
Once the war started. The common people should keep these ten things in mind.

author:Wind Pavilion

Although we are in a period of peace, no one dares to guarantee that there will never be war, after all, the 5,000-year-old cultural heritage of Greater China, in these 5,000 years, there are also many days in the midst of war. However, because we live in an era of peace, many people may not know what is useful in war.

If the war starts, we ordinary people should keep these 10 things in mind!

Once the war started. The common people should keep these ten things in mind.

Women don't dress up, don't wear nice makeup.

Especially if you are in a war zone, that is, there may be enemies around, then it is even more unnecessary to dress up so beautifully, but it is better to make yourself look uglier. After all, in that state, some enemies may be beastly, and if they still dress themselves up beautifully, it is really unsafe in case they encounter an enemy. If we look back at the suffering suffered by women during World War II, we can see that the damage suffered was far greater than we imagined.

Protect yourself and your family.

Everyone's responsibilities are different, some people need to go to the front line to kill the enemy, but if we are just an ordinary person. It is more important for us to protect ourselves and our families, maybe one day we will also need to go to the front line to kill the enemy, but that will be a matter of the future, at least at the beginning, it will not be the turn of ordinary people so quickly.

Once the war started. The common people should keep these ten things in mind.

Learn to keep it a secret and don't trust anyone easily.

Every country has its own secrets, and generally speaking, some of the more important secrets are not known to us ordinary people. But under special circumstances, some very ordinary things may become confidential.

Of course, it's not just state secrets, in fact, we also have secrets. As the saying goes, you can't have the heart to hurt people, but you can't have the heart to prevent people, and under special circumstances, you really don't want to trust anyone easily.

How do you want to learn how to live without your phone?

In this era, mobile phones are not separated from their bodies, especially some people, even if they are eating, they have to look at their mobile phones at the same time. But if there is a war, there is a possibility of power outage and network outage, once the power is cut off, then the mobile phone will basically run out of power for a day, of course, if the network is disconnected, the mobile phone will be even more unusable. So I have to learn how to live without a mobile phone.

Once the war started. The common people should keep these ten things in mind.

Important money and important documents, try to put them together and put them in a place where it is easier to hold.

There are also wars in many foreign countries, but this does not mean that all wars become disaster areas, and many wars are only partial wars, not full-scale wars. So even if there is a war, it is likely that the place we are in will be safe, and there will be no need to go anywhere else. But you also have to prepare for evacuation, put some money, some important documents, all together, and put them in a good place. In this way, if there is an emergency, you can quickly get it and leave quickly.

Although it is not advisable to stock up on supplies, it is important to know exactly what supplies are in times of war.

Generally speaking, these items are used in daily life, including food and drink, that is to say, the things used in daily life will also be used in wartime, after all, life is just like that, just live in a different state.

Once the war started. The common people should keep these ten things in mind.

In general, masks are also important.

It is true that you don't need to wear a mask in normal times, but if you are in a war-torn area, if the corpses of various animals are decomposing everywhere, in this way, it is easier for the air to be filled with various bacteria and viruses, so wearing a mask in that state also has a certain protective effect, which can reduce the probability of infection and illness.

We must not let go of any corrupt elements.

No matter what country it is, the corrupt elements of a country are actually the enemies of that country. Dare to be greedy for money in peacetime, but dare to betray in wartime, because people who like to be greedy for money attach great importance to interests, for this kind of person, as long as the enemy gives enough interest temptation, basically there is no need to consider it, and he directly agreed to betray.

Therefore, if there is a war, we must not let go of any corrupt elements, because after all, we must first secure ourselves at home, so as not to be sabotaged by these corrupt elements from within.

Once the war started. The common people should keep these ten things in mind.

Don't always think about taking refuge, get rid of the enemy, that's the greatest safety.

It's okay to be timid, but if the enemy comes, be brave. After all, in that state, the more timid and afraid you are, the easier it is to be bullied. Everyone unites and bravely throws their fists at the enemy and solves the enemy, that is the greatest safety.

If there is a war, try not to turn the money in your hand into fixed assets, that is, do not buy and buy easily.

After all, many fixed assets, such as houses, cannot be taken away, and turning your wealth into cash or bank deposits will be more flexible.

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