulin was arrested by reactionary warlords. After his release from prison, he attended the Fourth National Labor Congress in Wuhan. Soon after, Tan Shoulin left his hometown again and went to Guangdong to participate in the Guangzhou Uprising. The Canton uprising failed, and he was arrested by the Kuomintang authorities. As the enemy did not find out his true identity, Tan Shoulin was released in 1928 and moved to Shanghai to continue his revolutionary work.

In October 1928, Tan Shoulin and Qian Ying got married in Shanghai. At the beginning of 1929, less than 100 days after her marriage, Qian Ying was arranged by the party organization to go to the Soviet Union to study. After studying at the Chinese Communist Labor University in Moscow for a while, Qian Ying was pleasantly surprised to find out that she was pregnant, which was the crystallization of her love with Tan Shoulin. After the child was born, Qian Ying sent her daughter to a nursery to raise her. The intense study made her almost no time to visit her daughter. In the spring of 1931, after studying in the Soviet Union, Qian Ying was about to return to China to work. At this time, the situation of the domestic struggle was extremely grim and cruel, and Tan Shoulin was running around for the revolution all day long, and he had no time to take care of his young daughter. Thinking of the large amount of work waiting for her after returning to China, Qian Ying decided to return to China alone and leave her daughter in the Soviet Union. When she visited her daughter in the nursery for the last time before leaving, she was reluctant to let go of her for a long time.

In the spring of 1931, after Qian Ying returned from the Soviet Union, the Honghu area of Hubei Province was in urgent need of cadres, and the party organization decided to send the couple to work in Honghu. When he was about to set off, the Shanghai trade union organization was sabotaged by the enemy, Tan Shoulin took the initiative to stay and do the aftermath work, and Qian Ying went to Honghu first. Unexpectedly, this separation turned out to be an eternal secret. On April 22, 1931, Tan Shoulin was arrested for betrayal by a traitor. In prison, the enemy tortured him in various ways, but Tan Shoulin remained loyal and unyielding and did not divulge any secrets of the party. On 23 May, he was taken to the detention center of the Kuomintang Military Police Headquarters in Nanjing as a "key criminal." The spies again coerced and lured him and tortured him, but nothing was found. His momentum of "killing the head as a wind blowing hat, and going to the sky when he is in prison" made the enemy fearful. On May 30, Tan Shoulin died heroically in Yuhuatai, Nanjing, at the age of 35.

  Grief-stricken to hear the sad news of her husband's murder, Qian Ying decided not to think about her personal marriage anymore and devoted all her energy to the revolutionary struggle.

The heroine of the Honghu Soviet District

In 1931, Qian Ying was ordered to come to the Honghu Soviet District to serve as the secretary of the Qianjiang County Party Committee and form a guerrilla brigade. She soon raised a guerrilla force of several hundred people, attacked the local landlords' armed Baijihui, and fought with the Red Army. Qian Ying and the Honghu guerrillas are famous, and people have rumored that she is He Long's sister, and the story of this heroine is reciprocated.

In May 1932, when our Red Army was moving to the north bank of the Xianghe River, a brigade of Fan Shaozeng of the Sichuan Army occupied Laolongkou in an attempt to attack the central areas of Honghu Lake, such as Xingouzui, Zhoulaokou, and Qujiawan. At that time, only one guard regiment of our army remained in the base area, and in order to repel the enemy and defend the Soviet area in a situation where the enemy was outnumbered, Qian Ying gave orders to lead a guerrilla force to go around behind the enemy and give the enemy a surprise attack, disrupting the enemy's deployment. The enemy did not know the reality of our army, did not dare to rashly attack, and stopped advancing. Qian Ying's actions hindered the enemy's attack and bought time for our army, and the main forces of the Red Third Army rushed to the aid and routed the enemy. Qian Ying led the peasants in the Honghu Soviet District to make a revolution, and the enemy was terrified, and the enemy offered a reward of thousands of silver dollars to buy her head.

In the autumn of 1932, under the influence of the enemy's powerful offensive and the expansion of the "suppression of rebellion" in the Honghu Soviet District, the revolutionary forces were greatly weakened, and most of them were finally lost. Xia Xi, secretary of the Western Hunan and Hubei Branch of the Communist Party of China, and Yang Guanghua, secretary of the Western Hunan and Hubei Provincial Party Committee, decided to send Qian Ying to the Shahu District of Chuyang to lead the restoration of the revolutionary work there. When Qian Ying arrived in the district at night, the Shahu District Committee was also preparing to retreat. Qian Ying didn't have time to think about it, so she could only retreat and transfer with the district committee. On the way, several enemy blockades were passed. Most of the people who traveled all the way were separated, and Qian Ying was finally alone and finally caught by the White Army. In order not to let the enemy see the flaws, Qian Ying quietly threw the pocket watch that Tan Shoulin gave her into the grass on the pretext of going to the toilet.

