
Mi Fang, as Liu Bei's brother-in-law, followed Liu Bei in danger, why did he betray Liu Bei when he was brilliant

author:Shushan History Road
Mi Fang, as Liu Bei's brother-in-law, followed Liu Bei in danger, why did he betray Liu Bei when he was brilliant

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Text: Yanyan

Edited by Yeon-yeon

Mi Fang, as Liu Bei's brother-in-law, followed Liu Bei in danger, why did he betray Liu Bei when he was brilliant


Mi Fang, as Liu Bei's brother-in-law, once loyally accompanied him and experienced countless life and death tests together. However, when Liu Bei took off to glory, he chose to betray.

What kind of mental journey and profound motivation are hidden behind this unexpected turning point? Is it an inner struggle, or is it an external temptation? How exactly did Mi Fang transform from a loyal companion to Liu Bei's enemy?

Is Mi Fang's choice an arrangement of fate or an interweaving of personal will?

Mi Fang, as Liu Bei's brother-in-law, followed Liu Bei in danger, why did he betray Liu Bei when he was brilliant

Rising in troubled times: the business wisdom of the Mi brothers

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the world was in turmoil. The princes from all walks of life divided one side, and the heroes competed in the Central Plains. In these turbulent times, there is a pair of brothers who have risen to prominence in troubled times with their business acumen and political acumen.

They are Mi Zhu and Mi Fang. The rise of the two brothers not only shows the survival of the merchant class in troubled times, but also heralds the arrival of a new era, an era in which the traditional boundaries between scholars, farmers, industry and commerce are gradually blurred.

Mi Fang, as Liu Bei's brother-in-law, followed Liu Bei in danger, why did he betray Liu Bei when he was brilliant

The Mi family has been in business for generations, and the family is based in Qu County, Donghai County (now Lianyungang City, Jiangsu). After becoming wealthy businessmen, Mi Zhu and Mi Fang have been exposed to it since they were young and learned the way of doing business. Their family has strong financial resources, and there are tens of thousands of servants alone, which shows their strength.

This huge family power can be said to be a force to be reckoned with in the society at that time, and it can even affect the direction of local politics.

In the late Han Dynasty, the Mi brothers were keenly aware that business alone could no longer protect the family. They need to find a strong backer.

Mi Fang, as Liu Bei's brother-in-law, followed Liu Bei in danger, why did he betray Liu Bei when he was brilliant

So, the brothers began to pay attention to politics and looked for a master to turn to. This choice of entering politics from business reflected the trend of social change at that time, and also reflected the foresight of the Mi brothers.

At first, Mi Zhu and Mi Fang chose to follow Xuzhou Mu Taoqian. Tao Qian was the de facto ruler of the Xuzhou region at that time, and he was generous and benevolent, and won the hearts of the people. With his talents, Mi Zhu was appointed by Tao Qian as a different driver and began to get involved in politics.

Mi Fang followed her brother to learn the way to be an official. This experience laid the foundation for the brothers' later political careers, and it also taught them that business alone was not enough in troubled times.

Mi Fang, as Liu Bei's brother-in-law, followed Liu Bei in danger, why did he betray Liu Bei when he was brilliant

However, the good times were short-lived. With the rise of Cao Cao's power, Tao Qian's rule was in jeopardy. On his deathbed, Tao Qian entrusted Xuzhou to the young and promising Liu Bei.

Mi Zhu and Mi Fang are faced with an important choice: do they want to continue to follow the new lord? This choice is not only about the future of the individual, but also about the fate of the entire family. The brothers' decision at this time will have a profound impact on their future.

Mi Fang, as Liu Bei's brother-in-law, followed Liu Bei in danger, why did he betray Liu Bei when he was brilliant

Sharing adversity: The fates of Liu Bei and Mi are intertwined

When Liu Bei first arrived in Xuzhou, the situation was not stable. As Tao Qian's confidant, Mi Zhu is well aware of Liu Bei's talent and character. He decided to follow Tao Qian's last orders and fully assist Liu Bei. Mi Fang also followed in her brother's footsteps and joined Liu Bei's command. This may seem like a simple decision, but it is fraught with risks.

After all, Liu Bei was just a little-known prince at that time, and his future was uncertain. The choice of the Mi brothers reflects their political vision and discerning talents.

Mi Fang, as Liu Bei's brother-in-law, followed Liu Bei in danger, why did he betray Liu Bei when he was brilliant

However, Liu Bei's situation soon fell into trouble. Lü Bu took advantage of the confrontation between Liu Bei and Yuan Shu to attack Xiapi, not only occupying Xuzhou, but also capturing Liu Bei's wife.

Liu Bei was forced to retreat to Haixi County in Guangling, leaving him with almost nothing. This sudden change not only tested Liu Bei's will, but also tested the loyalty of the Mi brothers. They are faced with the difficult choice of whether to continue to follow a lost lord or find another way out.

