
She is a well-known host, she received the certificate on the 16th, and the bride died only one day, and her life was fixed at the age of 25

author:North of YB

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She is a well-known host, she received the certificate on the 16th, and the bride died only one day, and her life was fixed at the age of 25

Everyone's life is unique, and some people's stories, although short, are often the most moving.

The famous host Wei Xiao is exactly like this - her short and beautiful life experience has made countless people unforgettable.

She has dreamed of becoming a host since she was a child, and with her own hard work and talent, she finally realized this dream, but she died suddenly at the happy moment when her career and love were about to come, which is embarrassing.

Let's remember this talented and lovely young girl together, and feel the warmth and inspiration she left to the world.

1. Ordinary background, unremitting pursuit of dreams

Everything in the world is ordinary and extraordinary.

Wei Xiao was born in Wuhu, Anhui Province, in an ordinary working family, and his parents were ordinary workers.

She is a well-known host, she received the certificate on the 16th, and the bride died only one day, and her life was fixed at the age of 25

Maybe in the eyes of others, such a background is destined for her life to be smooth sailing, but Wei Xiao is not bound by the fetters of reality.

Since she was a child, she has developed a strong interest in the profession of host, and is deeply attracted by the elegant and confident hosts on TV.

Under the care of her parents, Wei Xiao became a sensible, polite, lively and laughing girl at a young age.

Not only that, but her academic performance has always been among the best, and she is the envy of everyone in the school as "someone else's child".

In order to realize her dream, from elementary school to high school, she actively participated in various competitions and activities, and worked hard to practice her pronunciation and hosting skills.

She is a well-known host, she received the certificate on the 16th, and the bride died only one day, and her life was fixed at the age of 25

The experience of being an announcer at the school radio station has fully demonstrated her talent and made her a little star on campus.

It is this persistent spirit of not giving up dreams and constantly working hard that makes the originally ordinary Wei Xiao transform into an irreplaceable existence.

She used her sweat and tears to fight for a broad road to her dreams.

2. From internship to host

Everyone has their own destiny, but it is more up to them to create and control it.

Since the internship at Wuhu TV Station, Wei Xiao has won the appreciation of leaders and colleagues with her excellent work performance and professionalism.

She was the first to come to the office every day and was determined to do her best in everything she did.

She is a well-known host, she received the certificate on the 16th, and the bride died only one day, and her life was fixed at the age of 25

Whether it is sorting out news releases or rushing to the news scene as soon as possible, Wei Xiao can complete the task with a serious attitude.

Even in the relatively small city of Wuhu, Wei Xiao quickly became a rising star of the TV station.

Three months later, she successfully became a regular employee and became a full-time employee.

At the same time, in order to see his beloved girl often, Wei Xiao's boyfriend Qi Ji also came to Wuhu TV as a reporter.

The two worked closely together at work and became each other's best partners.

It is this kind of dedication and good interpersonal relationship that makes Wei Xiao's performance on Wuhu TV more and more outstanding.

She is a well-known host, she received the certificate on the 16th, and the bride died only one day, and her life was fixed at the age of 25

Soon she had the opportunity to host the important current affairs program "Wuhu News Network", interviewing many high-ranking officials and dignitaries, and improving her knowledge and insight.

However, Wei Xiao doesn't like this kind of high-level program very much, she is more eager to be in close contact with ordinary people and do some reports on people's livelihood close to life.

3. Chasing dreams across thousands of miles

The power of dreams is endless, and it can propel people forward and surpass themselves.

For Wei Xiao, her dream is to display her talents on a bigger platform and bring her smile to more people.

So, when Wuxi TV recruited hosts and reporters nationwide in 2007, she did not hesitate to sign up.

She is a well-known host, she received the certificate on the 16th, and the bride died only one day, and her life was fixed at the age of 25

Coincidentally, Wei Xiao's boyfriend Qi Ji also signed up, and the two worked hard together.

With more than 2,000 applicants, the competition was fierce, and only 10 places were finally admitted.

But Wei Xiao relied on her solid foundation and calm and generous hosting style, and finally stood out as the only female elector.

This is undoubtedly a huge challenge for Wei Xiao, who has never left his hometown.

