
Southern Xinjiang丨Snow Mountain Road Trip, the Next Niche Top Stream!

author:Balls AA that don't eat sugar candy
Southern Xinjiang丨Snow Mountain Road Trip, the Next Niche Top Stream!

When everyone went to the north of Xinjiang

You might as well set your sights on southern Xinjiang

It is in the south of the Tianshan Mountains and north of Kunlun

It's where I'm about to arrive, southern Xinjiang

It is the haunting Western Regions

It is the ultimate dream of countless travelers

I believe that there is no one who will not fall in love with southern Xinjiang

Southern Xinjiang丨Snow Mountain Road Trip, the Next Niche Top Stream!

Southern Xinjiang is mysterious and distant, deep and splendid

History, humanities, glaciers, volcanoes

Go deep into southern Xinjiang and avoid the crowds

Experience an adventure like never before

Chapter 01

In the Pamirs, rubbing shoulders with snow-capped mountains

Walk through majestic snow-capped mountains and rugged canyons

Facing vertical drops with a strong sense of oppression

This is the Karakoram Highway

Feel the scenery on the road and the emptiness of the world

At the end of the road trip, the freedom we dream of

Southern Xinjiang丨Snow Mountain Road Trip, the Next Niche Top Stream!

To the west of Kashgar, the mountains gradually become clear from the horizon

The car travels through the canyon, and the sand and gravel whisper from mountain to mountain

White sand lake, half white sand, half blue water

Snow-capped mountains, white sand, and lakes appear in the same time and space

Facing the snow-capped mountains, backed by white sand, strolling by the lake

Time is silent here

Southern Xinjiang丨Snow Mountain Road Trip, the Next Niche Top Stream!

There are only black and white, ink-painted white sand mountains

Tell us that the wind has a shape

Brown-black mountain, when the wind rises

Blowing the rocks at the top of the mountain into sand

It fell on them, and it became white

When the sunlight dissipates, the shadows cover it, and the white becomes gray and black

Freely transformative in harshness and softness

Southern Xinjiang丨Snow Mountain Road Trip, the Next Niche Top Stream!

Chapter 02

In the land of miracles, go and see the majestic mountains

The father of glaciers, Muztag

The snow-capped mountains that do not melt all year round

Silent guardian of the Pamirs

The snow-capped mountains are majestic, and the world is vast

The glacier is to be experienced up close

You will sigh at the insignificance of human beings, the wonder of nature

That kind of shock is not the same as a glimpse from afar

Southern Xinjiang丨Snow Mountain Road Trip, the Next Niche Top Stream!

Panlong Ancient Road, 30 kilometers, but there are 639 curves

Like a black dragon hovering on the ridge, it can soar at any time

Numerous 180-degree hairpin bends with an altitude difference of 1,100 meters

I think it's worth it with so many corners

Just like the words in its entrance

Today I have gone through all the detours in life

From then on, life was a smooth road

Southern Xinjiang丨Snow Mountain Road Trip, the Next Niche Top Stream!

Blue, empty, vast Bandil Blue Lagoon

One side is as green as jade, and the other side is as blue as the sea

The water of the lake contrasts with the surrounding gray and white rock formations and snow-capped mountains

The result is a cold and mysterious aesthetic

In the distance are snow-capped mountains, shrouded in clouds and mist

There is endless tranquility in front of you

It is the collision and fusion of colors, it is shock and healing

Southern Xinjiang丨Snow Mountain Road Trip, the Next Niche Top Stream!

Chapter 03

In the West Pole of China, chase a sunset

39°73′N, 73°98′E

This is at the western pole of the motherland

Climb the West Pole Boundary Monument to see it

Where the last rays of the sun of the Motherland fell

The five-star red flag can be seen everywhere, looking at the map of China

"Do only one thing in your life, only guard the frontier for the motherland"

Only by seeing it with your own eyes can you understand the weight of a few sentences in the book

Southern Xinjiang丨Snow Mountain Road Trip, the Next Niche Top Stream!

The sunset is quiet and the sunset is gentle

Even the wind doesn't seem to be so strong anymore

Watching the last rays of the sunset slowly fall is romantic and healing

In the westernmost part of the Motherland, make a vow out loud

I hope that my motherland will prosper and become stronger and stronger

Southern Xinjiang丨Snow Mountain Road Trip, the Next Niche Top Stream!

Along the way, it passes through the confluence of the Kunlun Mountains and the Tianshan Mountains

The Tien Shan Mountains run east-west with camel-colored mountains

The Kunlun Mountains stretch out of the Pamir Plateau with their colourful massif

Mountains that stretch endlessly

Every step is a landscape that heals you

Southern Xinjiang丨Snow Mountain Road Trip, the Next Niche Top Stream!

Chapter 04

In Kashgar, for you thousands of times

Kashgar, a living thousand-year-old city

It's where all my love and passion blooms

For more than 2,000 years, Kunlun is still the same, and the sand sea is still the same

The vast Kunlun, the long Silk Road

This is what Kashgar looks like

When I approached Kashgar, I realized the uniqueness of southern Xinjiang

Southern Xinjiang丨Snow Mountain Road Trip, the Next Niche Top Stream!

More than 2,000 years ago, on the Silk Road, camel bells rang

Ban Chao guarded, Xuanzang passed, and Marco Polo arrived

Time has passed, and how many times has the world changed

This city has been around for more than 2,000 years

The demeanor is still the same, and the spirit is vibrant

Watch children run through the streets

Bask in the warm sun of Hexi and enjoy your own afternoon tea

Southern Xinjiang丨Snow Mountain Road Trip, the Next Niche Top Stream!

An old man singing and dancing in an ordinary alley

Dutar ringing in the hundred-year-old teahouse

A traditional craftsman who paints clay pottery

Innocent children, running in the colorful Grand Bazaar

On the bustling Grand Bazaar, the smell of baked buns fills the streets

The earth color is the base color of Kashgar, warm and low-key

Take your time in Kashgar, no need to hurry

Be a human observer, and you don't have to think about complex problems

Southern Xinjiang丨Snow Mountain Road Trip, the Next Niche Top Stream!

When everyone went to the north

You might as well move your eyes to southern Xinjiang

You can find a different Xinjiang here