Mi Fang, as Liu Bei's brother-in-law, followed Liu Bei in danger, why did he betray Liu Bei when he was brilliant

It was at this point that Mi Zhu made an astonishing decision. He not only married his sister Mi Zhen to Liu Bei as a concubine, but also generously donated 2,000 domestic servants and a large amount of gold and silver treasures to support Liu Bei. This decision not only reflects the political vision of the Mi brothers,

It also shows their loyalty to Liu Bei. More importantly, this decision closely linked the fate of the Mi family to Liu Bei. Since then, the Mi brothers are no longer simple followers, but have become core members of Liu Bei's group.

Mi Fang, as Liu Bei's brother-in-law, followed Liu Bei in danger, why did he betray Liu Bei when he was brilliant

Mi Fang also fully supported her brother's decision. He followed Liu Bei and experienced countless hardships and hardships. Even when Cao Cao took Liu Bei in, he wanted to promote Mi Fang to be the minister of Pengcheng, Mi Fang resolutely refused and chose to continue to follow Liu Bei.

This unwavering loyalty was particularly valuable in the turbulent times of frequent changes of power at that time. Mi Fang's choice not only reflects his personal character, but also reflects the overall strategy of the Mi family.

Mi Fang, as Liu Bei's brother-in-law, followed Liu Bei in danger, why did he betray Liu Bei when he was brilliant

In the next ten years, Liu Bei was defeated many times and was displaced. The Mi brothers have never given up, and even used their family wealth to fund Liu Bei to regroup many times. Their loyalty and support became Liu Bei's most reliable reliance in the face of adversity.

These difficult years not only exercised Liu Bei's will, but also deepened the relationship between the Mi brothers and Liu Bei. The hardships they experienced together laid a solid foundation for the rise of Liu Bei Group in the future.

Mi Fang, as Liu Bei's brother-in-law, followed Liu Bei in danger, why did he betray Liu Bei when he was brilliant

Jingzhou Fengyun: Mi Fang's political career turning point

With the changes in the current situation, Liu Bei's power gradually grew. After occupying Jingzhou, Liu Bei began to run his own territory. As Liu Bei's confidant, Mi Fang was entrusted with the important task of staying in Jingzhou and assisting Guan Yu in guarding this strategic location.

This appointment seems to be a trust and reuse of Mi Fang, but in fact it planted the seeds of future contradictions. Because Mi Fang not only has to face a complex political situation, but also has to deal with the delicate power relationship with Guan Yu.

However, this seemingly glorious appointment actually became a turning point in Mi Fang's political career. Guan Yu, as Liu Bei's brother-in-law and main general, has a strong personality and is conceited and arrogant.

Mi Fang, as Liu Bei's brother-in-law, followed Liu Bei in danger, why did he betray Liu Bei when he was brilliant

He didn't pay much attention to Mi Fang, the "national uncle", and often called him back and forth, and even severely reprimanded him for the untimely supply of military supplies.

This attitude not only hurt Mi Fang's self-esteem, but also made him feel that his loyalty over the years was not respected as it should be. Guan Yu's behavior inadvertently shook Mi Fang's loyalty to Liu Bei's group.

Mi Fang was indignant in her heart. He recalled the hard years when he had followed Liu Bei for many years, and thought that his status was not as good as Guan Yu now, and the sense of loss in his heart was increasing day by day.

Mi Fang, as Liu Bei's brother-in-law, followed Liu Bei in danger, why did he betray Liu Bei when he was brilliant

However, because of Liu Bei's affection, he could only endure it silently. This inner contradiction and struggle has become an important psychological motivation for Mi Fang's future behavior. He began to question whether he had made the right choice over the years, and he also began to think about his future development in Liu Bei's group.

At the same time, the situation in Jingzhou has become increasingly complicated. Sun Quan had his eye on Jingzhou, and Cao Cao was also eyeing him. In this situation, Guan Yu decided to go north to Cao Wei in an attempt to capture Fancheng and Xiangyang in one fell swoop.

Mi Fang, as Liu Bei's brother-in-law, followed Liu Bei in danger, why did he betray Liu Bei when he was brilliant

This decision is not only related to the strategic layout of Shu Han, but also directly affects Mi Fang's situation. Because once Guan Yu went on the Northern Expedition, Jingzhou's defense would mainly fall on Mi Fang, which was both a responsibility and a pressure.

At first, Guan Yu's Northern Expedition did not go well. Cao Cao sent Yu Ban and Pang De to fight and block Guan Yu from Fancheng. However, heaven is beautiful. A sudden flood flooded Cao's camp, Yu Ban was forced to surrender, and Pang De was killed in battle.

Guan Yu took advantage of the victory to pursue, and his prestige was shocked for a while, and even threatened Xu Du's safety. This victory not only strengthened Guan Yu's self-confidence, but also made him despise the defense of the rear even more and ignore the role of Mi Fang and others. This attitude laid the groundwork for future tragedies.

