
2 Chinese executives were killed after being kidnapped in the Philippines, insider: an acquaintance committed the crime and used a shell company to trick the victim into going to the Philippines to discuss business

author:Take a look at the news

Trainee reporter Gao Pengfei Reporter Yin Ming

Recently, two personnel from a Chinese medical device company were kidnapped and torn up when they went to work in the Philippines, causing concern. According to media reports, the two people killed, Xia Moumou and Sun Moumou, belonged to two different medical device companies, and both were middle and senior management personnel of the company. The two arrived in the Philippines on June 20 to inspect the business, hoping to further expand overseas markets, but unfortunately they were kidnapped and killed on June 24. On July 2, a short video blogger revealed to Zongguan News (WeChat: ZLXWBL2023) that the victim's family had asked him for help. He learned that the victim was familiar with the perpetrator, and that the perpetrator used a shell company to trick the victim into the Philippines and kidnap him.

The blogger told the reporter that the victim's family paid a ransom of 3 million yuan on the morning of June 24, but after paying the money, he still did not release him, and lost contact with the kidnappers, and then contacted him that afternoon in the hope of asking for help. The victim's family told the blogger that his relative was abducted after getting off the plane after being sent by the company on a business trip to the Philippines on June 20. After several days of negotiations, 3 million yuan was sent on June 24, but he lost contact with the kidnappers. Previously, the kidnappers had made it clear that they didn't want to "carry people's lives" and only needed money. Because the kidnappers could not be contacted, the victim's family anxiously asked the blogger for help, hoping to find a better way to find someone. The victim's family also said that at that time, it was an agent contacted by the victim's company, and this agent used a shell company to trick the victim into going to the Philippines to discuss business.

"After listening to what happened, I probably knew the ending in my heart, but I didn't dare to say that it was not good to stimulate the family at this time." The blogger said that on the one hand, he did not know whether what the other party said was true or false, because there was no news report at the time, and on the other hand, he had already guessed how it would end. "As soon as he told him about his situation, I knew what the ending was like, 3 million was given, and another acquaintance committed the crime, and then he disappeared after giving the money. Think about it, huh. ”

The blogger said that he has been in the Philippines for more than a year, and he usually mainly sells snacks and occasionally does live broadcasts, so many people can search for him on social platforms as soon as they search for the Philippines. He also often receives requests for help from his family, saying that his family is missing in the Philippines and asks him to help inquire about the news. He is just an ordinary person in the Philippines who begs for a living, and he has no connections, so he is actually very scared when he encounters this kind of thing. After seeing the news report, he also felt very guilty for not being able to help the victim's family.

On July 2, the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines issued a statement on the matter. According to a message released on the WeChat official account of the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines, one was a Chinese citizen and the other was a Chinese American. At the same time, the embassy expressed its condolences to the two victims and condemned the killers in the strongest terms. The embassy actively provided consular assistance to the families of the Chinese citizens who were killed, and once again lodged representations with the Philippine government and relevant departments on the case from various levels, urging the Philippine side to intensify the handling of the case and arrest and severely punish the murderers as soon as possible.

2 Chinese executives were killed after being kidnapped in the Philippines, insider: an acquaintance committed the crime and used a shell company to trick the victim into going to the Philippines to discuss business

The victim was Xia Moumou. (Source/Xia's company's official public account)

According to the Philippine Chinese-language media "Philippine Business Daily", Xia and Sun met at the European Cardiovascular Intervention Conference (EuroPCR) in Paris, France on May 14 this year. According to the victims' families, during the talks, "Li Na" mentioned that "the boss's surname is Hong, and he is a well-known Fujian businessman in the Philippines, mainly engaged in real estate...... Government procurement of medical devices. ”

At 12:55 p.m. on June 20, Xia Moumou and Sun Moumou took Philippine Airlines flight PR359 from Beijing to Manila Airport, and arrived at about 6 p.m., Xia Moumou After picking up his luggage, the last time he contacted his colleagues was at 6:07 p.m., and then his mobile phone was unable to be contacted, and WeChat replied. After 11:36 a.m. on June 21, Xia's wife received several WeChat calls (including Xia's own voice and the voice of a third person), saying that she needed her family to remit money if she lost money playing cards in the club.

On the same day, the kidnappers and their families had already called and threatened to tear up the tickets if they did not pay. The family continued to communicate with the kidnappers, and learned by phone that Xia Moumou had suffered personal injuries, and the family immediately reported the case to the Chinese police and was accepted, and also reported to the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines and the Philippine police, and sent an email to the Philippine Anti-Kidnapping Police Brigade on the same day, and Sun, a Chinese-American on the same flight, was unable to get through to his mobile phone after replying to a photo of the ride on WeChat at about 6:57 p.m., and had a few words of reply, but WeChat refused to answer the phone. The family also received a phone call demanding a ransom.

According to the Philippine Business Daily, when he was kidnapped, the kidnappers demanded a ransom of 25 million yuan, and one of the family members paid 3 million yuan to the kidnappers, but the ticket was still torn up.

According to a report by the Beijing News on July 2, the reporter learned from the anti-kidnapping brigade of the Philippine National Police that the local police have maintained communication with our embassy. At present, the case is under investigation, and the suspect has not yet been caught.

According to Red Star News, there was another kidnapping case in the Philippines in June this year. On June 2, two police officers on motorcycles stopped a luxury car carrying four foreign tourists on a street in the Philippines. Next, the civilian accomplices of the two police officers stepped forward and handcuffed the four men and forced them into a van. During this time, two Chinese managed to flee and call the police. Philippine police said two of the Chinese managed to escape after being kidnapped and reported to authorities. Philippine Interior Secretary Benhur Abalos said the rest of the tourists were beaten by their kidnappers and released after paying a ransom of 2.5 million pesos (about $43,100). Based on the information provided by the victims, as well as footage captured on surveillance video, the police arrested four police officers involved, including a sergeant.

On July 1, Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Huang Xilian met with Philippine Civil Servant General and Chairman of the President's Anti-Organized Crime Commission Bei Samin. The two sides reviewed the recent progress made by the law enforcement agencies of the two countries in jointly cracking down on vicious crimes such as kidnapping and homicide, telecommunications fraud, and human trafficking, especially those related to the offshore gaming industry in the Philippines, exchanged views on key recent cases, and agreed to strengthen law enforcement cooperation between China and the Philippines to jointly combat transnational crimes and better protect the lives and property of the people of the two countries.

2 Chinese executives were killed after being kidnapped in the Philippines, insider: an acquaintance committed the crime and used a shell company to trick the victim into going to the Philippines to discuss business

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