
Big S's photo is good to be grounded, and whether Big S has psychological problems has gradually become a hot topic!

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Big S's photo is good to be grounded, and whether Big S has psychological problems has gradually become a hot topic!

Ma Xiaomei photo and big S photo, if you had to make a choice, which style would you shoot?

Big S's photo is good to be grounded, and whether Big S has psychological problems has gradually become a hot topic!

turning point

Some netizens believe that the big S shoot the grounding style photo is showing artistry and has nothing to do with psychological conditions.

These grounded-style photos highlight the strong heart of Big S, who is not afraid of anyone or anything, and likes to break through himself and show himself!

Big S's photo is good to be grounded, and whether Big S has psychological problems has gradually become a hot topic!

Is this really the case? Big S takes a photo of the grounding house, is it really just to show his personality and be unique?

Big S's photo is good to be grounded, and whether Big S has psychological problems has gradually become a hot topic!

If you want to find the answer to this question, it is better to look at more than ten years ago, at that time, Da S and Wang Xiaofei were still husband and wife, and she had a son and a daughter and two noisy but cute little babies!

Big S's photo is good to be grounded, and whether Big S has psychological problems has gradually become a hot topic!

During this period, the style of big S photos and photos was normal.

The realistic photos and photos show that Da S is passionate, happy, and satisfied with life!

Big S's photo is good to be grounded, and whether Big S has psychological problems has gradually become a hot topic!

In the first half of the ten-year marriage and in the middle of the game, Big S was so happy that he was baby fat, and his figure was getting plump day by day.

Even if the figure is out of shape, Big S is still beautiful, after all, this is a kind of beauty full of maternal love, which is unique!

Big S's photo is good to be grounded, and whether Big S has psychological problems has gradually become a hot topic!

Big S who is with Wang Xiaofei, whether he is fat or thin, is always so radiant, but he didn't expect all this to change quietly in the second half of his marriage!

Big S's photo is good to be grounded, and whether Big S has psychological problems has gradually become a hot topic!

Who you're with matters what's going on

When Da S and Wang Xiaofei are together, they are always smiling, their affinity is very strong, and the audience is very popular!

Big S's photo is good to be grounded, and whether Big S has psychological problems has gradually become a hot topic!

After Da S came into contact with Gu Junye, his heart changed, his heart became ambitious, and he was no longer interested in accompanying his children, actively doing business and going out to see the scenery, etc.

Big S's photo is good to be grounded, and whether Big S has psychological problems has gradually become a hot topic!

If you look closely at the photo of Da S and Gu Junye, it is not difficult to find that after Da S and Gu Junye are together, their eyes are always blurred, as if they are not awake.

It was precisely because he got together with Gu Junye that Big S became unrecognizable, and his photo style was greatly changed, and then he refused to appear in the public eye, and his status became a mystery!

Big S's photo is good to be grounded, and whether Big S has psychological problems has gradually become a hot topic!
Big S's photo is good to be grounded, and whether Big S has psychological problems has gradually become a hot topic!

As we all know, Wang Xiaofei once publicly scolded Big S for hiding at home and eating inexplicable things!

In this way, Da S took a photo and chose the style of the grounding house, will it have anything to do with the kind of things she eats, she once saw it when she was confused, and she chose to restore it with photos!

Big S's photo is good to be grounded, and whether Big S has psychological problems has gradually become a hot topic!

Big S and Gu Junye are together, getting worse and worse, and she seems to be in a state of paranoia and can't extricate herself!

Big S sued Wang Xiaofei eighteen times, and it is difficult to say that her psychology is normal and healthy!

In this way, is it possible that what Big S said and did did not come from her heart, but that she was sick, and she couldn't help herself, and she couldn't help herself!

Big S's photo is good to be grounded, and whether Big S has psychological problems has gradually become a hot topic!

Thinking about the feedback from the big S's inspection, both the big and small S detected that kind of ingredient, but Gu Junye did not detect anything.

Think about it carefully, this thing is really abnormal, why didn't Gu Junye stop Big S? Could he be the initiator?

Big S's photo is good to be grounded, and whether Big S has psychological problems has gradually become a hot topic!
Big S's photo is good to be grounded, and whether Big S has psychological problems has gradually become a hot topic!

Today, it's time for Big S to wake up, stop lying to yourself, don't be immersed in a blurry world and can't get out!

Big S's photo is good to be grounded, and whether Big S has psychological problems has gradually become a hot topic!

Big S should get back on track, return to the state when he was with Wang Xiaofei, stay away from people with ulterior motives, and find his true self!






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