
Lin Shidong: It only takes two years for me to change. The reply of the whole open source lit up, and the laughter in the comment area was unbearable

author:Yuer's good drama is recommended

In just two years, Lin Shidong has changed so much that he can't even recognize his mother! This rising star in the table tennis world recently put a video on Douyin, titled "My change only takes two years", as soon as the video came out, it was called a hilarious, netizens praised it, and the comment area exploded with laughter!

What do you say Lin Shidong is up to? Isn't it just that you cut your hair and lost a little weight, why did you become the focus of the whole network? The key is also the humorous all-open source, a comment "Is this the little fat man I know?" It simply amused the atmosphere to the peak.

As soon as Quan Kaiyuan said this, the netizens behind him also replied one after another, such as "Who is this, this is obviously Sasha", "Why do I look like a distant brother" and so on, the laughter in the comment area is brighter than flowers.

Lin Shidong: It only takes two years for me to change. The reply of the whole open source lit up, and the laughter in the comment area was unbearable

Don't look at Lin Shidong's popularity on the Internet now, his interaction with Quanopensource is also full of highlights.

Quan Kaiyuan replied with a Lin Shidong's emoji at that time, and the two of them just went back and forth on the Internet, poking each other, what do you say this is not the table tennis version of "smelly similarity"? As for the friendship between him and his brother, it is even more prestigious, the two have played together since childhood, and now they can cheer each other on the international stage, this friendship is not ordinarily deep.

Lin Shidong: It only takes two years for me to change. The reply of the whole open source lit up, and the laughter in the comment area was unbearable

Speaking of competitions, we have to mention the WTT Star Challenge, which is about to start in Bangkok.

Lin Shidong's distant brother Gao Yuan is also one of the contestants, I heard that the atmosphere of the team is very good now, everyone is actively preparing for the game, looking forward to achieving good results in the competition.

Lin Shidong: It only takes two years for me to change. The reply of the whole open source lit up, and the laughter in the comment area was unbearable

Although the race has not yet started, you can imagine the fierce scene on the court, where everyone did their best to stand on the podium.

What kind of results Gao Yuan can lead the team to achieve this time, let's wait and see!

Lin Shidong: It only takes two years for me to change. The reply of the whole open source lit up, and the laughter in the comment area was unbearable

Back to Lin Shidong's video, the interaction in the comment area is really unstoppable.

Some netizens also made all kinds of funny pictures and made articles with Lin Shidong's emojis, and the whole Internet atmosphere was very active.

Lin Shidong: It only takes two years for me to change. The reply of the whole open source lit up, and the laughter in the comment area was unbearable

Isn't this the modern version of "pen warfare", you say? In the video, he not only shared his changes, but also revealed the daily fun, so that fans felt his authenticity and cordiality.

As for the little thing between Lin Shidong and Liu Ding, it is really a deep brotherhood.

Lin Shidong: It only takes two years for me to change. The reply of the whole open source lit up, and the laughter in the comment area was unbearable

The two are rivals on the field and good brothers off the court, often training together and learning from each other.

Such relationships are rare in the sports world, and it is no wonder that they are able to maintain such a camaraderie in the heat of competition, which is the envy of many.

Lin Shidong: It only takes two years for me to change. The reply of the whole open source lit up, and the laughter in the comment area was unbearable

In general, Lin Shidong's "transformation" not only gave him a new image, but also brought a lot of fun to netizens.

From his friendly interaction with Quan Kaiyuan, to his hard work in the international arena, to the deep brotherhood with Liu Ding, every bit makes people feel the charm of sports and the warmth between people.

Lin Shidong: It only takes two years for me to change. The reply of the whole open source lit up, and the laughter in the comment area was unbearable

Isn't this kind of story exactly what we need in our daily lives? Let's continue to pay attention to Lin Shidong and see how he will continue to write his own wonderful chapters with a racket in the days to come.

Speaking of Lin Shidong's "transformation", it is really eye-catching! From a little fat man to the current handsome appearance, this has to be said to be a gorgeous transformation.

Lin Shidong: It only takes two years for me to change. The reply of the whole open source lit up, and the laughter in the comment area was unbearable

No, even his mother couldn't help but leave a message on the Internet: "Is this really my foodie son?" As soon as these words came out, the laughter of netizens was endless.

Some netizens left a message: "Is this Lin Shidong replaced?" Why did you suddenly change from a chubby dun to a fitness trainer? As soon as these words came out, the following reply was also wonderful, what "Do you only eat broccoli every day?" "He's definitely discovered a hidden superpower!" Anyway, everyone thinks that Lin Shidong's change is too worry-free, it is like opening the door to a new world!

Lin Shidong: It only takes two years for me to change. The reply of the whole open source lit up, and the laughter in the comment area was unbearable

And you see, Lin Shidong's change this time not only made him more confident, but also inspired many of his peers.

A netizen left a message in the comment area: "After seeing Lin Shidong's changes, I decided to start exercising too, I can't let him be handsome alone!" The spread of this kind of positive energy is also an unexpected harvest for Lin Shidong.

Lin Shidong: It only takes two years for me to change. The reply of the whole open source lit up, and the laughter in the comment area was unbearable

Of course, in addition to the changes in appearance, Lin Shidong has also improved by leaps and bounds in table tennis skills.

Although the WTT Stars Challenge has not yet started, everyone is looking forward to his performance.

Lin Shidong: It only takes two years for me to change. The reply of the whole open source lit up, and the laughter in the comment area was unbearable

After all, judging from his recent training videos, the swing of the racket is not covered, and every movement is precise and dazzling.

Moreover, Lin Shidong is not only powerful himself, but he also has nothing to say about his help to his teammates.

Lin Shidong: It only takes two years for me to change. The reply of the whole open source lit up, and the laughter in the comment area was unbearable

Gao Yuan once mentioned Lin Shidong's goodness in an interview, he said: "Lin Shidong is not only a strong opponent on the field, but also a technical guide off the field, often helping us analyze the opponent, and he is really a treasure boy in the team."

Some netizens commented: "Lin Shidong is going to overturn the rhythm of the audience!" Gao Yuan praised him, what else is there to see in this competition, and he won the award directly.

Under this kind of half-joking remarks, it also makes people feel Lin Shidong's important position in the team.

Speaking of Lin Shidong's Internet popularity, don't say it, as soon as his video came out, the attention on the Internet skyrocketed.

Especially those humorous comments, which made his popularity soar directly.

Even some netizens who don't pay attention to table tennis are attracted by his friendly smile.

However, the concerns of netizens are not the same.

Some netizens put forward different opinions in the comments: "Everyone is changing in Quarin Shidong, but I look forward to more breakthroughs in his future games."

After all, appearance is secondary, strength is the last word.

This rigorous attitude also adds some expectations to Lin Shidong's future.

In short, Lin Shidong's "transformation" not only gave him a new life in appearance, but also sublimated in spirit.

From Xiaochubby Dun to the focus of the whole network, Lin Shidong used his own strength to prove what it means to "have several beats in life".

With the WTT Stars Challenge approaching, we have reason to believe that Lin Shidong will bring us more surprises.

So, let's wait and see how this progressive teenager will shine on the international stage.

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