During the interrogation, Qian Ying insisted that she had come from Hankou to join her relatives, and that she had been separated from her relatives in the event of a war. When the enemy asked her to the death, Qian Ying claimed to be Chen Xiuying, her sister lived in Hankou, and her brother-in-law was a pharmacy owner, and she didn't know anything else. The enemy did not get any confession and evidence, and finally had to release Qian Ying. After Qian Ying escaped, she disguised herself as a lame middle-aged woman, begged all the way to Hankou, and found her second sister's house. After resting at her sister's house for a few days, Qian Ying, who was bent on getting in touch with the party organization and reporting to her work, rushed to Shanghai to serve as the secretary of the Women's Committee of the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China.

Qian Ying once wrote such a poem after watching the opera "Honghu Red Guards", looking back on the revolutionary experience during this period: "Looking back on the thirty autumns of Binhu, there have been several ups and downs and a lot of sorrow. Hurricane Jiang bandits are both enemies, and there is no fish and rice homeland. The two sides fought hard to kill the enemy and fight against the flood, and the Red Army righteous soldiers fought for blood. Heroes are wise and brave throughout the present and the past, and a song is famous and shocking all continents. ”

At the beginning of 1933, due to the betrayal of traitors, Qian Ying was unfortunately arrested and imprisoned, and was imprisoned in the Nanjing Kuomintang Model Prison, where she fought heroically against the Kuomintang authorities together with Shuai Mengqi, Xia Zhixu, He Baozhen and others. After the outbreak of the July 7 Incident in 1937, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party cooperated for the second time. Qian Ying was only released under Zhou Enlai's interrogation, ending more than four years in prison. Since then, Qian Ying has been doing underground work in the Guotong District for a long time, serving as the head of the organization of the Southern Bureau, Chongqing Bureau, Nanjing Bureau, and Shanghai Bureau of the Communist Party of China.

Dare to investigate and punish the relatives of high-ranking officials

After the liberation of Wuhan in the summer of 1949, Qian Ying served as a member of the Standing Committee and head of the Organization Department of the Central China Bureau of the Communist Party of China (later renamed the Central South Bureau), and concurrently served as the secretary of the Central South Women's Committee, the director of the Women's Federation, the deputy secretary of the Central South China Discipline Inspection Commission, a member of the Central South Military and Political Committee, and the head of the Personnel Department. When Wuhan was liberated, the people's government banned prostitutes, large tobacco houses, casinos and other cancers. Qian Ying's nephew, Qian Nianzhi, was studying at the main campus of Central South Military and Political University at that time. Once, Qian Nianzhi heard that she encountered resistance when seizing the tobacco house, and the female owner of the tobacco house publicly declared that her tobacco shop was opened by Huang Yongsheng, deputy commander of the 14th Corps of the People's Liberation Army, who took over Wuhan City, and many people were indignant about this. Qian Nianzhi told Qian Ying about it. The iron-faced and selfless Qian Ying is determined to find out. Although Huang Yongsheng is a high-ranking general, and he and Qian Ying are fellow villagers in Hubei, and the two are very familiar with each other, Qian Ying still said to Qian Nianzhi: "You write a material to report to the Central South Bureau." Qian Nianzhi said with some worry: "I am a new soldier recruited by him, he is an old commander, can he not retaliate against me?" Qian Ying said: "The situation you have reported is extremely important, it involves the performance of our party's senior cadres in entering the big cities, and the party's prestige in the new area, and we should find out the truth, quickly clarify it, and restore the bad influence among the masses in the new area." As for what reprisals you are afraid of, the Communist Party is different from the Kuomintang, the new China is different from the old China, and the era of a minority ruling the majority is gone forever. After speaking, she asked her niece Qian Hui and Qian Nianyi to take off their military uniforms, put on civilian clothes, and give them some money to go to the big tobacco house to buy back a piece of big tobacco as evidence. Afterwards, she handed it over to the Central South Bureau along with the materials written by Qian Nianzhi. The case was later ascertained by the Organization Department of the Central and Southern Bureau that the tobacco shop was indeed opened by a relative of Huang Yongsheng's hometown, and it was opened in his name, and Huang Yongsheng himself did not know about it. After the case was concluded, the Organization Department of the Central South Bureau gave Huang Yongsheng a verbal criticism.

Qian Ying is selfless, but insists on seeking truth from facts, and does not "bite indiscriminately", she stressed that the campaign must be stable and accurate, and act in accordance with the party's policies. During the "three antis" campaign, a cadre reported on the case and said that his unit had arrested a "big tiger" who was an embezzler and had embezzled a boatload of salt. Qian Ying immediately asked, "Where did he store the salt?" The reporter couldn't answer. As a result, the case was denied by Qian Ying. Bitter hatred for the enemy and the scum of his own team, sincere love for comrades and the people, and frankness, integrity and selflessness, fairness, love and hatred, and courage to fight, this is Qian Ying.

At the beginning of 1953, Qian Ying was transferred to Beijing to serve as deputy secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and deputy director of the People's Supervision Commission, assisting Zhu De, secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, in presiding over the daily work of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. In September 1954, the People's Supervision Commission was abolished and the Ministry of Supervision was established, with Qian Ying as the minister and secretary of the party group, and Liu Jingfan, Pan Zhenya, Wang Han, Li Jingying, and Li Shizhang as vice ministers. Under the leadership of Qian Ying, the Ministry of Supervision persistently struggled against the unhealthy tendencies that undermined the party's discipline.