Mi Fang, as Liu Bei's brother-in-law, followed Liu Bei in danger, why did he betray Liu Bei when he was brilliant

A twist of fate: Lu Meng's ingenious strategy

Guan Yu's victory seems to be brilliant, but it also buries hidden dangers. His arrogance and complacency led him to neglect the rear defense. At this time, Sun Quan had reached an agreement with Cao Cao and was preparing to attack Jingzhou.

The formation of this situation is not only a military test, but also the ultimate test of Mi Fang's loyalty. He will face the difficult choice of whether to hold on or surrender for self-preservation.

Lü Meng, as Sun Quan's right-hand man, formulated an ingenious strategy. He first pretended to be sick and asked Lu Xun to take his place to paralyze Guan Yu's vigilance. He then secretly mobilized elite troops, hiding soldiers in boats, and rowers dressed as merchants.

Mi Fang, as Liu Bei's brother-in-law, followed Liu Bei in danger, why did he betray Liu Bei when he was brilliant

This strategy not only demonstrated Lü Meng's military talents, but also reflected Soochow's ambitions for Jingzhou. Lü Meng's action will be a key step in changing the pattern of the Three Kingdoms.

Guan Yu was completely unaware of the approaching danger. He transferred most of his troops, leaving only Mi Fang to guard Jiangling and Fu Shiren to guard the public security. Both of them were dissatisfied with Guan Yu, and coupled with their weak troops, they were powerless to resist Lu Meng's surprise attack.

Guan Yu's decision undoubtedly put Mi Fang in an extremely dangerous situation. It not only tests Mi Fang's military ability, but also his loyalty.

Mi Fang, as Liu Bei's brother-in-law, followed Liu Bei in danger, why did he betray Liu Bei when he was brilliant

When Lü Meng's army suddenly appeared under the city of Gangneung, Mi Fang fell into a huge panic and predicament. He knew that if he held on to the city, he would eventually fail, and he might be punished by Guan Yu.

But if you surrender, you will have to bear the infamy of being a traitor. This difficult choice is not only related to Mi Fang's personal life and death, but also to the fate of the entire Jingzhou. Every decision Mi Fang made at this time will have a profound impact on history.

At this life-and-death moment, Mi Fang remembered Guan Yu's contempt and harsh criticism of herself over the years. He also thought of his own businessman's nature - to seek advantage and avoid disadvantage.

Mi Fang, as Liu Bei's brother-in-law, followed Liu Bei in danger, why did he betray Liu Bei when he was brilliant

Eventually, after learning that Fu Shiren had surrendered, Mi Fang made a life-changing decision: he chose Kaesong to surrender.

This decision not only changed the trajectory of Mi Fang's life, but also completely changed the pattern of the Three Kingdoms. It marked Mi Fang's transformation from a loyal follower to a betrayal.

Mi Fang, as Liu Bei's brother-in-law, followed Liu Bei in danger, why did he betray Liu Bei when he was brilliant

After the betrayal: Mi Fang's path to redemption in the state of Wu

Mi Fang's surrender led to the fall of the entire territory of Jingzhou, and Guan Yu was finally defeated and killed. This decision not only changed the pattern of the Three Kingdoms, but also completely changed the trajectory of Mi Fang's life.

After the surrender of Soochow, Mi Fang was awarded the rank of general. However, his treacherous behavior was despised by the Wu people. Once, Mi Fang was traveling by boat and encountered the boat of Yu Yu, the minister of Wu.

Mi Fang's entourage asked Yu Tuo to make way, but Yu Tuo sarcastically said: "If you lose your loyalty, so that the lord loses two cities, how can you have the face to call yourself a general." Mi Fang was ashamed, so she had to close the window of the boat and let Yu turn first.

Mi Fang, as Liu Bei's brother-in-law, followed Liu Bei in danger, why did he betray Liu Bei when he was brilliant

Still, Mi Fang didn't stop there. He is determined to regain his worth in the state of Wu. The opportunity was not long in coming. Soon after Sun Quan became emperor, the Wu general Jinzong defected to Wei and often harassed the borders of Wu. Sun Quan sent He Qi to lead the army to fight, and Mi Fang took the initiative to invite Ying to participate in the battle.

In this battle, Mi Fang performed well. The Wu army not only won a great victory, but also captured the rebel general Jinzong alive. This exploit allowed Mi Fang to win a certain status and respect in the Wu State.

However, Mi Fang's inner guilt has always lingered. Whenever he remembered his betrayal of Liu Bei, he felt extremely painful. He understood that no matter how he made achievements in the state of Wu, he could not erase the label of that "traitor".

Mi Fang, as Liu Bei's brother-in-law, followed Liu Bei in danger, why did he betray Liu Bei when he was brilliant


Mi Fang's story shows the ups and downs of a person's fate in troubled times. His choice is influenced not only by the factors of personal character, but also by the environment and situation.

Mi Fang's betrayal is certainly worthy of condemnation, but we must also see that in that era, many people faced similar dilemmas and choices.

This story reminds us of the need for a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding when judging historical figures, rather than simply jumping to conclusions.