Coming alone in a strange city, without the support of relatives and friends, she will inevitably feel lonely and frightened.

She is a well-known host, she received the certificate on the 16th, and the bride died only one day, and her life was fixed at the age of 25

After working hard every day, when she returned to the empty rental house, she couldn't hold back her tears, missing her parents and boyfriend back home.

Fortunately, the encouragement of my family and boyfriend has never stopped.

They always care about Wei Xiao's life and work and give her the greatest support.

With such a solid backing, despite the hardships in the new environment, Wei Xiao gritted his teeth and persevered, and grew step by step into the leader of Wuxi TV Station.

Fourth, career and love double harvest

If a person can achieve something in his career and have a happy emotional life, it is undoubtedly the greatest happiness in life.

For Wei Xiao, her life has gradually moved towards this beautiful realm.

She is a well-known host, she received the certificate on the 16th, and the bride died only one day, and her life was fixed at the age of 25

In less than a year of working in Wuxi TV, Wei Xiao quickly became a star host in the station with his excellent professional quality and good character.

She was arranged to host Wuxi TV's flagship news program "60 Minutes Tonight", partnering with senior host Miao Kaiyuan.

Wei Xiao's performance also impressed everyone, and in less than two years, she was recognized as the pillars of the channel.

At the same time, the relationship between Wei Xiao and his long-time lover Qi Ji finally entered the palace of marriage.

The two of them build a love nest together in Wuxi, planning a romantic wedding and honeymoon life.

She is a well-known host, she received the certificate on the 16th, and the bride died only one day, and her life was fixed at the age of 25

At the moment of a bumper harvest of career and love, Wei Xiao is full of good expectations for the future.

She feels that she has entered the most fulfilling moment of her life, and everything is going in the best direction.

5. The drama of fate

However, life is always full of unpredictable variables.

Just after Wei Xiao's 25th birthday, the day after she and her husband Qi Ji received the certificate, they unfortunately passed away in an accident and left this wonderful world forever.

This tragic ending moved everyone who knew her.

She is a well-known host, she received the certificate on the 16th, and the bride died only one day, and her life was fixed at the age of 25

Qi Ji, who lost his wife, couldn't believe that such a thing had happened.

I just finished the most important moment of my life with my beloved, but I lost each other forever in the blink of an eye.

As the closest partners in life, they should have walked into a happy future hand in hand, but they were separated forever due to an unforeseen accident.

Wei Xiao's parents are also in pain that cannot be eliminated.

They worked hard to raise their daughter to adulthood, watching her realize her dream step by step, but they lost their love on their daughter's big day.

She is a well-known host, she received the certificate on the 16th, and the bride died only one day, and her life was fixed at the age of 25

As parents, they should have enjoyed the joy of family when their daughter started a family, but they had to face regrets that can never be remedied.

Perhaps for Wei Xiao himself, this tragic ending was also unexpected.

She has been chasing her dreams, and finally fulfilled the dream of the host in her short life, and she also has a happy love.

But just as the good times were about to come, her life came to an abrupt end.

This is a great pity for a talented and energetic young man.

She is a well-known host, she received the certificate on the 16th, and the bride died only one day, and her life was fixed at the age of 25

The whole incident is undoubtedly an extremely cruel drama of fate.

A life full of vitality and dreams disappeared without warning, leaving endless grief for family and friends.

But even so, the warmth and positive energy left by Wei Xiao in her short life will forever be engraved in the hearts of all who know her.

Write at the end

Life is like a drama that changes in an instant, sometimes it surprises us unexpectedly, and sometimes it catches us off guard.

For Wei Xiao, although she left too early, she realized her dream in her short life and also had a happy love.

She is a well-known host, she received the certificate on the 16th, and the bride died only one day, and her life was fixed at the age of 25

Although she still can't escape the tricks of fate in the end, her courageous pursuit and perseverance will always inspire all who want to realize their dreams.

Wei Xiao's life may be short, but she has made the world warmer and brighter.

Let us remember this colorful life with awe and draw strength from it.


[It's not easy for the editor to create, all the uncles have seen this, help give me a thumbs up!] ~】

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