On April 28, 1959, the first session of the Second National People's Congress passed the State Council's bill on abolishing the Ministry of Supervision. According to the State Council's motion, since its establishment, the Ministry of Supervision has done a lot of work in safeguarding state discipline and supervising the functionaries of state administrative organs. Based on the experience of the past few years, this work can only be done under the leadership of party committees at all levels, under the responsibility of state organs, and on the masses of the people. After the abolition of the Ministry of Supervision, the supervision of the staff of the state administrative organs has been changed to be the responsibility of all relevant state organs. Qian Ying was transferred to the post of Minister of the Interior, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group, and Deputy Secretary of the Central Supervision Commission.

In 1962, according to the instructions of the central government, Qian Ying led the working group to Anhui and Sichuan to assist the provincial party committee in the screening work. Qian Ying adhered to the truth, did not avoid risks, and rehabilitated and screened the case of Li Shimin, former secretary of the provincial party committee, who was wrongly classified as a rightist, and the case of Zhang Kaifan, member of the standing committee of the provincial party committee, who was "anti-party and anti-socialist." Regarding the case of Zhang Xiting and Liu Jieting in Sichuan, Qian Ying insisted on the original proposal and was not allowed to overturn the case. Qian Ying's spirit of adhering to truth, seeking truth from facts, and being selfless with an iron face was praised by the central leading comrades and was known as the "female baogong" in the party.

Minister of the Interior who relieved the people's worries

  Qian Ying is in a high position, does not forget the sufferings of the masses, and spends half of her time at the grassroots level every year to investigate and inspect the work. During the three-year difficult period, she went down to the grassroots level, directly to the communes, brigades, and squads, and to the homes of the masses, visited the poor and asked about their suffering, investigated and studied, and reported to the Party Central Committee what she directly observed and learned, and requested the allocation of food funds for disaster relief.

  After Qian Ying became minister of the interior, she paid close attention to the building of her business, ideology, and work style, gave full play to her leadership ability, aroused the enthusiasm of the vast number of cadres, and promoted the development of civil affairs work throughout the country.

  In the past, Qian Ying had been engaged in secret work and party organization work in the White Zone for a long time, and she was still in contact with civil affairs for the first time. However, after accepting the task, she grasped the key point in accordance with the party's general tasks and the reality of civil affairs work, and convened two meetings in succession to comprehensively promote civil affairs work. As soon as Qian Ying took office two months ago, she convened a national conference of activists for the socialist construction of martyrs, military dependents, disabled servicemen, demobilized soldiers, veterans, and demobilized servicemen. Two months later, Qian Ying presided over the Fifth National Civil Affairs Conference. At the meeting, she reiterated Chen Yi's guiding ideology of "sharing worries for the central authorities and relieving the worries of the masses at the bottom."

  Civil affairs work is relatively complicated, and the target of the work is people with a glorious history and people with practical difficulties. At that time, nearly 200 million people needed the care and help of the party and the government. During her tenure, Qian Ying spent a lot of time going down to the grassroots level to visit them. During the "Great Leap Forward" in 1958, some cadres had the idea that "the historical task of disaster relief work has been accomplished" and thought that they could relax their disaster relief work. Qian Ying believes that due to the construction of the People's Republic of China in the past ten years, disasters have indeed occurred less, but preventing natural disasters caused by climate change is still a long-term task. Qian Ying inspected the disaster area several times, especially going deep into the area where the disaster relief work did not keep up and caused unnatural deaths to investigate and supervise. She has listened to reports from the heads of civil affairs departments (bureaus) in the hardest-hit areas on many occasions and sent working groups to assist in the work, and she has always warned them to truthfully report the situation when they go down for inspections or civil affairs cadres to report to the ministry, and this is an expression of being responsible to the party and the people. She demanded that the report materials and comprehensive investigation be reported to the party Central Committee and the State Council in a timely manner. After a briefing on the disaster situation on "The Spring Famine Situation Has Improved" was submitted to the Central Committee, Chairman Mao gave instructions to the CPC committees of all provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions, asking them to take measures and make proper arrangements for this problem, to survive the spring famine, to safely receive wheat harvest, early rice, and a variety of melons and vegetables, to pay attention to eating and saving food, to eat less when they are free, and to eat more when they are busy, and not to be careless.

  The elderly, the elderly and the disabled are also a long-standing social problem in the country, and they need the care and help of the party and the government the most. Whenever Qian Ying inspected a place, she always went to see the special care institutions, urban social welfare institutions, rural nursing homes, and the elderly under the Five Guarantees, so as to understand their physical condition and mental outlook. Regarding the study situation and future employment of the deaf-mute school, Qian Ying inquired in detail. She also inspected the prosthetic factory to see how prosthetics were used in various parts, and encouraged prosthetists to improve product quality and service effectiveness, and to carry out scientific research to better serve the disabled.